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《最新简明英语口译教程》简介 主 编: 李天舒 主 审: 冯伟年 编 委: 李天舒 朱益平 李 艳 李淑侠 赵晓铃 张春娟 张录侠 何 华 李超慧 宋美盈 本教材出版后已作为英语系2001级,辅修班2002级,专升本2001级学生口译课教材。 


主 编: 李天舒

主 审: 冯伟年

编 委: 李天舒 朱益平 李 艳 李淑侠 赵晓铃 

张春娟 张录侠 何 华 李超慧 宋美盈

世 界 图 书 出 版 公 司 2003年 出版 定价:15元









前 言






一. 题材广泛,内容丰富,实用性强。本教材以我国对外交流与合作及口译工作的实际为出发点,集口译理论、技巧和实践为一体。内容主要包括口译的基本理论、方法和技巧,涉外工作的礼仪和程序等,重点是口译工作所涉及的各种话题的英汉互译。这些专题材料主要选自国内外中英文报刊和有关网站的最新资料。题材广泛,内容丰富、涵盖了我国对外交流中可能涉及到的各种话题,旨在通过大量的英汉互译实践,使学生掌握口译的基本理论和技巧,熟悉涉外工作的礼仪和程序,获得相关的知识,培养他们在对外交流的各种场合中灵活运用各种口译技巧,进行英汉互译的实践能力,以便他们将来一走上工作岗位就能很快胜任口译工作。

二. 英译汉、汉译英并重,双向训练同步进行。口译教学不同于书面翻译教学,可采取英译汉、汉译英分阶段进行。口头交际是一种双向交际活动;口译通常是在两种语言连续交替转换模式中进行。因此,口译教学采取英汉互译,双向训练同步进行为好。本教材的总体框架就是根据这一原则设计和编写的。口译实践是全书的主体部分。这一部分的每个单元都选用了英译汉和汉译英两种训练材料。同时,每个单元在实践训练材料之前还选编了两篇与本单元专题相关的英语阅读材料作为口译训练前的准备材料。学生可以通过这些材料获得更多与本专题相关的知识和信息,加深对中英文原文的理解。同时可以扩大英语词汇,学习有关的英语表达方式,以便通过两种语言的对比,互相借鉴,各取所长,提高英汉互译能力。







编 者


第一部分      Part One

口译概述      Introduction to Interpretation

第一单元 Unit 1        

基本理论      Basic Theories







新中国成立后,我国的国际地位不断提高,与外界的交往更加频繁。为满足国家对外交流的需要,从20世纪中期开始, 一批外语院校相继成立,为国家培养了一批批翻译人才。20世纪70年代,随着我国在联合国合法席位的恢复,中国在各种国际事务中发挥着越来越重要的作用。尤其是改革开放以来,中国发生的翻天覆地的变化引起了全世界的广泛关注。许多世界知名跨国公司纷纷来华投资经营;大批外国游客涌向中国的旅游胜地;各类专家学者云集中国,从事讲学研究;各种国际会议、学术研讨会、文化、体育活动频频在华举行。因此,国家需要大量口译人才,为国家培养各类优秀口译人才已成为各外语院校的当务之急。






1. 工作方式不同。口译是从口头语言到口头语言的翻译。口头语言转瞬即逝,从听入信息到译出信息,译员只有短短几秒钟时间。特别是同声传译,口译和讲话几乎是同时进行的,真可谓“一言既出,驷马难追”,一旦出错,很难补救。口译中译员要在瞬息之间把获得的语言信息输入大脑,经过判断、处理,迅速转换成另一种语言,再准确、流畅地表达出来,使交谈双方达到沟通、交流之目的。译员必须独立地完成这一切,没有可能参考任何文件、资料,也没有可能求教于任何专家、学者。

然而,笔译则不同,笔译人员面对的是书面语言。他可以不受时间的限制,反复阅读、从容思考、充分理解原文,必要时还可借助各种工具书,反复推敲、仔细琢磨、方才下笔; 同时笔译人员可以使用各种修辞手段,对译文进行修改、润色; 还可以请教别人或与同行切磋,或请专家审校。总之,笔译工作者有较充分的时间对译文进行加工,使其精益求精,达到最佳境界。

2. 工作环境不同。口译人员直接面对各类听众。他们可能是国家元首、政局要员、各方面的专家、学者,或者是从事各种职业的各行各业的人。译员要在各种各样的场合工作:有礼节性的接见或宴请、有气氛比较宽松的观光旅游、有严肃正规的政治会晤、针锋相对的外交谈判,更有无法预料讲话人要说什么的即兴发言、辩论、记者招待会,或者是有数百听众的大会演说。口译是异常复杂而紧张的脑力劳动。口译人员特别是同声译员工作时承受着巨大的精神压力和心理负担。难怪有的联合国会议译员把他们翻译时所在的玻璃小间叫做“恐怖的秘室”。因此,口译人员需要良好的心理素质和身体素质。


3. 要求和标准不同。由于交际对象和工作环境的不同,口译和笔译的要求和标准也不相同。口译人员直接面对交际的双方,其任务是通过语言切换,传递信息,使双方达到交流思想和感情的目的。口译时,译员必须集中精力抓住说话人的中心意思,把话语所含信息完整、准确、及时地表达出来。他不可能也不必要把原话的每个词语和句子逐一不漏地译出,那样做反而会影响下一步的听译。因此,口译最重要的是传情达意,把说话人的意思和话语的效果表达出来。译语要口语化,简短明了、通俗易懂、准确、及时、通顺。



关于翻译的标准,西方翻译理论家提出了“等效”,“等值”的原则,我国翻译家严复提出了“信、达、雅”的衡量标准。虽然翻译界对此有不同的解释,但多年来 “信、达、雅”的原则一直是衡量笔译质量的标准,也是我国广大翻译工作者从事笔译所遵循的基本原则。其实“信、达、雅”的原则也适应于口译,只是口译受工作条件和客观环境的限制,“信、达、雅”的侧重点有所不同而已。口译的性质和特点决定了口译的标准应为“准确、流利、迅速、易懂”。




易懂是指口译的语言要口语化,简洁明快、直截了当,符合译入语的表达方式,使人一听就懂。特别是汉译英时,一定要避免汉语式的英语,或“对号入座”式的“死译”,说出的英语使外国听众不知所云。当然,准确、流利 的口译是建立在译员对两种交际语言的技巧和文化知识熟练掌握及译员快速反应基础之上的。因此,打好两种语言的基本功,加强口译实践锻炼是译员获得良好口译效果的根本途径。



1. 交替翻译 (consecutive interpretation)


2. 同声传译 (simultaneous interpretation)

同声传译是指译员在说话人讲话的同时边听边译的口译方式。使用这种方式,翻译和讲话几乎是同时进行的。同声传译是一种高效率、高难度的口译形式,是在熟练掌握交替翻译技巧的基础上经过特殊强化训练后才能达到的。同声传译主要用于各种国际会议和重要国际学术会议的翻译,因此,也叫会议翻译( conference interpretation )。目前,世界上百分之八、九十的国际会议都使用同声传译。这种翻译需要一定的设备。通常是发言人对着一个与传译室相连接的话筒讲话;译员在传译室里对着第二个话筒,把听到的讲话译成另一种语言;与会者通过耳机接收到译入语。如果听众是讲多种语言的,为使大家都跟上会议的进程,需要为每种语言各配备一名译员,增添传译室的传送线路,并在每个听众座位上都安上相应的可以选择不同语言的装置。

3. 耳语传译 (whispering interpretation)


4. 视阅传译 (sight interpretation)











1. 听清




2. 理解








3. 记忆




4. 表达

表达是译员在充分理解原话的基础上,用译入语表达说话人原意的过程。听清、理解、记忆的最终目的是为了表达。表达的过程中,译员要对理解了的信息和概念进行语码转换、重新编码、综合概括、选择适当的词语,及时准确地译出。表达时译员要做到发音清晰、语调准确、措辞得当、语句通顺、自然流畅。这些是表达的基本要求,也是口译质量好坏的重要标志。成功的表达既能完整、准确、流利地传达说话人的信息,又能保持说话人的风格和特点。出色的口译能使双方交谈“水乳交融”,丝毫不感到交际中语言障碍的存在,好像双方在直接交谈。在一些国际会议上,常常会看到这种现象:当与会者在聆听一位代表慷慨激昂的发言时,会发现传译室里的译员以同样的激情,一边口译,一边情不自禁地挥动手臂。译员如此传情达意, 完美理想的表达效果取决于译员的语言功底和演讲才能。译员不仅要有纯正的母语和熟练的外语,而且要有一定的演讲技巧。表达时口齿伶俐、声音洪亮、音色优美、节奏适宜,选词造句有一定的功力。这样的口译才能吸引和打动听众。








第二单元 Unit 2

方法和技巧(1) Methods and Skills (1)


一、 直译



(1) Today, technology has made us all virtual neighbors.


(2) As you build a new China, America wants to build a new relationship with you;We want China to be successful, secure and open, working with us for a more peaceful and prosperous world.


(3) In the 21st century----your century----China and the United States will face the challenge of security in Asia.


(4) One of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, once said: “Our critics are our friends, for they show us our faults.”

美国的奠基者之一, 本杰明﹒弗兰克林曾经说过:“批评我们的人就是我们的朋友,因为他们指出了我们的错误。”


(1) 首先,请允许我代表在座的,向我们的贵宾表示热烈的欢迎和真诚的问候。

First of all, please allow me, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests.

(2) 虽然我们来自不同的背景,说不同的语言,但是,我相信我们将通过对体育的共同热爱找到共同的语言和共同的友谊。

Although we come from many different backgrounds and speak many different languages, I am sure we shall find a common language and mutual friendship through our joint interest in sports.

(3) 我相信中国的改革开放和稳定会给亚欧国家的商界带来可观的投资和贸易良机。

I am convinced that China's reform, open up and stability will provide the business community of Asian and European countries with tremendous investment and trade opportunities. 

(4) 我们将坚持“和平统一”和“一国两制”的基本原则。

We shall adhere to the basic principles of “peaceful reunification” and “one country, two systems”.

(5) 我们的干部要能上能下

Our cadres should be ready to go up and equally ready to go down.


1. 主语+系动词+表语

2. 主语+不及物动词

3. 主语+及物动词+宾语

4. 主语+及物动词+双宾语(间接宾语和直接宾语)

5. 主语+及物动词+复合宾语(宾语和宾语补足语)

6. There +系动词+主语


(1) As you said in your toast, the Chinese people are a great people;the American people are a great people. If our two peoples are enemies, the future of this world we share together is dark indeed.


(2) The distance between our two nations, indeed between any nations, is shrinking.


(3) Over the past week, we have seen the glory of China’s past in Xi’an, the vibrancy of its present in Beijing, the promise of its future in Shanghai and Hong Kong. 


(4) On behalf of all the members of my delegation, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their gracious hospitality we have received.


(5) So I hope we will have many more Americans coming here to study, many more Americans coming here to be tourists, many more Americans coming here to do business.


(6) There is no reason for us to be enemies.



(1) 实现祖国完全统一是全中国人民的共同心愿。

To realize complete reunification of the motherland is the shared aspiration of the entire 

Chinese people.

(2) 我们生活在一个多极化的世界里。

We are living in a world of diversity.

(3) 我们坚持独立自主的和平外交政策。

We consistently pursued an independent foreign policy.

(4) 昨天,我参观了国际商用机器公司、美国电话电报公司和贝尔实验室,领略了当代


My visit to IBM, AT & T and the Bell laboratory yesterday gave me some first-hand 

knowledge of the latest success in modern science and technology.

(5) 今天,正在为实现现代化而奋斗的中国人民,把改革开放作为一项基本国策。

Today the Chinese people who are struggling to achieve modernization have made the 

opening–up a basic policy.

(6) 九届全国人大有女代表650人,占代表总数的21.82%。

There are 650 women deputies to the Ninth National People’s Congress, accounting for 21.82 

per cent of the total.

改革开放以来,我国政治、经济、文化和社会生活各方面都发生了深刻的变化。各种新事物、新观念、新发现、新发明层出不穷,反映这些变化的新词语也不断涌现。对外宣传的汉语口译中随时可能涉及这些词语。另一方面靠译员熟练掌握口译的方法和技巧,善于根据具体情况,灵活处理, 能直译的就直译,不能直译的就意译、转译或采用其它变通处理办法,关键在于达意,即准确无误的转达原话的意思。以下汉语新词语的英译就是采用直译法。英语表达既简洁明了,又生动活现。有的已约定俗成,广为流传。译员要特别留意记忆和积累这些词语。

建设有中国特色的社会主义 build socialism with Chinese characteristics

加快改革开放的步伐 quicken the pace of reform and opening-up

全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放 opening up in all direction, at all levels and in a wide range 

经济特区 special economic zone

经济开发区 economic development zone

中国西部大开发 large-scale development in west China

经济腾飞 economic take-off

知识经济 knowledge economy 

宏观调控 macro-control

引进外资 introduce foreign capital

竞争机制 competition mechanism

外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise

合资企业 joint venture 

独资企业 wholly foreign-owned enterprise

私人企业 private business

个体户 self-employed businessman

炒股 buying and selling shares 

股民 share holders 

新兴产业 emerging industry 

高科技产品 high-tech product 

退耕还林(草) return cultivated land to forests or pastures

封山育林 close off hillsides to facilitate forestation

一国两制 one country, two systems 

香港特别行政区Hong Kong Special Administration Region ( HKSAR ) 

政府机构改革 restructure of government institutions 

反腐败  fight corruption /anti-corruption

廉政建设 build a clean and honest government 

公共关系  public relation 

人民公仆  servant of the people

扶贫计划  help-the-poor programs

打假 anti fraud 

扫黄打非 eliminate the sale and production of pornographic and illegal publications

跨世纪人才 cross-century talented people

超级市场 supermarket

购物中心 shopping center

连锁店 chain store

娱乐中心 entertainment center

绿色食品 green-food

保健食品 healthy food

度假村  holiday villa


由于汉英思维方式的不同,英汉语言的表达习惯也不尽相同。口译中,有时正译难以措辞或者效果欠佳。这种情况下,一般要反其道而译之, 在词义、句式、肯定与否定、主动与被动、先后顺序等方面采用正反变通方法来处理。这就是反译。某些特定的词汇和句式采用反译法语言更生动流畅, 更能表达原意。


1. 肯定与否定的反译。英汉互译中,某些英语否定句、双重否定句或介词结构可以用汉语的肯定句来表示。而英语的肯定式同样可以用汉语的否定式来表示。例如:

(1) It has given us not a little trouble


(2) He is no other than the professional talent we are looking for.


(3) You couldn’t turn on television without seeing a woman advertising for some cosmetics.


(4) You will fail unless you work hard.


(5) This is the last thing we wish to see.


(6) Several times she wanted to tell him what had happened, but her courage failed her.


2. 其他反译。 除了肯定与否定,反译也用于时间先后、不同位置、不同角度之间的互译。例如:

(1) After you please.


(2) He never went to bed before 12 o’clock.


(3) More tests should be conducted before we can come to a conclusion.


(4) She sat there, her chin cupped in her hands.



语言是文化的组成部分和载体。不同民族的文化之间既存在着差异又互相联系,既有各自独特的个性又有普遍的共性。这种不同文化之间的共性为两种语言文化的交流——翻译提供了基础和可行性。而两种语言文化的个性又给这种交流和翻译造成障碍和困难。口译时, 如果按字面意思直译,意思可能含糊不请,不能确切表达原话的信息和文化内涵,有时还可能引起严重曲解,甚至与原意风牛马不相及,完全两回事。这时译员就要根据具体情况,采取其他变通办法,作适当的语法和词汇调整,或进行解释性翻译,或说明具体内容,关键是要译出原话的真正含义。这就是意译。例如,以下英语词语和句子若按字面意思或对等关系直译,结果不是产生歧义就是词不达意,只有意译才能确切表达原意。

直译 意译

Queen’s English 女王的英语 标准英语 

small talk 小声交谈 闲聊 

sandwichman 卖三明治的人 夹板广告员 

queer fish 怪鱼 怪人 

black sheep 黑羊 害群之马

lame duck 跛鸭 落选的议员

Home Secretary 家庭秘书 (英国的)内务大臣 

at the eleventh hour 在第11点钟 最后时刻 

Wet paint! 湿油漆! 油漆未干!

Keep off the lawn! 离开草坪! 请勿践踏草坪!

I will show you the ropes. 我给你看些绳子 我教你做法

You’d better go to see a doctor. 你最好去看医生。 你最好去看病。

He always tries to keep up 他总在极力追赶琼斯。 他总在和周围的人攀比。

with the Joneses. 


直译 意译

拳头产品 fist products competitive products / knock-out products

三角债 triangle debts chain debts

经济作物 economic crops cash crops / industrial crops

外向经济 outward economy export-oriented economy

向钱看 looking at money money-oriented / money grubbing / money mad 

最高限价 highest price ceiling price 

认购 recognize and buy offer to buy / subscribe 

素质教育 quality education education for all-round development 


直译: make China’s economy go to the world market 

意译: make China’s economy more competitive on the world market / make China a more active economic player in the world


直译: make China’s economy be linked with international economy

意译: bring China’s economy more in line with international practice


直译: achieve the goal of a little comfortable life 

意译: achieve the goal of ensuring our people a relatively comfortable life


斗拱结构 a system of brackets inserted between the top of a column and a crossbeam 

牌楼 decorated archway

牌坊 memorial archway

茶楼 teahouse

酒楼 wine shop

戏楼 theater stage

吊脚楼 wooden house projecting over the water

四合院 courtyard with houses on the four sides;Chinese courtyard houses

窑洞 cave dwelling 


北京烤鸭 roasted Beijing duck

香酥鸡 crisp fried chicken 

醋溜子鸡 fried spring chicken with vinegar sauce

糖醋黄鱼 sweet and sour yellow croaker

清蒸鲑鱼 steamed mandarin fish 

清炖甲鱼 braised turtle in clear soup

茄汁鱼丸 fried fish balls with tomato sauce

青椒肉片 fried sliced pork and green pepper

鱼香肉丝 fish-flavored shredded pork in hot sauce 

鲜菇大虾 fried prawn with fresh mush rooms

荷叶粉蒸肉 steamed flour-coated pork wrapped in lotus leaves

煨牛肉 simmered beef

涮羊肉 instant boiled mutton


五香牛肉 spiced beef 

葫芦鸡 roasted whole chicken 

松鼠黄鱼 sweet and sour fried croaker in a squirrel shape

红烧狮子头 stewed minced pork balls with brown sauce

芙蓉虾仁 shrimps with egg white

麻婆豆腐 spicy bean curd in Sichuan style

八宝糕 eight-treasure pudding

什锦炒饭 fried rice with ten ingredients

炸酱面 noodles in Beijing style

扬州炒饭 fried rice in Yangzhou style

凉面 cold noodles with sesame sauce

饺子 dumpling

元宵 sweet dumpling

馄饨 dumpling soup

油条 deep fried dough sticks 

花卷 steamed roll

锅贴 fried dumpling

包子 steamed stuffed bun

窝窝头 steamed corn bread

烧饼 sesame seed cake


三个人品字式坐下, 闲聊了一会儿. The three men sat facing each other and talking for a while.


Pit No. 1 of Emperor Qin Shihuang’s terra cotta warriors and horses is oblong in shape. Pit No. 2 is “L”-shaped and No. 3 is “U”-shaped. The three pits are arranged in a triangle.

汉武帝的陵墓形如复斗。The mausoleum of Emperor Wudi of Han dynasty was constructed in a ladder shape. 



太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony / Hall of Grand Harmony

中和殿 Hall of Central Harmony

保和殿 Hall of Preserving Harmony

养性殿 Hall of Mental Cultivation

乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity

宁寿宫 Palace of Peace and Longevity

长春宫 Palace of Eternal Spring 

储秀宫 Palace of Gathering Excellence

大观园 Garden of Grand View/ Grand View Garden

德和园 Garden of Harmonious Virtue

拙政园 Garden of Humble Administrator 

乐寿堂 Hall of Happiness and Longevity

大慈悲寺 Temple of Great Mercy

慈恩寺 Temple of Thanksgiving 

献福寺 Temple of Offering Happiness

独秀峰 Peak of Unique Beauty

天都峰 Heavenly Capital Peak

五老峰 Five Old Men Peak

大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda

六和塔 Pagoda of Six Harmonies 

爱晚亭 Love Dusk Pavilion 

陶然亭 Joyous Pavilion

万佛洞 Cave of Ten Thousand Buddhist Figures 

紫云洞 Purple Cloud Cave

龙隐洞 Hidden Dragon Cave

烟霞洞 Cave of Morning Mist and Sunset Glow


语言作为文化的一部分代代相传。汉英两种语言在其发展过程中都蕴含着各自丰富的文化信息,文化特征和文化背景。因此,口译的成功与否在很大程度上取决于译员对双方文化和社会背景的理解和熟知程度。口译中,遇到涉及交际双方社会和文化背景知识时,译员要根据听众的具体情况,加以必要的解释或补充说明,以提高口译效果,  这就是增译。比如,在口译以下英语词语和句子时最好加以补充说明。

the two Houses of American government  美国政府参、众两院

The Golden State  金山州——美国加州

Paradise of the Pacific  太平洋上的天堂——美国夏威夷州

The Sunshine State  阳光州——美国佛罗里达州

The Big Apple  大苹果——美国纽约市

The Motor City  汽车城——美国底特律市

The Film Capital of the World  世界影都——美国好莱坞

Broadway in Manhattan  曼哈顿的百老汇——美国纽约曼哈顿区的一条大街,以有名的


Wall Street in New York  华尔街——美国纽约市的一街道名,以金融业聚集而著称。

    “General Sherman” in Sequoia National Park  谢尔曼将军——美国加州红杉国家公园中一棵最高,树龄最长的巨杉树。

the two Houses of British government  英国政府上、下两院

Shadow Cabinet  英国政府的影子内阁,即在野党内阁

Speakers’ Corner  英国伦敦海德公园的讲演者之角,人们在这里可以发表任何内容的演说。

Soapbox orators  肥皂箱上的演说家——指讲演者之角那些站在自带肥皂箱之类的东西


Democracy on the Soapbox  肥皂箱上的民主——指站在肥皂箱上发表的自由演说

Downing Street  唐宁街——英国伦敦首相官邸和政府主要部门所在地,即英国政府

Fleet Street  舰队街——英国伦敦一街道名,以报业集中而著称,指伦敦新闻界,伦敦报业

Lombard Street  伦巴第街——伦敦金融中心,现指英国金融界、金融市场


人大 the National People’s Congress, China’s highest legislative body 

政协  the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, China's top advisory and supervisory body

四个现代化 the four modernizations; that is the modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology

双百方针  the principle of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend in academic activities, art and literature sphere

希望工程  Project Hope, a project aiming at assisting school dropouts in poverty-stricken areas by raising funds from all social organizations and individuals at home and abroad.

改革开放以后出现了很多有特定含义的汉语新词语。如果只按字面直译,不加解释和说明,外国人很难理解,甚至会产生严重误解。比如,如果把“五讲、四美、三热爱”不加解释,只按字面直译为“five stresses,four beauties and three loves” 外国人很可能理解为“...四个美人,三个情人” 之类的意思,因而感到莫名其妙。为了避免误解,比较准确地表达原意,这个短语的英译应加以解释和补充,译成“five stresses,four points of beauty and three aspects of love;that is stress on decorum,manners,hygiene,discipline,and morals;beauty of the mind,language,behavior and the environment;love of the motherland,socialism and the Communist Party.”这样效果就好多了。以下词语的英译都是采用增译法:

“两个文明”一起抓 to place equal emphasis on both material advancement and ethical progress

“三个代表” Three represents----The Communist Party of China always represents the requirement of the development trend of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. 

培养“四有公民”to train people to be citizens with high ideas, moral integrity, a good education and strong sense of discipline

对干部进行“三讲”教育 to educate the cadres on the importance of study, raising political awareness and ensuring honesty and integrity. 

抓大放小 to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones; to focus on the restructuring of major enterprises and leave minor ones to fend for themselves

安居工程  housing project for low-income urban residents

“五个一工程”  the Five-one Program/ Project ( one good book, one good play, one good film, one good TV drama, and one or several creative and persuasive/convincing articles) 


改革开放以来 since the implementation of reform and open policy in 1979

建国以来  since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 

五四运动  the May Fourth Movement, a great anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, political and cultural movement which took place on May fourth, 1919 

炎黄子孙  the descendants /offspring of Yandi and Huangdi, the two earliest chiefs of the Chinese nation and all the Chinese people are descendants of Yandi and Huangdi  

秦始皇  Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China who unified China in 220 BC

白居易  Bai Juyi, a famous Chinese poet of Tang Dynasty in the 8th century  

春节  Spring Festival, the traditional Chinese New Year, which falls on the first day of the first month according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

中秋节  the Mid-autumn Festival, a traditional festival of family reunion, which falls on fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month.

龙舟节  the Dragon Boat Festival which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is a festival to commemorate Qu Yuan, the great poet and patriotic figure of the State of Chu during the Warring State period.

泼水节  Water-Sprinkling Festival, a big festival for the Dai Nationality to wish everyone happiness by splashing water to each other 



口译中,有时需要通过增加或删减词语, 达到最好的修辞效果。例如:

The private colleges vary greatly in standard and reputation, from the world-famous, and select to the cranky and the obscure.

私立院校的水平与声誉彼此相差甚远,从举世闻名, 出类拔萃到动荡不稳或默默无闻。


China has a great tradition. It has huge resources. It has enormous strength of will and spirit.


此句的汉译删去了两个重复的 “ It has…”, 汉语既简练又流畅。


. 用对等直译法口译下列句子:


(1) Expanding our co-operation in science and technology can be one of our greatest gifts to the future.

(2) We can work together as equals in a spirit of mutual respect and mutual benefit.

(3) We Americans admire your accomplishment, your economy, your hard work, creativeness, and vision, your efforts against hunger and poverty, your work with us for peace and stability in Korea and South Asia.

(4) I should like to pay a tribute to the leaders of China for the vision and farsightedness of their approach to the negotiations.

(5) I have seen the fresh shoots of democracy growing in the villages of your heartland. I have also seen the cell phones, the video players, and fax machines carrying ideas, information and images from all over the world.

(6) There is also great potential in our joint efforts to increase managerial and scientific



(1) 互相了解,是发展国与国之间关系的前提。

(2) 改革开放二十五年来,中国的国力增强了,人民生活提高了。

(3) 中美保持友好关系,不仅造福两国人民,而且对促进亚太地区和世界的和平、稳定


(4) 我要借此机会,向伟大的美国人民转达十二亿中国人民的诚挚问候和良好祝愿。

(5) 二十一世纪即将来临,世界各国人民都期待着新世纪成为一个充满希望的世纪,我


(6) 稳定的中美关系并不意味着两国之间不存在差异、争论或纠纷。




(1) You must be here without fail by ten o’clock tomorrow morning.

(2) He little thought that the police would arrest him.

(3) It’s too good a chance to miss. 

(4) It was beyond his power to sign a contract of one million US dollar. 

(5) People take responsibility for helping others, without being told.

(6) The secret was not told until after the old man’s death.


(1) 我再也不想见到你了。

(2) 任何国家要和平生存就必须遵守这些原则。

(3) 我们坚信要取得经济的增长首先需要政治稳定。

(4) 不搞改革,不坚持开放政策,我们制定的战略目标就不可能实现。

(5) 直到1920年,也就是美国人权法颁布129年后,美国妇女才获得了选举权。

(6) 相互了解是发展国与国之间关系的前提,唯有相互了解,才能增进信任,加强合作。




(1) It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it open. 

(2) Every once in a while, a dark horse candidate gets elected president.

(3) The student was caught cheating in an examination and he had to face the music.

(4) How did we go, in so short a time, from living by candlelight to exploring the frontiers of 

the universe by satellite; from each farmer laboring with horse and hoe for an entire year just to feed four people, to running his farm with the most modern machinery and producing enough to feed 75 people, making America the breadbasket of the world.

(5) In America, the Senior-Citizen’s-Net enables old people to exchange their gardening tips, 

debate current issues and form new friendship, and get married.

(6) Newspapers reported that the leaders of the two countries touched all bases in their talks.

(7) This is a dangerous and violent city. In some parts of it the only law is the law of jungle.


(1) 中国正在发生着日新月异的变化。

(2) 今日, 四世同堂的传统大家庭在中国已经不多见。

(3) 周恩来是中华民族优秀传统的继承者。他的品德、人格、风范、情怀为中华民族树


(4) 周恩来的这些精神,无论过去、现在、和将来,都是中华民族宝贵的精神财富,是


(5) 调查显示,在北京、上海和广州这样的大中城市,有60万多无子女的双职工家




(7) 很多中国父母“望子成龙”心切。他们给孩子花钱毫不吝啬,特别是对孩子的教育投资。

口译练习 2-4


(1) “Uncle Sam will likely lop off 40% in taxes, which won’t leave much.” Zhu Diwen said when asked how he planned to disposed the prize money. 

(2) Half of the U.S. work force is now under 35. Whether their collars are blue, white or pink, most of these are non-supervisory workers. 

(3) Some western economists say: “ When the United States coughs, the rest of the world

catches cold.”

(4) Applicants who had worked at a job for five or more years would be given certain preference over those who had not.

(5) There is no month in the whole year, in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance 

than in the month of August.

(6) Let us commit to keep moving forward together, turning small steps into giant strides for our people, our nations and the world.

(7) If our people could go forward in this spirit, planting not one tree, but millions, and then tending each so it may grow sturdy and tall, then the dream of a single youth might grow into the golden dreams of all mankind. 

(8) President John Kennedy often used a metaphor to describe such progress: “ A rising tide 

lifts all boats.”

(1) 我们鼓励台湾首先与大陆搞“三通”。

(2) 中国人过年的传统之一是在门上贴春联,祝福来年好运。

(3) 玄奘万里取经,带回南亚国家的古老文化。

(4) 明代郑和“七下西洋”,把中华文化传向远方的国度。

(5) 几年来,中国政府一直在致力解决大城市中的“三无”盲流人口。 

(6) 让我们把中日友好事业推进21世纪及今后的世世代代。

(7) 为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。

(8) 每个国家,每个民族都有自己的历史文化传统,都有自己的长处和优势。




(1) 扩大我们在科技方面的合作可以成为我们送给未来的最大一份礼物。

(2) 我们两国可以本着平等互利和互相尊重的精神携手合作。

(3) 美国人民佩服你们的成就、你们的繁荣经济、 你们的勤劳工作、你们的创造性和远


(4) 中国领导人对谈判采取了高瞻远瞩的态度,对此,我谨表示敬意。

(5) 过去四天来,我看见民主在中国内地的农村萌芽。我也看见了移动电话、录像机、


(6) 双方在共同提高经营管理技术和专门科学技术方面也是大有可为的。


(1) Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to –state relations. 

(2) Since the inception of reform and opening-up program, China’s national strength and people’s living standard have improved. 

(3) A friendly relationship between China and the United States not only benefits the two peoples, but also contributes significantly to peace, stability and prosperity on the Asia-Pacific and the world at large.

(4) I wish to take this opportunity to convey to the great American people the cordial greetings and best wishes of the 1.2 billion Chinese people. 

(5) On the eve of the 21st century, people all over the world are looking forward to a new century full of hope and our planet blessed with peace, tranquility and prosperity for mankind. 

(6) A stable Sino-US relationship does not necessary mean that there will be no differences, 

controversies or disputes between the two countries. 



(1) 明天早上十点钟你必须赶到这里。

(2) 他一点也没有想到警察会逮捕他。

(3) 不能错过这样一个好机会。

(4) 他无权签订一项金额为一百万美元的合同。 

(5) 人们主动地承担起帮助他人的责任。

(7) 这个秘密在老人去世后才说出来。


(1) You are the last person I want to see.

(2) No nation can live in peace without these principles.

(3) We strongly believe that there can be no growth in economy without political stability.

(4) We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reform and adhere to the open policy.

(5) American women did not get their right to vote until 1920. That was 129 years after the

Bill of Rights was issued.

(6) Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations. Without it, it would be 

impossible for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with each other.



(1) 创业容易守业难。

(2) 时不时地,一位名不见经传的候选人赢得了总统选举。

(3) 这个学生在一次考试中作弊当场被抓, 他得为此承担后果。

(4) 美国是怎样在很短的时间内,从靠蜡烛照明的生活步入卫星上天,探索宇宙疆域的阶段呢?怎样从一个农夫用马和锄头辛苦劳动一年只能养活四口人,到用最现代化的机械耕种自己的农场,生产所得足以养活75人,使美国成为世界粮仓的呢?

(5) 在美国,夕阳网使老年人可以在网上交流养花种草的经验,发表对时事的看法,结交朋友,甚至结婚。

(6) 据报纸上报道,两国领导人的会谈涉及了问题的各个方面。 

(8) 这是一个危险而充满暴力的城市。在有些地方,唯一的法规就是弱肉强食。


(1) China now crackles with dynamics of change.

(2) The traditional extended families of four generations living under one roof are rare in 

China today.

(3) Zhou Enlai was a continuer of the fine tradition of the Chinese nation. His moral character, personality, style, and noble sentiments constituted a paragon for the Chinese nation.

(4) All these aspects of Zhou Enlai’s spirit were, are and will be treasures in the Chinese 

heritage, and a powerful motive force encouraging the descendants of Emperors Yan and Huang to work for the perpetual progress of the Chinese nation.

(5) The survey shows that there are 600,000 double-income-no-kid families in large and

medium-sized cities such as Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai.

(6) “Fine levies” had been an effective means of promoting family planning and played an 

important role in preventing unplanned and additional births.

(7) Many Chinese parents have placed much hope on their children; they do not hesitate to 

spend money on their only children, especially on their education.



(1) 当问起他如何处理这笔诺贝尔奖时,朱棣文说:“大概先给山姆大叔——美国政府扣去约40%的税,所剩也就不多了。”

(2) 现在美国劳动人口有一半在35岁以下。不管他们从事的是蓝领工作, 白领工作还是

粉领工作——指秘书, 打字员, 护士, 店员等女性+工作, 这些人大多数都是非管理人员。

(3) 有些西方经济学家说:“只要美国一咳嗽,全世界其他国家就感冒。”——即美国经


(4) 工作五年或五年以上的申请者将给予一定优惠.

(5) 一年之中,大自然的美莫过于八月。

(6) 如果两国人民本着这种精神,栽下的不是一棵而是千百棵这样的树,然后一一加以培育,使他们茁壮成长,那末一个青年的梦想就有可能变成全人类的伟大梦想。

(7) 让我们共同承诺,为我们两国人民,两个国家和全世界,以巨人的步伐携手前进。 

(8) 约翰﹒肯尼迪总统常用“水涨船高”来比喻这种社会进步。


(1) We encourage Taiwan first to have “three exchange” with the mainland; that is the exchange of mails, trade and air and shipping services.

(2) One of the traditions of the Chinese New Year, the Spring Festival is that people put spring couplets, short poems written in black ink on strips of red paper on the sides and above doorways and gateways, expressing good wishes for the coming year. 

(3) Eminent Monk, Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty (615-907) brought back ancient culture after braving long journey to South Asia

(4) In the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Chinese navigator, Cheng He led a fleet to what the people called the West Sea seven times in the 15th century, spreading the Chinese culture to distant land.

(5) For years, the Chinese government has been working hard to tackle the migrant problem of the “three withouts” in large cities: drifters without residence cards, without legal living quarters and without a normal source of income.

(6) Let us carry the cause of China-Japan friendship into the 21st century and beyond.

(7) To promote the development of China-U.S. relations, China needs to know the United 

States better and vice versa.

(6) Every country or nation has its own historical and cultural traditions, strong points and 


第三单元 Unit 3

口译的方法与技巧(2) Methods and Skills (2)







1. 英语字母符号,包括首位字母缩略语和缩写词,如:

UNESCO 联合国教科文组织

UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会

IMF 国际货币基金

WTO 世界贸易组织

EU 欧盟(欧洲同盟)

APEC 亚太经合组织(亚洲太平洋经济合作组织)

OPEC 石油输出国组织

NATO 北约(北大西洋公约组织) 

CPC 中国共产党

NPC 全国人民代表大会

CPPCC 中国人民政治协商会议

CAAC 中国民航

CCTV 中央电视台

PLA 中国人民解放军

HKSAR 香港特别行政区

GDP 国民生产总值  

Ch. govt. 中国政府 

re. op. 改革开放

4 Ms 四个现代化

tot. imp 进口总额 

tot. exp 出口总额

NASA 美国宇航局

FBI 美国联邦调查局

GM 美国通用汽车公司

ITT 美国电话电报公司

US/Am. 美国

UK/Br. 英国

Can. 加拿大

AUS. 澳大利亚

N.Z. 新西兰

NY 纽约

Las. 洛杉矶

US$ 美元

Br£ 英镑

Can$ 加元

Euro 欧元

$A 澳元

NZ$ 新西兰元

HK$ 香港元

RMB 人民币

2. 用各种数学符号,如:

∴ 所以

∵ 因为

= 等于或就是,意味着

≠ 不等于,不是

≈ 大约,大概,左右

> 大于,多于,比…大

< 小于,少于,比…小

3. 用译员自己创造的各种形象符号,如:

× 不同意,不赞成,错误,不正确

√ 同意,赞成,正确

→ 从某地到某地,从某时到某时,导致,引起

← 过去,回忆,返回,后退,倒退

↓ 下降,降低,减少,向下

↑ 上升,提高,增加,向上

□← 来访,进入,进口,引进外资,来华投资

□→ 出访,外出,出口,海外投资

☆ 杰出,优秀,最佳,突出,标兵,榜样

∽ 交换,交流,交替, 互换

3—, — 300,000

5,—, — 5,000,000





第一段位 个 十 百 千

第二段位 万 十万 百万 千万

第三段位 亿 十亿 百亿 千亿

第四段位 兆(万亿)


第一段位 One Ten Hundred

第二段位 Thousand Ten thousand Hundred thousand

第三段位 Million Ten million Hundred million

第四段位 Billion Ten billion Hundred billion

第五段位 Trillion

从以上对比中可以看出,英语数词中没有与汉语“万”、“十万”、“千万”、“亿”等相对应的词,这就给汉英数字互译带来很大不便。汉译英时遇到以上数字时,译员必须很快推算出与其相对应的英语数位和表达方式。用“ten thousand”表示“万”,用“hundred thousand”表示“十万”,用“ten million”表示“千万”,用“hundred million”表示“亿”等。英译汉时则要做相反的推算和转换。这样,译员在进行语言转换的同时,要不停地进行数位的推导和换算,脑子活动异常紧张,稍不注意便会出错。


很多人(书) many people(books)

很多水(啤酒)much water(beer)

很多人(水) a lot of people (water)

大量的参考书 a large number of reference books

大量有用的信息 a large quantity of useful information

大批的产品(食物) large quantities of products (food)

你要多少(面包)就拿多少。Take as much(bread)as you want.

