
ZooKeeper - 电子书下载(高清版PDF格式+EPUB格式) - 数据结构 - 机器学习

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ZooKeeper - 电子书下载(高清版PDF格式+EPUB格式)

2822 人参与  2018年12月31日 00:40  分类 : 大数据电子书  评论

ZooKeeper-Flavio Junqueira & Benjamin Reed

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ZooKeeper - 电子书下载(高清版PDF格式+EPUB格式) - 数据结构 - 机器学习


作者:Flavio Junqueira & Benjamin Reed



标签:COMPUTERS / Programming / Parallel


出版:O’Reilly Media

排序作者:Junqueira, Flavio & Reed, Benjamin


日期:08 12月 2018



出版日期:11月 2013

修改日期:08 12月 2018



Building distributed applications is difficult enough without having to coordinate the actions that make them work. This practical guide shows how Apache ZooKeeper helps you manage distributed systems, so you can focus mainly on application logic. Even with ZooKeeper, implementing coordination tasks is not trivial, but this book provides good practices to give you a head start, and points out caveats that developers and administrators alike need to watch for along the way.


Building distributed systems is hard. A lot of the applications people use daily, however, depend on such systems, and it doesn’t look like we will stop relying on distributed computer systems any time soon. Apache ZooKeeper has been designed to mitigate the task of building robust distributed systems. It has been built around core distributed computing concepts, with its main goal to present the developer with an interface that is simple to understand and program against, thus simplifying the task of building such systems.

Even with ZooKeeper, the task is not trivial—which leads us to this book. This book will get you up to speed on building distributed systems with Apache ZooKeeper. We start with basic concepts that will quickly make you feel like you’re a distributed systems expert. Perhaps it will be a bit disappointing to see that it is not that simple when we discuss a bunch of caveats that you need to be aware of. But don’t worry; if you understand well the key issues we expose, you’ll be on the right track to building great distributed applications.


This book is aimed at developers of distributed systems and administrators of applications using ZooKeeper in production. We assume knowledge of Java, and try to give you enough background in the principles of distributed systems to use ZooKeeper robustly.

Contents of This Book

Part I covers some motivations for a system like Apache ZooKeeper, and some of the necessary background in distributed systems that you need to use it.

Chapter 1, Introduction, explains what ZooKeeper can accomplish and how its design supports its mission.

Chapter 2, Getting to Grips with ZooKeeper, goes over the basic concepts and building blocks. It explains how to get a more concrete idea of what ZooKeeper can do by using the command line.

Part II covers the library calls and programming techniques that programmers need to know. It is useful but not required reading for system administrators. This part focuses on the Java API because it is the most popular. If you are using a different language, you can read this part to learn the basic techniques and functions, then implement them in a different language. We have an additional chapter covering the C binding for the developers of applications in this language.



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