你要多少(桔子)就拿多少。Take as many (oranges) as you want.


The factory produced twice as many cars (as much chemical fertilizer) as that in the precious year.









101—one hundred and one

207—two hundred and seven

370—three hundred and seventy

414—four hundred and fourteen

839—eight hundred and thirty-nine

948—nine hundred and forty-eight 


四位以上数字的口译较为复杂,因为英汉数字分段方法和表达方式的不同,在译出之前需要进行一番换算。另外,数字互译时,译员要学会记录和分段,这样翻译起来就容易多了。例如,英译汉时,听到英语数字时,特别是较为复杂的数字和系列数字时,立即用阿拉伯数字记录下来,记录的同时按英语数位分段法,从后往前每三位数为一段,用一逗号分开。这样就会在“thousand”,“million”,“billion”等各数位后分别有一逗号。因为英语数字的分段法正好和阿拉伯数字的分节法相一致,都是三位一段。分段后的数字以逗号为参照,按英汉数字换算规律,第一个逗号前一位译成“千”,前两位译成“万”,前三位译成“十万”;第二个逗号前一位译成“百万”,前两位译成“千万”,前三位译成“亿”;第三个逗号前一位译成“十亿”,这样,依此类推,容易多了。汉译英时,也是把听到的数字用阿拉伯数字记录下来,从后往前,每三位用一逗号分开,然后用英语读出每位数就行了。读时,把握好第一个逗号前的数字读 “x thousand”,第二个逗号前读“x million”,第三个逗号前读“x billion”等规律。每个段位的其它数字按10进规律,依次读为“ten thousand”、“hundred thousand”、“ten million”、“hundred million”……



1,369——one thousand three hundred and sixty-nine

2,010——two thousand and ten 

4,705——four thousand seven hundred and five

6,003——six thousand and three

15,600——fifteen thousand six hundred

75,426,391——seventy five million, four hundred and twenty-six thousand, three hundred and ninety-one

564,000,000——five hundred and sixty-four million

1,250,000,000——one billion two hundred and fifty million



几个——some; a few; several; a number of 

两、三个——two or three

五、六个——five or six

十几个——more than ten; over a dozen; less/no more than twenty

三十来个——about/ around thirty

几十个——dozens of 


十几岁——in one's teens

四十出头——a little/a bit over forty

五十岁左右——more or less fifty (years old); about fifty (years old)

近八十岁了——nearly/almost eighty (years old)

九十好几了——well over ninety (years old)

五点左右——around five o’clock

三天左右——three days or so

大约150米处——somewhere about 150 meters

好几百——hundreds of 

成千上万,千千万万——thousands of 

几十万——hundreds of thousands of

几百万——millions of 

亿万——hundreds of millions of 


8%——eight percent

15%——fifteen percent

42%——forty-two percent

4.35%——four point three five percent

0.5%——point five percent

4.032——four point naught three two

71.006——seventy-one point naught naught six 

1/2——one half; a half

1/3——one third 

1/4——a quarter




1/100——one-hundredth;one percent 



1/10000——one-ten thousandths

2-1/2——two and a half

4-2/3——four and two-thirds

5. 增/减倍数的口译

英汉倍数的表达有相似之处,也有不同。英汉互译时要特别注意不同的英语句型和表达方法所表示的倍数概念与汉语不同。英语用times 表示倍数。无论在何种句型中都表示乘的关系,即包括基数在内的倍数。请注意以下表示倍数的英语句型及其含义:

A is N times larger(longer,heavier…)than B.

A is larger(longer,heavier…)than B by N times.

A is N times as large(long,heavy…)as B.



(1) The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.


(2) Since mid-century, the global economy has nearly quintupled, While the population has doubled, demand for grain has nearly tripled, and the burning of fossil fuels has increased nearly fourfold.


(3) Within 30 years there will be twice as many urban people as countryside people in the world.


(4) Although London covers less than 400,000 acres, it needs nearly 50 million acre-----125 times its area-----to provide it with food, timber, and other resources, and to absorb its pollution.


汉语倍数的表示法归纳起来有两类:第一类表示是(原数的)几倍,几倍于(原数)或增加到(原数的)几倍。第二类表示(比原数)大几倍或(比原数)增加了几倍;这两类说法含义不同。第一类表示包括基数在内的倍数,与英语倍数表示法的含义相同。第二类表示净增倍数。因此,汉语倍数的英译首先要区分不同含义,选用恰当的句型,灵活准确地表达。如果用能N times/表示英语的包括基数在内的倍数,那么汉语的第二类表示“增加了几倍”的英译就要用 (N+1) times 来表示。例如:


The sales volume of portable phones of this company increased nearly twice last year.

The sales volume of portable phones of this company nearly doubled last year.

汉语增加倍数的说法很多,英译时,首先要仔细区分是包括基数在内的增加倍数还是净增倍数,然后决定用N times 还是(N+1)times 来表达。例如:

(1) 过去20年中,中国的国内生产总值增长了近五倍。

In the past 20 years, China’s gross domestic product increased nearly six times.

(2) 1978年至1997年,中国人均生产总值增长了3.4倍。

China’s per capita GDP went up by 4.4 times between 1978 and 1997.

(3) 中国城镇居民人均居住面积由1978年的3.6平方米提高到1997年的8.8平方米,增加1.4倍。

The per capita living space for urban residents in China expanded from 3.6 square meters in 1978 to 8.8 square meters in 1997, a rise of 2.4 times.

(4) 1949年至1998年, 中国的粮食总产量由1.1亿吨增加到5.1亿吨, 增长3.5倍, 年平均增长3.1%, 是人口增长率的2.5倍。

China's total grain output increased from 110 million tons in 1949 to 510 million tons in 1998, or an increase of over 4.5 times, with an average annual growth rate of 3.1 percent, 2.5 times that of the population growth.

(5) 1997年, 全国高等学校在校生总数为608万人, 其中研究生18万人, 分别是1979年的2.2倍和9.6倍。

In 1997,6.08 million students were studying in colleges and universities, including 180,000 postgraduates, 2.2 times and 9.6 times the figures of 1979 respectively.


(1) 由于水灾,去年的收成减少了三成。

Owing to flood, the crop last year was declined by 30 percent.

(2) 该公司的员工裁减了近三分之一,开支减少了四分之一。

The personnel of the company have been reduced nearly by one-third and the expenses by one-fourth.

(3) 1998年,政府机构改革目标实现。国务院下设部门从40个减少到29个,人员减少了近一半。

In 1998,the targets of restructuring governmental institutions were met. Departments under the State Council were reduced from 40 to 29 and personnel were cut nearly by half.

6. 增/减百分比的口译


1) 增/减了……%


decrease/drop/fall/sink …%


increase/rise/grow/go up by …%

decrease/drop/fall/go down by …%


Between 1986 and 1987, Nike's sales dropped 18 percent and profits sank by more than 

40 percent as a result of competition with Reebok.

与“锐步”鞋业竞争的结果,从1986到1987年, 耐克(鞋)的销售额下降了18%,利润下降了40%多。

(1) By putting out more than one new shoe style everyday on average, in 1995 and 1996, 

Nike's sales and profits grew 71 percent and 80 percent respectively;meanwhile, Nike's closest rival Reebok grew just nine percent in the same period. 


(3) Procter & Gamble just raised prices on its paper products by as much as 8%.

(美国) 普罗科特—甘布尔公司刚刚把他们的纸制品价格提高了8%。

(4) Spending on non-durables-----everything from soap flakes to razors to tennis shoes-----rose 30% last year.


(5) In the fiscal year of 2000, ending on March 30, export slumped 11.3 percent in Taiwan, 10 percent in Thailand, 9.9 percent in South Korea and 2.4 percent in Hong Kong. However, the Chinese mainland posted a respectable 7.5 percent rate in the first quarter.


(6) In America, the number of people engaged in farming as their principle of occupation fell to 961,560 in 1997, down 8.7 percent from 1992,while the number between (the age of) 25 to 34 fell 28 percent.


2) 与……相比,增/减了……%

increase/rise/grow /go up by …% (as) compared with /as against / as opposed to / over…

decrease/drop/fall/go down by …% (as) compared with /as against / as opposed to /over…


(1) 1999年,普通高校招生规模比上年扩大了47.4%。

University and college enrollment in 1999 increased by 47.4 percent over the previous year.

(2) 同1997年相比,1998年工业排污减少了11.6%;家庭排污增加了2.6%。

Compared with 1997, the discharge of industrial wastewater dropped by 11.6 percent, while that of domestic sewage rose by 2.6 percent in 1998.

(3) 因受亚洲金融危机的冲击,1998年中国进出口总额比上年下降0.4%,其中进口总额下降1.5%;出口总额增长0.5%。

As a result of Asian financial crises, China’s total volume of import and export in 1998 dropped by 0.4 percent over the previous year, of which the volume of import went down by 1.5 percent, and the value of export went up by 0.5 percent.

3) 增/减率

be …% increase/ rise /growth… 

be …% decrease/drop /decline…

an increase / a rise / a growth rate of …%

a decrease / drop / decline of …%

be …% up /down …

be up / down…%



China’s total exports reached US$194.9 billion in 1999, a rise of 6.1 percent over the previous year.

1998年,中国全年海外游客入境人数6348万人次,比上年增长10.2%, 国际旅游收入达126亿美元, 增长4.4%。

In 1998, China received 63.48 million tourists from overseas, up by 10.2 percent. Income of foreign exchange from tourism reached 12.6 million US dollars, up 4.4 percent.

4) 增/减具体数字的英译也可用 “by” +具体数字来表示



The area of soil erosion in China has been increasing by 10,000 square km. annually to 3.67 million square km. at present, accounting for nearly 38 percent of the total land area.

由于低温多雨的影响, 我国夏粮减产1460万吨。

China's output of summer grain declined by 14.6 million tons due to low temperature and rainy days during the growing period.




口译实践中,译员经常会遇到习语、引语的互译。特别是为国家元首、高级官员、文化人士、社会名流做口译时,译员会发现他们在事先精心准备的讲话或随意交谈中, 时常出其不意的借用本国或外国习语,引用名人或名著中的妙语佳句来表达自己的立场、观点或赞颂对方的民族和文化。 例如,英国前首相撒切尔和美国前几届总统访华时,都在不同场合的讲话中有意引用中国习语或引语,借以表达他们的立场和观点。

美国总统尼克松1972年1月访华时在宴会祝酒词中引用毛泽东主席诗词中的话。他说:Chairman has written: So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; the world rolls on, time presses. Ten thousand years are too long; seize the day, seize the hour! This is the hour. This is the day for our two people… (毛出席写过:多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕!现在就是我们两国人民只争朝夕的时候了……)

英国首相撒切尔在她1982年9月的访华讲话中引用唐代诗人的佳句:In a poem addressed to a departing friend, one of your Tang poets said: “provided our friendship survives, distances mean very little; although dwelling on far horizons we can still be as near neighbors. ” (在一首送别朋友的诗中,贵国唐代一位诗人曾写道:“海内存知己,天涯若比邻。”)

美国总统里根1984年4月访华时在人民大会堂的讲演中说: We only regret that our visit is so brief that we can only look at the flowers while riding on horseback,But you have a saying from the Book of Han which says: “To see a thing once is better than hearing about it a hundred times.(遗憾的是我们的行程太匆忙,只能走马观花地看一看。但你们在《汉书》中也有一句话,叫做“百闻不如一见”。)他在欢迎宴会的祝词中说:And as a saying from the Book of Changes goes, “ if two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.” (正如你们《易经》中一句话说的那样,“二人同心,可以断金”。)

美国总统乔治﹒布什在他1989年2月的访华讲话中说: Let us plant trees together, so that the next generation, yours and ours can sit together in the shade.(让我们来一起种树,这样,我们的后代就能一起在树下乘凉。)

美国总统克林顿1998年6月访华时在国宴祝词中说: In so many different ways, we are upholding the teachings of Mencius, who said: “ A good citizen in one community will befriend the other citizens of the community; good citizens of the world will befriend of the other citizens ofthe world.” (我们是以如此不同的方式在维护孟子的教导,他说:“一乡之善士斯友一乡之善士,天下之善士斯友天下之善士。”)

同样,江泽民主席访美时在哈佛大学的演讲中引用中国古代思想家的话“亲仁善邻,国之宝也。”( Loving people and treating neighbors kindly are most valuable to a country ) 他在为他举行的欢迎宴会的讲话中引用了美国诗人朗费罗的诗句:“只要行动起来,我们每个明天都会比今天进步。”“行动起来吧,让我们马上就开始。”(But to act that each tomorrow finds us farther than today. Act-----act in the living present.)

朱镕基总理1999年4月访美时,在一次记者招待会上回答某记者有关人权问题的提问时, 引用了“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻。”的古语,( The peopleare the most important element in a state. Next are the gods of land and grain; least is the ruler himself. ) 表明中国向来十分重视人权问题。  



1. 直译法



stony heart / have a heart of stone 铁石心肠

plain sailing 一帆风顺

in black and white 白纸黑字

flesh and blood 亲骨肉;亲人 

as firm as a rock 坚如磐石 

to be led by the nose 被牵着鼻子走

to show one's cards 摊牌

to be armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿

to turn a deaf ear to… 充耳不闻 

to pick bones from an egg 鸡蛋里面挑骨头

Facts speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩

Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母

Honesty is the best policy. 诚实是上策 

Children and fools tell the truth. 童愚吐真言

Evil is rewarded with evil. 恶有恶报

Content is happiness. 知足者常乐

Know your own faults before blaming others for theirs. 


One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕难成夏。


一心一意 with one heart and one mind 

沧海一滴 a drop in the ocean

轻如鸿毛 as light as a feather 

实事求是 to seek truth from facts

一见如故  to feel like old friends at the first meeting

同甘共苦 to share each other's joys and hardships 

掩耳盗铃 to plug one's ears while stealing a bell

知识就是力量。 Knowledge is power.

一寸光阴一寸金, 寸金难买寸光阴。 An inch of time is worth an inch of gold,but an inch of gold cannot purchase an inch of time.

一回生,两回熟。 First meeting, strangers; second meeting, old friends.

一年之计在于春。 The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring.

一鸟在手远胜两鸟在林。 A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. 

兔子尾巴——长不了。 Like a rabbit tail-----it cannot grow any longer-----it won't last long.

搬起石头砸自己的脚——自作自受 to lift a rock only to drop it on one's own feet-----to suffer from what one has done

鳄鱼掉眼泪——假慈悲 crocodile shedding tears------pretending to be benevolent

2. 直译和转换相结合

对一些结构上对应或部分对应,比喻相似、意思相近的习语应采用直译和转换相结合的方法,对等部分直译,不对等部分进行适当转换。按照英汉两种语言各自的习俗、比喻和习惯表达方法译出,做到既能确切表达原意,又符合译入语的习俗和比喻。 以下习语就是采用这种方法互译的。

as blind as a bat 有眼无珠

as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠

on pins and needles 如坐针毡

as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗

to kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕 

to wake up a sleeping dog 打草惊蛇

to beat the dog before the lion 杀鸡给猴看

Lock the door after the horse is stolen. 亡羊补牢。 

He who takes charge knows the responsibility. 不当家不知柴米贵。

Poor by condition,rich by ambition. 人穷志不短。

Where there is a will ,there is a way. 事在人为。

It takes two to make a quarrel. 一个巴掌拍不响。

As a man sows,so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆。

Don't wash your dirty linen in public. 家丑不可外扬。

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施。 

3. 意译


a far cry from… 与……相差甚远;大不相同

to face the music 勇于承担后果

to spill the beans 不慎泄密

to be up to one's ears 有许多事情要做;忙于

to beat around the bush 旁敲侧击,转弯抹角

to cut corners 节约

to hold one's horses 别忙;耐心点;别沉不住气

in one's element 在行;擅长

on one's toes 机灵

once in a blue moon 极难得;千载难逢

to see eye to eye 与(某人)看法一致

straight from the shoulder 直截了当

to take something with a grain of salt 对某事半信半疑或不全信

to put all one's eggs in one basket 孤注一掷; 冒险

to teach one's grandmother to such eggs 班门弄斧;好为人师

to put the cart before the horse 本末倒置

to miss the boat 坐失良机

to burn the candle at both ends 过分耗费精力

to poke one's nose into… 探听; 干涉

to play for one's own hand 为自己的利益而做

to pull wool over one's eyes 蒙蔽某人

to call a spade a spade 实话实说, 直言不讳

Birds of a feature flock together. 物以类聚, 人以群分。

Love me; love my dog. 爱吾及犬;爱屋及乌。 

Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的; 伟业非一日可成; 冰冻三尺, 非一日之寒。 

Half the world knows not how the other half lives. 富人不知穷人苦; 饱汉不知饿汉饥。


卧薪尝胆 to sleep on brushwood and taste gall-----to undergo self-imposed hardships so as 

to strengthen one’s resolve to wipe out a national humility;to endure hardships to accomplish 

some ambition.

望子成龙 to hope one’s child will become somebody in the future;to hope one’s child will 

have a bright future; to hold high hopes for one’s child

不到长城非好汉。 He who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a true hero;not stop until one’s 

aim is obtained

八仙过海,各显神通。 The Eight Immortals crossing the sea-----each shows his/her special prowess (in the legend, they were described as fairies with different magic arts);Like the Eight Immortals soaring the ocean, each of you should show your true worth. 

打破砂锅——问(纹)到底 breaking an earthenware pot -----(lit)-cracked to the bottom;

(pun) interrogate thoroughly;to get to the bottom of a matter



What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. 名称


To care for wisdom and truth and improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and 

honor and reputation. 获得智慧,寻求真理,并使心灵美好,远比追求金钱、荣誉和名声好得多。

Knowledge is like the spring water under ground---the deeper you dig, the clearer is the water.


Waste not, want not. 旧的不去,新的不来。

Carve your name on hearts but not on marbles. 把你的名字刻在人们的心上,而不是大理石上。

Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds, runs out and will tell. 时间是多才多艺的表演者。它能飞逝,能大步向前,能治愈一切创伤, 能消失得无影无踪,也能揭露真相。

Time is money; trust is gold. 时间是金钱,信用是金子。

In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later. 在商业世界里,每个人都会获得两种形式的报酬:现钞和经验。最好先获得经验,这样现钞就会随之滚滚而来。

Seize the present; trust the future as little as you may. 抓住现在;尽量少指望未来。

Money is a bottomless sea, in which honor, conscience, and truth may be drowned. 金钱是深不可测的海洋,能淹没廉耻、良心和是非感;金钱是一个无底大海,节操、良心和真理可能在里面淹死。

Economy is not only a great virtue, but also a great revenue. 节约不仅是一大美德,而且是一大财源。

At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty the wit; and at forty, the judgment. 二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。

Contentment is natural wealth; luxury is artificial poverty. 知足是天然的财富,奢侈是人为的贫困。

Money recommends a man everywhere. 钱使一个人畅行无阻。

Riches are gotten with pain, kept with care, and lost with grief. 财富得之不易,存之忧虑,失之悲痛。

Time and tide wait for no man. 时光如逝水,岁月不待人。

One today is worth two tomorrows. 一个今天抵得上两个明天。


己所不欲,勿施于人。Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.

知己知彼,百战不殆。Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.

贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。He is not to be subdued by force not swerved by poverty.

国家兴亡,匹夫有责。The fortune of a country depends on the people in it.

识实务者为俊杰。A man who knows where his interest lies will succeed.

流水不腐,户枢不蠹。Running water does not get stale; a door hinge is never worm-eaten.

三人行,必有我师。When I walk in the company of three men, there must be a teacher of mine.

一日为师,终生为父。 He who teaches me one day is my teacher for life. 

学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。Learning without thought means labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.

业精于勤,荒于嬉。Achievement is founded on diligence and wasted upon recklessness.

勤能补拙。Diligence redeems stupidity.

一言既出,驷马难追。A word once spoken cannot be taken back even by a team of four horses.

一人之失,百人之师。A past mistake of one serves as a good lesson for all.

人勤地不懒。If the tiller is industrious, the farmland is productive.

前事不忘,后事之师。Repent what is past;avoid what is to come.

兼听则明,偏听则暗。 Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened;heed only one side and you will be benighted.

若要人不知,除非己莫为。If you don’t want people to know about it, don’t do it.

其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不行。If the ruler is personally upright, all will go well even though he does not give order. But if he is not personally upright, even though he gives orders, they will not be obeyed.

悬崖勒马犹未晚,船到江心补漏迟。 It’s just in time to rein in at the brink of the precipice, but it’s too late to mend the ships leak in the middle of the river.

“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛”。为人民利益而死,重于泰山。 Though death befalls all men alike, it may weightier than Mount Tai orlighter than a feather. To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai.

先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。 Be concerned about the affairs of state before others, and enjoy comfort after others. Be the first to feel concern about state affairs and the last to enjoy yourself.


1. 视译下列汉语数表:

2000 年世界前10名国家的有关经济指数

国家排名 国内生产总值 国家排名 人均国内生产总值

(单位:百万美元) (美元)

1.美国 7,433,517 1. 卢森堡 45,360

2.日本 5,149,185 2. 瑞士 44,350

3.德国 2,364,632 3. 日本 40,940

4.法国 1,533,619 4. 百慕大 34,670

5.英国 1,152,136 5. 挪威 34,510

6.意大利 1,140,484 6. 丹麦 32,100

7.中国 906,079 7. 新加坡 30,550

8.巴西 709,591 8. 德国 28,870

9.加拿大 569,899 9. 澳大利亚 28,110

10.西班牙 563,249 10. 美国 28,020 



1.美国 61,137 6. 澳大利亚 14,618

2.法国 27,527 7. 德国 12,810

3.意大利 27,451 8. 香港 9,604

4.西班牙 25,701 9. 瑞士 9,364

5.英国 19,133 10. 中国 8,733


1.新加坡 409.2 6. 丹麦 359.5 

2.美国 406.9 7. 瑞典 350.4 

3.瑞士 395.1 8. 芬兰 311.3 

4.澳大利亚 361.5 9. 荷兰 281.9 

5.挪威 360.7 10. 加拿大 270.7 

2. 听译下列英语短文(英译汉):

World Population

With its two giants, China and India, Asia is the home of the majority of the world’s 6 billion human inhabitants,and Africa the second most popular continent. The UN population fund said in its 1998 report on population growth, Asia counts 3.5 billion people. Its most populous countries are China, with 1.2 billion plus another 6.3 million in Hong Kong and India with 975.8 million, followed far behind by Indonesia with 125.9 million and Bangladesh with 124 million.

India, which has continued to hold the record for a higher birth rate than China, is expected to grow in the year 2025 to 1.3 billion residents. 

The projected population for all of Asia in the year 2025 is 4.7 billion.

In Africa, the UN Population Fund reported counted 778.5 million residents, with 1.4 billion anticipated in 2025.

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with 121.8 million residents. Egypt is next with 65.7 million, followed by Ethiopia with 62.1 million, the Democratic Republic of Congo with 49.2 million, and South Africa with 44.3 million. 

Nigeria, the DRC and Ethiopia are expected to double their population in one generation by the year 2025.

The European continent counts 729.4 million residents, with Russia still the most populous country at 147.2 million, though its population growth is declining. Germany is next with 82.4 million.

Europe, according to the UN report is the sole continent whose population is expected to decline, dropping to 701.1 million residents in the year 2025.

North America, with the United States and its 273.8 million residents counts 304.1 million people, though the number is expected to rise to 369 million in 2025.













祖国大陆31个省、自治区、直辖市共有家庭户34837万户, 家庭人口为119839万人,平均每个家庭户的人口为3.44人,比1990年第四次全国人口普查的3.96人减少了0.52人。


祖国大陆31个省、自治区、直辖市和现役军人的人口中,男性为65355万人, 占总人口的51.63%;女性为61228万人,占总人口的48. 37% 。 性别比(以女性为100,男性对女性的比例)为106︰74。


祖国大陆31个省、自治区、直辖市和现役军人的人口中,0-14 岁的人口为28979万人。占总人口的22.89%;15-64 岁的人口为88793 万人, 占总人口的70.15%;65岁及以上的人口为8811万人,占总人口的6.96%。同1990年第四次全国人口普查相比,0-14岁人口的比重下降了4.80个百分点,65岁及以上人口的比重上升了1.39个百分点。





同1990年第四次全国人口普查相比,每10万人中拥有各种受教育程度的人数有如下变化:具有大学程度的由1422人上升为 3611 人;具有高中程度的由8039 人上升为11146人;具有初中程度的由 23344 人上升为33961人;具有小学程度的 37057人下降为 35701人。

祖国大陆31个省、自治区、直辖市和现役军人的人口中,文盲人口( 15 岁及15岁以上不识字或识字很少的人)为 8507 万人,同1990年第四次全国人口普查相比,文盲率由15.88%下降为 6.72% ,下降了9.16个百分点。


祖国大陆 31个省、自治区、直辖市的人口中,居住在城镇的人口 45594万人,占总人口的 36.09% ;居住在乡村的人口80739 万人,占总人口的63.91%。同 1990 年第四次全国人口普查相比,城镇人口占总人口的比重上升了9.86个百分点。



heart and soul 

to make a big fuss about 

ups and downs 

to fish in the troubled water 

to bite off more than one can chew 

to get on one's high horse 

to shut one's eyes against … 

to cry up wine and sell vinegar 

to kick down the ladder 

to have a ( good ) head on one's shoulder 

to put a spoke in one's wheels 

to be at the end of one's tether/rope 

A rising tide lifts all boats. 

Great minds think alike. 

Laziness in youth spells regret in old age. 

A snow year, a rich year. 

You cannot make bricks without straw. 

Don't cross a bridge till you come to it. 

Make hay while the sun shines. 

Every medal has two sides. 

















竹篮打水—— 一场空 


三个臭皮匠, 赛过诸葛亮。










塞俄比亚,6210万;刚果民主共和国,4920万;南非, 4430万。

预计到2025年, 也就是一代人以后, 尼日利亚,刚果民主共和国和埃塞俄比亚的人口都将翻一番。

欧洲大陆有72940万人口,其中俄罗斯有14720万人,虽然俄国的人口增长率在下降, 但目前仍是欧洲人口最多的国家。其次是德国,有824 0万人。

根据联合国的报道,欧洲是唯一人口负增长的洲。 到2025年,欧洲的人口将下降到71000万。



Figures of the 2000 Population Census

The National Bureau of Statistics releases the result of the 2000 population census:

I. Total Population

China has a population of 1,295.33million. Of which:

The total population of the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities (excluding Jinmen and Mazu islands of Fujian Province hereafter) and of servicemen of the mainland of China was 1,265.83 million.

The population of Hong Kong SAR was 6.78 million.

The population of Macao SAR was 440,000.

The population of Taiwan Province and of Jinmen, Mazu and a few other islands of Fujian Province was 22.28 million.

II. Population Growth.

Compared with the population of 1,133.68 million from the 1990 population census (with zero hour of July 1, 1990 as the reference time), the total population of the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and the servicemen of the mainland of China increased by 132.15 million persons, or 11.66 percent over the past 10 years and 4 months. The average annual growth was 12.79 million persons, or a growth rate of 1.07 percent.

III. Population of Family Households.

In the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of the mainland of China, there were 348.37 million family households with a population of 1,198.39 million persons. The average size of a family household was 3.44 persons, or 0.52 persons less as compared with the 3.96 persons of the 1990 population census.

Ⅳ. Sex Composition.

Of the people enumerated in the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen of the mainland of China, 653.55 million persons or 51.63 percent were males; 612.28 million or 48.37 % females. The sex ratio (female=100) was 106---74.

Ⅴ. Age Composition.

Of the people enumerated in the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen of the mainland of China, 289.79 million persons were in the age group of 0--14, accounting for 22.89 percent of the total population; 887.93 million persons in the age group of 15--64, accounting for 70.15 percent and 88.11 million persons in the age group of 65 and over, accounting for 6.96 percent. As compared withthe results of the 1990 population census, the share of people in the age group of 0--14 was down by 4.80 percentage points, and that for people aged 65 and over was up by 1.39 percentage points.

Ⅵ. Composition of Ethnic Groups.

Of the people enumerated in the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen of the mainland of China, 1,159.40 million persons or 91.59 percent were of Han ethnic group, and 106.43 million ethnic persons or 8.41 percent were of various minority ethnic groups. Compared with the 1990 population census, the population of Han people increased by 116.92 million persons, or 11.22 percent, while the population of various minority ethnic groups increased by 15.23 million persons, or 16.70 percent.

Ⅶ. Composition of Educational Attainment.

Of the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen of the mainland of China, 45.71 million persons had finished university education (referring to junior college and above); 141.09 million persons had received senior secondary education (including secondary technical school education); 429.89 million persons had received junior secondary education and 451.91 million persons had primary education (the educated persons included graduated and students in schools).

Compared with the 1990 population census, the following changes have taken place in the number of people with various educational attainments per every 100,000 people: number of people with university education increased to 3,611 from 1,422; number of people with senior secondary education increased to 11,146 from 8,039; number of people with junior secondary education increased from 23,344 to 33,961; and number of people with primary education decreased from 37,057 to 35,701.

Of the people enumerated in the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen of the mainland of China, 85.07 million persons were illiterate (i.e. people over 15 years of age who cannot read or can read very little). Compared with the 15.88 percent of illiterate people in the 1990 population census, the proportion has dropped to 6.72 percent, or down by 9.16 percentage points.

Ⅷ. Urban and Rural Population.

In the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of the mainland of China, there were 455.94 million urban residents, accounting for 36.09 percent of the total population; and that of rural residents stood at 807.39 million, accounting for 63.91 percent. Compared with the 1990 population census, the proportion of urban residents rose by 9.86 percentage points.












有见识; 有能力


穷途末路; 山穷水尽; 筋疲力尽







乘晴晒草; 乘机行事; 勿失良机。

每个奖章都有两面; 凡事都有两重性。


to look at the flowers while riding on horseback

to sit on the hill and watch tigers fight

to catch the moon in the water

to be honest in performing one’s official duties;to have integrity and always work in the interest of the public

to be just and honorable, open and aboveboard 

to go against the trend of the times

to draw a cake to satisfy one's hunger

to try to help the rice shoots grow by pulling them upward

to present Buddha with borrowed flowers------ to borrow something to make a gift of it

to reap advantages from both sides without lifting a finger;to profit from others’ conflict

Practice makes perfect.

not to stop until one reaches the Yellow River——refuse to give up until all hope is gone; not stop until one reaches one’s goal 

Gold has its price, but learning is beyond price.

Blood is thicker than water.

Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.

A distant journey tests the strength of a horse and a long task proves the character of a man.

drawing water in a bamboo basket——all in vain

The weasel wishes Happy New Year to a chicken——harboring no good intention.

Tree cobblers with wits combined equal Zhuge Liang, the mastermind; the wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual.

painting a tiger on a coffin——(lit) to frighten the dead; (pun/coll.) wanting to frighten somebody to death

第二部分       Part  Two

口译实践       Interpretation Practice

第四单元       Unit  4

外事往来       Exchange of Visits

I. 阅读材料 Reading Material第一篇 Passage 1

Cruising Down the Thames

(The Sino-British Trade Council has arranged a river trip for a Chinese trade delegation visiting the U.K. The Chinese guests are driven to Westminster Pier and are shown aboard a boat, cruising the Thames.) 

H. A: So, we are off down stream to Greenwich and someone from our office will meet us there 

and to bring us a picnic. Since the weather is so good, I thought it would be pleasant to have lunch 

in Greenwich Park before we visit the observatory.

G. A: That sounds very nice. I love European parks and gardens. They are so different from ours.

H. B: Greenwich Park is lovely, but the observatory is really interesting, and of course you can 

stand astride the Greenwich meridian 0° line and have one foot in the Western Hemisphere and the 

other in the Eastern.

G. B: That'll be fun! I must take a photo!

H. B: Look, everybody, we're about to set off. Before we do, have you noticed the Houses of 

Parliament behind us and Westminster Abbey?

G. B: Yes, we went there the other day. An interesting place. All the kings and queens of England 

have been crowned there, haven't they?

H. B: Yes, except Edward V, who was murdered and Edward VIII, the Duke of Windsor, the

present Queen's uncle, who gave up the throne to marry an American woman who was divorced 

and therefore deemed to be unsuitable to be queen.

H. A: Yes, and many famous men are buried there including kings and poets.

G. A: And is that the dome of St Paul's Cathedral over there?

H. B: Yes, indeed. The original cathedral was destroyed in the Fire of London in 1666, and this 

one was built by Christopher Wren, one of our most famous architects. Now he is buried in the 

cathedral along with several famous generals and admirals like Wellington and Nelson and artists 

like Reynolds and Turner. 

G. C: Oh, we must be approaching the heart of the City now. There's the Nat West Tower. 

H. B: Yes, it's the tallest building in the U.K. now. There was a lot of controversy over it when it 

was built because formerly nothing was supposed to be higher than St. Paul's and people were not 

in favor of it.

H. A: I rather like it.

H. B: Now we are just coming up to London Bridge.

G. A: Oh yes, I learned the song when I was a student: “London Bridge is falling down”. Where 

is Pudding Lane, where the fire started?

H. B: It's behind that row of new office blocks. You can't see it from here. Oh, now we’re coming 

to the Tower of London.

G. B: Oh, splendid. What a sight!

H. B: Yes, it's said to be the most perfect example of a medieval castle in England. It was built in

1078. Now it houses the crown jewels, which are on display to the public, but it is mainly remembered for its function as a prison for people who offended the monarchy.

H. A: Yes, 2 of Henry VIII’s 6 wives met their death here, by execution, simply because he was

bored with them and couldn't find any other way to get rid of them. In fact Anne Boleyn, his 

second and most famous wife, is said to haunt the tower and wander the grounds at night with her 

head under her arm! 

G. A: (Laughs) I wouldn't like to be a guard on duty late at night there, then. How spooky! No 

wonder it is known as “the Bloody Tower”. But the guards do look rather splendid.

H. A: Now we're at Tower Bridge. It's very unusual to have a bridge painted in blue and gold. 

But I love it. It's really dramatic. The bridge opens up in the middle so that large ships can get 

through. It's terribly exciting when you see it. A bell rings shortly beforehand and barriers come 

down so that the cars can't be caught on the bridge as it starts to go up.

G. A: That must be very impressive. The sights are really magnificent. Cities built on rivers have 

so much character. Thank you so much for bringing us today. I am enjoying myself. How long will it take to get to Greenwich from here?

H. A: Oh, we're almost there. It's only about another 15 minutes.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

cruising down the river 畅游(此处指)泰晤士河

Westminster pier 西敏寺码头

downstream 顺流

observatory 天文台 

stand astride 两脚分开站立 

the Western Hemisphere 西半球

Westminster Abbey 西敏寺大教堂

The Duke of Windsor 温莎王室的公爵

deem to be unsuitable 认为不合适

the dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂的圆顶

admiral 海军将军;上将

the Nat West Tower 国民西敏寺银行塔楼

controversy 争论;争议

the Tower of London 伦敦塔

the monarchy 君主制度

meet one’s death by execution 处以死刑 

haunt (鬼魂等)常出没于某地

a guard on duty 值勤的警卫

How spooky! 多吓人哪!

第二篇Passage 2

Touring the Palace Museum 

(A Canadian guest is taken to the Palace Museum by the Chinese host. They walk towards the Golden River Bridges and tour the museum.) 

H: This is the Imperial Palace we call the Palace Museum. Before the 1911 revolution the palace was off-limits to ordinary citizens, hence the Forbidden City. It was constructed in1420 during the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty and has a history of nearly 600 years. Twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties resided and ruled here. Though it was rebuilt and expanded many times during the two dynasties, it still retains its original layout. This former imperial palace has been turned into a museum, housing more than 900,000 piecesof treasures and imperial court relics of various dynasties. The museum receives thousands of tourists every day. 

G: Oh, it’s huge! There’s an inner and outer wall, moats, gates and it looks as if it’s the largest fortress in the world.

H: The moat is called the Golden River and the five white marble bridges the Golden River Bridges. There are three gates leading to the palace. The central one was for the emperor only, while the two side ones were for the civil and military officials as well as imperial clansmen. Thewall is 10 meters high and encloses nearly 800,000 square meters.

G: Those watch towers at each corner, are those what are called ‘the grasshopper cages’?

H: Yes. It is said one of the emperors admired a particularly intricate grasshopper cage one of his craftsmen had constructed and asked that the idea be built into the watch towers.

G: The scale of the museum is almost beyond the ability of the mind to understand. 

H: There are 9,999 buildings inside the museum, which is said to be a number symbolizing the long life of the emperor.

G: There’s a symbolism as well to the internal structure of the Imperial City.

H: The main buildings are built on a central axis running from north to south, and the less important buildings are on a line from east to west. The Imperial Palace is composed of two parts: the outer court and the inner court. The front part facing Tian’anmen, is the outer court dominated by three grand halls. It is where the emperor conducted his business: issuing proclamations, meeting visitors, beheading his enemies, etc. and performed his public ceremonies. Behind the outer court is the inner court lined up by three other halls along the central axis. It is the living area of the emperor and the empress. Now we are in the outer court.

G: And this is the major building you see in all the pictures of the museum. Beautiful!

H: Yes, this is Taihedian or the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the most magnificent and the best example of ancient Chinese architecture in the country. You’ll be surprised to learn that it is made of wood. According to decree, it had to be the tallest building in Beijing; no other one could build higher.

G: This is actually the ancient throne, isn’t it? 

H: Yes, this is where the emperor received his most important officials.

G: He must have impressed them very much. After all this time, standing here, I’d have to say I’m overawed by it all.

H: This one is the Hall of Central Harmony. It was the emperor’s resting place, when he was on his way to Taihedian. He also met members of his inner cabinet here. And the last building is the place, where the emperor entertained his ministers and high-ranking officials on the lunar New Year.

G: These lesser halls and chambers ranged on both sides of the central buildings must have been the living quarters.

H: Yes, there are 12 courtyards in all, six on each side, here in the inner court. It is where the emperor and the empress, imperial concubines, princes, princesses and all their attendants lived and amused themselves.

G: What a beautiful garden!

H: Yes, we’re at the back of the Palace Museum now. It is called Yuhuayuan or the Imperial Garden. All these trees are very ancient, and thishill is man-made. At the rear gate there is a gate tower that used to contain drums and bells. At nightfall the bells would toll 108 times.

G: The museum is remarkably well preserved.

H: Yes, the entire museum is a national treasure and it is placed on the U.N. list of World Cultural Heritage. The government has given high priority to its restoration.

G: It is the largest and the most wonderful palace museum I’ve ever seen in the world. Thank you for taking the time to show it to me.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

the Forbidden City “紫禁城”

off-limits 禁入(区域)

moats 护城河

fortress 堡垒

watch towers 角楼

grasshopper 蝈蝈笼

intricate 精致的

white marble 汉白玉

conduct one’s business 处理政务

issue proclamations (这里指)颁发诏书

behead 斩首

perform public ceremonies. 主持典礼仪式

Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿

concubines 嫔妃

Hall of Central Harmony 中和殿

Hall of Preserving Harmony 保和殿

decree 命令: (这里指)圣旨 

the Imperial Garden 御花园 

World Cultural Heritage 世界文化遗产

II.口译实践 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret Them:

英汉交替 Interpretation from English into Chinese or Vice Versa

第一篇Passage 1 

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

captain 机长

fasten your seat belt 请系好安全带

hold EU Passports 持欧盟国家护照

health declaration 健康申报表

crew and cabin staff 全体机组人员

passport control 护照检查

flight number 航班号

luggage trolley 手推行李车

right-hand staircase 右边的楼梯

Have you anything to declare? 你有什么要申报的吗?

International Trading Company 国际贸易公司

Sino-British Trade Council 中英贸易委员会

Have a pleasant journey! 旅途愉快!

Charles Dickens portrays London as… 查尔斯•犹更斯把伦敦描写成……

中国土畜产品进出口公司 Chinatuhsu (简称)

中国粮油进出口公司 China Ceroilfood (简称)

中国机械进出口公司 China Machimpex (简称)

(A Chinese trading delegation is arriving at Gatwick airport in London.)

Pilot: This is Captain Song speaking. We will shortly be landing at London's Gatwick. After we have landed, please remain seated until the aircraft has come to a complete standstill and all the warning lights have gone out. Please ensure that you have all your hand luggage with you when you leave the plane and that those passengers who do not hold EU passports have all filled out a landing-card and health declaration. Keep these to hand with your passport.

The weather in London is fair, almost 65°Fahrenheit, and there is a slight wind. Gatwick airport is situated on the very outskirts of the capital and there is a regular train service to Victoria station, which runs very 15 minutes and takes a half hour.

On behalf of the crew and cabin staff, I would like to thank you for flying CAAC and wish you a pleasant stay in U.K.

(The passengers get off the plane and are taken to passport control.)

周: 护照检查处有三个队,我们应该排哪一个?

AIRPORT OFFICIAL: This one here on the left, sir. You see, it says "NON-EU passports". 

周: 好的,队不太长而且移动的相当快,我们很快就会办完的。

周: 没用多少时间。下面该办什么了?我们到哪儿取行李? 

A.O: If you just wait here and watch these screens, you'll see your flight number come up and then it'll tell you which number luggage bay youhave to go to. Then follow the signs up the stairs to the baggage hall, where you should find plenty of luggage trolleys.

周: 看,我们的号码出来了,是3号。我们从右边的楼梯上去。

A.O: Have you anything to declare, sir?

周: 没有,谢谢。

A.O: Then please proceed through the green gate marked "nothing to declare" 

(The delegation clears the customs and go out into the arrival hall, where they are met)

Gordon: Madam Li, how are you? How nice to see you again. Do you remember me Christopher Gordon from the International Trading Co. We met several years ago.

李: 记得。我当然记得你戈登先生。又见面了,我真高兴。这一位一定是 中英贸易委员会


MISS DAVIS: Yes. Philippe Davis. Very pleased to meet you. I hope you had a pleasant journey, not too tiring.

李: 不累。一路上不错,我还睡了一会儿哪,现在不怎么累。请允许我介绍一下我的同事



D: How do you do? Right, if we are all ready, then let's go and get the train. I've got the tickets and we can take the luggage trolleys almostonto the platform. 

(In the train) 

D: The journey doesn't take long, only about half an hour. It's a non-stop service to Victoria station. We pass through some quite pretty countryside. When we cross the Thames into Victoria, you get a great view along the river to your right of Westminster, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

李: 在英国还从来没有坐过火车,我觉得挺新鲜。

G: At least the weather's fine. It's miserable to arrive in a new country in the rain, as I'm afraid many visitors to England do, especially in autumn.

李: 伦敦雨多吗?

G: Yes it does, especially in autumn. In fact there are more than 160 rainy days in London each year. That’s why you always find people take umbrellas with them when they go out. 

李: 真有意思。我听说这里的季节变换就像一幅幅的图画一样。希望我们能有机会看看伦


G: I'm sure you will. As a matter of fact, Miss Davis has already made arrangements for you.

李: 那太好了。谢谢你,戴维斯小姐。

(On arrival at Victoria, they take a taxi to the hotel where they are going to stay.) 

第二篇 Passage 2

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

Prince Albert 奥伯特亲王

barges 驳船

Greenwich 格林威治

Tower Bridge 塔桥

highly recommend 极力推荐 

smoked salmon 熏鲑鱼

a traditional French recipe 传统的法国烹饪法

squeeze some lemon over the fish 往鱼上挤一些柠檬汁

flavor 味道

a musical 音乐剧

extremely popular 很叫座; 极受欢迎

Covent Garden 科文特加登剧院

My Fair Lady 《卖花女》

Madame Butterfly 《蝴蝶夫人》

Swan Lake 《天鹅湖》

box 包厢

(Mr. Gordon has invited Madam Li and the rest of the delegation out to dinner on their first night in London. They have gone to a French restaurant, which overlooks the Thames. There they meet Mr. Gordon’s wife and some of his colleagues. The following is their conversation during dinner.)

G: Do please sit down, everybody.

李: 谢谢。这儿的景致真美啊!那座灯火通明的桥是什么桥?

G: That's Albert Bridge-----named after Queen Victoria's husband,Prince Albert. Barges used to come up the river in the old days, bringing supplies in to London. Some still do, of course, but the river is mainly used for pleasure now. 

Mrs G: You can take a boat all the way from Greenwich to Hampton Court in the far west, and it takes you under Tower Bridge through the city and on past the Houses of Parliament.

李: 一定很引人入胜。我们在这儿逗留期间,也许会有时间浏览一番的。

G: Here is your menu card, Madam Li. My wife has chosen the menu. We always come here on special occasions so we have tried most of the dishes and I can highly recommend Julia's choice.

Mrs G: Thank you, darling. I thought we'd start with smoked salmon, followed by Duck al’ Orange, which is duck cooked in orange sauce-----a traditional French recipe for duck.

李: 味道一定不错。夫人点菜想的真周到, 我想你们一定知道,我们中国人爱吃鱼,我们又都来自北京,北京最有名的一个菜是烤鸭,我很想尝尝用完全不同的方法烹调的鸭子。

Mrs G: Well, I hope you'll enjoy it. It's always fun to try new things. Ah, here's the salmon. Do have some brown bread with it, and I recommend that you squeeze some lemon over the fish. It brings out the flavor.

G: Are you all happy drinking white wine? It's quite dry. I thought we'd stick to white as we're having fish and poultry unless you'd prefer red,or something else altogether? 

李: 不用了,我觉得白葡萄酒很好,谢谢。 

G: Do start everybody. Don’t stand on ceremony. Please feel at home. 

李: 戈登夫人, 你喜欢烹调吗?

Mrs G: Yes, as a matter of fact, I do, although I often have to fight to get into the kitchen because Chris is quite expert. Now that the children are all away at university and school and there're only the two of us, we tend to cook less. But, I must say, that after a hard day atthe office, I love to get into the kitchen for a change. I'm lucky; I have an appreciative family. 

G: Yes, it's not only me that is appreciative. The other day Julia had taken a chicken out of the oven to cool. She left it on the table while she went to the station to fetch me. When we got back, we found the cat and the dog fast asleep under the kitchen table with a pile of chicken bones between them.

李: 啊呀! 真的? 他们可真是美餐了一顿。说起猫,伦敦是不是在上演一个跟猫有关的名剧。

Mrs G: Yes,it’s called Cats. Quite simply, and is a musical. It's based on a book of poems by one of our most famous poets, T.S. Eliot. It has been running for several years and it is extremely popular. You have to book about 6 months or even a year in advance.

李: 天哪!

G: Do you like going to the theatre, Madam Li? Do you like opera or ballet? We wondered if you and your colleagues would be interested in going to Covent Garden one evening while you are in London?

李: 好啊, 我们很愿意。科文特加登剧院是很有名的。在中国,大家看过《茶花女》,都知道这个地方。

Mrs G: Oh, have you seen My Fair Lady in China? I love that film. It's one of my favorites. But while you are here, there are both ballet and opera on at Convent Garden. The ballet is Swan Lake. Which opera are they performing, Chris?

G: I think it's Madame Butterfly-----Puccini. Which do you prefer, ballet or opera, Madam Li?

李: 两个都喜欢, 不过, 我一直想看《天鹅湖》。

Mrs G: Then that's settled. We'll try and get tickets---or may be a box for that. Certainly, if you are going to a ballet as traditional as Swan Lake Covent Garden is the place to see it.

第三篇 Passage 3 

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

美中友好代表团 US-China Friendship Delegation

中国人民对外友好协会 The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign

西安分会 Countries Xi’an Sub-association

会长 president

有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎! How happy we are to have friends coming from afar!

旅途好吗? How was your flight? / Did you have pleasant flight?

天高气爽 It is often sunny and pleasant.

有什么手续要办吗? Do you have to go through any formalities?

故宫博物馆 the Palace Museum

颐和园 the Summer Palace

天坛 the Temple of Heaven

金字塔 pyramid 

新石器时代的文化 the Neolithic culture

大小雁塔 the Big and the Small Wild Goose Pagoda

钟鼓楼 the Bell and Drum Tower

兵马俑 terra cotta warriors and horses

铜车马 bronze chariots and horses

古迹遍地,文物荟萃 numerous historical sites and a wealth of cultural relics

物资集散地 material distribution center

高等院校 institutions of higher learning

科研所 scientific research institute

科技综合实力 comprehensive strength in science and technology

世界500强(企业) the world 500 strongest companies 


译: 我想你们是美国堪萨斯市来的美中友好代表团吧?

G: Yes we are. We come from Kansas City. 

译: 你们好? 欢迎你们来西安。我是西安友协分会的译员,叫李明。这一位是友协分会的会长王海先生。

会长: 你们好?欢迎来自堪萨斯市的朋友们! 

G: How do you do?I'm Allan Silverman, head of the delegation. It is very kind of you to come and meet us at the airport.

会: 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎! 你们远道而来,我怎么能不来机场迎接你们呢。怎么样?旅途好吗? 

G: Very good. The plane was comfortable, and flight pleasant. It is quite warm here in Xi'an like the weather in Beijing. We stayed in Beijing for a week.

会: 是啊。秋天是这里最好的季节。天高气爽,正是旅游的最佳时节,又赶上了我们的国庆节和中秋节。希望你们在西安过得愉快。 

译: 请问你们还有什么手续要办吗?

G: No. I don't think so. We have our luggage with us. Everything is smooth.

译: 那我们现在就可以去宾馆了。汽车在外边等着我们。

G: Thank you very much.


会: 西尔佛曼先生是第一次来西安吗? 

G: Yes, and my first time to China. I have heard so much about your country, about Beijing, the 

Great Wall and Xi'an. We've all longed to visit your country and meet your people. In Beijing, we 

visited the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, the Ming Tomb and the 

Great Wall. Oh, Beijing is so beautiful! The Great Wall is so magnificent! Two of the World's

Eight Wonders are in China. We've seen one near Beijing, and are longing to see the 8th Wonder in 


会: 会的。你们会看到世界第八奇观的。正像一位外国朋友所说的:“到了埃及不看金字塔不算去过埃及;到了中国不看兵马俑,不算来过中国。” 

G: Yes, sure. That's why we are here in Xi'an.

会: 从机场到宾馆大约需要40分钟,我借此机会向各位简单介绍一下我们的城市西安。

G: That’s wonderful






过去几十年中,西安已经形成了以大中型企业为骨干,制造业为主体的综合性的工业体系,是中国航空航天、电力设备、电子、仪表、机械制造、纺织、国防等工业的重要基地。近几年来,西安吸引了国内外大批投资者。目前,已有来自世界54个国家和地区的2000多家外资企业落户西安,其中不少属世界500强企业。投资总额超过67. 9亿美元。




G: Thank you very much for your wonderful introduction. See you later.

第四篇 Passage 4

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

清真寺 mosque 

避暑胜地 summer resort 

陪葬墓 satellite tombs 

饺子宴 diner of dumplings

地方风味 local flavor food / food of local flavor

灯展 lantern show

西安市工艺美术厂 Xi’an Art and Handicraft Factory 

译: 团长先生,我们现在来谈谈你们在西安的活动安排怎么样?我先谈个初步日程,如果你们有什么不同意见或建议,请不要客气。

G: That will be fine, please go ahead.

译: 今天是星期一,你们将于星期五下午飞往上海,对吗?

G: Yes, We’ll fly to Shanghai by the East Airline at 4:15 Friday afternoon. 

译: 这几天是这样安排的,如果你们不累的话,我们今天下午就去参观钟鼓楼、清真寺、和大雁塔,这些都是具有不同风格的中国古代建筑。

G: We are not tired at all. We want to see Xi’an as much as possible. 

译: 我们尽量安排。今晚6: 30,我们市长在西安宾馆宴会厅举行欢迎宴会,请各位光临。

G: That’s very kind of you.

译: 星期二我们去临潼,上午参观“世界第八奇观”秦始皇兵马俑,中午在那里吃午饭,下午参观华清池——过去帝王避暑的胜地。在回旅馆的途中,我们参观半坡博物馆,看看6000年前中国人是如何劳动生息的。晚上,我们去西安市人民剧院看一场仿唐乐舞。

G: That’s wonderful.

译: 星期三我们去乾陵,那里有唐代第三个皇帝——李治和皇后武则天——中国历史上唯一的女皇的合葬墓及他们亲属的墓群,离西安约80公里。我们中午在那里用餐,下午去昭陵。昭陵是唐代第二个皇帝——李世民的墓及无数的陪葬墓。这一天比较紧张,所以晚上没有安排,大家可以自由活动。现在正值双节期间(国庆和中秋),晚上城墙上有大型灯展和其它文化娱乐活动,大家可以前去观看灯展。


之后,我们可以参观西安市工艺美术厂或在街上购物。晚上,友协会长请大家在西安饺子馆吃一顿西安特有的地方风味饭——饺子宴。 星期五上午,我们去参观西北大学。这是一所西北地区最古老的综合性大学。因为团里很多人来自学校,希望参观一所大学,能与师生交谈。下午你们就飞往上海了。这个安排怎么样?

G: Excellent. It’s very thoughtful of you to have drawn up such a deliberate program for our delegation. I agree to your arrangement. One thing I want to add. We’d like very much to see a village if possible. We’ve heard so much about the economic reform and changes taking place in the rural areas. We want to see how farmers in China work and live today. One more thing is that we hope you will let us play the host on Thursday evening, instead of your giving us another dinner. 

译: 参观农村的事,我们可以安排。这样吧,星期二上午参观完秦始皇兵马俑后,中午我们就去那里附近的一个村子。你们可以到农民家里做客,同他们交谈,看看中国西部地区农民的生活情况。贵国总统克林顿就曾访问过西安附近的农家。

G: So, everything is settled. I must say the Chinese people are the most hospitable people in the world; I only wish members of my delegation will not be spoiled—will not abuse your hospitality!

译: 我们访问堪萨斯市时,也受到美国人民的热情接待。我们两国人民一直是彼此友好相待的。

III.参考译文 Reference Version

第一篇 Passage 1






Zhou: There are three queues for passport control. Which one is ours?


Zh: Good,the queue is not too long and it's moving quite fast. We should be through in no time. Well, that didn’t take long. What’s next? Where shall we find our luggage?

机: 您只要在这等一下,看着这些屏幕, 您的航班号一会儿就出来, 它就会告诉您应该到第几号行李厅去。然后,沿着指示牌所指的方向上楼到行李厅去,那儿有的是行李手推车。

Zh: Look, there’s our number now, No. 3;we go up the right-hand staircase.


机: 先生,您有什么要申报的吗?

Zh: No, thank you.

机: 那么,请您走绿色通道,门上写着:“无可申报”。


戈: 李夫人,你好!又见到你了,真高兴。你还记得我吗?我是国际贸易公司的克里斯托弗•戈登。几年以前,咱们见过面。

Li: Yes, of course I remember you, Mr. Gordon. Delighted to meet you again, and this must be Miss Davis from the Sino-British Trade Council

戴: 是的,我是菲力帕•戴维斯。见到你很高兴。旅途愉快吗?不太累吧?

Li: No,the journey wasn’t too bad at all. I did get some sleep, so I’m not feeling too tired. 

Allow me to introduce my colleagues. Madam Wan from Machimpex, Mr. Guan from Chinatuhsu, and Mr. Zhou from Ceroilfood. 

戴: 你们好!要是大家都准备好了,咱们就上火车吧?我已经买了车票,我们可以把行李车一直推到站台上去。


戴: 这段路用不了多少时间,大约只要半小时。这趟列车中途不停,直达维多利亚车站。咱们要穿过景色秀丽的乡村。越过泰晤士河的时候,大家沿着河往右手看,可以清楚地看到西敏寺、议会大厦和大本钟。

Li: I’ve never been on a train in England before, so it’s a new experience for me.

戈: 至少今天的天气很好。初到一个国家,要是赶上下雨,那可就糟了,恐怕大多数访问英国的人都遇上过,尤其是在秋天。

Li: Do you get a lot of rain in London?

戈: 是的,特别是秋季。在伦敦一年有160多天都是雨天。这就是为什么你发现人们出门时总要带把伞。

Li: That’s very interesting. I’ve heard that the change of the seasons is very picturesque here. I hope we’ll have a chance to see some of the English countryside and coast.

戈: 你们肯定可以看到。其实,戴维斯小姐已经给你们安排好了。

Li: That sounds very nice. Thank you, Miss Davis.


第二篇 Passage 2


戈: 诸位请坐。

Li: Thank you. The view is superb. What’s the bridge over there that’s all lit up?

戈: 那是奥博特桥,是以维多利亚女王的丈夫奥博特亲王的名字命名的。过去,驳船经常逆流而上,给伦敦运送物资。目前还有一些驳船,不过现在,泰晤士河主要是供大家观赏了。


Li: That would be fascinating. Perhaps we’ll have time for that while we’re here.

戈: 李夫人,请你看看菜谱。我的夫人已经选好了菜。每逢有什么特别的事情,我们都到这家餐馆来,所以这里的菜我们大部分都尝过,朱莉亚点的菜,我可以向大家大力推荐。

夫人: 谢谢你,亲爱的。我想,咱们先吃熏鲑鱼,然后来个桔汁炖鸭——这是法国人烹饪鸭子的传统做法。

Li: That sounds delicious! How thoughtfully chosen! As I’m sure you know, in China we eat a lot of fish and of course we come from Beijing and duck is one of our most famous dishes. I am interested to try it served in a totally new way.


戈: 诸位都喜欢喝白葡萄酒吗?这种酒没什么甜味。我看既然吃鱼和鸭,咱们就喝白葡萄酒吧。不知道你们是不是想喝红葡萄酒,或者别的什么?

Li: No, white is fine for me, certainly, thank you.

戈: 请随便用吧,不必拘束,就像在家里一样。 

Li: Do you enjoy cooking, Mrs. Gordon?

夫人: 是的,我喜欢,虽然我经常得争着下厨房,因为克里斯是把好手。现在,孩子们都上学去了,家里就剩下我们俩,我们也就不怎么做饭了。可是,的确在办公室里工作一天之后,我很乐意下厨房,换换脑筋。好在我们家做什么吃的都有人喜欢。

戈: 是的。喜欢的不仅是我。有一天,朱莉亚从烤箱里拿出一只做好的鸡,放在厨房的桌子上 凉着,她到车站去接我。等我们回来的时候,只见小猫和小狗在桌子底下呼呼大睡。


Li: Oh! What a feast they must have had! On the subject of “cats”, isn’t there a famous play on in London about cats? 

夫人: 是的,剧名就叫《猫》,是个音乐剧。是根据英国最著名的诗人T.S伊里亚特的一本诗集改编的。这个剧已经演了好几年了,非常叫座,得提前六个月,甚至一年订票。

Li: Good heavens!

夫人: 李夫人,你喜欢看戏吗?喜欢听歌剧还是看芭蕾舞?趁你们在伦敦的时候,哪天晚上,咱们到科文特加登剧院去看戏,怎么样? 

Li: Oh, we’d love to,Covent Garden is so famous. Many people in China have heard of it because of My Fair Lady.

夫人: 你在中国看过《卖花女》吗?我非常喜欢这部电影,它让人百看不厌。你们在伦敦的这段时间,考文特加登戏院里既演芭蕾舞,又演歌剧。芭蕾舞演的是《天鹅湖》。克里斯,现在上演的是哪部歌剧?

戈: 我想,是普契尼的《蝴蝶夫人》。李夫人,你喜欢看什么,芭蕾舞还是歌剧?

Li: I like both, but I’ve always wanted to see Swan Lake.

夫人: 那么,就这么定了。我们想办法去买票,也许能订到包厢,要看像《天鹅湖》这样的古典芭蕾舞剧,就得到拷文特加登戏院去看。

第三篇 Passage 3

(At the airport, the president and the interpreter of the CPAFFC Xi’an Sub-association are waiting to meet an US-China friendship delegation from Kansas City.) 

Interpreter: Excuse me;I guess you are the U.S.-China Friendship Delegation from Kansas City. 

客: 是的,我们是从堪萨斯市来的。

I: How do you do? You are welcome to Xi’an. I’m the interpreter from the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Xi’an Sub-association. My name is Li Ming. This is the president of Xi’an Sub- association, Mr. Wang Hai.

President: How do you do? Welcome our friends from Kansas City.

客: 你好。 我叫艾伦•西尔佛曼,是代表团的团长。感谢你们如此盛情,来机场迎接我们。

P: How happy we are to have friends coming from afar. Why shouldn’t I come and meet you at the airport? How was your flight?

客: 旅途很好。飞机很舒适,飞行很愉快。这里天气很温和,和北京一样。我们在北京呆了一个星期。

P: Yes , autumn is the best season here. It is always sunny and pleasant, the right season for travel. Besides, you are lucky to be here during our National Day and the Mid-autumn Festival. 

There is a festival atmosphere everywhere in China. Wish you a pleasant stay in Xi’an.

I: Excuse me;do you have to go through any formalities? 

客: 我想没有什么手续要办。我们都拿到了自己的行李。一切都很顺利。

P: Now we can go back to the hotel. The bus is waiting for us outside.

客: 谢谢。

(On the way to the hotel)

P: It is your first time to Xi’an, Mr. Silverman?

客: 是的,也是第一次来中国。我听说过很多关于你们国家,北京、长城、西安的事。我们都渴望访问你们的国家,接触你们的人民。在北京,我们参观了故宫、颐和园、天坛、明代的帝王陵,还有长城。北京真漂亮,长城太壮观了!世界上的八大奇观有两处都在中国。在北京我们参观了一大奇观。我们渴望在西安参观世界第八奇观。

P: Sure, you will. You will see the 8th wonder of the world in Xi’an. Just as one of our foreign friends said: You are not considered to havebeen to Egypt unless you have seen the Pyramid, and neither you are to China unless you have seen the Qin Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses in Xi’an. 

客: 是的,这就是我们为什么来西安。

P: It’s about 40 minutes drive from the airport to the hotel. I’d like to take this opportunity to give you a brief introduction to our city, Xi’an.

客: 那太好了!

P: Xi’an is situated in the center of Guanzhong Plain with the Weihe River in the north and Qinling Mountains in the south. With a history of more than 3100 years, Xi’an is the most important of the six ancient capitals in China. Xi’an was called Chang’an, meaning eternal peace in ancient times. Starting from the 11th century B.C., 13 dynasties including the Zhou, Qin, West Han, Sui and Tang established their capitals in or near Xi’an,making it the earliest ancient capital which lasted the longest in Chinese history.

Since West Han Dynasty, Xi’an has had friendly relations with many countries in the world.

The famous Silk Road started from Xi’an, and made Chang’an the Oriental cultural center. Particularly, during the Tang Dynasty Chang’an became one of the largest and most prosperous metropolises in the world. Chang’an, the capital of Tang Dynasty, had a population of more than one million. Through the Silk Road, Chang’an had frequent trade and cultural exchange with many countries in South Asia, Central Asia,Europe, and even Africa. 

Five thousand years of civilization has left Xi’an numerous historical sites and a wealth of cultural relics. There is the Banpo Museum------the ruins of a primitive village and the Neolithic culture some 6000 years ago; the famous ancient architecture------the Big and the Small Wild Goose Pagoda of the Tang Dynasty, the Bell Tower, the Drum Tower and the City Wall of the Ming Dynasty; the ancient cultural treasure house------Xi’an Forest of Steles; Shaanxi History Museum------ one of the nation’s four most important museums; the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor-------the ancestor of the Chinese nation, and Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses knownas the 8th wonder of the world. In addition, the hot spring at the foot of Lishan Mountains, the mausoleums of the emperors of the Qin, Han and Tang dynasties near Xi’an, and the numerous religious monasteries and natural beauty spots in and near Xi’an have all drawn visitors from all over the country as well as the world, making Xi’an an international tourist attraction. 

Today, Xi’an is the capital of Shaanxi province. It covers an area of more than 9,900 square kilometers and has a population of 6.75 millionpeople. Being located geographically in the center of China, Xi’an is now an important center of science, technology, education, finance, and manufacturing industry and the largest commercial and material distribution center in mid-west China. It is also a tourist destination of world fame.

Xi’an is the airline, railway and highway communication hub in west China. The city has more than 100 international and domestic airlines, and a railway network connecting the east and the west, the north and the south. With a network of eight highways to be completed soon, Xi’an will be a city with the speediest and most convenient land transportation in China. 

In the past decades, the city has established a comprehensive industrial system with large and medium-sized enterprises as the backbone and the manufacturing industry as its mainstay. The city is now China’s important base of aviation and astronautics, power equipment, electronics, instruments and meters, machinery manufacture, textile and national-defense industry. In recent years, Xi’an has attracted large numbers of investors from home and abroad. Up till now, the city has registered more than 2000 foreign-funded enterprises from 54 countries and regions in the world; many of them belong to the world’s 500 strongest multinational corporations. Their total investment amounts to US$ 6.79 billion. 

Xi’an is also one of the most important bases for scientific research and higher education in China. The city boasts 39 institutions of higher learning, a dozen non-government-run universities and colleges, more than 4000 technological research and development institutes with more than 380, 000 professional and technical personnel working in different fields, who have accomplished great scientific achievements in many areas, some of which are of international and national advanced level. The State-level Xi’an High-tech Industrial Development Zone, the home of more than 2500 technology enterprises, is becoming a powerful engine for the city’s high-tech development and economic growth.

At present China is implementing its great strategy of developing the west. As the largest modern city in northwest China, Xi’an will play apioneer role in the great development of the west. Meanwhile, the campaign of developing the west will provide great opportunities for more foreign businessmen to invest and seek to develop in Xi’an.

Ladies and gentlemen, here are we at the hotel. Wish you a wonderful time in Xi’an!

客: 感谢你的精彩介绍,再见。

第四篇 Passage 4

Discussing the Schedule in Xi’an

Host: Mr. Silverman, shall we start discussing your program in Xi’an? I’ve worked out a suggested schedule. If you have any objection or suggestion, please let us know. 

客: 很好,请讲吧。

H: Today’s Monday and you’ll fly to Shanghai on Friday afternoon, is that right? 

客: 是的。我们将于星期五下午4︰15乘东方航空公司的航班飞往上海。

主: Here is the suggested program: If you are not tired, we’ll take you to the Bell Tower, the Drum Tower, the Great Mosque and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, all this ancient Chinese architecture of different styles.

客: 我们一点也不累,我们在西安想尽可能多地看些地方。

H: We’ll try our best to arrange. At 6:30 this evening, our mayor will host a dinner party to welcome you in the dining hall of Xi’an Hotel. So you are welcome to the party.

客: 非常感谢。我们一定去。

H: Tuesday morning you’ll visit the “Eighth Wonder of the World”, Emperor Qin’s Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses. You’ll have lunch there. On the way back to the hotel in the afternoon, you’ll visit Banpo Museum, where you’ll see how the Chinese people lived and labored some 6000 years ago. You’ll watch an evening performance of Music and Dance in the Tang-dynasty Style at Xi’an Opera House this evening.

客: 那真是太好了。

H: Wednesday morning, you’ll visit the Tang tombs in Qianxian County, 80 kilometers away from Xi’an. There is the joint tomb of the third emperor of Tang Dynasty, Li Zhi and his consort, Wu Zetian, the only empress in Chinese history, and the tombs of their relatives. You’ll have lunch there. In the afternoon you’ll visit Zhaoling tombs, the tomb of the second emperor of Tang Dynasty, Li Shimen and numerous satellite tombs. It will be a tiring day. So there is no arrangement in the evening. However, during the National Day and the Mid-autumn Festival, there are some cultural entertainments such as lantern show on the city wall. If you are interested in them, you can go and watch the lantern show.

Thursday morning, you’ll visit Shaanxi History Museum, one of the four most important museums in China. There you’ll see numerous valuable cultural relics from pre-history period to the Song Dynasty (1127A.D.). In the afternoon, you’ll visit the Xi’an Forest of Steles, the cultural treasure house of ancient China. After that, we’ll take you to Xi’an Art and Handicraft Factory and do shopping in thestores. In the evening, the president of the Xi’an Friendship Association will invite you to a dinner of dumplings; it’s a dinner of Xi’anlocal flavor. 

Friday morning we’ll take you to Northwest University, the oldest comprehensive university in northwest China. We arrange this for you because many of our friends come from schools and wish to visit a university in Xi’an and talk with the students there. You’ll fly to Shanghai Friday afternoon. Well, what do you think of this arrangement?

客: 很好。你们想得真周到,为我们代表团拟定了这样细致的日程。我同意你们的安排。但有一点补充:如果可能的话,我们很想参观一个村子。因为我们听到了很多有关中国农村的经济改革和变化情况,很想亲眼看一看今日中国的农民是如何劳动生活的。还有一件事,就是我们希望会长能让我们在星期四晚上请客,而不是由你们再设宴招待我们。

H: We can arrange you a visit to a village. Tuesday morning, after the visit of the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses, we’ll take you to a village nearby. You can visit the farmer’s homes and talk with them, so that you will have some idea of the farmers’ life in west China today. You know, your former president Mr. Clinton visited a village there.


H: We were warmly received by the American people when we visited Kansas City. The people of our two countries have always been friendly to each other.

第五单元 Unit 5

礼仪讲话 Ceremonial Speech

I. 阅读材料 Reading Material

第一篇 Passage 1

Remarks By U.S. Commerce Secretary Don Evans 

Chris: Tomorrow is another day. And we hope you enjoy your visit here despite the rain. Now I would like to invite the Ambassador of the United States to China, Clark Randt to come to the podium to introduce our speaker. Mr. Ambassador. (Applause)

Mr. Randt: Thank you, Chris. Mr. Secretary, Minister Zhang, Vice-Mayor Liu, Distinguished Guests & Visitors,

Thanks to the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing and U. S. Business Council for organizing today’s luncheon. In these trying times, America has been truly blessed by great leadership in Washington, men and women of extraordinary conviction and faith, including notably Secretary Evans. He is the key advisor to the President on commercial and trade matters, that it is itself a huge and vitally important portfolio. However, the secretary is a man of incredible energy. He also has the bureau of senses, the U. S. Patent & Trademark Office, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration which includes the Weather Bureau. Moreover, he is also a key member of the President’s economic policy team and the President’s special test expert on energy. 

Secretary Evans will address us today about the state of U.S.-China Trade relations, opportunities and challenges created by China’s accession to the WTO. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, the main event, I’m honored to be able to introduce to you Secretary of Commerce, United States of America, Don Evans.

Mr. Secretary’s Address:

Thank you so much, Sandie. You draw quite a crowd, buddy. I’m delighted to be here. I have been in China for just a few short days. It’s maybe 48 hours and I know it’s one o’clock in the morning back home I know that. But it feels good to me. This is my first trip to China and after just a couple of days here, I can feel the energy, I can feel the excitement and see & feel the opportunity. I know when I return home I’m going to encourage many of my colleagues to make a trip over here. 

It has been twenty-six years in my life in the private sector. It’s a lot of differences in the public sector I can tell you that. But one thing that I have learned in the last fifteen months, is that the core of belief that I have and the core of belief that the President of United States has is all governments can do is to help create the right conditions and environment for economies to grow. Governments don’t create wealth; governments don’t create prosperity. You do that, the entrepreneurs of the economy, the leaders of the economy, the workers of the economy. You are the ones that create the wealth and create the prosperity.

When you think about the dynamic economy here in China, and where it’s heading and I think back about what America has accomplished in the last 200 years. I really do think about those in the private sector who have been responsible for implementing a free market system, a free enterprise system. I think about the important responsibilities that you have of creating the conditions within your own companies for your colleagues, and your fellow workers to achieve their dreams. So when you think about what you are doing, you ought to be thinking about the fact that you too are public servants. You too are all a part of creating the environment. So those people that live all across this country, all across this world can achieve their dreams. So think about yourselves as stewards and think about yourselves as being responsible for people all around the world achieving their dreams.

This trip is about leading a business development mission to Beijing and then we are going to be on to Shanghai. And this trip is also about sharing a dream, not the American dream, but the dream of all mankind…to have a world that lives in peace and prosperity. Six billion peoplelive on the planet. And three billion of them live on less than two dollars a day. That’s not right and that’s not good. Our responsibility is to do something about it. What’s our purpose here in life? Our purpose of highest calling is to serve other people and make their lives better. And how can we do that? I can tell you in one word how we can do that. Trade. Expand trade all around this world, the free market economy. For you see what trade does, what competitive free markets do, it creates the conditions for economies to grow. Competition leads to innovation, innovation leads to higher productivity and higher productivity leads to economic growth which leads to a higher standard of living, which leads people demanding the kind of freedoms that all humans should be entitled to, leading to a higher quality of life and a world that lives in peace and prosperity. 

Today China is clearly one of our most important trading partners. In the last ten years, trade in China has grown from $25 billion ten years ago to $120 billion last year, a five times’ increase in the last ten years. We have more foreign Commercial Service personnel in China thanin any other country in the world. One hundred…including many Chinese… we have 50 right here in Beijing. And the latest signs of the significance of our relationship and the importance of this country to our future trade are the trade missions. I’ve brought along with me 15 of America’s finest companies, leaders from 15 of America’s finest companies. Will they please stand? As a matter of fact, I’d like to recognize them. I see some of them together to my right and off to the left (Applause). Thank you very much. They are the lucky ones. 85 other companies applied, so there are many that are eager to come to this country and they will be coming. This group represents a broad spectrum of industries. They have considerable global experience, including right here in China. And they all represent the best of the American entrepreneurial spirit. Tony Beyer (the CEO at Tek Pak which makes special packaging materials for high-tech components) is here somewhere,I had a chance to go to Tony’s plant a couple of weeks ago in Chicago, Illinois. It was a real thrill to walk through that plant and see 55 employees working on highly technical kind of products and thinking they are exporting to 27 countries around the world——55 employees working in a firm in Chicago exporting to 27 countries around the world! But in China we know there is a big gap between experts from China to the United States and from the United States to China. In fact the trade deficit last year was about $83 billion, however the U.S. exports to China have been growing dramatically in the last couple of years. In fact exports to China have been growing at three times a rate as exports from China to the United States. Many sectors are opening up. The companies with us this week are in sectors with great potential in China—information technology, telecommunication, engineering, construction, medical technology, energy, covering many sectors that are growing here in this great country. 

2001 was a banner year for China. China chaired the APEC meetings. It joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). And it was selected to host the 2008 Summer Olympics. Congratulations to them. As the country that just finished hosting the 2002 Winter Olympics, of course we wish them the very best. To stage this world’s largest and most spectacular event, China government plans to spend some $23 billion on operations and infrastructure development. That means new business opportunities for American companies. For example, there will be an Olympic optical Internet that will provide broadband, multimedia teleconferencing and other services in all Olympic locations. You know, American companies excel in telecommunication and information technology, so I hope that China will take advantage of this. But trade, whether it’s a part of the upcoming Olympics or whether it’s a part of this growing economy here in China, it would have been a lot tougher had China not joined the WTO. 

We are glad to have China as the full partner in the WTO. It’s significant. 144 WTO members account for 95 percent of global trade and China is the 7th largest trading partner in the world. And they ought to be a part of the WTO organization and play by the same rules as all the other large trading countries do. Some say that China could be the 4th largest trading partner within the decade. The way the economy is growing, who knows? They may even be higher. New foreign capital is continuing to come into China in the year 2000, $40 billion of foreign direct investment coming into China. To make a comparison, Japan is 2/3 of the Asian economy, but its foreign direct investment in the year 2000 was only $8 billion. 

Macroeconomics is very important but also microeconomics. A transparent tax system, a transparent and effective judicial system, honoring the sanctity of contracts, nondiscriminatory regulations, nondiscriminatory standards, nondiscriminatory customs laws are all part of making sure a free market economy works. WTO requires legal consistency and fairness and this will help, this will help develop the rule of law in China and it will help give investors the confidence and the certainty they need to help and keep investing in China.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text 

podium 讲台

luncheon 午餐会

trying 艰难的

conviction 坚定的信仰

vitally 必不可少的

portfolio 部长职位;重要职位

bureau (政府机构等的)局、司、处、署

without further ado 不再罗嗦地

dynamic 有活力的

steward 服务员,管理员

entrepreneurial 企业家的

a top priority 应予以优先考虑的事情

calling 职业,(做某事的)强烈冲动

spectrum 范围

deficit 赤字

banner 特别好的; 标志性的

spectacular 引人注目的

infrastructure 基础设施

optical 光学的;光的

broadband 宽频带

excel 胜过

macroeconomics 宏观经济学

microeconomics 微观经济学

transparent 透明的

judicial 司法的

sanctity 神圣

nondiscriminatory 非歧视的

第二篇 Passage 2

Here is the World Organization Created to Serve All People

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

Today, the peoples of the United Nations mark the 50th anniversary of the only truly universal organization in humanity’s history. 50 yearsis a tiny drop in the stream of the centuries. But no other institution in history has gathered together so many political communities, no other has survived so many storms, no other has built such a promising foundation for the future, as has the United Nations.

In the United Nations was born the concept of peacekeeping, a permanent contribution to the all and to the age-old search for peaceful solutions. In the United Nations was heard proudly and clearly the voices of the poorest of the poor. Here the difficult issues of development have received the most productive attention. In the United Nations, the new nations of the world came to take their rightful place as member states. Here sovereignty and statute come together as the foundation stones of an emerging international community.

The peoples of the United Nations stand at the turning point in world affairs. On this anniversary, we commemorate and assess realistically a half-century of the United Nations’ existence. And on this day, we are duty-bound to deliberate on the cause to be taken by the world organization in its second half-century. Peace is an immediate concern, but the cause of development is essential to enduring success. It calls us to look beyond peace to organize and take action in the fields of economy, environment, social justice and democratization.

Let us learn from our setbacks. More importantly, let us build upon our successes, for there have been many successes in situation too complex or undramatic to gain wide attention, successes in slow and diligent effort to achieve progress visible only of the long term, and successes in major operations for peace, development and democracy which have not been given the recognition they merit.

We are gaining momentum. The United Nations provides the focus for the common global issues. Here is the machinery we can transform into a responsive instrument essential to the realization of humanity’s finest hopes. 

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

universal organization 全球性组织

the stream of the centuries 世纪的长河

age-old 长期的

member states 成员国

take one’s rightful place 取得合法席位

duty-bound 肩负重任的

foundation stones 基石

commemorate and assess 纪念并评价

build upon 依靠,以……为基础

learn from setbacks 前事不忘,后事之师

merit 应该得到

momentum 动力

responsive 灵敏的

II. 口译实践 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passage and Interpret Them:

第一篇(英译汉) Passage I (E—C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

pay tribute to 称赞,赞颂

gracious and eloquent remarks 热情而雄辩的讲话

toast 祝酒;祝酒词

common ground 共同点;共同之处

at the outset 开始;开端

at times 有时;间或

transcend 超过;超越

make compromise 妥协;做出让步

close the gulf between… 弥合……之间的鸿沟

in lockstep 紧密步伐;步伐完全一致

outside interference or domination 外来的干涉或统治

legacy 遗产;遗赠物

plague 使人痛苦,难受

cry out to be done 需要去做

be destined to 注定的,预定的

raise glasses to 为……而干杯

Mr. Prime Minister and all of your distinguished guests this evening,

On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famousthroughout the world. I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music. Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land.

Mr. Prime Minister, I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks. At this very moment through the wonder of telecommunications, more people are seeing and hearing what we say than on any other such occasion in the whole history of the world. Yet, what we say here will not be long remembered. What we do here can change the world.

As you said in your toast, the Chinese people are a great people; the American people are a great people. If our two people are enemies the future of this world we share together is dark indeed. But if we can find common ground to work together, the chance for world peace is immeasurably increased.

In the spirit of frankness which I hope will characterized our talks this week, let us recognize at the outset these points: we have at times in the past been enemies. We have great differences today. What brings us together is that we have common interests, which transcend those differences. As we discuss our differences, neither of us will compromise our principles. But while we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it.

So, let us, in these next five days, start a long march together, not in lockstep, but on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, free of outside interference or domination. The world watches. The world listens. The world waits to see what we will do. What is the world? In a personal sense, I think of my eldest daughter whose birthday is today. As I think of her, I think of all the children in the world, in Asia, in Africa, in Europe, in the Americas, most of whom were born since the date of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. 

What legacy shall we leave our children? Are they destined to die for the hatreds which have plagued the old world, or are they destined to live because we had the vision to build a new world?

There is no reason for us to be enemies. Neither of us seeks the territory of the other; neither of us seeks domination over the other, neither of us seeks to stretch out our hands and rule the world.

Chairman Mao has written, “So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; the world rolls on, time presses. Ten thousand years are too long, seize the day, seize the hour!”

This is the hour. This is the day for our two peoples to rise to the heights of greatness, which can build a new and a better world.

In that spirit, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to Chairman Mao, to Prime Minister Zhou, and to the friendship of the Chinese and American people, which can lead to friendship and peace for all people in the world.

第二篇(英译汉)Passage 2 (E—C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

vice-chancellor 副校长

present one’s heartfelt congratulations to 向……表示衷心的祝贺

intellectual community 知识界

storehouse of knowledge 知识宝库

inheritance specific to… 对……特有的遗产

personal and civic conduct 个人行为和社会行为

underwrite 赞同;同意

free fearless enquiry 自由无畏的探究

a beacon of light 一座灯塔

fashion its tradition 形成自己的传统

elaborate and consolidate 发挥和巩固

a keystone 拱顶石;基础

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Dear colleagues:

Because I am the Vice-Chancellor of the oldest of the foreign universities represented here today, I have been chosen to speak on their behalf. I am pleased to be their voice in presenting our heartfelt congratulations to the professors, teachers, researchers and students of Peking University on the 100th anniversary of its foundation.

Our universities form a great intellectual community round the world. Science has no nationality; knowledge belongs to everyone.

Our universities create new knowledge. They teach this knowledge, together with that of other universities and also the best of the great storehouse of knowledge, which those who came before us have uncovered, tested and accumulated.

All universities contribute to the prosperity and success of their country. They also conserve the culture and inheritance specific to their country’s civilization. But, they do more. Knowledge is secure only when it is hard won by the independent tests of accuracy, rational explanation and truth. So, when we teach our students skills, we also give them values. On the one side, these are values for personal and civic conduct. On the other side, these values underwrite the personal need for independent understanding, which is the source of human creativity. 

These duties give universities a high responsibility. They are rooted in a great and fine tradition of honesty, free fearless enquiry and independence. Each university is a beacon of light in its own society and, by its association with its sisters; its knowledge and its values are spread wide. 

A tradition is not built easily or quickly. During one hundred years, Peking University has been fashioning its tradition. Present and future members of the University! We hope to see you elaborate and consolidate your tradition. We hope to see you become a keystone of the intellectual community. In your next century, we hope to see you contribute to the international academic movement as a whole, as more and more of your numbers come to participate in the activities of your sister universities.

Congratulations, Peking University on your first century of achievement!

第三篇(汉译英) Passage 3 (C—E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

向……转达诚挚的问候和良好的祝愿 convey to…the cordial greetings and best wishes

扩大共识 broaden common ground

重大问题 major issues

有识之士 persons of insight

战略眼光 a strategic perspective

恪守 abide by

联合公报 joint communiqué

携起手来 join hands together











第四篇(汉译英)Passage 4 (C—E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

会议议题 agenda items

部长级会议 Ministerial Meeting

对……表示热情欢迎 extend warm welcome to…

缩影 epitome

东方明珠 Oriental Pearl

实现贸易投资自由化 achieve trade and investment liberalization

多边贸易体制 multilateral regime

前沿问题 frontier issue

经济可持续增长 sustainable economic growth

三方合作 tripartite cooperation 

高峰会 high level meeting

注入活力 inject fresh vigor 

结出丰硕成果 produce rich deliverables

配合;协作 collaboration
















III. 参考译文 Reference Version

第一篇 Passage 1 












第二篇 Passage 2









第三篇 Passage 3

Mr. President and Mrs. Clinton,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let me thank you, Mr. President, for your kind invitation. It is with great pleasure that I have come to the United States of America for a state visit. I wish to take this opportunity to convey to the great American people the cordial greetings and best wishes of the 1.2 billion Chinese people.

Eighteen years ago, Mr. Deng Xiaoping solemnly announced here that a new era for Sino-American relations had begun. Today, the Chinese people have sent me on this mission to the United States to enhance mutual understanding, broaden common ground, develop cooperation and build a future together and to bring our relationship to a new stage of development.

On the eve of the 21st century, people all over the world are looking forward to a new century full of hope and our planet blessed with peace, tranquility and prosperity for mankind.

Both China and the United States are countries that carry considerable weight in the world. In the new international situation, the shared interests between China and the United States have increased rather than decreased; our potential for cooperation has expanded rather than diminished. Our two countries share broad common interests and shoulder a common responsibility on major issues bearing upon human survivaland development. All the people in the world and persons of insight are following closely the course of development of China-U.S. relations.

We should view and handle our relations from a historical height and in a strategic perspective. The past quarter of a century has witnessed the conclusion of three China-U.S. Joint Communiqués which have facilitated our expansion of exchanges and cooperation in various fields and proper handling of differences between our two countries. I believe that so long as we continue to strictly abide by the principles as set forth in the three China-U.S. Joint Communiqués, China-U.S relations will make steady and sound progress.

I hope that the development of China-U.S. relations can play a positive role in promoting mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and common development among countries around the world with different histories, cultures, social systems and levels of development.

Let us, the Chinese and Americans, join hands and, together with people around the world, work hard to bring about a new century of peace, stability and prosperity.

Allow me to thank you, Mr. President, once again for your warm welcome.

第四篇 Passage 4

Dear Colleagues,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am so glad to have you with us in Shanghai in this golden autumn for a review of all the agenda items of the APEC Ministerial Meeting. Allow me to extend, on behalf of the Chinese Government, our warm welcome to all of you.

As you have seen for yourselves, Shanghai is a vigorous and dynamic city and an epitome of the rapid economic and social development in China. It is making momentous progress in its modernization drive thanks to the development efforts. The ancient "Oriental Pearl" is shining more splendidly in the new century.

The past decade is also one of rapid expansion of regional cooperation and remarkable achievements of APEC. APEC has set up Bogor goals of achieving trade and investment liberalization by 2010 for developed members and by 2020 for developing ones. APEC has created a unique approach featuring a combination of individual and collective actions. It has vigorously promoted the development of a multilateral tradingregime and carried out various forms of economic and technical cooperation. There is no doubt that APEC has become one of the most important economic forums in the region and even in the world. It has provided rare opportunities for dialogue and exchange of views by leaders of member economies in the Asia-Pacific and for discussions on frontier issues related to the global and regional economy. It has played a guiding role in the formulation of policy frameworks on many issues. Therefore, APEC has made positive contribution to maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific and enhancing its economic prosperity and development.

The APEC success is attributable not only to the common aspiration of all its members for a sustainable economic growth through cooperation but also to the APEC approach of voluntarism, consensus-building, flexibility, and gradualism, an approach that suits the region. A more important factor for its success is that it has stood at the forefront and advanced with the times in response to the latest development in the global and regional economy.

This is the first APEC ministerial meeting in the new century. We are faced with many new opportunities and challenges. The economic growth of the world and the Asia-Pacific has, on the whole, slowed down. The impact of the terrorist attacks on 11 September on the economy has become visible. How to promote growth and restore confidence in the market is an issue on the top of our agenda. Meanwhile, the development of economic globalization and the New Economy has brought about more benefits and business opportunities for the region and people. But, howto enable people from all sectors to benefit from it without widening the development gaps between them is a challenge we must take up. The multilateral trading system is also at a crucial juncture. The WTO Conference to be held in Doha in November has attracted worldwide attention. In addition, how to give full play to the unique role of APEC, deepen cooperation and maintain steady economic growth in the region against the general economic slowdown in the Asia-Pacific and the world? These are the issues we must address.

In view of this, we have decided on the theme of this year's APEC meetings, that is, "Meeting New Challenges in the New Century: Achieving Common Prosperity through Participation and Cooperation". In the coming two days, we will discuss the following issues centering on this theme:

I. Advancing trade and investment. We will further exchange views within APEC on how to contribute to the 4th WTO Ministerial Conference and make specific recommendations on capacity building. The individual action plans for trade and investment liberalization, trade facilitation principles and other new initiatives will be main topics of our discussion.

II. Sharing the benefits of globalization and New Economy. We will discuss ways to strengthen the tripartite cooperation among government, business sectors and academic and training institutions on the basis of the outcome of the APEC High-Level Meeting on Human Capacity Building. APEC should establish a more effective participation mechanism in the course of economic and technical cooperation. Meanwhile, wewill endorse the e-APEC Strategy, a long-term, action-oriented strategy for APEC to build a digital society in the region.

III. Promoting a sustainable economic growth of the Asia-Pacific region. We hope that our discussions will help us to expand consensus on ways to respond to the challenges facing the global economic situation. We should take effective fiscal and financial measures to stabilize the market, restore confidence and facilitate growth so as to enable all the APEC economies to come out, as soon as possible, of the economicslowdown and the shadow of the 11 September terrorist attacks and onto the road to a sustained and steady growth. To this end, we will continue to cooperate with finance ministers, increase dialogues on macro-economic policies among the APEC members and make progress in capacity building in the financial sector, with a view to laying a solid foundation for the future economic development in the region.

At the same time, we will forge closer ties with a wide range of groups and organizations and expand exchanges and cooperation with people from all walks of life so as to enable the business community, young people, women and people from other sectors to benefit from APEC economic cooperation.

Dear Colleagues,

Autumn is a season for harvest. Thanks to the hard work by our officials over the past few months, all the preparation work for this year's APEC meetings is by and large completed. I am convinced that this Ministerial Meeting will produce rich deliverables in all the above-mentioned fields to be submitted to this year's Economic Leaders Meeting. I hope that we will not only produce practical results but also inject fresh vigor to APEC development in its second decade and work out a blueprint for its future development. 

I am sure that I can count on you for your support to China in chairing this meeting. I hope that you will demonstrate a practical, flexible and cooperative spirit in the coming two days. I believe that with your close collaboration, this meeting will be a great success.

Thank you. 

第六单元 Unit 6

旅游观光 Tour and Sightseeing

I. 阅读材料 Reading Material

第一篇 Passage 1 

The Grand Canyon

Its beauty is astounding, its magnitude overwhelming. At the first sight of this immense abyss, one of the greatest natural wonders of North America, you feel dizzy and elated. Here, unique perspectives mock conventional understandings of distances. From most viewpoints the pinion and juniper forest continuing on from the brink of the far rim is about eight miles away, but it seems less than half that. The turbid Colorado River, glimpsed between an avenue of vertical cliffs deep enough to conceal the Empire State Building, is incredibly three miles out and one mile down.

The canyon has many disconcerting contradictions. Its yawning gulf of space is serene, but it is hemmed in by a topography of chilling savageness. Although the rocks are stark and gaunt, their beauty is ethereal. Distances are measured in miles, not feet.

Light is the magician of the canyon. The sinking sun heralds a performance of unique natural splendor. The colored layers of rock burst alight, burning with a ruby and gold light like massive walls of glittering fireworks. The mighty temples are momentarily leafed in rich gold and lacquers. Velvet blank shadows emphasize their brilliance, while the depths of the canyon are flooded by an ocean of vermilion dusk.

As you watch, the crisp edge of night advances upward, eclipsing the smoldering colors until there is at eye level only a single band of burnished gold lying across the canyon. Then the narrow light disappears abruptly and the canyon becomes a gulf of darkness. Perhaps a distant campfire, miles away, can be seen glimmering like a fallen star. With the coming of dawn the magnificent performance begins anew, this time in reverse. 

Flat, hot daylight bleaches the tints out of the layered rocks and blends them in a haze of delicate blue. Often small thunderstorms take shape before you eyes and travel up the canyon. After the rain, fleecy clouds float upward in small gentle puffs. In winter, snow falls upward as flakes are borne out of the canyon on currents of air. On very cold days crystallized snow collected by the wind sparkles as if it were gold dust falling into the canyon. Occasionally the entire canyon is filled with soft cloud and you feel you can walk across it.

The Grand Canyon comes closer to illustrating the realities of eternity than, perhaps, any other natural phenomenon on earth. Apart from itsgreat depth, width and length, it has a fourth dimension—time. Hendrik Van Loon described eternity as a rock, one hundred miles high, wide and long, where once every thousand years a little bird sharpens its beak. When the rock has worn away, the historian wrote, an eternity willhave passed. 

Compared to the immense span of time recorded in its rocky walls, man is new to the Grand Canyon. Three thousand years ago hunters used the remote caves in the canyon as shrines, where they left split-twig figures of deer, antelope and bighorn sheep. But little is known of these early visitors. Two thousand years later Pueblo Indians made their homes in small houses, mainly along the rims. They abandoned the area, probably because of drought, in 1276.

In the twelfth century a small tribe of Havasupai Indians found refuge in a long side canyon. These peaceful Indians continue to live in the riverside oasis of what is now called Havasu Canyon. Accessible only on foot or on horseback, the Indians were provided with prefabricated bungalows delivered by helicopters. 

The first official exploration of the canyon was undertaken in 1857 by Lieutenant Joseph Christmas Ives, who wrote, “…after entering it there is nothing to do but leave. Ours has been the first and will doubtless be the last party of whites to visit this profitless locality. Itseems intended by Nature that the Colorado River along the greater portion of its lonely and majestic way, shall be forever unvisited and undisturbed.” He could not have been more wrong.

Every year two and a half million people from all over the world visit the Grand Canyon. The first useful move to protect it was made by Theodore Roosevelt in 1908, and since 1919 it has been a national park of 1,052 square miles. But the Grand Canyon is unlike any of America’s national parks, for you cannot wander freely through its wilderness. Exploring the Grand Canyon is mountaineering in reverse. Even people accustomed to wild places find it difficult to realize that they have driven directly to the top of a cool and sometimes snowy “mountain” seven thousand feet high, and are overlooking a terrain which is rugged like the Rockies, but which is also a hot and arid desert.

National park wardens discourage people from wandering into the canyon because the grueling part, unlike ordinary mountain climbing, does not begin until you need to get out of the canyon. You then have to fight gravity, and the effects of altitude, when you are most tired. Every drop of water has to be carried and climbing from the bottom to the top takes a full day. Only the most dedicated and fit hikers, armed with water bottles and permits, may tramp down to the campground by the river at Phantom Ranch.

Nevertheless, there are other ways of exploring the Grand Canyon. You can ride down the steep zigzag trail by mule—not dangerous, but terrifying. Or you can ride the two hundred rapids of the Colorado River through the canyon. For decades it has been regarded as the fierceststretch of white water in the world. Every summer sixteen thousand people float through the canyon. And it is they, men, women and children, who probably come nearest to terms with the reality of the canyon. 

In large inflatable rafts or small wooden dories they ride the rapids, floating peacefully down the calm stretches and camping on the river’s small beaches. Once committed there is no turning back. For ten days, drenched by the water that created the canyon and lulled to sleep by its thunder, they can experience the Grand Canyon, Nature’s greatest feat of engineering.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

The Grand Canyon 大峡谷

abyss 深谷

elate 得意; 欢欣 

pinion 矮松

juniper 刺柏

turbid 烟雾重重的

disconcerting 使困窘;使为难的

serene 安详的,平静的

topography 地貌

stark 光秃秃的

gaunt 贫瘠的

ethereal 非人间的; 美妙的

burst alight 点燃

lacquer 漆

vermilion 苍茫

herald 预告

eclipse 使失去颜色

smoldering 慢燃的

burnished 锃亮的;抛光的

bleach 冲淡

tint 黎明时天空浓淡不同的青色

blend 融合;混合

haze 烟雾

fleecy clouds 朵朵白云

crystallized snow 结晶的雪

eternity 永恒

beak 鸟嘴

shrine 神殿,圣地

antelope 羚羊

prefabricated bungalow 活动平房 

grueling 令人筋疲力尽的

drench 浸泡

lull 使安静

feat 功绩

第二篇 Passage 2

Sightseeing in Beijing

A Modern Look for an Ancient City

Beijing, the Capital of the People’s Republic of China, has a history of thousands of years and previously served as the capital of the Jin (1115-1234), Yuan (1271-1368), and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. Beijing has many ancient architectural complexes such as the 600-year-old Imperial Palace; the Summer Palace, which is China’s largest imperial garden; famous institutions of higher learning such as Beijing and Qinghua Universities; and National Library of China, China’s largest library, with a collection of paintings, calligraphy, classical books, periodicals and materials going back through the ages. 

Beijing today covers an area of 16,808 square kilometers, 23 times that of 50 years ago. Roads have been widened and high buildings have beenbuilt in the city. Beijing has become an international metropolis with a population of 13.82 million.

The central north-south axis of Beijing was determined according to the principles of traditional architecture 700 years ago, when the city, then known as Dadu (the Great Capital) was built by Kublai Khan, the founding emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. In the 16th century, many structures were built along the 7.8-kilometer central axis, including Yongdingmen Gate, the Forbidden City, and the Drum and Bell Towers. Ten years ago, the International Olympic Sports Center and Asian Games Village were built on the northern section of the axis, which by that time had been extended to 13 kilometers.

In the 1970s, Beijing’s first Underground Railroad line was completed. When the Fuxinmen Overpass was built, Beijingers had their first look at a cloverleaf overpass. Since then, 124 overpasses have been built in Beijing, and the overpasses at Sanyuan, Siyuan, and Tianningsi compete for magnificence.

The second and third ring roads have been turned into high-speed highways, and the Beijing-Shijiazhuang, Beijing-Tongzhou, Capital Airport, and Badaling Expressways have now opened to traffic. The total length of highways and expressways in Beijing has reached 3,800 kilometers.

Twenty years ago, Beijing built 4.11 million square meters of housing a year, but housing was still a problem for many. Some people lived in compounds occupied by many families or in simple dwellings. Since the implementation of the reform and opening policies, great changes have taken place with each passing day.

In 1981, construction began on the Sheraton Great Wall Hotel, designed by Beckert International, an American company, and during the following decade, a series of hotels, covering a total of five million square meters of ground space was completed by introducing foreign funds and encouraging organizations and individuals to develop the service industry in Beijing. In addition to the major downtown business centers such as Wangfujing, Xidan, and Qianmen, there are 80 modern shopping centers, each having a commercial floor space of 10,000 square meters.

Over the past 20 years, the municipal government of Beijing has invested 100 billion yuan in water, power, central heating, roads, and telecommunications. Beijing now has 14 satellite towns and 371 residential areas. The annual completion of housing area exceeds 15 million square meters, and the average living space per person has increased from six square meters 20 years ago to 14.85 square meters.

Although Beijing has been modernized, it still retains its historical and cultural aspects. The unique features of 25 protected historical and cultural areas in Beijing have long attracted tourists from home and abroad.

In and around Beijing there are 30 rivers and 26 lakes that not only supply water for the city but also serve as scenic spots. In order to protect and re-create the look of the ancient capital, a large sewage-treatment project is now under way, using an investment of 1 billion yuan, on the city’s major rives and lakes, including the city’s Moat, Changhe and Tongzi River, and Yuyuantan and Beihai Lakes.

Some 62 percent of the Beijing area is hilly. Twenty years ago, Beijing suffered from dust pollution, but great changes have taken place since the forestation project started in and around Beijing and Tianjin in 1986. At the end of 1998, 39 percent of the urban area of Beijing was covered with trees and flowers. The green space in Beijing now averages 8.18 square meters per person, and the dust has decreased from 21tons per square kilometer per month to 16.5 tons per square kilometer in the center of the city. The Miyun Reservoir, one of the major water supplies of Beijing, has 60.4 percent forest coverage.

Some Major Places of Interest in Beijing

The Great Wall

Known as the fourth wonder of the world, the Great Wall runs from Shanhaiguan Pass on the shores of Bohai Bay at the east end to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province at the west end. It rises and falls, twists and turns along the ridges of mountain chains in northern China, stretching for 12,000 li (6000km) across seven provinces. Therefore, it is known in China as the “Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall”.

The construction of the Wall began during the Warring States Period in the 5th century B.C. At that time, some ducal states in north China began to build defense walls in their own land in order to ward off the nomadic tribes further north. In the 3rd century B.C. when Emperor QinShihuang conquered all the other states and became the first emperor of a unified China, he had these walls linked up and extended. Reinforcement and renovations were carried out during successive dynasties. In the Ming times (14th---17th century) the Wall underwent major repairs and became what it is today.

The section best preserved and most often visited is the Great Wall at Badaling. Built solidly with regular lath stone and large-sized bricks, the Wall at Badaling is 8.5 meters high and 5.7 meters broad. Five horses or ten people can walk along it abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peepholes and apertures for shooting. Two-storied watchtowers are built in at 100-meter intervals. The top-story watchtowers were designed for observing enemy movements.

It is estimated that some 180 million cubic meters of tamped earth and 60 million cubic meters of stone and bricks must have been used to build the Great Wall. So it was an immense engineering project to obtain, transport the building material and construct the Great Wall.

Today, as the most important historical monument in China and one of the world’s famous architectural wonders, the Great Wall attracts large number of tourists from home and abroad each year.

Tian’anmen Square

Tian’anmen Square is located right in front of the Imperial Palace in the center of Beijing. It is one of the largest squares in the world and its 440,000-square-meter area can accommodate half a million people at one time. To the north of the square is the magnificent Tian’anmen Gate-tower. At the south is Qianmen or “Front Gate”. Both these gate-towers date back to the 17th century and typify classicalChinese Architecture. Now the square is flanked by massive modern buildings, the Great Hall of the People on the west, and the Museum of Chinese History and the Museum of Chinese Revolution on the east. At the center of the square stands the Monument to the People’s Heroes. Tothe south of the Monument lies Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. The bright Five-star red flag flies high on the square.

On the white marble base with fine bas-reliefs and 10-meteer high red walls stands the splendid double-eaves and yellow-glaze-tiled Tian’anmen Gate tower. The gate used to be the outer entrance to the Imperial Palace. It has five archways with the central one used exclusively by the emperor. A moat named Golden Water River flows along the foot of the gate-tower and spanned by five carved marble bridges,one for each archway. Each of the bridge is guarded by two stone lions and two towering stone pillars carved with cloud and dragon motifs. All these match perfectly and form a single unit of masterpiece of art signifying power and beauty.

During the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, Tian’anmen Gate was where the emperors issued imperial edict and held grand celebrations.

In modern Chinese history, many important historical events took place on Tian’anmen Square. For example, the well-known May Fourth Movement in 1919, the December Ninth Patriotic Students Movement in 1935, the grand ceremony to celebrate the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949 are all associated with the name of Tian’anmen.

The Summer Palace

The Summer Palace is situated 15 kilometers northwest of Beijing. It is the largest and best-preserved imperial Chinese gardens.

The Summer Palace is famous not only for its beautiful scenery but also for its long history. Originally, it was a natural lake formed by spring water and surrounded by a hill called the Jar Hill. In 1153, Wanyan Liang, an emperor of the Jin Period, made it an imperial palace forshort stays when he was away from the capital. In the Yuan Dynasty, the lake was enlarged and became a reservoir providing water for the court and the capital. In the Ming Dynasty, the royal family had a temple built on the hill, which was named the Perfect and Quiet Temple. In 1750, in the celebration of the 60th anniversary of his mother’s birthday, Emperor Qianlong, the fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, had the Perfect and Quiet Temple rebuilt. He renamed the hill the Longevity Hill and the reconstructed garden the Clear Ripples Garden. In 1860 the garden was burned down by Anglo-French invasion forces. In 1888, when Emperor Guangxu was in reign, Dowager Cixi had it reconstructed by embezzling the navy funds under the pretext of building a navy training site, but it was never once used for that purpose. Cixi renamed it Summer Palace and made it her residence for the greater part of the year. In 1900, the palace garden was again badly damaged by the allied forces of the eight imperialist powers. It was reconstructed in 1903 and opened as a public park in 1924------13 years after the overthrow ofthe last imperial dynasty.

The palace garden covers an area of 290 hectares, three-fourths of which is water, mainly Kunming Lake at the foot of the Longevity Hill. It has more than 3,000 halls, mansions, towers, pavilions, corridors, walkways, bridges and other structures, each having its unique style, but they all bend harmoniously with the landscape. They are many tourist attractions in the garden. 

The Hall of Benevolence and Longevity was where the Empress Dowager and Emperor Guangxu handled court affairs, received government officials and foreign diplomatic envoys.

The Hall of Happiness and Longevity was where Cixi lived during her stay at the Summer Palace. 

One of the marvels of the Summer Palace is the Long Corridor which runs for 728 meters along the northern shore of the Kunming Lake and connects with the buildings at the southern foot of the Longevity Hill. It is the longest garden corridor consisting of 273 sections. On its cross-beams, the ceiling and side pillars are all paintings of historical and legendary figures, famous Chinese landscapes, flowers and birds, and there are more than 14,000 pieces of pictures in all. So it is actually an art gallery.

At the west end of the long corridor is the Marble Boat. The 36-meter long “boat” was carved out of huge marble. It is where Cixi relaxed in mid-summer.

The first attraction on entering the park is the marble Seventeen-arch Bridge spanning the blue-green waters of the lake in a pleasant curve. All the 500 balusters along its 150-meter length are topped by more than 540 carved lions, each in a different pose. The bridgeheads are guarded by pairs of legendary formidable animals.

With the background of the Jade Spring Hill and the Western Hill in the distance and the Longevity Hill, the Kunming Lake and numerous graceful garden buildings, flowers and trees inside the garden, the Summer Palace has the poetic touch of a traditional Chinese painting. Itis a classic example Chinese Garden-building art. 

The Temple of Heaven

Located in southeast Beijing and built in 1420 during the Ming Dynasty, the Temple of Heaven used to be the place where the emperors of Ming and Qin Dynasties worshiped heaven for good harvest and performed sacrificial rituals. It is now one of the largest public parks in the capital.

The Temple of Heaven covers an area of 273 hectares. It consists of three main structures on a north-south axis: the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest in the north, the Imperial Vault of Heaven in the center and the Circular Mound Altar of Heaven in the south.

The Temple of Heaven is mostly sky blue in color. It has two surrounding walls, both of which are round to the north and square to the south. Such a pattern symbolizes the ancient belief that the heaven is round and the earth square. 

The main temple, the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, is a lofty cone-shaped wooden structure joined together entirely by wooden bars, laths, rafters, and brackets without the use of iron or bronze. This brilliant example of ancient Chinese architecture measures 38 meters inheight and 30 meters in diameter. Set with deep blue glazed tiles, the roof is crowned at the top with a huge golden ball. The triple eaves of the roof are supported by 28 massive wooden pillars. The four central columns, called the “Dragon-Well Pillar”, represent the 4 seasons. Surrounding these 4 columns, there are 2 rings, one inside the other, of 12 columns each: the inner ring symbolizes the 12 months and the outer, the 12 divisions of day and night; the pillars of the inner and the outer rings together stand for the 24 solar terns or the 24 divisions of the solar year in the traditional Chinese calendar. It was in this hall that the emperors of Ming and Qin Dynasties prayed for good harvest every year on the 15th of the first month of the lunar year. 

The Imperial Vault of Heaven, circular structure with deep blue glazed tiles, was used to house the memorial tablets of the “Supreme Ruler of Heaven”. Around it is the Echo Wall, where the acoustic effects are such that a whisper at one end of the wall can be heard at some distance at the other end.

The Circular Mound Altar is a 3-tiered circular marble terrace enclosed by marble balustrades on each tier. The platform is laid with marble stones in nine concentric circles, and everything is arranged in multiples of the number 9. Every year on the winter solstice sacrifices were offered at the altar by the emperor who, surrounded first by the circles of the terrace and their railings and then by the horizon, seemed to be in the center of the universe. 

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

ancient architectural complexes 古建筑群

overpass 高架道路;天桥 

clover-leaf overpass 意为“四通八达的立交桥”

compound 这里指北京的“四合院”

sewage-treatment 污水处理

forestation 造林

moat 护城河

reinforcement 加固

renovation 修复

lath stone 条石

rampart 宇墙

embrasures 垛口

apertures for shooting 射击孔

historical monument 历史名胜

accommodate 容纳

the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂

the Museum of Chinese History , 中国历史博物馆

the Military Museum of the Chinese People’s Revolution 中国人民革命军事博物馆

the Monument to the People’s Heroes 人民英雄纪念碑

Chairman Mao Memorial Hall 毛主席纪念堂 

double-eave 重檐的

glaze-tiled 琉璃瓦的

imperial edict 诏令

the Perfect and Quiet Temple 圆静寺 

the Longevity Hill 万寿山 

the Clear Ripples Garden 清猗园 

embezzling the navy funds 挪用海军军费 

the allied forces of the eight imperialist powers 八国联军 

the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity 仁寿殿

the Hall of Happiness and Longevity 乐寿堂

the Marble Boat 石舫 

the Seventeen-arch Bridge 十七孔桥 

legendary formidable animals 传说中的怪兽 

the Jade Spring Hill 玉泉山 

he Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest 祈年殿

the Imperial Vault of Heaven 皇穹宇

the Circular Mound Altar 环丘坛

wooden bars, laths, rafters and brackets 木条、板条、椽和斗拱

24 solar terms 24个节气 

solar/ lunar year 阳历/阴历年

memorial tablet 牌位

the triple eaves of the roof 三重檐屋顶

Supreme Ruler of Heaven 皇天上帝 

the Echo Wall 回音壁

marble balustrade 大理石栏杆

winter solstice 冬至

offer sacrifices to 祭祀

railing 栏杆;围栏;扶手

II. 口译实践 

Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret Them:

第一篇(英译汉)Passage 1(E---C) 

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

Giza 吉萨

mastaba 古埃及墓室

step-pyramid 阶梯式金字塔

the Great Pyramid 大金字塔

lose…off the top 顶层剥落

cardinal point of the compass 罗盘的(东西南北四个)基本方向

horizontal cross section 横切面

spiral ramp 螺旋梯

long levers with a short angled foot 支点短的长杠杆

sphinx 狮身人面像

granary 谷仓

It is the one and the only wonder which does not require a description by early historians and poets. It is the one and only wonder that does not need speculations concerning its appearance, size and shape. It is the oldest, yet it is the only surviving of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.

The tradition of pyramid building started in Ancient Egypt as a sophistication of the idea of a mastaba or “platform” covering the royal tomb. Later, several stacked mastabas were used. Early pyramids, such as the Step Pyramid of King Zoser (Djoser) at Saqqara by the famous Egyptian architect, Imhotep, illustrated this connection. 

Pyramid building was at its height from the fourth through the sixth Dynasties. Scores of them have been discovered. However, the largest and most famous of all the pyramids should be the pyramids at Giza, which consist of three pyramids. The well-known one is the Great Pyramid at Giza built by King Khufu. 

When it was built, the Great Pyramid stood over 146 meters. Over the years, it lost 10 meters off its top and today it is 136 meters in height.Before 19th century A.D. it ranked as the tallest structure on earth. The Pyramid’s base covers an area over 5.2 hectares and the sloping angle of its sides is 51 degrees and 52 minutes. Each side is carefully oriented with one of the cardinal points of the compass, that is, north, south, east and west. The horizontal cross section of the Pyramid is square at any level.

The structure of the Great Pyramid consists of 2.3 million blocks of stone. The average weight is over two tons a piece, with the heaviest weighing 15 tons each. How the ancient Egyptians moved these huge stones is still not sure. Several theories have been proposed. One theory involves the construction of a straight or spiral ramp that was raised as the construction proceeded. This ramp coated with mud and water, eased the displacement of the stone blocks pushed into place. A second theory suggests that the blocks were placed by using long levers with a short angled foot. No matter what has been said, it proves to be hard in ancient time. The Greek historian Herodotus reported in the fifth century B.C. that his Egyptian guides told him that 100,000 men mere employed for three mouths a year for twenty years to build the Great Pyramid.

Together with the Great Pyramid are two other pyramids at Giza. One is the Pyramid of Khafra, Khufu’s son. This one is 3 meters lower, but more complete and wonderful. The twenty meter high Sphinx stands aside, attracting the eyes of tourists. It is said that except the claws, the Sphinx is made out of only one piece of natural rock. The other pyramid is for Khafra’s son, Menkaure. It has been suggested that there are enough blocks in the three pyramids to build a 3- meter high, 0.3-meter thick wall around France. The area covered by the Great Pyramids can accommodate St Peter’s in Rome, the Cathedrals of Florence and Milan, and Westminster and St Paul’s in London combined. 

Throughout their history, the Pyramids of Giza have stimulated human imagination. They were referred to as “The Granaries of Joseph” and “The Mountains of Pharaoh”. When Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1798, his pride was expressed through his famous quote: “Soldiers! From the top of these Pyramids, 40 centuries are looking at us.” 

Today, the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx have fascinated people from all over the world-tourists, mathematicians and archeologists come to visit and explore them.

第二篇(英译汉)Passage 2(E--C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

centennial 百年纪念

be commissioned 受委托作某事 

pedestal 底座

auction 拍卖

prizefight 拳击

secondary skeletal framework 辅助框架

editorial pages 社论版

centennial gift 百年庆礼 

National Park Service 国家公园管理处

World Heritage Site 世界遗产

The Statue of Liberty standing at the entrance to New York harbor is a gift given by the people of France to the people of the United States over one hundred years ago in recognition of the friendship of the two nations established during the American Revolution. Over the years, the Statue of Liberty has become a representative of freedom and democracy of people everywhere. 

To commemorate the centennial of the American Declaration of Independence,sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned by the French government to design a sculpture in 1876. The Statue was a joint effort between America and France and it was agreed upon that the American people were to build the pedestal, and the French people were responsible for the Statue and its assembly here in the United States.However, lack of funds was a problem on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. 

In France, public fees, various forms of entertainment, and a lottery were among the methods used to raise funds. In the United States, benefit theatrical events, art exhibitions, auctions and prizefights assisted in providing needed funds. However, fund raising for the pedestal was going particularly slowly, so Joseph Pulitzer (noted for the Pulitzer Prize) opened up the editorial pages of his newspaper, The World, to support the fund raising effort. Pulitzer used his newspaper to criticize both the rich who had failed to finance the pedestal construction and the middle class who were content to rely upon the wealthy to provide the funds. Pulitzer's campaign of harsh criticism was successful in motivating the people of America to donate.

Financing for the pedestal was completed in August 1885, and pedestal construction was finished in April of 1886. The Statue was completed in France in July 1884. In transit, the Statue was reduced to 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates. The Statue arrived in New York Harbor in June of 1885 and was re-assembled on her new pedestal in four months time. The pedestal was designed by architect Richard Morris Hunt and built on Bedloe’s Island. The Statue’s framework was engineered by Gustave Eiffel who later designed the famous tower in Paris, which bears his name. On October 28, 1886, in front of thousands of spectators, President Grover Cleveland dedicated the Statue of Liberty, which was officially titled Liberty Enlightening the World. Since then millions have made pilgrimage to visit her. She was a centennial giftten years late.

Over the years, Americans shortened the name of the statue. They called it the Statue of Liberty, or Miss Liberty. The care and the administration of the statue changed several times. In 1956, the name of Bedloe’s Island was changed to Liberty Island and became part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument.

The statue wears a loose robe. Her right hand holds a torch----a golden light. Her left hand holds a tablet which shows the date of the American Declaration of Independence-----July 4th, 1776. The statue wears a crown on her head. The crown has 7 points, each of these rays representing the light of freedom. A chain representing oppression lies broken at her feet. The height from base to torch is 151 feet. The height from the foundation of the pedestal to the torch is 305 feet. She weighs 225 tons (100 tons of copper and 125 tons structural steel). Visitors may climb into her head for a spectacular view of New York Harbor. At night the statue is floodlighted, and the lights that shine from her torch can be seen for miles. 

By the 1980, the statue badly needed repairs. Again people on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean cooperated to raise money. In May of 1982, President Ronald Reagan appointed Lee Iacocca to head up a private sector effort to restore the Statue of Liberty. Fund raising began for the$87 million restoration under a public/private partnership between the National Park Service and the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc., to date the most successful such partnership in American history. In 1984, at the start of the Statue's restoration, the United Nations designated the Statue of Liberty as a World Heritage Site. On July 5, 1986 the newly restored Statue re-opened to the public during Liberty Weekend, which celebrated her centennial. Today thousands of people still visit the statue every day. They reach the statue by boat. Many people climb the 354 steps to the crown. Or they ride up to observation areas in an elevator. Or they study the story of the statue in a museum in the monument.

第三篇(英译汉)Passage 3(E-C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

falls 瀑布

wonder 奇迹

illuminate 照亮

churning (波浪)翻腾的

hydroelectric plant 水力发电厂

divert 转移;转向

treaty 条约

slide 山崩;土崩

tumble 滚下

ledge 岩架, 岩脊, 岩石突出部

erosion 腐蚀;侵蚀

Niagara Falls is one of the most spectacular natural wonders of North America. It is on the Niagara River, about halfway between Lake Erie and Ontario. The river forms part of the United States-Canadian border.

Niagara Falls actually consists of two waterfalls, the Horseshoe Falls and the American Falls. The Horseshoe Falls is on the Canadian side of the border in the province of Ontario. The American Falls is on the United States side in the state of New York. At night, wide beams of colored lights illuminate the falls. About 10 million people visit Niagara Falls annually.

Niagara Falls attracts visitors throughout the year. However, most visitors come during the tourist season, from April 1 to October 31. Several steamers called the Maid of the Mist take sightseers close to the churning waters at the base of the falls. Parks line both sides of the river near Niagara Falls. Excellent views of the falls may be seen from such sites as Prospect Point, Table Rock, and Terrapin Point. Four observation towers, ranging from 86 to 150 meters high, also provide fine views of the falls.

United States and Canadian hydroelectric plants divert some of the water through tunnels from the Niagara River before it reaches Niagara Falls. For scenic reasons, however, the amount of water that may be diverted is regulated by a treaty between the United States and Canada. The treaty states that at least 2,800 cubic meters of water a second must pass over the falls during daylight hours of the tourist season. At other times, the flow may be decreased to 1,400 cubic meters a second.

Some people believed that the rapid development of tourism and industry ruined the scenic beauty of the Niagara Falls area. In 1885, the government of New York took control of the land bordering the American Falls. It then established the Niagara Falls Park, covering about 430 acres (174 hectares) on the land. In 1886, Canada established Queen Victoria Park on 196 acres (79 hectares) of land near the Horseshoe Falls. Since the 1880’s, much more land in the Niagara Falls area has been set aside for parks, especially on the Canadian side.

Rockslides have gradually changed the appearance of Niagara Falls through the years. In 1931, about 73,000 metric tons of rock fell from the Niagara Falls. Several years later, approximately 27,000 metric tons of rock broke off the upper edge of the Horseshoe Falls. In 1954, about 167,800 metric tons of rock tumbled from the American Falls and nearby Prospect Point.

In 1969, U.S. Army engineers built a dam to stop the flow of water temporarily over the American Falls. A board of experts from the United States and Canada then studied the rock ledge to determine how to prevent further erosion. However, the board decided that the cost of halting erosion would be too high. It recommended that nothing be done except small measures to improve public safety.

第四篇(汉译英)Passage 4(C---E) 

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

考古探测 Archeological exploration

兵马俑 terra-cotta warriors and horses

穿着战袍、打着绑腿 wear battle tunics and puttee

前锋 vanguard

主力部队 main body 

后卫 rear guard 

两翼 flank guard

长兵器 long shaft-weapon






三个坑呈 “品” 字形排列, 形成一个庞大的军事场面:8,000 兵马,浩浩荡荡,待命征战,显示出一幅气势磅礴,雄伟壮观的动人场面。这是秦始皇为自己所造的一支守陵的卫戍部队。


除了数以千计的兵马俑外,三个坑内出土了数以万计的各种青铜武器,主要有刀、剑、矛、戈、 戟、弓、箭、弩、簇。特别引人注目的一把青铜剑,虽在地下埋藏了2000多年,仍不生锈。至今光亮如新,锋利无比,一次能划透20张纸。经检测,这把剑为铜、锡合金,并含有十多种稀有金属,表面经过铬的处理,能防锈防腐。这表明2000多年前中国的铸造工艺和冶金技术已达到惊人的高度。

1980年12月,考古工作者在秦始皇陵西侧20米处发现了两组大型彩绘铜车马,更是给博物馆增加了新的光彩。根据发现顺序,把这两组铜车马分别命名为一号和二号车。两组铜车均为单辕车,各配四匹马。一号车为“高车”,御手和乘坐的人均站立车上。 二号车叫“安车”,分前后两乘室,中间相隔。御手坐前乘室,主人坐后乘室。后乘室前面及左右两侧各有一车窗,后面留门,可能是供秦始皇灵魂出游时乘坐的。铜车马为真人、真马二分之一大小,由3,400多个零部件组成,并有1,720件金银饰品,显得华丽富贵。据初步研究,铜车马的制造采用了铸、焊、铆、镶、刻等多种工艺。


第五篇(汉译英)Passage 5(C---E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

藏族自治区 Tibetan Autonomous Region

自然风景区 land of natural beauty

终年积雪 snow- topped throughout the year

世外桃源 a heaven of peace

沉淀物 sediment

五花海 multicolored sea

表达爱慕之情 … as a token of love

自然生态 natural ecology

生物进化 evolution of organism

地理学 geology

气象学 meteorology






第六篇(汉译英)Passage 6(C---E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

横亘于 push out its spurs into …

巅峰 main peak

祭祀天地 worship Heaven and Earth

游览区 tourist spots

汇 合 converge

无字碑 wordless tablet

联合国教科文组织 UNESCO----United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

世界自然与文化遗产 World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites




泰山将自然景观和人文景观完美地融为一体。 山上有无以数计的奇石、飞瀑、古松、石桥、古塔、寺庙、亭阁、殿堂。名胜古迹数不胜数,尤其是历代文人学士书法家留下的石刻碑文,令游客目不暇接,叹为观止。



III 参考译文 Reference Version

第一篇 Passage 1






在吉萨和大金字塔共存的还有另外两座金字塔。一座是胡夫的儿子哈夫拉的。 这座金字塔比大金字塔低3米,但更加完善和壮观,20米高的狮身人面像屹立在旁,吸引着游客的目光。据说这尊狮身人面像除了爪子之外,其余部分均由一整块天然岩石雕琢而成。另一座金字塔是哈夫拉的儿子门卡乌拉的陵墓。据说这三座金字塔所用的石块如果堆积起来,可以砌一面高3米的、厚0.3米、绕法国一周的围墙。三座金字塔所占面积是以下几座大教堂面积之和。它们分别是:罗马的圣•彼德大教堂,佛罗伦萨大教堂,米兰大教堂,伦敦的西敏寺和圣•保罗大教堂。



第二篇 Passage 2



在法国,公共收益,各种娱乐活动及彩票发行是主要集资方式。美国则通过义演、艺术展览、拍卖、拳击比赛来筹措所需资金。然而,在美国为底座筹资的工作进行特别缓慢,于是,约瑟夫•普利兹(因设普利兹奖而出名)在他的《当代世界》报上开辟了社论版,大力支持集资工作。普利兹在报纸上不仅指责那些不愿提供资助的富人,而且批评那些认为富人终会捐资而聊以自慰的中产阶级。普利兹尖刻的批评成功地激发了美国人民的捐赠热情 。



自由女神身穿长袍,右手高举金光闪闪的火炬, 左手持一本“独立宣言”,上面镌刻着其发表日期——1776年7月4日。




第二篇 Passage 3









第四篇 Passage 4

Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses were discovered accidentally in March 1974 when the local farmers were digging a well in the fields. Archeologists believe that the terra-cotta warriors and horses were from the Qin Dynasty. After many explorations and test excavation, three pits have been discovered, covering an area of 22,780 square meters.

This discovery created a world sensation. In order to protect these rare historical relics, in 1975, the State Council granted permission toconstruct a 16,300-square-meter museum over the site of Pit No 1. The museum was officially open to the public on the nation’s National Day,October 1, 1979. Later, exhibition halls housing Pit No. 3, No. 2 and the Bronze Chariots and Horses were built and open to the public in succession. The Museum and the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang have been listed as one of the country’s ten great historical sites and designated by the UNESCO as a World Culture Heritage Site.

Pit No.1 is rectangular in shape. It is 230 meters from east to west, 62 meters from north to south, 5 meters deep, and covers an area of 16,620 square meters. Warriors in this pit are arranged in a practical battle array. In the long corridor at the east end of the pit stand three rows of terra-cotta warriors, 70 in each, 210 in all. Armed with bows and arrows, the soldiers are wearing battle tunics and puttees, and facing east. They are regarded as the vanguard of the battle formation. These are followed by 38 columns of troops, consisting of infantrymen and charioteers that are arranged in 11 corridors separated by 10 earth-rammed walls. The warriors all wear armors and carry long-shaft weapons. They make up the main body of the battle formation. Furthermore, at the north, south, and west end, there is one row of terra-cotta warriors respectively, all facing outward. They are the flanks and rear guards of the entire battle formation. From the 960 square meters testing trenches, some 500 warriors, 4 chariots, and 24 drafting horses have been unearthed. According to the density, 6,000 pieces in all can be excavated from Pit No.1.

Pit No.2 is “L”- shaped, covering an area of 6,000 square meters. It is actually a mixed battle formation consisting of military forces in four separate arrays. The first array is composed of 334 archers, the second of 64 chariots with three warriors on each. The third array includes 19 chariots and 100 warriors. The fourth array consists of 6 chariots, 124 cavalrymen and saddled horses. Together, the four arraysconstitute a large battle formation, closely connected with one another. At the same time, each of the four arrays is an independent division, flexible and capable of both attacking and defending. It is estimated that altogether 1,500 pieces are expected to be excavated from Pit No.2. 

Pit No.3 is “U”-shaped, taking up 520 square meters with only 4 terra-cotta horses, one chariot and 68 armored warriors discovered. Warriors here stand in two rows, opposite to each other along the wall. They carry a kind of long weapon, which has no blades and are believedto be used by the guards of honor. Remains of animal bones and deer horns probably used for sacrificial offerings and war praying are found in this pit. So archeologists believe it is the headquarters of the underground army.

The three pits are arranged in a triangle and form an enormous battle array, consisting of 8,000 warriors and horses. Vast and powerful, theygive us a grand view of a mighty army in full battle array. They are the garrison army molded to guard Emperor Qin Shihuang tomb.

All the pottery figures were modeled life-size and were originally all color-painted. The warriors in the formation are arranged in accordance with their ranks-----generals, officers and soldiers, and their functions-----foot soldiers, charioteers and cavalrymen. The warriors vary from one another in feature and facial expressions, looking lifelike and vivid. They reveal the high artistic skill and national style of the group sculpture of ancient China.

Together with the warriors and horses are thousands of bronze weapons, including broad knives, swords, spears, dagger-axes, halberds, crossbows, arrows and arrowheads. The most eye-catching among the weapons is a bronze sword. Though buried under ground for over two thousand years, the sword is rustproof, still bright and sharp, and it can cut through 20 sheets of paper piled together. Technical examination reveals that the sword has been cast of an alloy of copper and tin. It also contains more than ten other rare metals. The surface was coated with chromium that has prevented corrosion and rust. This shows that 2,000 years ago China’s technique of casting and metallurgyreached an amazingly high level. 

In December 1980, archeologists discovered two teams of color-painted bronze chariots 20 meters to the west of Qin Shihuang’s mausoleum. This has added more splendors to the museum. They are listed as No.1 and No. 2 chariot respectively according to the order of their discovery. Both chariots are single-shaft and drafted by four horses. No.1 chariot was named High Chariot. The charioteers and the passengers all stood in it. No.2 was named Security Chariot, which has two cabins; the front compartment is for the charioteer and the rear one is for the emperor. The rear compartment has a window on both sides as well as in the front and a door at the back. It is said that the chariots are used to hold the emperor’s soul for inspection. The chariots and horses are half life-size, consisting of more than 3,400 component parts and 1,720 pieces of gold and silver decorations and ornaments. They are luxurious and graceful. Test studies have revealed that the making of the bronze chariots and horses involve such techniques as casting, welding, riveting, embedding, and chiseling.

The bronze chariots and horses were manufactured with high technology and modeled vividly. They are the earliest and most exquisite bronze treasures made in Chinese history and the largest bronze ware ever discovered in the history of world archaeology. They prove that the technique of chariot manufacture during the Qin period was undoubtedly advanced.

第五篇 Passage 5

Jiuzhaigou lies in Nanping County, Arba Tibetan Autonomous Region of Sichuan Province, covering a land of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. This land is characterized with verdant and lush forests, perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, stretches of serene lakes, and various rare and precious birds and animals. On entering the resort, you will find yourself strolling in a heaven of peace, leaving behind all troubles and vexations.

Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, the clearest in the world. Water brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views; water is the soul of Jiuzhaigou. Whether you are met with serene lakes or plunging waterfalls, you will enjoy yourself so much among the charming sights that you are reluctant to leave. 

The local people call these lakes “haizi”(meaning “little sea”). Jiuzhaigou has 108 “haizi” of varying sizes and shapes, but of invariant limpidity to the bottom of the lakes. Some of the lakes are hidden in the valleys, and others inlay the forests. On sunny days, various colors of algae and sediments at the bottom of the lakes project colorful light rings in the sunshine. The lakes, thus, have acquiredanother name “Wuhua Sea” (meaning “multicolored sea”) from the locals.

A romantic local legend goes that a long time ago, there lived a beautiful and kind-hearted goddess in the east mountain of Jiuzhaigou and anindustrious and chivalrous god in the west. As time went by, they fell in love. One day the god presented the goddess a big and shiny divine mirror as a token of love. The goddess reached out for it, but she was so excited and nervous that the mirror slipped from her trembling handsand dropped to 108 pieces. They turned out to be 108 winkling and glittering crystal lakes of different sizes, covering the land of Jiuzhaigou. 

Jiuzhaigou is also the habitat of dozens of rare animals such as giant panda, lesser panda, golden monkey, antelope, etc. Therefore, Jiuzhaigou is not only a charming place of natural beauty, but also a desire place for research into natural ecology, biological evolution, paleogeography and paleoclimatology. In addition, the Folk Art Center here boasts of some most excellent singers and dancers of the Tibetan and Qiang nationalities, including the all-round singer who is also the music composer and songwriter and the few players of the ancient music instruments of the Qiang nationality. You can enjoy their performances as well as the fascinating open fire party of the Tibetan and Qiang nationalities. 

第六篇 Passage 6

Situated in central Shandong Province, Mount Tai stretches over 200 kilometers, pushing out its spurs into Tai’an, Licheng and Changqing. Its main peak, overlooking Tai’an city from the south rises 1545 meters above sea level. Because it lies in east China, where the sun rises,it is crowned as the most famous one of China’s Five Holy Mountains. Since ancient times, most emperors came to worship Heaven and Earth here when they ascended the throne. It is said that during the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties (2100-221BC), a total of 72 monarchs journeyed to Mount Tai for prayers. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty held the grandest ceremony there.

There are five tourist spots and two main routes up the mountain-----eastern and western. Both routes converge at Zhongtianmen, Halfway Gate to Heaven, which leads to the summit. The entire journey covers 9 kilometer and 6,566 winding stone steps. To get to the summit from by the eastern route, climbers have to scale a steep flight of Eighteen Mountain Bends (Shibapan), the most precipitous section. However, most climbers prefer going up by this route, since it is said this used to be the one taken by royalty and hence has more cultural sites and beautiful sceneries. While still many climbers ascend through the western route due to the easy scaling.

The bends end at Nantianmen, South Gate to Heaven, only one kilometer away from the top, and a smooth climbing ahead to the summit. At the topof Mount Tai, there is a temple dedicated to Princess of the Azure Clouds, Bixia, and a Taoist deity.

Perched on the highest point of the mountain is Tianzhu Peak, Post to Heaven, also called the Jade Emperor Summit (Yuhuangding) owing to the Jade Emperor Palace. A Wordless Tablet stands outside the gate. The story goes that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up the rock 2,100 years ago, but was dissatisfied with the words his scribes produced. Therefore, he was determined to leave it to the viewers’ imagination.

Up to the summit of Mount Tai, climbers can enjoy the four grand sceneries: the Morning Sun Rising in the east, the Evening Sun Setting in thewest, the Golden-belt of the Yellow River and the Jade Plate in the Sea of Clouds. The Sun Watching Peak east of the Jade Emperor Summit is an advantageous point to appreciate the sunrise.

Mount Tai is a perfect example of the kind of mountain resort that embodies natural scenery and cultural heritage, boasting numerous exotic stones, pouring waterfalls, age-old pine trees, stone bridges, ancient pagodas, temples, pavilions and halls. And in particular, tourists will invariantly marvel at the vast number of stone inscriptions left by famous ancient writers, scholars, and calligraphers of various dynasties.

Each season here has its beauty: bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring, spectacular summer thunderstorms which are rarely seen elsewhere, blue rivers running across the mountains overlaid with red maple leaves in fall, and snow-topped mountains and frosted pine trees in winter that stage a quiet grandeur spectacle of particular interest. On a sunny day one can see the peaks rising one upon the other. On a cloudy day, the horizon disappears into a sea of clouds. Mount Tai is most famous for its spectacular sunrise and sunset. Its landscape and numerous historical sites have inspired many great classics of ancient writers and calligraphers. It has long been the preferred gathering place of artists and poets. 

The modern world has also recognized the tourist and cultural values of Mount Tai. Early in 1985, Mount Tai was listed as World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

第七单元 Unit 7

人物访谈 Interview

1. 阅读材料 Reading Materials 第一篇 Passage 1

President Bush Answers Students’ Questions At Qinghua

(President W. Bush made a speech at Qinghua University during his visit in China. After the speech he answered the questions asked by the students. The following are some of the questions and answers.) 

Q: Mr. President, yesterday I watched the press conference made by you and president Jiang Zemin. At the conference, you didn’t clearly answer a question, which is a concern by almost everybody. It’s why the TMD system will cover Taiwan. And what’s more, whenever you talk about the Taiwan issue, you always use a phrase just like, peaceful settlement. You never use the phrase, peaceful reunification. What’s the difference and why?

A: Thank you, very good question. First of all, I want to compliment you on your English. Very good. The first thing that is important on the Taiwan issue is that my government hopes there is a peaceful, as I said, dialogue, that there is a settlement to this issue. But it must be done in a peaceful way. That’s why I keep emphasizing peaceful. And, by the way, “peaceful” is a word intended for both parties, that neither party should provoke that. 

I also, in your question about missile defenses, have made it clear that our nation will develop defenses to help our friends, our allies, and others around the world protect ourselves from rogue nations that are trying to develop weapons of mass destruction. To me, that’s essential for peace in the world. We have yet to develop a system, and therefore, that’s exactly what I said yesterday. And it’s the truth.But we are in the process of seeing if we can’t develop a system. And I think it will bring more stability to the world than less.

And let me just say one general comment that’s very important for you to know. And it’s also important for the people of my country to know-----that my administration is committed to peacefully resolving issues around the world. We want the issues resolved in a peaceful manner.

And we’ve got a lot of issues that we deal with. We are dealing in the Middle East. And if you follow the news, it’s a very dangerous period of time there. We are working hard to bring a peaceful resolution there. We are working hard to bring a peaceful resolution to Kashmir, whichis important for China. And I recently went to Korea and I made it very clear that we want to resolve the issues on the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful way.

Another question, please?

Q: I’ll repeat my question in English.

A: Thank you.

Q: It’s a pity you still haven’t given us a clear question about whether you always use the peaceful settlement. You’ve never said “peaceful reunification”. It’s a pity.

A: We’re back on Taiwan again-----go ahead.

Q: This is a question our Chinese people are extremely concerned about.

A: Yes, I know.

Q: Three days ago, during your speech in the Japanese Parliament, you said, the United States will still remember its commitment to Taiwan.

A: Right.

Q: But my question is, does the U.S. still remember its commitment to 1.3 billion Chinese people? Abiding by the three Joint Communiqués and three notes. Thank you.

A: Thank you very much. As I said, this seems to be a topic on people’s mind, obviously. I can’t say it any more clearly, that I’m anxious that there be a peaceful resolution that’s going to require both parties to come to a solution. And that’s what I mean by peaceful dialogue. And I hope it happens in my lifetime and I hope it happens in yours. It will be an important milestone. And, secondly, when my country makes an agreement, we stick with it. And there is an act called the Taiwan Relations Act, and I honor that act, which says we will help Taiwan defend herself if provoked. But we’ve also sent the same message that there should be no provocation by either party for a peaceful dialogue.

Q: Thank you, Mr. Bush. Thank you, Mr. President, for giving me the last chance to ask you a question. I have read your autobiography, and in it you wrote about some social problem in the U.S. today, just like the violence in campus and juvenile delinquency, and such as the childrenin poverty. And we know-----a former schoolmate of our university, Tsinghua, and he studied in USA and was killed last year. And I feel so sad. And I know this kind of crime has become more and more serious in today U.S. As the president, do you have any good plan to improve the human rights today in the U.S.? Thank you.

A: Sure, well, first of all, I’m proud to report that violent crime actually is going down. But any crime is too much crime. I mean anytime somebody is violent towards their neighbor, it is too much violence. And there is no question, we’ve got people living in poverty. But as I mentioned, our government is very generous in the amounts of money we spend trying to help people help themselves. When we all campaigned foroffice, one of the big debates is how best to help people help themselves.

Foreign policy is an important part of our campaigns, of course-----at least for President. But the American voter really is more focused on domestic politics, what’s happening at home, as you can imagine. If the economy is soft, like ours is now, they want to know what’s going to happen-----what are you doing about the economy? If the economy is good, then they don’t talk much about the economy.

But always we talk about two key issues to address your problem. One is welfare; how do we structure a welfare system that helps people in need, and in my judgment, should not make them dependent upon their government. And the other big issue is education. It’s always not only an important part of campaigns, but it’s an important part of being-----once you are in office.

When I was the governor of Texas, I used to always say, an educated child is one less likely to commit a crime. As a governor, and now as President, I have spent a lot of time working with members of both political parties to develop an education plan that starts making sure children learn before they just get shuffled through the system.

One of the saddest facts about my country is that there are a significant number of fourth grade students who can’t read at grade level. Imagine a child who can’t read in the fourth grade is a child that is not going to be able to read in the eighth grade. And if a child can’t read in the eighth grade, it’s likely that child is going to be able to read sufficiently when they get out of high school, and therefore won’t be able to go to college. It’s a shame in America that that’s the case.

So as part of an education bill I managed to get through Congress last year, we’ve got a significant reading initiative, where we’ll work with the states and the local jurisdictions to focus on an education program that emphasizes reading. This I hope to work with my wife and others on an early childhood development program, so the youngsters get the building blocks to learn how to read.

I’m actually working my way to your question, I promise you, because education is the best anti-crime program. It’s important to enforce law. It’s important to hold people accountable for their actions. It’s important to have consistent policy that says if you harm somebody,there will be a punishment for that harm. But in the best interests for my country, the long-term solution is to make sure the education system works for everybody. And when that happens, there will be a more hopeful future for people, and there will be less poverty, less hopelessness, and less crime.

Thank you for letting me come. God bless you all.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

TMD system 战区导弹防御系统 

missile defenses 导弹防御 

peaceful settlement 和平解决

peaceful reunification 和平统一

be committed to 致力于 

commitment to Taiwan 对台湾做出的承诺

three Joint Communiqués 三个联合公报

juvenile delinquency 少年犯罪

campaign for office (这里指) 总统竞选 

before they just get shuffled 在他们开始学步之前

get the building blocks to do … 掌握做事之基础 

第二篇 Passage 2 

Premier Zhu Answers Questions By the Press

(The following are some of the questions and answers by the press and Premier Zhu Rongji at the Fifth Session of the Ninth NPC) 

Q: Despite the sluggish world economy, China has set its economic growth forecast for this year at 7 percent. Is this growth rate achievable?And what major measures will be taken?

A: It is true that we have set our forecast of economic growth rate at 7 percent. This figure was arrived at after we gave careful consideration to all the factors, including the slow-down in world economic growth. So 7 percent is within reach. As for the specific measures we are going to adopt to achieve this growth rate, I have already outlined them in the Government Work Report. Judging from our economic performance in the first quarter of this year, the result is actually better than I expected. According to forecast of the State Statistical Bureau, the GDP of the first quarter of this year will grow by 7.5 percent over the same period last year. This gives me much confidence that we will be able to achieve the 7 percent growth rate.

Q: I have two questions. One is related to the Japan-China relationship. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries. We can expect to see frequent high-level exchanges between the leaders of the two countries. According to my information, through diplomatic channels, the Chinese side expressed the hope that the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Japan can come to China for a visit. My question is, will their visit facilitate the growth of bilateral ties and will the Chinese people welcome them? The second question is related to China’s internal matters. Now in Chinese society, there has been the problemof widening gap between high-income and low-income people. Some experts have called for the improvement of the situation and think it necessary to cultivate and expand the so-called “middle class”. Do you agree to such a view? If yes, what measures are you going to adopt?

A: This year marks the 30th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. The year before last, the Chinese and Japanese sides reached the agreement that this year will be the Year of China-Japan Friendship and a series of events will be organized to celebrate the occasion and to strengthen contact and exchanges between the two sides. In China we will have the Year of JapaneseCulture and in Japan, the Year of Chinese Culture. As for the invitation to the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Japan, we have made our wishes known to the Japanese side a long time ago. I am confident that once they are in China, the Chinese people will warmly welcome them. 

Concerning your second question that referred to the widening gap between the rich and the poor, I think that this problem does exist. You may well still remember that Mr. Deng Xiaoping used to say that we should allow some people to get rich first, which means that inevitably some people are yet to get rich. So within a certain historical period of time, the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor seems unavoidable.

However, while we implement the policy to enable some people get rich first, we always adopt policies to enable low-income groups. How to increase the income of farmers is a subject to which I devoted a considerable amount of my time when I delivered the Government Work Report and it has been regarded as the central task of this government. We have also attached great importance to the development of the social security system, which will take care of laid-off workers, the unemployed and the retirees. These are the priorities of our work. Apart from budgetary allocations, the most important means to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor is the taxation policy, which means to help the groups who are yet to get rich through our taxation policy. I believe that this problem will be solved after a certain period of time.

Q: Right now, discussions are underway between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland on facilitating closer economic and trade ties between thetwo sides having arrangements similar to a free trade area. My question is, what measures will the Central Government adopt to consolidate Hong Kong’s position as the financial center in Asia.

A: Since the establishment of Hong Kong SAR government, Hong Kong has encountered temporary economic difficulties due to the impact of the Asian Financial Crisis. Nevertheless, I always believe that Hong Kong still has incomparable advantages. Hong Kong’s GDP is about the same size as that of Guangdong Province. No major city in the Chinese mainland can surpass Hong Kong in the near term. I believe Hong Kong will be able to overcome its temporary economic difficulties. We have every confidence in that.

As for how the central government will help and cooperate with HK SAR government, right now, officials from the Central Government and HK SARgovernment are having close consultations. Anything that will bring tangible benefits to Hong Kong, as long as it’s feasible, the Central Government will give it full support. I am confident that Hong Kong will surely maintain its status as a financial center in Asia. With China’s accession to the WTO, Hong Kong is blessed with even more opportunity.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

SAR government 特别行政区政府

sluggish world economy 低迷的世界经济 

economic growth forecast 经济增长的预测目标

through diplomatic channels 通过外交渠道

implement a policy 执行政策

laid-off workers 下岗职工

budgetary allocations 财政预算分配

the priorities of our work 工作之重点

bring tangible benefits to… 给……带来实惠

II. 口译实践 Interpretation Practice 

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret them:

英汉交替 Interpretation from English into Chinese or Vice Versa

第一篇Passage 1

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

见证人 witness

义和团战争 the Boxer war 

水缸 water vat 

八国联军 Allied Forces

刮去水缸表面的镏金 strip away the gold plating on the vats

掀开我们新的关系史上新的一页 turn a new leaf in our new history

联合国安理会常任理事国 permanent members of UN Security Council 

groundless 无根据的,无理由的

wield influence 发挥最大作用

conviction 坚定的信念

huge sense of 强烈的印象

be engaged in drug smuggling 从事毒品走私

get the right type of conviction 树立正确的信念


问: 首相先生,您看那边有很多人,我想他们已经知道今天这里有一位尊贵的客人来到了。故宫给您留下什么印象?

A: This is a piece of extraordinary history. In fact, I actually came here ten years ago for my very first visit to China. I’ve just noticed so many changes in China in the ten years I’ve been away. This is just marvelous.

问: 这么说,这是您第二次来了。

A: It’s my second time that I’ve been here in China.

问: 首相先生,说到故宫,许多中国人把故宫看成是中国近代史的见证人。当然,这段历史中也包含了中英两国的关系,您知道在义和团战争期间,我们两国之间有些令人不快的回忆。就在这道大门之内,在这儿数百米距离以内,有几十口非常大的水缸。在那次战争中,八国联军的士兵到过这里,并把这些缸表面上的镏金给刮走了,当然那是一段过去的历史了。正如您所说的,随着香港的回归,我们已经卸掉了历史的包袱,正在期待两国关系进入一个崭新的时期。那么,今天您作为一个客人来到这里,同时也作为英国政府的领导人来到这里,你将如何掀开我们新的关系史上新的一页?

A: I think there is a new relationship between Britain and China today. I mean you’re right in saying in history we’ve had some times of a trouble past but on the other hand the historical links are very strong and what we are trying to do is to renew them for today. And the handover of Hong Kong is obviously a very important moment for Britain and for China. And it’s gone well; it’s gone far better than people expected. I think that’s all to the good really. As to the situation in Hong Kong, there were a lot of concerns expressed about it before thehandover took place. I think these concerns have largely proved to be groundless. But it’s been a success story from that point of view. So that is good also for Britain and China. There are many common interests in how we open up trade with one another, in how we ensure that China takes its place in the world as a major power, able to wield influence for good.

问: 您刚刚提到了联合国,中国和英国都是世界上很有影响的国家,我们两国都是联合国安理会常任理事国。您认为我们两国如何能促进在国际事务中的合作?比如说在对付贩毒方面?

A: I think the closer we work together, the better will be our work on these issues. What we’re learning in the world today is the big challenges that we face. Whether it’s international crime or drugs or it’s the global economic crisis, or it’s political instability in various parts of the world, they can only be tackled together. They can only be tackled by countries recognizing they’ve got a common interest in trying to find the way through the difficulties and challenges that they face. So, for example, on the issue of international crime and drugs, we are now working with China, with other countries, to try and get the right type of conviction together, which will allow us to chase after those people who are engaged in drug smuggling. Now, China’s role in that I think is tremendously important. And again, I think, there is huge sense of China taking its place, rightful place really in the world debating these issues.

第二篇 Passage 2

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

make one’s day 使某人的一天生色; 使某人非常高兴

make a difference 有关系;起(重要)作用

be bogged down 陷入泥潭;受阻;使不能前进

pitfalls 挫折 

watershed 分水岭;转折点;重要关头

tall poppy 支高薪的人;出类拔萃的人

tall poppy syndrome “精英”综合症

People who are crisp and get on with it 干脆利落, 说干就干的人

out-source 外部协作, 内部配置辈出

belly up (肚子朝天);死去;垮掉;完蛋

take the fat out (of) 简化不必要的环节

kick in 初见势头

an avid reader 读书迷

(The following is an interview with the managing director of Infolink, Larry Hill)

Q: What makes your day at work? 

A: Achieving things. Especially achievements that is good for the customer. You can have all the strategy in the world, but at the end of the day you have to be able to execute. At the moment we are working on a piece of hardware that will revolutionize a client’s business—we are always working on things that will have an actual, tangible impact on a client’s operations.

Q: When did you become a manager?

A: I’ve been in this industry for 30 years. I was designing, writing and producing programs at first, and then I was sent to Germany to work on a “secret project” in a team with one other person. When he was fired I was suddenly made a manager of the project and had a team of Germans under me, and I didn’t speak German! That was in 1980. I’ve been in management since then.

Q: What is the most important lesson you learned on your way up?

A: Rule number one: people make the difference. People count and people make the difference. It’s a really simple and essential thing that you choose the right people. I like to choose people who are cleverer than me. I have very dedicated, clever people working for me.

The second most important lesson is that everything is about selling what you have got, not about having a strategy. You have to focus on sales. I think some big companies in particular become bogged down in the process and become less interested in the outcome, which is not good for business.

Q: How have you dealt with pitfalls in your career? 

A: Change something and move on. When I was a young man I would hitchhike. While others stood and waited for cars, I would walk because there might be a corner around which you were more likely to be picked up. That is what I mean about change something and move on. Tomorrow you’ll always have different choices. Luck also plays a part. Watershed events happen and can change your life dramatically—time and chance have apart to play in everything. 

Q: If you were starting over, what would you be? 

A: If I could not be an astronaut, I would do exactly what I did. I feel very lucky. For 30 years I have traveled and worked around the world, made reasonable money and met interesting people. I would even like my son to do this job, because I find it really extends your mind. Also inthe last 30 years things have changed so much.

There are some propeller heads that sit in the corner and grunt; but as managers we have to drive them to give their very best. There are a lotof people who try to mystify IT (Information Technology) and I think something I do is to simplify it for people.

Q: What annoys you most?

A: Indecision and the “tall poppy” syndrome—cutting someone down because they are successful. In some countries, the population is quickto idolize sports heroes but doesn’t pay business people enough compliments. Having said that, I’m not a person who is easily annoyed, but I am extremely impatient, and I find often in the process of working with a company that they will delay and delay and delay making an important decision. They sometimes spend more money investigating the solution than buying it from you. I’ve experienced situations where consultants consume budgets before any final decision is reached. I prefer people who are crisp and get on with it.

Q: Which management wisdom is overrated?

A: We’ve been through it all—out-source, in-source, re-engineer, restructure. We’ve made it too complicated. I think you just have to ask, “what are the most important things in the business and what do we need to do?” My concern is that business can be made overcomplicated-----a certain amount of “information pollution” goes on.

Q: What has been your best moment in business?

A: I have not had that moment yet. I have had good successes but I’m forever optimistic that the best moments are yet come.

Q: What will be the big business issues the next decade?

A: I think it will be the issue of technology, creating sustainable business advantage. Many of the dotcoms went belly up because of lousy business models, but for business-to-business communication, technology is a fantastic tool. About 150 years age the industrial revolution took all the fat out of production processes. Now the information revolution, which is only just kicking in, is taking the fat out of the administration process that supports manufacturing. The use of technology to create sustainable business advantages is the biggest revolution in business so far.

Q: How do you relax?

A: I do like to fly the light one-man home-made aircraft called micro lights—you have to focus when you fly to avoid being hurt—you can’t be thinking about work. I’m also an avid reader. And to really relax, I go home. My wife is a gem who has created a great environment at home.

第三篇 Passage 3

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

美国有线新闻网 CNN ( the U.S. Cable News Network)

主持人 anchor

这是好兆头 This bodes well

遏制 containment

软遏制 soft containment

进入新阶段 enter into a new phase

反华情绪 anti-China sentiment in the U. S.

建设性战略伙伴关系 a constructive strategic partnership

The United States and China remaining engaged 美中两国保持接触(政策)


W: You, at one point in the last few days, I believe to members of Congress, described President Clinton as lacking courage, suggesting that he gave in to political concerns in the United States. Is that your views of the President? Is he weaker, politically, than you expected?

朱: 我认为这不是一个勇气问题,而是对机遇的判断问题。这表明了他对美国国内政治形势的判断。我认为他应在听取国会和民众意见的基础上,做出决定。我相信,他会做出正确的决策。



W: President Clinton has talked about, in this regard, the importance of the United States and China remaining engaged. Do you agree that it’s important for the two countries to remain engaged?

朱: 你们把这叫“保持接触”政策。我们叫“中美友好合作关系”。我认为发展中美合作友好关系是美国两党——共和党和民主党的一贯政策。从尼克松总统打开中美关系的大门以来,两党一直坚持这个政策。尼克松总统毕竟是共和党人。接着,在民主党的卡特总统执政期间,两国正式建立了外交关系;共和党的里根和布什进一步促进了中美友好合作关系的发展;民主党的克林顿总统又与江泽民主席共同宣布,两国之间建立建设性的战略伙伴关系。这一系列事实说明,这个政策是两党的共识。现在我感到两国关系进入了一个新的全面稳定发展阶段。发展中美友好合作关系不仅有利于中美两国人民,而且有利于世界人民。从中方来说,中国三代领导人——毛泽东主席,周恩来总理,邓小平先生,江泽民主席,他们都始终不渝地维护和发展中美两国关系。因此,我认为你说的“接触政策”才是正确的发展方向。而所谓的“遏制”或者有些人说的“软遏制”不是正确的方向。

W: And finally, Premier Zhu, let me ask you, what would be your message to people around the world to perhaps—to help them understand about China something perhaps that they don't understand now? What would you have people know or understand about your country—people in the United States, people in Europe, Africa, the rest of the world that perhaps they don’t know?

朱: 我认为在目前的反华情绪中,那些嗓门最高的是那些最缺乏对中国了解的人。而且常常是那些从没去过中国的人喊的最响。因此,促进两国关系进一步发展的最好途径是加强人员交流,使人们更多的互访,更好的互相沟通。在我访美国期间,有机会接触美国各行各业人士,包括很多美国普通民众。他们都对中国表达了友好的感情。对一些问题,包括有些议员提出的人权问题和西藏问题,他们听了我在这些问题上的观点以后,都表示他们能够理解我们的做法。因此,如果我们能够进一步促进两国人民之间的互相了解,我们的关系一定会得到进一步的改善。

第四篇 Passage 4

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

承包 rent

敬老院 an old people’s home

圆桌座谈 a roundtable discussion 

最基层卫生所 the lowest level clinic

figure out an honorable way to… 找出……的最好办法

people live at what we call the grass-roots level 我们称之为平民百姓这一阶层的人们

It leads to strains on the environment 这给环境带来压力


THE PRESIDENT: Let me begin by thanking all of you for spending a little time with my wife and me today, and by thanking everyone in Xiahe for making us feel so welcomed.

I’m sorry that I had to take a little time to answer some questions from our news media, but, as you know, there’s 12 hours time difference and so, they’re running out of time to file their stories, and thank you for your patience.

So we really have no set program today. I would like to just hear from each of you about what you are doing and how you personally have seen things change in China the last few years.

Who would like to go first?

村医: 我是下和村人。我在本村卫生所工作,这是中国最基层的卫生所。我们按照政府的规定办事。我们想——我们有一项工作就是预防村里的常见病并向上级政府报告我们的工作情况。基层卫生所的另一项职责就是治疗村里的常见病。我暂时说到这里。

MRS. CLINTON: Doctor, have you noticed improvements in the health of the people here in the countryside during your time as a doctor?

村医: 农村人的健康状况有了很大改善,特别是现在我们的钱更多了,我们很少参加体力劳动。

村民(女厂长): 我叫杨丽华。是秦俑工艺厂经理——我拥有一个小工厂,在工厂我是经理。我还创办了敬老院。我只是个农村妇女,但自从改革开放以来,我承包了一个工厂和一个敬老院,基本上用工厂挣来的钱资助敬老院。


MRS.CLINTON: May I ask, how did you start your factory? Where did you get the funds to start the factory and get the equipment and the materials you needed?

村民(女厂长): 我用自己的钱, 并向政府贷一部分款。实际上, 我们几个人在一起合作, 所以我也向合伙人筹集一部分资金。

THE PRESIDENT: This is going to be a big issue in the future for every country. In our country, the fastest growing group of Americans is people over 85. There are still not many of them, but they’re growing fast. And every society will have to figure out an honorable way to take care of such people. So I appreciate the work you’re doing.

村民: 我叫杨东义,是下和村人。我是这个村长大的。起初我种地,现在承包了一个小公司。1949年解放以来,我亲身经历了村里发生的三大变化。我所经历的第一个变化是村里解放后的生活比解放前好了。1982年改革开放以来,我们的生活比解放前更提高了。自1992年,我们的生活又有了很大改善。1989年以前村里的人均收入约为100元多一点。1992年,村里的人均收入达1000多元,而现在村里的人均收入可达到3000多元。


THE PRESIDENT: Let me say, first of all, that it’s very impressive how much economic progress has been made in such a short time.

What specific change do you think has been most important in helping you and your family to earn much more money through your hard work?

村民: 最重要的事情是我国现在有了好的政策。过去,无论你有多大本事,你只能做人家叫你做的事情。但是,改革开放以后,每个人都有显示自己才能和努力工作的广阔天地。现在产量提高如此之快的原因是人人都能做他们擅长做的事情。有的人开始做生意;有的人留在家里种地;有的人开办自己的公司;他们做的都是他们擅长的。他们还更加注意学习新技术,所以他们的工作能力极大地提高了。


村民: 我叫谢利民。我以及像我这样的人从改革开放中获益最多。我在空军部队服役了15年,在政府部门工作了8年。1992年我开了家小餐馆,当时只有80个餐位,现在已扩大到500个餐位。



村民: 我还想问问你最喜欢的中国菜是什么?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, now I understand how you fill a restaurant with 500 seats every night. (Laughter).

MRS. CLINTON: I would wonder whether any of you might have any questions for us, because one of the reasons that my husband made this trip is so that the Chinese people and the American people can learn more about each other and about our lives.

村民: 我想问总统,你为什么和我们普通的中国人举行这个圆桌座谈呢?

THE PRESIDENT: For two reasons. First of all, I think it’s important that people who are in positions like mine, in the United States and in China, in every country, understand how people live at what we call the grass-roots level, and understand how the policies we make affect thelives that people live, because that’s actually the purpose of leadership—to try to make a positive difference in the lives of ordinary citizens.

And second, because the American people are very interested in learning more about Chinese people as the result of my trip. So, when we do this, there will be pictures and reports of this meeting in America so people just like you in America will have a feeling for what it’s liketo own a restaurant or teach a school or be a business person or be a student or a doctor or run a home for older people. They will feel these things in a different way because of this event we’re doing here.

村民: 我相信一个注意人民生活实际的总统肯定是受人民拥护的总统。

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. We have to stop in a moment, but I’d like to ask the doctor one more question. What do you believe the biggest challenge is for improving the health care of the Chinese people now at the village level? What is the largest remaining challenge that would—any change that could be made that would improve health much more?

村医: 首先,按照我过去的经验,我认为最大的问题是改善环境卫生。预防也是很重要的。

THE PRESIDENT: This is a very important point, which has been made—important for China and important for the United States. When a country grows economically, you use more energy and you have more activity, and it leads to strains on the environment, especially air pollution, which can really affect people’s health. So one of China’s big challenges, and a continuing challenge for America, is to grow the economy, but to clean up the environment at the same time. And we can do both, but we have to work at it, and we should work at it together. 

村民(饭店经理): 我想补充一点意见。西安的商界人士都真想增进中美两国的贸易,他们想看到中国成为美国的第一大贸易伙伴,同时我自己也想多挣些美元。(笑声)

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’ll work on that and I will also work on accepting your invitation to come to your restaurant when I am not in office anymore. This is very nice, you know. Most people in my position wonder if anyone will want us to eat with them when we’re not in office anymore. (Laughter)

Thank you all very much. Thank you. (Applause.) Good luck to you, thank you.

III. 参考译文 Reference Version

第一篇 Passage 1

Q: Prime Minister, you see there are so many people over there. I guess they’ve already known who’s the guest, a very famous guest today to this city. How do you like this place?

答: 故宫代表的是一段辉煌的历史。事实上,十年前我第一次访问贵国时就已经来过这里。我注意到这十年来中国发生了如此巨大的变化,这简直是太了不起了。

Q: So, this is your second time.

答: 我到中国来,这是第二次。

Q: So, Mr. Prime Minister, talking about the Forbidden City, many Chinese people consider the Forbidden City a witness of the contemporary Chinese history. Of course, this also includes the history of our relations. You know during the Boxer war, we had some unpleasant memories between our two countries. Inside these few hundred meters, inside this gate, there were dozens of very huge water vats. During that war, soldiers from the Allied Forces came here and stripped away all the gold platings on them. That of course has become history. That’s something already in the past. As you have said, with the return of Hong Kong to China, we’ve already lifted the burden of history and we areexpecting a brand-new era for relations between our two countries. So, today you came here as a guest and also as a leader of the British government. How do you plan to turn the new leaf in our new history?

答: 我认为中英之间如今已经有了一种新型关系。你提到在历史上我们两国关系曾有过一些麻烦的时候,你是对的;但另一方面,我们两国之间历史上的联系也很紧密,而我们现在所要做的就是把这种紧密关系重新恢复起来。香港回归对中英两国来说都是一个很重要的时刻,而且进展得很顺利,进展得超乎人们预料的顺利。我想这一切都很好。至于香港的情况,在回归之前,也有一些人曾表示忧虑。现在证明这些忧虑是没有根据的。香港的回归是很成功的,这对中英两国都很好。我们两国有着许多共同的利益,比如在相互开放贸易,协助中国在世界上发挥大国决定性的作用等方面。

Q: You just mentioned the United Nations, and China and Britain are both countries with considerable influence in the world. We are both permanent members of the UN Security Council, so how do you think we can promote this cooperation in international affairs, like drug smuggling in the world?

答: 我认为在这些问题上,我们的合作越紧密,我们的工作就会做得越好。当今世界给我们最大的启示就是我们面临种种巨大的挑战。不论是国际性的犯罪、贩毒,还是全球性的经济危机,或者是世界各个地区的政局动荡,对于这些问题,我们只有联起手来一起去解决。这些问题只能由那些认识到它们有着共同的利益,尽力想办法面对困难、迎接挑战的国家予以解决。比如说对于全球性的犯罪和贩毒问题,我们正和中国在内的其他国家一起合作,尽力树立起一种正确的信念,以便我们能够追捕那些从事毒品走私的犯罪分子。我认为中国在这方面的作用是非常重要的。这也给人们一种强烈的印象,中国在全球讨论这类问题的过程中正发挥着它应有的作用。

第二篇 Passage 2


问: 工作中什么事情令您感觉很高兴?

答: 做出成绩,特别是做出令客户满意的成绩。你可以做出种种规划设计,但最终还得能将它们付诸实践。目前,我们正在做一个硬件,它会引起客户业务的大变革—我们一般在做的都是会对客户业务起到实际影响的东西。

问: 您是何时当经理的?

答: 我干这行有30年了。起先我搞程序设计、程序编写,然后和另一个人一起被派往德国一个小组做一个“秘密项目”。他被“炒”后,我突然被任命为项目经理,手下有一组德国人供我指挥,而当时我还不会说德语!那是1980年的事了。那以后我就一直呆在经理圈 。

问: 在您事业上升发展的过程中,您得到的最重要的经验是什么?

答: 首要的一条是:人起重要作用。人有着举足轻重的意义,人不同,出的活儿也不同。选择合适的人——这道理真是很简单而又至关重要。我喜欢挑选比我聪明的人。为我干活的人都很敬业,且脑瓜灵光。


问: 在事业发展中,您是如何应对挫折的?

答: 做出调整,继续前进。年轻时,我常搭便车旅行。当别人站着干等过路车时,我会接着往前走,因为前面很可能有个拐角,在那儿你更可能搭上车。这就是我所谓的“做出调整,继续前行”。明天总会有不同的选择。运气也起作用。对人生起关键作用的事一旦发生,就能戏剧性地改变你的一生——所以凡事都与时间、机遇密不可分。

问: 如果从头开始,您会干什么呢?

答: 如果当不成宇航员,我就重操旧业。我感到很幸运。30年来,我周游各地,四处工作,赚该赚的钱,见有趣的人。我甚至想让我儿子也干这一行,因为我觉得这个行当的确能开阔思路。而且,近30年,事物真是变化很大。


问: 什么事最令您生气?

答: 悬而不决和“精英”综合症——谁成功,谁就被“封杀”。在有些国家,人们对体坛英雄崇拜有余加,而对商业人士却赞誉不足。我说过,我不是个容易生气的人,但相当没耐性。我经常发现,在与一个公司合作的过程中,他们总会在一个重大决定上一而再、再而三地拖延时间。有时,他们花在调查方案上的钱比花在从你这儿购买它的钱还多。像咨询顾问还未做出最后决策就花光了预算的事我都经历过。我喜欢那些干脆利落、说干就干的人。

问: 您认为哪种管理策略被高估了?

答: 我们试过种种途径——外部协作、内部配置、策划更新、结构重组。我们把事情弄得太复杂了。我想,其实你只消问一下“业务中什么最重要?我们需要做什么?”就行了。我担心的是,业务可能被做得过于复杂——于是某些“信息污染”便会产生。

问: 什么时候是您业务中的最佳时刻?

答: 我还未遇到过这个时刻。虽然我已取得了很好的成绩,不过我一直很乐观,相信最佳时刻总会到来的。

问: 您认为下10年中,大企业的问题是什么?

答: 我想会是技术问题,即创造可持续的业务优势。尽管许多网络公司由于蹩脚的运营模式而倒闭,但对于商业通讯来说,技术的作用是不可思议的。大约150年前,工业革命大大简化了生产环节。现在是信息革命——虽然只是初见势头—在优化支撑着制造业的管理环节。迄今为止,用技术创造可持续业务优势是最大的商界革命。

问: 您是如何放松自己的?

答: 我真的很喜欢开那种叫做micro lights的国产轻型单人飞机——飞行时,你得全神贯注,不能想工作的事,否则难免出事受伤。我还是个读书迷。但是要想实实在在地放松,我就回家。我妻子把家弄得温馨无比,她可真是个了不起的人。

第三篇 Passage 3

(Woodruff, the anchor of the Cable News Network of the U.S., had an interview with Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji during his visit to the U.S. The following is excerpted from the interview.)

伍: 前几天,您对议员们说,克林顿总统缺乏勇气,并建议他在一些政治问题上应做出让步。请问,总统真的给您留下这样的印象吗?您认为他在政治方面缺乏勇气吗?

ZHU: I don’t think we should look at this as a matter of courage. Rather, it’s a judgment of opportunity. And this reflects his assessment of the domestic political situation in the U.S. And I believe that he should make up his mind and come to some conclusion, based on the views of Congress and on popular opinion in the United States. And I do believe he will make the right decision.

Well, based on my trip to the United States------so far I’ve already been to five cities, including New York, and tomorrow we will go to Boston------I’ve had an opportunity to come into contact with a good array of people in the United States, including members of Congress and people from the business community and people from the financial community and members of the press. And I found that all the Americans we’ve met have been very friendly to China.

And I think that this bodes well for a continuing progressive development in Sino-U.S. relations. And I feel that all the people we’ve met certainly would be supportive of China’s accession to the WTO.

And at two o’clock this afternoon, President Clinton called me on the telephone and I told him about the sense that I had. And he told me that he had the same sense.

So I don’t think it will take a very long time for us to achieve an agreement.


ZHU: Well, what you call “engagement” we call a “friendly, cooperative relationship” between China and the United States. And I believe that a cooperative, friendly relationship between China and the United States is------has been, the consistent policy of your political parties, both the Republicans and the Democrats.

The policy in the United States has been a bipartisan one, ever since President Nixon first opened up the door of U.S.-China relations. Afterall, he was a Republican, but then it was during the administration of President Carter, who was a Democrat, that the countries achieved normal diplomatic relations. And subsequently, Presidents Reagan and Bush, who were Republicans, continued to promote and foster the relationship. And then the Democratic President Clinton and our President Jiang togather, announced that we were going to try to develop a constructive strategic partnership.

And so I think this chain of events shows that this policy has been a bipartisan one. And now I feel that we are entering into a new phase which is entirely consistent with the interests, not only of our two countries, but also with that of the world at large. And on the Chinese side, if you look back to Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou Enlai, and Mr. Deng Xiaoping, and now President Jiang Zemin, three successive generations of our leaders have also been supportive of this policy.

So I think that what you call “engagement” is the right way to go. And the so-called “containment” or even some people now call “soft containment” is not the right way.

伍: 最后,请问朱总理,您将给世界人民带来什么样的消息帮助他们了解他们目前对中国还不解的事情?您想让包括美国,欧洲和非洲人民在内的全世界人民了解中国的哪些方面?

ZHU: Well, I think that in the current anti-China sentiment in the United States, the people whose voices are loudest, the ones who lack the understanding of China the most and often they are the ones who’ve never been to China. So, I think the best way to promote and facilitate better relations between China and the United States is to have more exchanges of visitors, to have people visit each other more often, and to have people communicate with each other better.

And during this current visit to the United States, I’ve had an opportunity to meet people from different walks of life in the U.S., including many ordinary American citizens. And I find that they all express feelings of friendship towards China. And on some issues, including issues raised by people in Congress like human rights and Tibet, after they hear my explanations of our views on these subjects they have expressed understanding of why we feel like what we do.

So I feel that if we are able to better promote mutual understanding between our two people, the relationship between us will for sure improve.

第四篇 Passage 4





DOCTOR: I am from the Xiahe Village. I work in the local village clinic, and this is the lowest level clinic in China. We work according to the regulations from the government and we try to—one of our jobs is to prevent the common diseases in the countryside and report our work to the higher level government. Another responsibility of the lower level clinic is to treat common diseases in the countryside. That’s allfor now.

总统夫人: 医生,你当医生以来看到这里村民们的健康状况有所改善吗?

DOCTOR: There has been great improvement in the health quality of the countryside people, especially now we have more money and they do less physical work.

VILLAGER: My name is Yao Lihua, and I am the manager of the Terra Cotta Warrior Artycraft Factory—I own a little factory. I am the manager there, and I also manage old people’s home. I am just a countrywoman, but ever since the reform, I now rent a factory and an old people’s home and, basically, the factory also supports the old people’s home.

Now the Chinese have become rich, but we shouldn’t forget about old people. In the 20th century we have in China more older people. We really should do more for them, and that’s the goal in my life. That’s what I want to do.

总统夫人: 请问你是怎样筹建工厂的?你是从哪里获得启动工厂的资金和你所需要的设备和原材料的?

VILLAGER: I used my own money and got some loan from government and actually, several of us work together, so I also collect some funds from my partners.

总统: 将来每个国家都将面临这个大问题。在我们国家,美国人增长最快的是85岁以上的老人。目前他们数量还不多,但增长得快。每个社会都得找出照顾这些老人的最好办法。所以我很赞赏你正在做的工作。

VILLAGER: My name is Yang Dongyi, and I am from Xiahe Village. I grew up in this village. First I was a farmer, and now I rent a little company. Ever since the liberation in 1949, there are three big changes I experienced myself in this village. The first change I experienced was that the life in the village after the liberation was better than before. Our life has improved compared to that before the liberation. In 1992, our life experienced another improvement. Before 1989, the average income in the village was about—a little bit more than 100 yuan, and then in 1992, the average income in the village was more than 1,000 yuan. And now the average income in the village is over 3,000 yuan.

Before 1982, my whole family would only get about 100 yuan income per year. Now I and my wife and one daughter, the three of us, have more than30,000 yuan income per year. I want to tell the president that the changes in my village and the change in my own family are also the change inthe country.

My personal change, compared to that of some people in China is relatively small, and this place and Xi’an, compared to the coastal cities in China is still a little backward. But, of course, compared to the U.S., this village is a lot more—even more backward, but we would be willing to work very hard.

总统: 我首先要说的是,在如此短的时间内取得这么大的经济成就给我留下了很深的印象。你认为哪一項具体的变化在帮助你和你的家人通过勤劳挣这么多钱上是最重要的呢?

VILLAGER: The most important thing is we have a good policy in our country now. In the past, no matter what your abilities are, you are told to do what you are supposed to do. But after the reform, everyone can have the space to show his or her own talent and to work very hard.

The reason now the production improved so much is everybody can do what he or she is good at. Some people begin to do business, some people stay on the farmland, and some people begin to have their own company------they’re all doing what they’re good at. They are also paying more attention to learning the new technology, so their ability to work has greatly improved.

Another thing is they also learn from the foreign countries now. They borrow and learn the advanced technology from the foreign country and use in their own production. And that’s the main reason for the chances you have seen today.

VILLAGER: My name is Xie Limin. People like me have benefited the most ever since the reform. I served in the air force for 15 years and worked another 8 years in the government. In 1992 I opened a small restaurant with 80 seats. Now I have extended my restaurant to 500 seats.

My restaurant is among the best in Xi’an and very influential. I really wish to invite both of you to go to my restaurant and enjoy my food. If you don’t have the chance this time, you are still welcome to come back after you finish your duty as President.

总统: 谢谢。 

VILAGER: And I also want to ask what is your favorite Chinese dish?

总统: 哦,我现在明白了每天晚上都有500人到你餐馆用餐的原因了。(笑声)

总统夫人: 我想知道你们当中任何人是否也有问题问我们,因为我丈夫此行的目的之一是帮助中美两国人民增进彼此之间和对彼此生活的了解。

VILLAGER: I want to ask the President why you want to hold this roundtable discussion with ordinary Chinese people.

总统: 有两个原因。首先,我认为,在美国,在中国,在任何国家,一件很重要的事是担任我这样职务的人要了解我们称之为平民百姓这一阶层的生活情况,了解我们制定的政策给人民的生活带来了什么影响。由于事实上,领导的目的就在于设法使普通公民的生活发生积极的变化。


VILLAGER: I believe a President who is looking to the facts of people’s life must be a President who is supported by his people.


DOCTOR: First of all, from my past experience, I believe the biggest challenge is to improve the environmental situation. Prevention is alsovery important.

总统: 你讲的这一点很重要,对中国重要,对美国也很重要。一个国家在经济增长的同时要消耗更多的能源,开展更多的活动,从而给环境带来压力,特别是空气污染问题,它真正会影响人民的健康。所以中国的一个巨大问题包括美国仍然面临的一个问题是在促进经济增长的同时净化环境。我们可以双管齐下,但我们必须致力于这項工作而且必须共同致力于这項工作。

VILLAGER: I want to make one comment. All the business people in Xi’an want to improve the trade between the U.S. and China, and they like tosee that China become America’s first biggest trade business partner. And I would, for myself, want to make more U.S. dollars. (Laughter)



第八单元 Unit 8

现代教育 Modern Education

I. 阅读材料 Reading Material第一篇 Passage 1

Dropping the Line

College sophomore Dana Boulter had time to kill one sunny afternoon. So she spread out a blanket under a maple tree, turned on laptop computer and started surfing the Web. No messy wiring is required.

Here at Greenville College, as at a growing number of campuses, students can log on from almost anywhere ----- outdoors, in classrooms, in the basketball stands.

“It’s so nice here,” said Boulter, of Lincoln, Neb., checking stock quotes for an economics assignment. “I’m not confined in my campus.” 

Laptop computers connected to wireless networks give students ultimate mobility: They can check e-mail, chat with friends and otherwise stay on the Net while they roam about campus.

“Students are the only group of people on college campuses who don’t have their own office,” said Richard Ridgeway, communications director at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. “Notebook computers make anywhere they are their office.”

Buena Vista, Drexel and Wake Forest are among the universities that began campus-wide wireless service this fall. Greenville started its program a year ago, as did Carnegie Mellon University. Mount St. Mary College in Newburgh, N. Y., introduced a slower form of wireless service in 1996.

Sure, the technology has drawbacks: the potential for greater security risks and congestion. Plus, laptop batteries last only a few hours, and students can goof off more easily in class.

But wireless networks also let students collaborate more naturally. And schools do not have to install access ports anywhere a student mightconceivably want to work.

The technology is still cutting-edge at colleges and universities, which already tend to be leaders in Internet usage.

No one keeps figures. But Tony Mordosky, past president of the Association of Telecommunications Professionals in Higher Education, estimates that less than 5 percent of campuses are fully wireless.

Mordosky expects a wireless explosion in the next two to five years, similar to the growth of high-speed wiring in dormitories during the mid-1990s.

Scores of schools are already testing wireless technology or equipping specific buildings to supplement their traditional wired networks. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln recently equipped its student union. Business schools at Purdue and Vanderbilt went wireless over the past year, and the University of Kansas’s law school will do so soon.

The impetus: improvements in wireless speeds and reductions in prices in the past year or so. 

A small college can now set up an entire campus for a few hundred thousand dollars—far less than the cost of upgrading older buildings or extending wiring to every classroom desk. Larger schools can do so for a few million dollars.

At Mount St. Mary, computer modems had been swamping the college’s phone network, but wiring dormitories with dedicated Net connections would have cost $150,000. The wireless route cost $30,000.

Greenville also found going wireless cheaper than extending wires to dormitory rooms located blocks away from campus. To cover the entire 26-acre campus except for one parking lot and some remote athletic fields, technicians installed 60 access boxes along the walls or ceilings. Those boxes are slightly bigger than a smoke detector, with one or two antennae the size of a pen.

A laptop-toting student who wants to connect can buy a wireless card for about $450 a semester.

When a student is within range, the laptop automatically connects with a nearby access point, sending and receiving Internet traffic at up to 11 megabits per second, or 200 times faster than speediest telephone modem. Traffic moves from that access point to central servers through regular wiring.

About half of Greenville’s 940 undergraduates have signed up. Though only a handful of schools across the country now issue or require laptops, Greenville will begin requiring them for incoming freshmen next year.

Greenville College President James Mannoia routinely listens to Brazilian newscasts through the Web as he strolls to his office carrying his laptop.

Some evenings, laptops light the main quad outdoors like giant fireflies.

Eric Weidmann, a freshman from Fridley, Minn., brought his laptop to the cafeteria one afternoon to download music files.

“What you do on the computer doesn’t always require a lot of thinking,” he said. “Now, I can talk to people without being in my room by myself.”

Michael Dixon’s classes are scattered throughout the day. During breaks, the sophomore is often in the snack bar, chatting online with his parents in Stockton, Calif., or even doing Web-aided homework.

During a class on computer basics, eight of 32 students surfed along on their laptops. One of them, senior B.J. Schneck liked the ability to go beyond the instructor’s demonstrations.

“It enhances the leaning experience,” Schneck said. “We were able to check on the same things he was working on as well as explore on our own.”

At Buena Vista, communications professor Paul Bowers had students collaborate in small groups to find online resources on political campaigns. Once professors tap into technology’s potential, he said, there “will be less lecturing and more students doing things on their own with teachers assisting them.”

But some students catch up on personal e-mail instead of paying attention.

Craig Boyd, a philosophy professor at Greenville, banned laptops last fall when he learned a student was checking baseball scores during class.

And unless all students have laptops, instructors cannot fully incorporate them into the curriculum. Buena Vista raised tuition about $1,000 a year, offset partly by financial aid, to buy wireless laptops for its1, 250 students. But where laptops are optional, are poorer students getting an equal education?

Wireless networks use frequencies separate from cell phones. They share an unregulated 2.4 Gigahertz frequency with microwave ovens, newer cordless phones and devices using an emerging Bluetooth standard. As wireless products get popular, interference could become a problem.

In the next few years, wireless networks will likely become commonplace at hotels, airport and some businesses, analysts say.

Wireless networking will become a $2.2 billion industry by 2003, nearly three times the $800 million this year, projects Stan Schatt, a vice president at Giga Information Group. This figure is on top of the business for cell phones.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

laptop 膝上电脑

quotes 报价

congestion 拥塞

ports 端口

goof off 打发时间

cutting-edge 创新;革新

impetus 推动力

antennae 天线 

laptop-toting 背着手提电脑的学生 

megabit 兆位

strolls 漫步

quad 院子

fireflies 萤火虫

offset 弥补,抵消

frequencies 频率

hertz 千兆赫 

ovens 微波炉

第二篇Passage 2

Beijing University

The first university run by the Central Government of China was founded in 1898, named originally Imperial University. It was a product of the Reform Movement of 1898, which ushered in China's modern higher education. Since then it has been closely tied to the fate of the country.

In February 1898, under the vigorous impetus of such noble-minded patriots of the Reform Movement as Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, Emperor Guang Xu ordered the preparations to found a university. After its founding, the Imperial University inherited some of the duties of the Imperial College, the highest educational institution in feudal China, and it exercised control over the universities of the various provinces of the country. It therefore was not only the highest seat of learning, but the highest executive organ of education in the whole country as well. In 1912, the second year after the 1911 Revolution, the Imperial University changed its name to Beijing University, and the then well-known bourgeois reformist, enlightenment thinker and translator Yan Fu was appointed as the first president of Beijing University.

Over the past hundred years, the group of China's contemporary universities, with Beijing University as its stellar representative, has played a pioneering role in China's historical course towards modernization, forming a glorious revolutionary as well as an exemplary academic tradition.

In 1916, Cai Yuanpei, our country's well known democratic revolutionary, educator and thinker, was appointed president of Beijing University. He advanced this guiding principle for running a school:" to abide by the principle of freedom of thought and to adopt an all-embracing doctrine." He carried out an effective reform in Beijing University which promoted ideological liberation and academic prosperity. In 1917, Chen Duxiu, the initiator of a new cultural movement, was appointed head of Beijing liberal arts section. He moved New Youth magazine from Shanghai to Beijing, carrying out a vigorous attack on feudal thoughts. As a result, Beijing University became China's center of the new cultural movement in opposing old thinking and old culture of feudalism and advocating new thinking and a new culture.

In the great May fourth Patriotic Movement, it was Beijing University which first lighted the revolutionary torch of anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism. As a new ideology and culture, Marxism was the first to achieve in Beijing University its primary stage of propagation in China. Professor Li Dazhao of Beida was the first Chinese who embraced and propagated Marxism. In the course of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, the first members of Peking’s Party group consisted entirely of Beida people. Mao Zedong also received his enlightenment through Marxist education in Peking University.

As China's first earliest center of education and scientific research, Beijing University has gathered China's most brilliant specialists and scholars, continuously opened up, blazed new trails, engaged itself in reform and development for training high-quality talent and achieving high-level scientific fruits that deeply influenced and advanced the range of China's higher education. In 1903, the Imperial University sent its first group of 46 students to study abroad, an act which marked the beginning of China's higher institutions sending students to study abroad. In 1920, a contingent of three young women students were enrolled in Beijing University, an act which ushered in coeducation in China's institutions of higher learning. In addition, it was Beijing University which first taught Marxist theory, started aesthetic education and introduced Einstein's theory of relativity, which produced far-reaching influence in China's institutions of higher learning.

After the founding of New China, Beijing University became a university able to boast of its rich resources of the teaching staff and a most complete faculty of liberal arts, sciences and foreign languages. The teachers and students of the university have continued to bring creative initiative into full play and founded China's first atomic energy department. In the 60's, the university joined hands with other fraternal units and successfully developed artificially synthesized bovine insulin, which was the first instance in the world of using artificial means in the synthesis of a protein with biological energy. It produced profound theoretic and academic significance in the study of life sciences. In the eighties, Beijing University developed a computer-laser Chinese character editing and typesetting system, which enabled China's printing industry to end its history of lead and fire and step into a period of light and electricity. In the nineties,Beida Fangzheng has become an enterprise group, one producing the highest benefits among all China's institutions of higher learning.

For a hundred years, Beijing University and China's many other universities together have trained and raised generation after generation ofhigh-quality talent. This university is closely linked with the fate of our country. Its centenary history serves almost as a history of rejuvenation that concentrated the ideology, culture, science and education of the nation. It is the glory of Beijing University as well as the pride of the Chinese nation.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

usher in… 以……为开端

Imperial University 京师大学堂

Imperial College 国子监(封建社会中国的最高学府)

The highest executive organ of education 最高教育行政管理机构 

stellar representative 杰出代表

exemplary academic tradition 优良的学术传统 

“to abide by the principle of freedom of thought “循思想自由原则、取兼容并包主义”

and to adopt an all-embracing doctrine.” 

The initiator of a new cultural movement 新文化运动的倡导者

blaze new trails 开拓精神

artificially synthesized bovine insulin 人工合成牛胰岛素 

Chinese character editing and typesetting system 汉字编辑排版系统 

a history of rejuvenation 一部振兴历史

II.口译实践 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret Them:

第一篇(英译汉)Passage 1 (E---C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions:

collidge 学院

nurse numbers of great people 培养大批伟人

get world wide admiration 誉满全球

endowment 资助

crimson 绯红的

lampoon 讽刺文学 

award…degree 授予…学位

Finnish- American architect 芬兰籍美国建筑师

manuscript 手稿

biographer 传记作家

Among all American universities, Harvard and Yale University are the two oldest and most prestigious ones. In their long history, they have nursed numbers of great people and thus got world wild admiration

Harvard University began in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, when a college was set up by the Massachusetts General Court with a sum of 400 English pounds "for a schooled or collidge". The college gained the name Harvard in 1639 after an English clergyman, John Harvard, became one of the early financial supporters. Today Harvard has probably the world's biggest university endowment or private financial support fund. United States presidents who have graduated from Harvard include John F• Kennedy, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D• Roosevelt, John Quincy Adams and John Adams. The Harvard University library is also the oldest in the United States, containing more than 12 million volumes in its central, undergraduate and departmental collections. Harvard has had an important role in training Americans for national and publicoffice and two important schools are the Harvard Law School and the John Fitzgerald Kennedy School of Government. Notable publications produced by Harvard include the Harvard Law Review and the humor magazine Harvard Lampoon. Harvard enrolment is just over 18,000.

Yale University was founded in 1701 as the Collegiate School in Branford, Connecticut. It was moved to its present site in New Haven in 1716.In 1718 it was named Yale College after Elihu Yale, an English merchant who earned his money from the East India trade. In 1861 Yale College awarded the first Doctor of Philosophy degree in the United States. The college officially became Yale University in 1887. Graduates have included the America presidents William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, George Bush and George W. Bush. The school of medicine was the first professional school to be set up at Yale in 1813. Some of its modern buildings were designed by the Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen who is a graduate of Yale. Yale library's 7.5 million volumes include collections of material relating to the American West, the manuscriptsof the journals kept by 18th-century biographer James Boswell, and the papers of American author Gertrude Stein. Yale enrolment is about 11,000.랩

第二篇(英译汉)Passage 2 (E---C)

相关词语 Related words and expressions

alumna 女校友

alumnus 男校友

alumni 校友(复数)

civic origin 城市的起源

Sorbonne (巴黎)的索本神学院,巴黎大学的前身

teeming city 繁忙的城市

academia 学术界

culmination of an outstanding career 杰出事业的顶峰

barrister 律师

one-to-one tutorial 一带一导师制

academically rewarding 学术上受益

breeding ground 温床

cut their professional teeth 开始他们的职业生涯

classical music ensemble 古典乐团

rich, exalted history 丰富而声誉高的历史

For centuries, Oxford has been at Britain's intellectual heart, perhaps the most prestigious among Europe's many ancient universities. It lies only 50 miles from London, close to the centers of power—Parliament and the Law Courts. Oxford has attracted students and scholars from all over the world. They have gone on to achieve the highest positions in their own countries in politics, administration, science and the arts. Alumni include numerous eminent scientists, literary figures and such overseas politicians as American President Bill Clinton, Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and the Philippines’ President Gloria Arroyo.

Its civic origins go back to the Middle Ages. At that time, Oxford was a small town built on a mound of gravel between two deep rivers, the Thames and the Cherwell, at a place where oxen could ford the waters. As a place of learning Oxford's beginnings are equally distant. Legend has it that Alfred laid its foundations at the end of the ninth century. By the 12th century scholars were teaching in the town and their renown had spread to the Continent, particularly to the Sorbonne in Paris, then Europe's greatest center of learning. A group of English scholars left the French capital in 1167 to settle in Oxford and the place became a magnet for students and teachers from all over Britain. Today Oxford is a large, teeming city, but the cluster of ancient university buildings in the center—colleges, libraries, museums and administrative blocks –has remained largely untouched. While most old universities have modernized radically to accommodate their growingpopulations, Oxford has managed to expand while still preserving its traditional collegiate structure. The 36 existing colleges, varying from the older houses to the newest such as Green, are independent, self-governing institutions operating under the umbrella of the University of Oxford.

Few positions in academia are grander than being head of an Oxford college. Usually it is the culmination of an outstanding career and a reward for decades of public service. The post requires the combined talents of diplomat, administrator and academic. As Sir Roger Bannister, former Master of Pembroke College says:" Heading an Oxford college was a new challenge, you should recognize the needs and aspirations of the students and help to realize them. The three-year period students spend at Oxford is the most important of their lives; itshapes their future careers; the friendships they form will last for ever."

Every year in Oxford, among thousands of applicants, only a few hundred are chosen by each college through an increasingly competitive process. Once accepted, the undergraduates benefit from a range of traditional privileges. The most notable and the rarest of these is the one- to-one tutorial, at which a student presents his or her work to the tutor. The relationship of profound respect and trust that can develop between teacher and pupil over three years can be as lasting as it is academically rewarding. Years after students have left they return to their tutors for advice and guidance.

Parallel to their academic work, students can cultivate their particular talents and interests by joining a vast range of societies. Many ofBritain's finest actors, actresses and theatre directors started their careers at the Oxford University Dramatic Society. The Oxford Union (short for the Oxford University Debating Society) has been a breeding ground for the country's political leaders and celebrated barristers. Debate topics there vary from politics, philosophy, religion and ethics to less lofty subjects. The list of famous politicians who cut their professional teeth here is endless, such as the British Prime Ministers Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher, and the Prime Minister of other countries as well.

Another famous institution is the Oxford University Boat Club, founded in 1839. Each college has its own team of rowers, and the best among them are chosen to form the Oxford squad. Although boating is not usually a spectator sport, millions watch the annual duel between Oxford and Cambridge on television and tens of thousands more line the banks of the Thames. 

Oxford has a rich musical life, too. Students who play an instrument are encouraged to develop their talents. Some form pop and rock music groups, playing at parties and dances, while others create classical music ensembles. The best musicians are invited to join the Oxford University Orchestra. 

So generations of students, scholars and teachers come and go, each adding a layer to the university's rich, exalted history as Oxford shines everlasting.

第三篇(汉译英)Passage 3 (C—E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions 

皇家园林 royal garden

滋润着一代代清华学子 inspired and motivated generations of Tsinghua students 

国立清华大学 National Tsinghua University

多科性的大学 a polytechnic institution 

工程技术 engineering

蓬勃发展 flourish

惊人的速度 a breath-taking pace

综合性的 comprehensive

独特的魅力 characteristic charm 

治学严谨 rigorous scholarship research

中科院院士 Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

工程院 the Chinese Academy of Engineering

教育理念 educational doctrine

学术大师、兴业之才和治国之才outstanding scholars, eminent entrepreneurs and great statesmen

世界一流 world-class

自强不息、厚德载物 Self-discipline and Social Commitment


清华大学的前身是清华学堂,始建于1911年。1912年,清华学堂更名为清华学校。1928年更名为"国立清华大学",并于1929年秋开办研究院。中华人民共和国成立后,清华大学成为一所多科性的大学,重点是工程技术。 1978年以来,清华大学进入了一个蓬勃发展的新时期,恢复了理科、经济管理和人文科学等学科。清华以惊人的速度成为当代中国一所著名的综合性大学。



第四篇(汉译英) Passage 4 (C---E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

企业家,事业家 entrepreneur

毕业典礼 graduation ceremony

洗脑子 brain- washing 

学校的自助餐厅 cafeteria

盛行 prevail

模拟培训 simulated training

聪明的,知晓的 savvy

工商管理硕士 MBA (master of business administration)

股东 shareholder

本能,直觉能力 instinct

竞技场,比赛场 arena


在毕业典礼上,一位企业家说:“在知识经济时代,只有那些掌握了科学技术理论的人才能走在前边。 你可能拥有豪华轿车,但这并不意味着你拥有未来社会所需要的知识。重要的是要不断学习。”

这些企业家每周来上一次课,用他们的话说是来“洗脑”或“破除旧观念,获得新思路。” 授课教师是来自社会各行业的专家,课程内容主要是关于商业计划、市场营销、资金管理、企业发展策略以及职工培训方面的实例分析。


北京大学经济学院的副院长郑秀仪教授说:“企业家是中国市场经济的中坚,他们对学院开设的这种实例分析和模拟训练课程很感兴趣。” 郑教授指出,这些企业家们事业一开始都很成功,但现在都面临着一些进一步发展的问题。而学校里开设的课程将使他们对于现代商业的规则更加了解。




III. 参考译文 Reference Version 

第一篇  Passage 1



耶鲁大学起初是一所社区学校,1701年成立于康涅狄格州的布兰福特。1716年迁到现在所在地纽黑文。1718年,一位名叫艾立休•耶鲁的英国商人将其在东印度公司贸易中赚得的钱捐给该校,耶鲁学院由此得名。1861年,耶鲁学院在美国率先授予博士学位。1887年,学院正式改为耶鲁大学。耶鲁大学的毕业生中包括美国总统威廉•豪威尔德•泰福特、杰罗德福特和乔治•布什和现任总统小布什。成立于1813年的医学院是耶鲁的第一所专业学院。耶鲁校园的一些现代建筑是由本校毕业生,芬兰籍美国建筑师伊罗•萨里南设计的。耶鲁图书馆有藏书750万卷,其中有关于美国西部的珍贵资料,18世纪传记作家詹姆斯•波斯威尔的日记手稿及美国作家格特鲁德• 斯坦恩的作品。耶鲁大学每年入学人数大约为11,000人。

第二篇 Passage 2









第三篇 Passage 3

Sitting on several former royal gardens of the Qing Dynasty, the campus of Tsinghua University is located in the northwest corner of Beijing. It is surrounded by some famous universities and many historical sites. The garden-like campus has inspired and motivated generations of students.

Tsinghua University was established in 1911 originally as "Tsinghua Xuetang". The school was renamed "Tsinghua School" in 1912. The name "National Tsinghua University" was adopted in 1928, with the Research Institute being set up in 1929. After the foundation of the People's Republic of China, the university was molded into a polytechnic institution focusing on engineering. Tsinghua has flourished since 1978, with the re-establishment of the departments in sciences, economics and management, the humanities and so on. The University is developing into a comprehensive university in contemporary China at a breath-taking pace.

With a splendid legacy accumulated over the past 90 years, Tsinghua has retained its characteristic charm while promoting rigorous scholarship research, ensuring an academic and educational prestige. The university has over 7100 faculties and staff currently, including 24 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 24 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, over 900 full professors and 1200 associate professors. The educational doctrine of Tsinghua is "to train the students with integrity for the society". Since her founding, Tsinghua has nurtured over one hundred thousand students. Among them are many outstanding scholars, eminent entrepreneurs and great statesmen who are the pride of the Chinese. Hence, to study at Tsinghua is the dream of many Chinese youth. Presently, Tsinghua has over 20000 students, including 12000 undergraduates, 6200 master's degrees candidates and 2800 doctoral candidates.

With strong support from the nation, Tsinghua is in the face of unprecedented opportunities, Tsinghua University is pressing on towards becoming a world-class university in the 21st century. With the inspiring motto "Self-discipline and Social Commitment", Tsinghua will be dedicated to the well being of Chinese society.

第四篇 Passage 4

Last year, Beijing University initiated a special training school for more than 200 entrepreneurs from all over the country. Rather than drive their fancy cars to class, these entrepreneurs, like other young students, ride their bikes. 

“In the era of the knowledge economy, only those who have mastered certain scientific and technological principles can get ahead,” said one of the entrepreneurs at their graduation ceremony. “You may have a luxury car, but that does not mean you have the knowledge you need for the future. It is important to always learn.” 

The businessmen and women attend class once a week, known among them as “brain-washing”, or “getting rid of old ideas and acquiring new modes of thought.” The lecturers are experts from all walks of life, offering case analysis on business planning, marketing, capital management, development strategies for enterprises, and qualification training. 

Deng Ziqiang, head of Songben Electrical Appliances is a millionaire. But while at the university, he seemed no different from other students, wearing blue jeans and dining in the students’ cafeteria. Deng has been very successful so far in his career. But he believes thatfurther education is necessary for success. He says, “Rules and regulations will prevail in 21st century. If you don’t know the rules of the game, you will never win.” In six months, Deng finished the nine courses he has selected. He was so confident during his final for marketing and public relations that he finished the whole exam in an hour-----when it was expected to be finished in 3 hours. 

“These entrepreneurs form backbone of China’s market economy,” said Professor Zheng Xiuyi, vice president of the Institute of Economics under Beijing University. “They are interested in the training school for its case studies and simulated training.” Professor Zheng pointed out that these entrepreneurs had successful beginnings, but were faced with the problem of how to further develop. The courses will make them savvier on rules of modern business. 

The university also offers an international MBA course. He Zheng, 27, is one of the students enrolled in the class. He learned to do businessfrom his father when he was only seven years old. During his four years at university, he earned his first million yuan. When he was 25, he became a principle shareholder of an advertising company in Guangzhou City. Once, he remarked that he would like to become a billionaire by the age of 50.

He Zheng is gifted in making businesses profitable. But he admits that most of his decisions are based on instinct rather than analysis of economic indicators. He says, “I am neither good at financial affairs nor at management based on data analysis and business models. These are my weak points that should be changed.”

In the new century, businesspersons face increasingly fierce competition in the knowledge arena. To follow up with new concepts and technologies, studying at universities is the best choice for them-. 

第九单元 Unit 9

文化交流 Cultural Exchange

I. 阅读材料 Reading Material第一篇 Passage I

Synergy of East and West for Greater Creativity

By Prof K. K. Phua

The understanding and definition of creativity between the Eastern and Western cultures may differ, as traditional Asian culture is more conservative, while modern culture of the West is more liberal. But in terms of creative thinking, their influences are equally significant.

For the past couple of years, the Singapore government is actively encouraging and promoting creativity at the same time as it is improving the education system. Some recent media reports in Hong Kong were also of the view that perhaps creativity is more important than the development of high technology.

Creativity is a very wide scope that covers all fields. Creativity is the driving force behind the development of technology, the economy, the arts and culture. This article attempts to look at the issue of creativity from the technological, cultural and historical perspectives.

As an Asian country, we are naturally, concerned about the relationship between the history and culture of the East and creativity. In the East, especially in East Asia where Chinese culture was the mainstream, there were many illuminating examples of creativity and inventiveness in 5,000 years of Chinese history, for example, the invention of paper, gunpowder, printing and the compass. There were also great thinkers like Confucius, Mencius, Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi. But these achievements go back a thousand years, or even earlier in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period, the Qin and the Han Dynasties. Way back during the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods, the contention among the Hundred Schools of Thought not only created a favorable milieu for the advancement of science and technology, it also laid the foundation for the various categories of ancient science and technology in China, making it a characteristic oftradition.

However, there hasn’t been a likewise breakthrough for the last 1,000 years. What caused this stagnancy is an issue for us to ponder over. Throughout its history, Chinese culture has two obvious historical traits. One is that it had a very long period of feudalism. Only after 2,000 years of feudalism from the Zhou Dynasty right up to the early Republican period, did the class-based society with its strict ethical codes begin to change. The second trait is that the Imperial Examination System was too rigid and deeply entrenched. Therefore, when we discuss the issue of creativity, we should take these two traits as a historical backdrop, so as to analyze the positive and negative effectsof Eastern and Western cultures on creativity.

The feudal period in Europe was, by comparison, shorter. It was followed by over 200 years (14th to 16th century A. D.) of the Renaissance, a movement spurred on by the call to revive the arts of classical Greece. It was a revolution in intellectual thought and inventiveness. The Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution that followed caused a tumultuous transformation in Europe. Shaking off its feudal shackles in ideology and social systems, Europe created a brave new world for itself. Under such circumstances, Europe produced many new creations and inventions in the realms of art, science, music, architecture and so on. In the last 200 years, the United States created many new opportunities for self-development. Its favorable conditions attracted many immigrants of high caliber, it was able to achieve many breakthroughs and unearth many new ideas in economics, science and culture, making it the only superpower in the world today. On the whole, the historical circumstances in the West over the past few centuries provided very favorable conditions for creativity and inventiveness.

There is a difference in understanding and definition of creativity between the East and the West. Although Asian traditions are conservative in comparison, and the social climate and ideological make-up of the West are more liberal, each of them has valid contributions towards creativity. The most prominent Chinese scientist in the 20th century, Prof. Yang Chen-Ning, has more than once mentioned the fact that he was an amalgamation of Eastern and Western cultures. His new scientific ideas and theories are a result of the clash of Eastern and Western cultures and the resolution of this conflict. Whether it is Hegel’s idealism or Engel’s materialism, they allconverge at a common point: the resolution of conflict. Creativity is a multi-level and complex thought process, involving many different factors. Prof. Yang’s idea to glean the best from both the East and the West to resolve the conflict is something we should think seriously about.

Modern science originated from Europe. Therefore, we must know the characteristics of Western culture and its effect on creativity. The characteristics of Western cultures are reflected in making bold hypotheses followed by the meticulous search for evidence. The basis of science is the experiment. A scientific experiment is to test a hypothetical theory in the laboratory. Not only can the experiment verify the soundness of the hypothesis, it can also improve or debunk it. It is due to these cultural traits that Westerners are more used to making bold hypotheses. As a result, many important and revolutionary discoveries were made. The disadvantage of this is that some of these new ideas and hypotheses may not have solid foundations, but this fault is a minor one where creativity is concerned.

Another characteristic of Western culture is the emphasis on individual contribution. Perhaps there may be some historical or religious reasons, but the mainstay of Western culture is the individual. This trait is manifested in the adulation of individual heroes in Western culture and creativity. The individual’s heroic exploits and contributions are placed above collective effort. The advantage of this is that it can spur people on to greater heights. The flaw is that it results in self-centered individualism, which affects creativity indirectly. 

Up to some level, creativity requires the coordination of all sides. Eastern culture can play a positive role in this. We can look at the issue at two levels:

The traditional Eastern system emphasizes building a solid foundation, and then building up the basic knowledge step by step. However, Eastern tradition places too much emphasis on foundations. The insistence on rote learning robbed the initiative to make bold hypotheses about new situations and new problems. In the modern world, a solid foundation is not a bad thing for creativity. Another trait of Eastern cultures is humility in learning.

The 21st century will witness an explosion of human knowledge and technology. Students can no longer know everything. Under such circumstances, the unique and innovative ideas that creativity requires, as well as the grasp of new ideas and new situations, are all difficult to come by. They require the full understanding of the problem, sometimes from the surface to its core, from a superficial knowledge to a comprehensive understanding. Humility and prudence will no doubt prove valuable to such a comprehensive thought process and assist creative innovators.

The relationship between Eastern and Western cultures and creativity is multifaceted. We only seek to offer some simple preliminary opinions. Singapore, Hong Kong, indeed the whole of Asia should stress the importance of creativity. The Singapore government’s active encouragement of creativity is a testament to its far-sightedness. The Tankah Kee Young People’s Invention Award, set up more than 10 yearsago, was suggested by Prof. Yang himself. This is to encourage young people to be creative. I believe that if we synergize the essence of Eastern and Western cultures, and seek a new direction amidst the clashes and contradictions, we can achieve a greater breakthrough in creativity vis-à-vis the West. 

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

synergy 协同作用;协力优势

the contention among 百家争鸣

the Hundred Schools of Thought 

milieu 环境;周围

stagnant 停滞的;迟钝的

trait 显著的特点;特征

ethical code 道德准则

entrench 以壕沟防护;保护

backdrop (事件的)背景

the Enlightenment (18世纪欧洲的)启蒙运动

spur 鞭策;刺激

tumultuous 骚乱的;混乱的

caliber 能力;才干

amalgamation 融合;合并

Hegel’s idealism 黑格尔的理想主义

Engel’s materialism 恩格斯的唯物主义

converge 会聚;趋于一致

glean 收集;搜集

hypothesis 假设

meticulous 小心翼翼的

debunk 揭穿;暴露

adulate 谄媚;奉承

rote 死记硬背

humility 谦逊

come by 得到

multi-faceted 多方面的

vis-à-vis 和……相对的,同……相比的

第二篇 Passage 2

The Spread and Influence of Confucius' Teachings in Western Countries

Confucius, born in Qu Fu, China, lived in the late Spring and Autumn period (770—476 B.C). He founded Confucianism------the famous philosophical school in the history of China. In his last years, Confucius lived in relative poverty and enjoyed no great fame. But after hisdeath, his thought continued to influence the Chinese people for over 2500 years. As the kernel of the traditional culture of ancient China, Confucius' teachings greatly influenced not only the historical development of Oriental society, but also the social life of some European countries.

In Italy Confucius' influence on Italy has something to do with the missionaries who came to China to do missionary work. In 1582, the Society of Jesus sent Matteo Ricci to China. In order to do their missionary work well, he studied Confucianism very hard. Matteo Ricci was the first person who used Confucianism to express Christianity. He arrived in Beijing in 1601 and lived there for ten years. He published theLatin version of the Four Shus which were the earliest classical books of Confucius translated into European Language. Matteo Ricci had madesome contributions to the cultural exchange between the East and the West, so he was called “the first man facilitated the flow of culture between China and Western countries”, “Learned Western Confucianism” and “Christian Confucius”. The study of Confucius in today's Italy has made some progress and several groups of books about Confucius have been published.

In France Among European countries, Confucianism has its greatest effect in France. It was introduced to France soon after it was introducedto Italy. During the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, Confucianism had made some positive contributions to the bourgeois revolutionin France. Its influence on the French Revolution can be seen in the Declaration of the Right of Man and of the Citizen, drafted by Robes Pierre, leader of Jacobin Club. The declaration says that freedom is the right belonging to all those who do not do harm to others, the principle of freedom is nature, the rule is justice, the guarantee is the law and the moral limits are in the following, "Don't treat others in the way you do not want to be treated." 

The Chinese Study Institute of Paris University is the major one that studies Confucianism in France. The subjects include Confucian Classics and Confucianism. In Grand Larousse Encyclopedique published in 1973, under the entry of Confucius, Confucius and Confucianism areintroduced and discussed systematically. As a representative work of Confucian study in France it starts its discussion with Confucius and ends with Mr. Feng Youlan, a Chinese expert at Confucian study. 

In Germany Confucianism was introduced into Germany also through the Society of Jesus, the same way as it was introduced into other European countries. The teachings of Confucius had influenced the Enlightenment in Germany. German scholar Leibniz had studied and introduced Confucianism thoroughly. Goethe, the great German poet, had read about works of Confucius in quite early days. He was called "Confucius of Weimar." In the Enlightenment, Confucius had influenced the philosophic circle and the literature circle in different degrees in German. After 1960, the world situation changed. The study of Sinology including Confucianism in Germany has made great progress. Several groups of monographs about Confucianism have been published.

In England The study of Confucius and Confucianism in England has gone through many difficulties and setbacks. After the teachings of Confucius were introduced into England by missionaries, they served commercial purpose and Britain's colonial affairs in China. No achievement was made in academic field. 

After the People's Republic of China was founded, the study of Confucius and Confucianism was started in England and nowadays in some aspects the country has been in the lead. The entry of Confucianism in New Britainac Encyclopedia can be regarded as the representative of English scholars' points of view about Confucius. Giving a thorough and systematic discussion in every field of Confucianism, it contains 40,000 words if translated into Chinese.

In America Americans began to study Confucianism through missionary activities, motivated by capital expansion. The study has been pushed forward while the U.S.-China policy and international conditions are changing frequently. From the end of the 19th century to the early 20thcentury, especially during WWI and WWII, more attention was paid to the work because of political and military reasons. The changes of the international conditions after 1960's, especially the changes in Sino-U.S. relationship, have made Chinese study in America, including the study of Confucius develop quickly. In the American academic field, Confucius has been given a thorough study and review. More and more Americans began to understand and respect Confucius as a famous intellectual in Chinese history and Confucianism as the representative of Chinese feudal traditional culture. In People's Almanac Handbook, published in 1985 in America, Confucius heads the list of the ten great thinkers in the world.

(Excerpts from the World of English, September 1999)

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

Confucius 孔子

Spring and Autumn period 春秋时期

Confucianism 儒学

the kernel of… 核心

missionary 传教士

Society of Jesus 耶稣会

Matteo Ricci 利玛窦

Four Shus 四书 

Learned Western Confucianist 博学西儒

Christian Confucius 基督教孔子

the Enlightenment 资产阶级启蒙运动 Jacobin Club 雅各宾俱乐部

Don't treat others in the way you do not want to be treated. 己所不欲,勿施于人。

Grand Larouse Encyclopedique 《拉鲁斯大百科全集》

Confucius of Weimar 魏玛的孔夫子

Sinology 汉学 

monograph 专著

People's Almanac Handbook 《人民年鉴手册》

II. 口译实践 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret Them:

第一篇(英译汉) Passage 1 (E---C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

virtues 美德

moral values 道德价值观

be open and direct 坦率;直截了当

hatchet 短柄小斧

perseverance 坚韧,坚持不懈

Aesop's fable 伊索寓言

compassion 同情,怜悯

Samaritan 撒马利亚人

positive cycle 良性循环

highlight 特别注意;强调

invaluable 无价的;无法估价的;非常宝贵的

The American Way: Moral Values 

Do Americans have any morals? That's a good question. Many people insist that ideas about right and wrong are merely personal opinions. Some voices, though, are calling Americans back to traditional moral values. William J. Bennett, former U. S. Secretary of Education, edited The Book of Virtues in 1993 to do just that. Bennett suggests that great moral stories can build character. The success of Bennett's book shows that many Americans still believe in moral values. But what are they?

To begin with, moral values in America are like those in any culture. In fact, many aspects of morality are universal. But the stories and traditions that teach them are unique to each culture. Not only that, but culture influences how people show these virtues. 

One of the most basic moral values for Americans is honesty. The well-known legend about George Washington and the cherry tree teaches this value clearly. Little George cut down his father's favorite cherry tree while trying out his new hatchet. When his father asked him about it,George said, "I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my hatchet." Instead of punishment, George received praise for telling the truth. Sometimes American honesty------being open and direct-----can offend people. But Americans still believe that "honesty is the best policy."

Another virtue Americans respect is perseverance. Remember Aesop's fable about the turtle and the rabbit that had a race? The rabbit thoughthe could win easily, so he took a nap. But the turtle finally won because he did not give up. Another story tells of a little train that had toclimb a steep hill. The hill was so steep that the little train had a hard time trying to get over it. But the train just kept pulling, all thewhile saying, "I think I can, I think I can." At last, the train was over the top of the hill. "I thought I could, I thought I could," chugged the happy little train.

Compassion may be the queen of American virtues. The story of " The Good Samaritan" from the Bible describes a man who showed compassion. On his way to a certain city, a Samaritan man found a poor traveler lying on the road. The traveler had been beaten and robbed. The kind Samaritan, instead of just passing by, stopped to help this person in need. Compassion can even turn into a positive cycle. In fall 1992, people in Iowa sent truckloads of water to help Floridians hit by a hurricane. The next summer, during the Midwest flooding, Florida returned the favor. In less dramatic ways, millions of Americans are quietly passing along the kindness shown to them.

In no way can this brief description cover all the moral values honored by Americans. Courage, responsibility, loyalty, gratitude and many others could be discussed. In fact, Bennett's bestseller-----over 800 pages-----highlights just ten virtues. Even Bennett admits that he has only scratched the surface. But no matter how long or short the list, moral values are invaluable. They are the foundation of American culture-----and any culture. 

第二篇(英译汉) Passage 2 (E---C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

venue 聚集地; 会场

landmark building 标志性建筑

international architectural icon 国际建筑的偶像

pantheon 神殿;经典

second-rate 二流的

maverick genius 怪才

promontory 海角

masterfully 巧妙地 

in high dudgeon 极大的愤怒

manifold 各种各样的; 数不清的

It is pretty hopeless as a venue for opera, it took 17 years to build, its architect was forced to resign and it was never properly finished inside. None of these matters. The Sydney Opera House, by Danish architect Jorn Utzon, is the mother and father of all modern landmark buildings. It has come to define not only a city, but also an entire nation and continent.

Beyond that, it is a global expression of cultural modernity. Everyone in the world with media access knows what the Sydney Opera House lookslike. First designed in 1956 and finally declared complete in 1973, the opera house was the single best-known modern building in the world until the arrival of Frank Gehry’s equally extraordinary Bilbao Guggenheim in 1997. But it will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon------because it did all the difficult work first.

In the pantheon of classic modern buildings, Utzon’s creation has the status of myth. The myth states that the unknown architect, then in his thirties, submitted rough sketches to the competition judges. He ignored most of the rules and his design was only selected after being plucked at the last moment from the reject pile by one of the judges, and that the design was unbuildable.

But Sydney is remarkable for another reason: it is completely unique. It does not fit into any stylistic category. None of Utzon’s other buildings-----churches, government departments, houses—looks anything like it. The architects today who try to copy his concept always end up looking very second-rate indeed. It is “modern”, certainly, but it is an expressive modernism that was far away from the “international style” of its time. It has more in common with the work of the American maverick genius Frank Lloyd Wright. Of course its location is an enormous help, sitting on a promontory with water on three sides and the famous Sydney Harbor Bridge as a picture-postcard backdrop. But Utzon masterfully exploited the site as nobody else could. 

Utzon left Australia in high dudgeon in 1966, never to return, before he could finish designing the interiors. But for all his manifold difficulties in building the Sydney Opera House, which other contemporary architect can claim an equivalent achievement? The Sydney Opera House showed us that anything is possible, and it demonstrated that sheer, seductive beauty for its own sake is nothing to be ashamed of.

第三篇(汉译英) Passage 3 (C---E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

中国吴桥国际杂技艺术 China Wuqiao International Acrobatics Festival 

单年 odd year

杂技之乡 birthplace of acrobatics

文化部 the Ministry of Culture

中国杂技艺术家协会 the Chinese Acrobatics Artists’ Association

世界东方杂技大赛场 the Eastern Acrobatics Racing Place of the World

代称 abbreviated name

知名人士 big names

评委 referee


中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节是我国举办历史最长、规模最大的国际性杂技艺术节。在国家文化部、中国杂技艺术家协会、中央电视台等有关部门、单位的指导帮助下, 经过十几年的努力,中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节已发展为国内外著名的杂技大赛场,世界各杂技强国均曾派团参加。其规模、质量和组织运作方式均达到国际水平,促进了中外杂技艺术的交流,在国际上产生了深远的影响,被国际杂技界誉为世界东方杂技大赛场。

自1987年起,中国已经成功地举办了六届吴桥杂技艺术节,产生了良好的影响,得到了国际杂技界朋友们的热情支持与肯定。国际上“China Wuqiao”(中国吴桥),已成为中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节的代称。国际杂技界的一些知名人士在观看了历届吴桥杂技节后给予了高度评价。



第四篇(汉译英)Passage 4 (C---E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

文化安排 cultural program

充满活力的现代大都市 a dynamic modern metropolis

都市的繁荣景象 urban tapestry

多元文化 diverse cultures 

精神和运动财富 intellectual and sporting legacy 

奥林匹克精神 Olympic Ideals

培养 foster

新突破 break new ground

丝绸之路 Silk Roads

火炬接力 torch relay

奥林匹克山 Olympia

喜玛拉雅山 Himalayan plateau

神奇的土地 land of wonders










基于丝绸之路带来的灵感,我们的火炬接力将开创新局面,从奥林匹亚山,途经人类古老的文明发源地——希腊、罗马、埃及、拜占庭、美索不达米亚、波斯、阿拉伯、印度和中国。以“共享和平,共享奥运”为主题,奥运永恒不熄的火焰将穿越喜马拉雅山脉,到达世界最高峰——珠穆朗玛峰,也就是Mt. Everest,从而到达一个新的高度。在中国,奥运圣火将通过西藏,穿过长江和黄河,踏上长城,途经香港、澳门、台湾并在组成我们国家的56个民族中传递。通过这一路线,比以往任何一次接力数量都多的人们将目睹火炬,并受到鼓舞。




III. 参考译文 Reference Version

第一篇Passage 1



美国人最基本的道德价值观之一是诚实。大家熟知的乔治•华盛顿与樱桃树的故事,就清楚地阐述了这种道德价值观。小乔治在试他的新斧头时砍倒了他爸爸最喜欢的樱桃树。当他爸爸问起此事时,乔治说,“我不说谎,是我用斧头砍的。” 乔治不但没有受到惩罚,反倒因讲了真话而受到赞赏。有时美国人的诚实——因为公开和直接——可能会得罪人。但是美国人还是认为“诚实总是上策。”




第二篇Passage 2


除此以外,悉尼歌剧院还是文化现代性的一种全球表述。世界上每个有机会接触媒体的人都知道悉尼歌剧院是什么样子。它最初于1956年设计,1973年宣布最后完工。这一建筑一直是全世界最著名的现代建筑, 直到1997年另一座同样杰出的建筑——弗兰克•格里设计的位于毕尔巴鄂的古根海姆博物馆落成。但是,作为国际建筑的偶像,悉尼歌剧院将超越古根海姆博物馆而名垂青史,因为它是开路先锋。


但悉尼歌剧院引人注目的另一个原因是:它完全是独一无二的。它无法归入任何一种风格。乌特松的其他作品,如教堂﹑政府大楼﹑寓所与悉尼歌剧院显然不同。那些试图抄袭他的创作概念的人最终只能落入二流。它当然很“现代”, 但却是一种富于表现力的现代主义,与同时代的“国际风格” 相去甚远。它与美国怪才富兰克•劳埃德•莱特的作品有较多的共同点。当然,这座建筑有着得天独厚的地理位置:它高踞一个海角,三面环水,美术明信片般的背景是著名的悉尼港大桥。但是,乌特松对这个位置的巧妙利用无人可比。

1996年,乌特松在极度愤怒中离开了澳大利亚,再也没有回来。当时,他还没完成这座建筑的内部设计。在悉尼歌剧院的建筑过程中他遇到了数不清的困难, 但是,哪一位当代建筑师能够取得同样的成就?悉尼歌剧院使我们看到,任何事情都是可能出现的;它表明,它无愧于为自己而展现出的纯粹而富有魅力的美丽。

第三篇Passage 3

China Wuqiao International Acrobatics Festival is named after the famous birthplace of acrobatics-----Wuqiao, Hebei province. It is a magnificent and comprehensive international meeting of acrobatics. CWIAF was held only in odd years once every two years, generally in the last week of Oct. or the first week of Nov. The place is in Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei province. 

CWIAF has the longest history and the largest scale. With the help of the Ministry of Culture, the Chinese Acrobatics Artists Association, and CCTV, after ten years' of efforts, CWIAF has become a splendid racing place of acrobatics famous both in China and abroad. Every country that is good at acrobatics has sent acrobatics groups to participate the festival. The scale, the quality and the organizing methods of CWIAF all reached an international standard. It promoted the exchange of acrobatics arts between China and the rest of the world. It has great influence in the world and has been honored as “the Eastern Acrobatics Racing Place of the World”. 

Since 1987 , China has arranged Wuqiao International Acrobatics Festival successfully for six times and the international feedback was favorable. CWIAF has gained warm support and approval from the acrobatics field of the world. “China Wuqiao” has become the abbreviated name of CWIAF. CWIAF has gained responses and support from the acrobatics field all around the world. The past six CWIAF involved nearly 30 countries and regions with more than 160 programs . All those countries famous for acrobatics have participated several times. Those principals of some world famous racing place and the big names in the field of acrobatics have been the referees in CWIAF. After the former six CWIAF, its scale and international fame has been established. For example, in the 4th CWIAF held in 1993, 18 countries and regions participated, while in the 18th “Tomorrow and Future” International Acrobatics Festival held in the same year, 15 countries presented andin the 18th Monte Carlo International Circus Festival, only 11 countries participated. On the other hand, both the programs and the refereesof CWIAF are of international level. CWIAF has become a kind of standard familiar to the acrobatics field of the world. It has the fixed time and place. It has the racing regulations and prizing methods approved internationally.

During the period of CWIAF, there are also Economic & Trade Meetings, with scale and international influence gradually increasing as CWIAF does and having achieved comprehensive effects in the construction of both spiritual civilization and material civilization. Permitted by the State Council, from the seventh CWIAF on, it will be held by the Ministry of Culture together with the People's Government of Hebei province.

第四篇 Passage 4

(Speech presented by Yang Lan, member of the Chinese delegation at the 112th IOC Session on July 13, 2002 to win Beijing’s bid for the 2008 Olympic games)

Mr. President,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good afternoon!

Before I introduce our cultural programs, I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. You're going to have a great time in Beijing. 

China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, about the 11th century, people started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. The game was very popular and women were also participating. Now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.

There are a lot more wonderful and exciting things waiting for you in New Beijing, a dynamic modern metropolis with 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry. Along with the iconic imagery of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall, the city offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums, discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls that will amaze and delight you. But beyond that, it is a place of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. The people of Beijing believe that the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures of the world. Their gratitude will pour out in open expressions of affection for you and the great Movement that you guide.

Within our cultural programs, education and communication will receive the highest priority. We seek to create an intellectual and sportinglegacy by broadening the understanding of the Olympic Ideals throughout the country.

Cultural events will unfold each year, from 2005 to 2008. We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions,art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. During the Olympics, they will be staged in the Olympic Village and the city for the benefit of the athletes.

Our ceremonies will give China's greatest—and the world's greatest—artists a stage for celebrating the common aspirations of humanity andthe unique heritage of our culture and the Olympic Movement.

With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man—Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Byzantine, Mesopotamian, Persian, Arabian, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message "Share the Peace, Share the Olympics," the eternal flame will reach new heights as it crosses the Himalayas over the world's highest summit—Mount Qomolangma, which is known to many of you as Mt. Everest. In China, the flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, travel the Great Wall and visit Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and the 56 ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.

I am afraid I cannot present the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Before I end, let me share with you one story. Seven hundred years ago, amazed by his incredible descriptions of a far away land of great beauty, people asked Marco Polo whether his stories about China were true. He answered: What I have told you was not even half of what I saw. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you.

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.

Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you all.

第十单元 Unit 10

经济发展 Economic Development

I. 阅读材料 Reading Material 第一篇 Passage One

Nike, from Small Beginnings to World Giant

Nike is one of the most powerful marketing companies in the business world today, but it had very small beginnings. The global giant company with revenues in 1996 of $ US6.4 billion and profits of $ 553 million started in the 1960s with the company’s founders selling cheap Japanese sports shoes to American high school athletes at school track meetings, using a supply of shoes they kept in their car. One of Nike’s founders, Phillip Hampson Knight had been a top athlete when he was at the University of Oregon. He moved on to become a student at Stanford Business School, but retained his interest in sport. At Stanford he brought his enthusiasm for track sports to his studies, writinga paper on how to create a cheaper, better running shoe using Japanese labor, which was cheaper than American.

Subsequently, Knight visited Japan and discovered a manufacturer who fitted the model of the ideal firm—Onituska Tiger Company, which madeits own inexpensive, high-quality running shoes.

Back in the US, Knight got to thinking that he could actually put his knowledge into practice, and make money. He suggested to his old college track coach, Bill Bowerman that they could work together using their skills and interests in sport and business, and capitalize on the cheaper cost of sports shoes from Japan. In 1964 they each contributed $500 to import Tiger shoes, which Knight began selling from his car at high-school track meets.

Worried that the Japanese company might find a more established distributor, Knight and Bowerman developed their own brand name, Nike, named after the Greek winged goddess of victory. They paid a local design student at Portland State University $35 to create the famous “Swoosh”logo, and Bowerman created the innovative pattern called the waffle-sole design, by using his wife’s waffle iron to impose the pattern on the sole of the shoe. By 1972 Nike began designing its own shoes and was contracting production out to factories in Asia. With excellent timing and a fair share of good luck, the founders of Nike were perfectly placed to cash in on America’s sports leisure boom during the 1970s, when millions of Americans began jogging and running as part of their personal campaigns to keep fit and healthy.

To reinforce its dominant worldwide presence, Nike spent $US 642 million in 1996 on advertising and promotion. But at the heart of its constant campaign is the star athlete, a principle that was put in place early in the huge American company’s marketing plans.

In 1973, the newly formed company implemented its first, and most important marketing strategy, endorsing its first star Steve Prefontaine who in turn used and praised Nike footwear. Other endorsements came soon after that, such as leading American tennis player Jimmy Connors who won the Wimbledon and the US Open Grand Slam tennis tournaments in 1974 wearing Nike tennis shoes. In 1985, the man who would become one of Nike’s biggest successes, Chicago Bulls rookie basketball player Michael Jordan, endorsed his first line of “Air Jordan” shoes. The endorsements by star players, encouraging ordinary consumers to buy the sports gear of the stars and dream of being champions themselves, saw Nike selling close to $US 1 billion worth of running, basketball, and tennis shoes in 1986, while creating their first sports clothes under the Nike label. However, this was not sufficient when rival shoe manufacturer Reebok began to present shoes as a fashion symbol for thetrendy people who exercised regularly at health gyms. In the year between 1986 and 1987, Nike’s sales dropped 18 percent and profits sank bymore than 40 percent. Knight had to look urgently for a way to prop up the Nike image. Consequently, to give Nike a new image, an advertising agency, Weiden & Kennedy, created commercials and promotional ideas around Michael Jordan and the controversial black movie director Spike Lee. The commercials focused on Jordan as the man whose hard work and fancy shoes enabled him to fly. They create a mood, an attitude, and then associate the product with that mood. In the advertising world, this is called image transfer. It was designed to suggest that the world’s leading athletes—Nike also uses World Number One tennis player Pete Sampras and Chicago Bulls basketball star Dennis Rodman—prefer Nike.

Nike modeled its marketing around entertainment, fashion, and attitude, an approach that was much admired by the young consumers. Knight had taken sports shoes and athletic apparel and transformed them into a status symbol, something which other companies such as carmakers, watch makers and fashion designers had done with the famous European brand names such as Rolls Royce, Rolex, Chanel and Dior. In 1996 Advertising Age, an advertising publication, gave Nike its Marketer of the Year award for advertising excellence.

The effect of Nike’s well-financed and clearly focused marketing strategies has been that Nike has become the dominant brand in the global sports shoe field, with an overall 35 percent market share; and retailers generally say that Nike accounts for 70 percent of their total athletic footwear sales. To keep on top of the market, Nike puts out new models of shoes for every season: new baseball shoes in the spring, new tennis shoes in the summer, and new hiking shoes in the autumn. Year-round sellers, such as basketball and running shoes, are freshened up with design changes every three or four months. On average, Nike puts out more than one new shoe style every day. The result: in 1995 and 1996, Nike’s sales and profits grew 71 percent and 80 percent respectively. Meanwhile, Nike’s closest rival Reebok grew just nine percent in the same period.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Test

marketing companies 销售公司

revenues 总收入; 收入项目

capitalize on 投资于; 为……注入资金

a more established distributor 一家更有实力的经销商 

Swoosh logo 耐克公司的注册商标

the innovative pattern called the waffle-sole design 一种创新的式样—“模压底”

contract production out to factories in Asia 在亚洲工厂签约生产

cash in on 从……获益; 谋利 

endorse 签字背书; 签约

the sports gear 运动服装; 衣服和装饰品

Reebok 锐步鞋业公司

the trendy people 赶时髦的人

to prop up the Nike image 提高耐克的形象

freshen up 变新鲜; 增加新的力量

第二篇 Passage 2 

China’s Development in the Last 20 Years

Over the past 20 years and more, a multi-directional opening-up pattern has, by and large, taken shape in China and its open economy has gownrapidly. China is now the seventh largest trading nation in the world. For eight years in a row, it has attracted more foreign capital than any other developing country. It has engaged in extensive economic and technological exchanges and cooperation with other countries and regions. This has not only given a strong boost to China’s economic and social development, but also created favorable conditions for businesses of other countries and regions to seek business opportunities and conduct cooperation in China. 

In today’s world, a country can hardly develop in isolation. The Chinese Government will unswervingly implement the opening-up policy. It will more vigorously promote all-directional, multi-tiered and wide-ranging opening-up and take part in international economic cooperation and competition at a greater width and depth. 

China will continue to develop its foreign trade vigorously. It will more effectively implement the strategy of diversifying markets and expanding trade on the strength of quality and through science and technology, so as to increase import and export of both goods and services. It will stick to the policy of making active, rational and effective use of foreign capital. It will continue to improve its investment climate and attract more foreign capital. It will explore various ways to put foreign capital to better use, such as acquisition,merging and investment fund and equity investment. It will open wider to the outside world, both sector wise and geographically. It will phase in the liberalization of such service sectors as banking, insurance, telecom and trade and promote the opening-up of its central and western regions. It will work hard on e-business, accelerate the process of informationization, and support enterprises in applying modern information network technology to international cooperation and exchanges. It will take an active part in the multilateral trading system as well as regional and international economic cooperation. It will develop its bilateral and multilateral trading ties in an all-round manner.

The next 5 to 10 years will be a crucial period for China’s economic and social development. China will maintain sustained, rapid and sound economic growth. The blueprint has already been drawn up for development in the next five years. According to the program, continued effortswill be made to promote economic growth and social progress, with development as the main theme, restructuring the key link, reform, opening-up and technological advancement the driving force, and higher living standards the ultimate goal. At present, China is making strategic readjustment to its economic structure and speeding up the readjustment of its industrial setup, regional structure, urban and rural structure and ownership composition. China has given prominence to the development of science, technology and education, accelerated the informationization of national economic and social progress, strengthened environmental protection, expedited township development and improved public service system. It is expected that China’s GDP will have reached 12.5 trillion yuan by 2005. China will import US$1.4 trillion worth of equipment, technologies and products. We welcome more overseas investment, new investment projects in China and long-termstable cooperation with us by business communities around the world. 

Negotiations on China’s accession to the WTO have been going on for 15 years. China’s stance remains the same. Following its entry into theorganization, China will steadily expand its opening-up program in terms of commodity and services trade, create a level playing field for afair and transparent competition between Chinese and overseas enterprises, establish and improve a foreign trade regime that is consistent with international practice and that suits China’s own national conditions, and provide the overseas enterprises with more and stable access to the Chinese market so as to facilitate economic cooperation and trade between China and other countries. China’s entry into the WTO will instill new vitality into the economic growth of China as well as other countries and regions in Asia and beyond. The Chinese peoplewill benefit from it, and so will the people of other countries in Asia and the world.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Test

a multi-directional opening-up pattern 全方位的对外开放格局

attract foreign capital 吸引外资

give a strong boost to… 有力地推动

all-directional, multi-tiered and wide-ranging opening-up 全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放

diversifying markets 多元化的市场

acquisition, merging 收购、兼并

equity investment 证券投资

the multilateral trading system 多边贸易体系

bilateral and multilateral trading ties 双边和多边经贸关系

maintain sustained, rapid and sound economic growth 保持经济持续、快速、健康发展

international economic practice 国际经济通行规则

II. 口译练习   Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文  Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret Them:

第一篇 (英译汉)  Passage 1 (E---C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

elbow one’s way into…                    用肘推; 挤进

accelerate                               加速, 促进

threshold                                门槛;起点;开端

cynic                                   愤世嫉俗的人;好挖苦人的人

abound                                 多;大量存在;充满

lose out                                 失败;输掉

cosmetic                                化妆品

camouflage                              伪装; 伪装器材;幌子

instant                                  速溶的

premix                                  预先混合料

cellular phone                            便携式电话;手机

subcontractor                             转包商, 次承包者

sophistication                             醒悟; 久经世故; 老道

optimist                                 乐观派;乐观主义者

pessimist                                悲观, 悲观主义者

caveat                                  警告, 告诫

degradation                              降级, 退化

exotic                                  异国情调的, 外来的

numerology                             数字命理学;数字占卜术

This is time of fundamental change in the global marketplace. It’s like the middle of the 19th century, when European nations dominated the world economy; the U. S. elbowed its way into the club of industrialized nations.

In the middle of the 20th century, when Western nations dominated the world economy, Japan elbowed its way into the club. In both cases, the world economy continued to grow, if not to accelerate, although the monopoly was broken. In absolute terms, each nation experienced growth in its production and exports, although their relative shares of the world market declined.

Today, China stands at the threshold of a similar breakthrough. By some widely used measures, it is already a larger economy than Germany. China, in effect, is in a race with Japan for second place—just behind the U. S. There has been no dramatic equivalent of the Berlin Wall coming down. 

To state the obvious, business opportunities in China for Americans are numerous. Nevertheless, cynics abound among Western business executives living in China. They love to quote an imaginary P. T. Wang: “There’s a foreigner born every minute.” They also will tell you of a T-shirt on sale in Beijing: “If you’re too honest, you’ll always lose out.”

Nevertheless, signs of U.S. companies are frequent: Marlboro Man billboards, KFC restaurants, Motorola cellular phones, Elizabeth Arden cosmetics, and Nike sneakers. McDonald’s in Guangdong set a world record—14, 000 customers in one day. When the local 7—11 opened, riot police were called in to control crowds.

Guangdong is Procter & Gamble’s largest overseas market for shampoo. Coca-Cola dominates the soft drink market with bottles at 16 locations, and seven more are on the way. Hainan coconut Juice simply is not a very strong competitor. Other U. S. firms that have invested at least $100 million in China include ARCO, Amoco, United Technologies, PepsiCo, Lucent Technologies, General Electric, General Motors, Hewlett Packard, and IBM.

To be sure, there is often a need to adapt foreign products to China’s culture. Hasbro sells its GI Joe doll as an “international hero”, having changed the colors to the People’s Liberation Army’s camouflage green and the Communist Party’s red. Maxwell House sells instant coffee—complete with premixed packets of cream and sugar for a market not very familiar with the product.

Those who take the freedoms of the private enterprise economy for granted should not forget that government still is pulling many of the strings in the Chinese economy. Companies that try to compete against domestic firms for the Chinese market may not find the path as easy as those that generate the high-tech products and exports Chinese leaders are so anxious to see expand.

The Chinese are the original Yankee traders. They know the great business potential that will be generated as a country with 1.2 billion people industrializes and they are trying their best to take advantage of it. They love foreign investment when it creates new jobs, pays taxes, and generates foreign exchange. Yet, from an American point of view, sometimes those exports compete against the products of the samecompany’s factories located in other countries.

Thus, Motorola is encouraged to sell cellular telephones and to produce them in China. McDonnell Douglas and Boeing sell jet airplanes in China, but they involve local subcontractors and train local maintenance people. These companies are showing more sophistication than some of the early entrants, such as Schwinn. That U. S. bicycle manufacturer lost its business in China by transferring technology to local manufacturers without adequate protection.

Typically, a U. S. company faces the challenge of developing a presence in the China market in a manner very different from its experience athome or even in Western Europe. In China, there are few 100% American-owned companies. There mostly are joint ventures, often with Chinese middlemen either from the mainland or elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

It is helpful to have some historical perspective about China’s role in the world. For most of recorded history, it was more developed than the West, more prosperous, more sophisticated, and more civilized. That is why they called themselves the “Middle Kingdom”. Only in the past 500 years has the West been ahead. Of course, that’s a long time for us, but the Zhou Dynasty in the fist millennium BC lasted that long. Naturally, most of us never heard of it.

China is on a road that could restore its earlier greatness. By some economic measures, China is just behind Japan. If current trends continue, it could become number two early in the 21st century, right behind the U. S. in terms of economic output. Some optimists (or, rather, pessimists) think it will be number one later in the 21st century, but here we can take considerable satisfaction with a standard caveat: Treads rarely move in a straight line, especially in China. There is no shortage of serious problems facing the Chinese people and their leadership—energy shortages, environmental degradation, infrastructure inadequacies, and corruption and crime. Then again, there is the famous forecast attributed to Napoleon: “China is a sleeping giant. When it wakes, it will shake the world.”

It is vital for Americans to understand events better in that exotic part of the world and not be on the outside trying to look in. China is the prime example of my standard forecast: In change, there is both threat and opportunity. My final point: In Feng Shui (Chinese numerology), eight is a lucky number. Thus, I leave you with my favorite eight letter: Good luck!

第二篇 (英译汉) Passage 2 (E---C)

相关词语 Related words and Expressions

drive-in restaurant 免下车餐馆 (顾客可坐在自己的车上进餐)

entrepreneurial organizations 企业团体

a franchisee or affiliate partner of the company 公司特许经营人或下属合作伙伴

the only soft drink supplier 唯一的饮料供应商

business philosophy 经营哲学

best ingredients 最佳的配料

proven preparation procedures 经过检验的烹制程序

service enhancement techniques 提高服务的技巧

exceed their customer’s expectations 超额满足顾客的期望

McDonald’s founders Dick and Mac McDonald started with their little drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino, California in the late 1940s. But McDonald’s today serves 38 million customers each day, of whom 20 million are in the U. S. A. It’s about 23,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries around the world. It’s one of the world’s great entrepreneurial organizations, with most restaurants worldwide run by a franchisee or affiliate partner of the company. It’s one of the two most recognized and powerful brands in the world, the other being coca-cola, the only soft drink supplier to McDonald’s today. It’s a growing company, adding more than 2,000 new restaurants to their system each year. This means a new McDonald’s will open somewhere in the world every five hours of every day. It generates sales of more than $31 billion a year and earns net income of more than $1.5 billion annually. McDonald’s opened its first restaurant in Beijing on April 23, 1992. It’s the joint venture partnership between McDonald’s and the General Corporation of Beijing Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce. It took five years to establish the network of local farmers, manufacturers, and other suppliers to support the restaurant.

QSC & V has been the foundation that built McDonald’s success. QSC & V stands for the McDonald’s principles of Quality, Service, Cleanliness, and Value. It’s McDonald’s business philosophy ever since it came into being. Quality to McDonald’s means that they ensure their customers receive food products that are the result of the best ingredients, strict standards, and proven preparation procedures so that they will be safe, healthy, and great-tasting.

Fast and friendly service has always been a foundation for success of McDonald’s. They use service enhancement techniques to help to provide service that meets and exceeds their customer’s expectations. Cleanliness has always been McDonald’s principle. This means having the cleanest and freshest facilities—from the kitchen and dining room to the rest rooms and parking lots. Value means low prices at McDonald’s. Today, value is defined as the total experience you receive for what you pay, and at McDonald’s, the total experience includesnice food, friendly folks, a clean environment, quick and accurate service—and fun!

第三篇 (汉译英) Passage 3 (C----E) 

相关词语Related Words and Expressions

家电 household electrical appliances

经济全球化 economic globalization

前身 predecessor

电讯器材 equipment of telecommunication

与……合作 in collaboration with

在……全国领先 lead the country in…

世界级企业 a world-class enterprise

综合实力最强的电子产品生产商 the electronic producer with the greatest comprehensive


综合业务数字网 ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network)

家庭信息显示器 HIDs (Household Information Displays)

固态聚合物锂子电池 such solid state polymers as lithium batteries

世界500强企业 the world’s top 500 enterprises



TCL 集团的前身是华南一家以生产电话机和录音带为主的电讯器材小厂。1981年与一港商合作,创办了合资企业;1985年创造了自己的品牌 TCL。

九十年代以来, TCL的产品从单一的电话机成功地拓展到大型电器如,彩电、空调、电脑、通讯设备、互联网设备和服务等领域。


从1998年起, TCL集团开始迈向国际市场。到目前为止,TCL集团已在美国、俄罗斯、新加坡、越南、印尼、菲律宾、印度、香港等地设有分公司或商务机构;在越南、印度、菲律宾等地建立了工厂。2000年,TCL集团海外销售总额达5.14亿美元。今年1至9月份,海外销售额已达4.8亿美元,比去年同期增长35%。


在打造世界级中国企业的过程中,TCL集团始终把科技创新作为企业的核心竞争力。目前,TCL集团拥有视听、家电、通讯、信息、AV等五个产品的研究开发中心,研究人员约700名。2000年,TCL开发新产品71项,比上年增长61%。目前,TCL已经掌握了一些尖端技术,如,综合业务数字网 (ISDN) 数码电话机,家庭信息显示器 (HIDs) 及固态聚合物锂子电池等产品的生产技术。


第四篇 (汉译英) Passage 4 (C---E)

相关词语Related Words and Expressions

城市化 urbanization

经济全球化 economic globalization

信息产业部 the Ministry of Information Industry

中国社会科学院 the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

夜郎自大 arrogant parochialism

闭关锁国 close itself off to international interaction 

审时度势 judge the hour and size up the situation

国务院发展研究中心 the State Development Research Center

配置资源、组织协作 the allocation of resources and cooperation

实现跨越式发展 make a leap forward in its development; develop by leaps and bounds

国际货币基金组织 the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

减少贸易壁垒 reduce trade barriers


中国社会科学院副院长李慎明发言指出: 面对经济全球化,中国应该积极参与,从容应对。他说:“对经济全球化,我们除了正视和积极参与之外,没有别的选择。我们决不能因为这样的全球化一定会给我们带来种种的弊端和可能的风险而企图置身其外。世界上各个国家和民族都有各自的优点,又都有各自的特点。因此,世界上每一个国家和民族都需要实行开放政策,向其他国家和民族学习,特别是在高科技飞速发展的今天,更不能夜郎自大,闭关锁国;否则就会落后甚至挨打。我们既应该看到全球化对我们的严峻挑战,同时也更应看到它给我们带来的难得的发展机遇。从一定意义上来讲,中国改革开放二十年来取得的巨大成就,就是积极参与经济全球化的结果。”


国务院发展研究中心副主任陈清泰发言指出:信息化是工业化的工具,中国可以利用信息化实现跨越式发展。 他说:“在中国,面对风潮涌动的信息革命和新经济,一些人认为中国离互联网、信息革命还很遥远,玩新经济是美国等发达国家的事。我们只能心无旁骛地搞自己的工业化,另外一些人则认为,传统经济已经过时,应该把资源集中于新经济,集中于信息产业,跳过漫长的工业化阶段,一步到位地赶上发达国家。显然,这是两种极端的看法。

在谈话中他还指出: “对于中国这样一个人口众多的大国,发展经济的技术手段、生产工具可以跃进,但是工业化、城市化的阶段则难以逾越,以信息革命为主要内涵的新经济的出现,给正在工业化的中国带来了新的选择,这里有挑战,也有机遇。挑战在于面对资本、技术雄厚的发达国家,面对管理先进的跨国公司,中国发展信息技术、利用信息技术成果的基础还比较落后。机遇是我们可以有别于先工业化再信息化的老路,立足于信息革命的成果,推进工业化,享受工业化和信息化对经济增长的双重推动,实现跨越式发展。目前就信息化和工业化之间的关系而言,可以认为,信息化是工业化的工具,工业化是信息化的载体,没有凌厉的产业投资,就不会有中国持续发展的信息技术;离开信息技术的支撑,也难以实现工业化发展模式的飞跃。” 


国际货币基金组织副总裁艾德多•阿尼奈特认为:现在中国需要进一步融入到经济全球化之中,中国是世界经济体中一个重要的成员。他说: “中国将进一步开放自己的经济,这样不仅可以帮助国内的企业提高效率,还可以刺激国外的直接投资。”

他认为: “中国的一个主要任务就是进一步做好准备,这样才能迎接国际竞争的挑战。中国的经济肯定在加入世界贸易组织之后收益匪浅。现在中国已经做好准备,进一步扩大出口,尤其是在高新技术领域扩大出口。由于有关措施的施行,肯定会扩大高新技术产品的出口。中国可以通过减少贸易壁垒来增加生产力。国际货币基金组织非常支持在世界范围内消除贸易壁垒,减少配额限制。这应该在有关的国际协议中规定出来。我们相信,国际货币基金组织在这方面是可以有所作为的。由于亚洲金融危机的爆发,世界经济在一段时间内受到了侵害,但是我们认为,将来这个世界的经济增长肯定会更加健康、更加繁荣。”

III. 参考译文Reference Version

第一篇 Passage 1














对美国人来说,最重要的是正确理解发生中国这片异国土地上的巨大变化,而不是置身之外观望。“变革中,威胁与机遇并存”,中国正是我所作的这一权威性预见的最佳佐证。最后,我想说:“八”是中国风水里的一个幸运数字。因此,我愿向你们表达我最正且的含有八个英文字母的祝福:祝你们好运(Good luck)!

第二篇 Passage 2

二十世纪40 年代末, 麦当劳创始人迪克和麦克•麦当劳以在加州圣贝纳迪诺开的一家路边“免下车”小餐馆起家。如今的麦当劳每天已经拥有3800万顾客, 其中2000万在美国。 麦当劳在全世界100多个国家约有2.3万家分店。它是世界大型企业之一, 其大多数国外分店都是由公司特许联营者或下属合作伙伴所经营。它是世界公认的最具实力的两大品牌之一, 另一个是可口可乐----麦当劳当今唯一的饮料供应商。麦当劳生意蒸蒸日上, 每年有2000多家分店加入麦当劳家族。这个数字意味着每天每五个小时就有一家新的麦当劳店开张。 麦当劳每年的营业额为310多亿美元, 每年的纯利润超过15亿美元。1992年4月23日,麦当劳的第一家北京分店开始营业。 这家分店由麦当劳与北京农工商总公司联合经营, 花了五年的时间才建起由当地农民、制造商和其他供货商组成的网络为其提供后勤保障。

QSC & V是麦当劳成功的基础。QSC & V代表着麦当劳的经营准则,它们是“质量、服务、卫生以及价值。”自从麦当劳创业以来, 这几点一直构成其经营理念。麦当劳的“质量” 准则就是: 确保顾客获得优质食品; 这些食品由最佳配料制成, 有严格的标准; 其烹制程序经过严格检验和许可,以确保这些食品的安全、健康和美味。

提供快捷和友善的“服务”一直是麦当劳企业成功的一大基础。 他们不断提高服务水平来满足顾客的期望和要求。“卫生”一直是麦当劳的企业准则。这意味着拥有最清洁、最干净的设备----从厨房、餐厅、卫生间到停车场。“价值” 意指物美价廉。如今, 在麦当劳, “价值”的定义时:花钱消费后您的“总体感受”,包括优质的食品、友善的服务人员、清洁的用餐环境和快捷准确的服务----还有乐趣!

第三篇 Passage 3 

Over the past decade, TCL Corp. has turned itself from a small household electrical appliances factory that started with a capital of 5,000 yuan into a large corporation. From 1990 to 2000, its profit increased by100 times.

“In the process of economic globalization, only excellent enterprises can survive. Only when enterprises constantly make an effort in technological innovation, can they remain steady in the fierce market competition,” said Li Dongsheng, President of TCL Corp. His words also reflect the developmental path of TCL.

TCL’s predecessor was a small factory in south China, manufacturing primarily equipment of telecommunication like telephone sets and magnetic tapes. In 1981, the factory, in collaboration with a Hong Kong business, set up a joint venture. In 1985, it developed its own brand—TCL.

Since the 1990s, TCL’s products have ranged from telephone sets to large electrical appliances such as color TV, air-conditioner, computers, telecommunication devices, Internet devices and services.

TCL attributes its success to its famous brand products developed through the utilization of overseas investment. TCL now leads the country in color TV set production, and is among its top three computer producers. In the past decade, the company has maintained a 50 percent annualgrowth in production. In 2000, its total sales reached 20.5 billion yuan, thus becoming the electronic producer with the greatest comprehensive strength in China.

TCL began to enter the international market in 1998. Up till now, TCL has established branches or commercial agencies in the United States, Russia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, India, and Hong Kong, and has factories in Vietnam, India and the Philippines. In 2000, total sales in overseas markets topped US$514 million. From January to September this year, the volume of exports reached US$480 million, an increase of 35 percent over the same period last year.

TCL President Li disclosed its goals for the next 10 years: To increase the scale of production 10-fold, reach 150 billion yuan in sales, andforge TCL into a world-class corporation. To this end, TCL has absorbed a group of talented business personnel. Up till now, more than 20 high-ranking managers from abroad have served at TCL Corp.

In the process of developing itself into a world-class enterprise, TCL has given priority to technological innovation. It presently has five research and development centers, which are respectively devoted to audio-visual, electrical appliance, telecom, IT and AV products, and employ about 700 research staffs. In 2000, TCL developed 71 new products, increasing by 61 percent, compared with the previous year. TCL has now mastered some advanced technologies, including the production of ISDN digital telephone sets, HIDs (Household Information Displays) and such solid-state polymers as lithium batteries.

When discussing the future of TCL, a confident Li Dongsheng said, “The long-term goal of TCL is to develop itself into an internationally competitive world-class enterprise. In the past 10 years, our profit has increased 100-fold, and in the coming 10 years, we hope it will rise10 more times and reach the scale of the world’s top 500 enterprises. Of course, we will face many difficulties realizing such a goal. But we believe we will reach it step by step, so long as we set a definite goal and overcome problems one by one.”

第四篇 Passage 4

From January 12 to 14, 2001, People’s Daily, the Hong Kong-based Foundation For Globalization Cooperation and the Ministry of Information Industry held their second globalization forum. During the meeting, high-ranking Chinese Government officials and well-known scholars had in-depth discussions on how to use information technology and economic globalization to develop the economy. Some well-known foreign personages present also put forward suggestions.

Li Shenming, Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that in the face of economic globalization, China should participate actively in the process and deal with it calmly. There is no other choice but to face up to it and participate in economic globalization, he said. Globalization will surely cause risks. All countries and nations in the world have their own merits and respective characteristics. Therefore, every country needs to pursue a policy of opening up to the outside world and learning from others. Particularly in today’s world of rapid high-tech development, no country can afford arrogant parochialism and close itself off to international interaction. Such a country would lag behind, becoming passive and vulnerable to attack. “We should see that globalization will bring China stern challenges but, at the same time, opportunities,” he said. In a sense, the achievements China has made in the past two decades are a result of participating in economic globalization. 

Li said China should judge the hour, size up the situation and work out a set of correct development strategies to participate in globalization and measures to deal with it, taking into account the world situation and China’s own national conditions. China should independently decide its measures, speed, depth, patterns and methods of participating in the globalization based on its national conditions and the largest interests of the country and nation. Based on the dual attributes of economic globalization, he said China shouldboldly learn advanced science and technology, management methods and experience and use them for reference, and resolutely resist privatization, and the practice of plundering and exploiting other countries and nations. 

Chen Qingtai, Deputy Director of the State Development Research Center, said information is a tool of industrialization. China can use information to make a leap forward in its development. He said that in the face of the emerging information revolution and new economy, some people in China believe China is far removed from the Internet and information revolution, and to engage in the new economic development is amatter for the United States and other developed countries. They believe China can only engage in industrialization. Others consider that the traditional economy is outmoded and that China should concentrate its resources on the new economy and information industries, leaping across the long process of industrialization to catch up with the industrialized countries in one step. It is obvious that these are two extreme viewpoints.

As for China with its large population, the technological means of developing the economy and instruments of production can leap ahead, but skipping over the stages of industrialization and urbanization is difficult. The emergence of the new economy with the information revolution as the main ingredient has brought new choices for China that is in the process of being industrialized. Here is both a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is that when facing the developed countries with their abundant capital and technology and transnational corporations with high-level management, China’s foundation for developing information technology and using its achievements is backward. The opportunity lies in the fact that China can bypass the old road that others have taken, of first becoming industrialized and then entering the information age. Based on the successes of the information revolution, Chen said, China can push forward industrialization and develop by leaps and bounds through economic growth motivated by both industrialization and information process. As for relations between the information process and industrialization, it can be said that information is a tool of industrialization and industrialization is a carrier of information. There will be no sustained development of information technology in China without drastic industrial investment. Without the support of information technology, it will be difficult to realize a leap in the industrialization development model, he said. 

Currently there are many aspects of promoting industrialization: the first is to speed up restructuring. Network technology has provided a new means of information transfer and has made possible the allocation of resources and cooperation in a wider scope; the second is to use information technology to upgrade traditional industries; the third is management innovation; the fourth is to develop e-business; the fifth is to further develop the electronics industry; and the sixth is to participate in the international competition and engage in international management. 

Aduardo Aninat, Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said that today’s China needs to join further in economic globalization. China is an important member of the world community and it will further open up its economy. Doing this can help Chinese enterprises increase efficiency and stimulate foreign direct investment.

He said: “One major task for China is to make further preparations. Thus China will be able to meet the challenge of international competition. China’s economy will surely benefit after China joins the WTO. China has already made some preparations and has expanded exports, particularly in the field of new and high technology. Because relevant measures have been implemented, exports of high-tech products will surely increase. Production can be increased by reducing trade barriers. The IMF strongly supports the elimination of trade barriers worldwide and reducing quota limitations. This should be stipulated by relevant international agreements. We believe the IMF will do something in this respect. Although the world economy was in trouble for a time because of the fallout from the Asian financial crisis, the international economic growth will be healthier and more prosperous in the future.”

第十一单元 Unit 11

商贸往来 Business and Trade

I. 阅读材料 Reading Material

第一篇 Passage 1 

World Trade Organization (WTO)

The World Trade Organization (WTO) established on January 1, 1995, is an open, non-discriminatory trading system. As a successor to the GATT, established in the wake of the Second World War, it is to help world trade flow freely, fairly and predictably. Members of the WTO follow three most important principles:

—the most-favored nation concept, i.e., every contracting party grants all other parties any tariff advantages that it grants to any other country.

—although customs duties are recognized as a legitimate instrument of protection, they should be reduced as far as possible.

—the abolition of quantitative restrictions on imports; these are permissible, however, if necessitated by reasons relating to the balanceof payments, and these exceptions are carefully supervised.

While the WTO is still young, the multilateral trading system that was originally set up under GATT is already 50 years old. The system celebrated its golden jubilee in Geneva on 19 May 1998, with many heads of state and government leaders attending.

The past 50 years have seen an exceptional growth in world trade. Merchandise exports grew on average by 6% annually. Total trade in 1997 was14-times the level of 1950. GATT and the WTO have helped to create a strong and prosperous trading system contributing to unprecedented growth.

The system was developed through a series of trade negotiations, or rounds, held under GATT. The first rounds dealt mainly with tariff reductions but later negotiations included other areas such as anti-dumping and non-tariff measures. The latest round—the 1986-1994 Uruguay Round—led to the WTO's creation. 

In February 1997 agreement was reached on telecommunications services, with 69 governments agreeing to wide-ranging liberalization measures that went beyond those agreed in the Uruguay Round. In the same year 40 governments successfully concluded negotiations for tariff-free trade in information technology products, and 70 members concluded a financial services deal covering more than 95% of trade in banking, insurance, securities and financial information.

At the May ministerial meeting in Geneva, WTO members agreed to study trade issues arising from global electronic commerce. The next ministerial conference is due to be held in the United States in late 1999. In 2000, new talks are due to start on agriculture and services and a range of other issues.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

an open, non-discriminatory trading system 开放的、非歧视性的贸易体系

the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关税和贸易总协定

in the wake of 随……之后到来

the most-favored nation concept 最惠国待遇

tariff advantages 关税优惠

customs duties 关税

the abolition of quantitative restrictions on imports 取消进口产品的数量限制

the multilateral trading system 多边贸易体系

golden jubilee (50th anniversary) 五十周年纪念

anti-dumping and non-tariff measures 反倾销和非关税措施

the Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合

ministerial meeting 部长级会议

第二篇 Passage 2 

As China’s political, cultural and diplomatic center, Beijing’s tertiary industrial output value now constitutes 58 percent of its GDP, and its municipal service function is being consolidated.

Beijing’s Vice-mayor Zhang Mao said the Beijing municipal government would take service trade cooperation as one of the key sectors for promoting Beijing-Hong Kong cooperation.

Overseas businesses, including those from Hong Kong, have been paying close attention to the opening of the service sector on China’s mainland, and intend to get involved in it. The service sector of Beijing has become a prime spot for absorbing overseas capital. Last year, Beijing approved 737 overseas-funded service ventures, accounting for 64.3 percent of the total new overseas-funded businesses in the city,involving US$3.28 billion in contractual overseas capital, constituting 75.8 percent of the total.

Li Zhao, Director of the Beijing Committee of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, believes overseas investors are keen on China’s service sector because of the promising investment prospects and favorable investment environment.

Over the past years, China’s service sector has developed rapidly, enjoying an annual growth of nearly 13 percent. Overseas investment in the sector has been expanding from hotels to other areas, including office buildings especially for foreign businesses, tourism infrastructure and scenic spots, intermediary services and consultancies, commerce, medical service and education. However, compared with service sectors of developed countries, which account for 80 percent of their national GDP, the Chinese service sector constitutes less than 40 percent. According to some economists, this indicates that, on one hand, China’s economic development level remains on the low side, and on the other hand, there is a huge development potential for Chinese service sector.

Michael Sze, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, attended this year’s Beijing-Hong Kong symposium. He predictedthat Hong Kong-Beijing cooperation would focus on financing and service provision in the coming seven years. He said Beijing’s success in its Olympics bid and China’s WTO entry will accelerate Beijing’s development and economic restructuring, thus facilitating the formation of an economic structure with tertiary sector as the mainstay. The number of overseas and domestic businesses based in Beijing will increase, and so will their demand for legal, commercial arbitration, accounting, insurance, financial, advertising, exhibition and logistics management services.

Citing a UN report on international investment published in September, Sze said Hong Kong is Asia’s largest absorber and source of foreign direct investment, as well as the most powerful capital center of the region.

He noted that in order to successfully host the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing would invest more than US$34 billion in a gigantic development plan. It includes construction of the Olympic Games Athletes Village, improvement of transport facilities, upgrading of telecom infrastructure and treatment of the environment. He said Beijing could raise funds for these huge projects through Hong Kong, and Hong Kong’s well-experienced professionals can provide support for Beijing’s construction.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

diplomatic center 对外交往中心

tertiary industrial output value 第三产业产值

the Committee of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 外经贸委

the promising investment prospects 很好的投资前景

favorable investment environment 良好的投资环境

office buildings especially for foreign businesses 涉外写字楼

tourism infrastructure and scenic spots 旅游设施和景点

intermediary services and consultancies 中介服务与咨询

the Hong Kong Trade Development Council 香港贸易发展委员会

symposium 研讨会

an economic structure with tertiary sector as the mainstay 以第三产业为支柱的经济结构

commercial arbitration 商业仲裁

logistics management services 后勤管理服务

FDI----foreign direct investment 外来直接投资

upgrading of telecom infrastructure 提高电讯基本设施

treatment of environment 环境治理

II. 口译实践 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret Them:

第一篇(英译汉) Passage 1 (E---C)

相关词语Related Words and Expressions

Networking technology is still in its infancy 网络技术仍处于初级阶段

the World Wide Web 万维网;环球网

interactions 相互作用, 相互影响

transaction 交易

IBM (International Business Machines) (美国)国际商用机器公司

e-business 电子商务

digital 数字化

augment 增大; 增加; 补充

a fairly predictable, three-stage process 一条基本可以预测的“三步曲”式的道路

Networking technology is still in its infancy, yet it has reached already the point where we can call it a new mass medium.

Less than five years after the birth of the World Wide Web, some 90 million people are online around the world, and that number will be hundreds of millions before too long.

Here in China, the number of Internet users has nearly doubled since just last October, to more than one million users. And I've seen statistics that say your Internet population will exceed seven million people by the year 2001.

Not too long ago, the prevailing view was that the Net was about looking up information, or that it was a medium for interpersonal communication, a replacement for the telephone or post office.

Today, it's evident that the Net represents a transformation far more profound than online“chat”groups or giving people access to sports scores and weather reports. It has emerged as a powerful means for parties of every type to conduct interactions of every type. Certainly, it's changing the way things are bought and sold. Electronic commerce is booming. Even the most conservative estimates say that it will be atleast a $200 billion marketplace by the turn of the century (which is only 500 days away)—most of that volume in business- to-business transactions.

At IBM, we use a slightly more descriptive term. We talk about e-business to describe all of the vital transactions that will be conducted onthe Net.

E-business includes transactions among employees inside an enterprise; among trading partners in a supply chain; and of course, the networked transactions that transform the way educators teach students, physicians treat patients, and the way governments deliver services to citizens.

All of these interactions will become digital. They won't necessarily replace the kind of physical transactions we know today, but they willaugment them.

In projects with customers around the world, we're learning that when they make the move to e-business, they follow a fairly predictable, three-stage process. 

First, putting up information on a web site:Product catalogs, academic course listings and a list of phone numbers to call for more information. The second stage is, enabling some form of interaction, typically for customer service. Allowing a customer to track the status of an overnight package is one example. The third, and most important stage of electronic commerce is the one that represents the realtransformation and the major payoff. It's when the enterprise takes the step to allow real Net-based transactions.

This kind of decision-making is the real revolution in the networked world. It's not just about technology. Because when banks and schools and airlines, hospitals and governments use the Net to allow people to execute transactions, they have to make fundamental changes to the way they currently do things.

(Excerpts from A Speech of Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Chairman and CEO of IBM in Beijing)

第二篇(英译汉) Passage 2 (E---C)

相关词语Related Words and Expressions

The United States-China Business Council 美中贸易委员会

engage in… 从事; 致力于

on behalf of 代表; 为了

mutually beneficial projects 互利项目

be positive and constructive 积极而有建设性的

at large 整个的;全部的

national outlook 民族观

culture and ideology 文化和意识形态

the global political and economic order 全球的政治和经济秩序

assault on … 对……猛袭; 袭击; 突击

The APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting 亚太经合组织的经济领袖会议

Asia-Pacific regional issues 亚太地区事务

The United States-China Business Council, since 1973, has been the principal organization of American companies engaged in trade and investment with China. The Council, on behalf of its member companies, has worked hard to increase economic co-operation between the United States and China. Since China decided to advance firmly in the direction of global economic success more than 20 years ago, American companies have become partners with China on thousands of mutually beneficial projects. Two-way trade between the United States and China has grown so rapidly that China is now the fourth-ranked US trade partner and the United States is China’s second-ranked trade partner.

Americans and Chinese share a common desire for stability and prosperity in their home countries and throughout the world. Because the United States and China are very large nations with large economies, they are especially able to influence the course of world affairs. In fact, they influence world affairs whether or not they intend to do so. If relations between the two are positive and concrete, the influenceof US-China relations on the entire world is likely to be positive and constructive as well. If the two nations are not able to manage their differences to maintain a civil and continually co-operative relationship, the influence of US-China relations on the world at large is unlikely to be beneficial.

Maintenance of positive, respectful relations between the United States and China is the solemn responsibility of both nations, their governments and their citizens. This is not always an easy task. Differences in national outlook, culture and ideology, social traditions and political systems sometimes make sustaining solid US-China relations difficult.

Yet, in spite of occasional sharp contradictions between the two nations, the US-China relationship has proved durable over many years. As China has moved decisively to realize its opportunities and fulfill its responsibilities in the global system, the relationship between theUnited States and China has deepened and broadened in many positive ways.

In conducting the vital relationship between our two nations, there is no substitute for a respectful and clear dialogue between the United States and China at the very highest level of governmental authority. The first face-to-face meeting of President Jiang Zemin and President George W. Bush, therefore, is of great significance.

The Bush-Jiang meeting in Shanghai this week comes at an important time. The world economy is facing difficulties. The stability of the global political and economic order has been shaken by the recent terrorist assault on the United States and its aftermath. It is essential that the leaders of the governments of the United States and China establish a continuing, frequent and direct dialogue on outstanding bilateral and global issues. The APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, although brief, offers an excellent opportunity for the two presidents todiscuss future US-China co-operation on many Asia-Pacific regional issues. Moreover, their bilateral meeting offers a chance to begin a continuing dialogue on many questions of great significance to our two countries.

As President Bush and President Jiang look at the entire range of US-China relations, economic relations offer them the opportunity to recognize the great progress, which US-China relations have made over the past 20 years. In spite of occasional disagreements and difficult negotiations on many trade questions, trade and economic relations represent the most positive aspect in US-China relations. The two nations are linked by trade and investment in countless ways.

第三篇 (汉译英) Passage 3 (C---E)

相关词语Related Words and Expressions

美国麻省理工学院 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

中美贸易逆差 the Sino-US trade deficit

(美)斯坦福大学 Stanford University

美国对中国的服务性贸易出口 the US export of services to China

劳动密集型产品 labor-intensive goods

低附加值产品 low value-added goods

资源消费性产品 resource-consumer goods

加工贸易 processing trade 

装配 assembling

原材料和零部件 raw materials and component parts

中国气象局 the China Meteorological Administration

机电产品 electro-mechanical goods

欧盟 the European Union

高科技产业 high-tech industries


今天, 我想主要讲讲你们大家所关心的中美贸易逆差问题:

第一, 中美贸易逆差的数字被大大夸大了。根据美方统计, 1998年美方逆差是569亿美元, 而中方的统计是211亿美元, 两者差距很大。美国斯坦福大学教授刘遵义作了深入的研究, 认为这两个数字都不准确。 据这位教授估计,中美贸易逆差大约是365亿美元。如果再考虑到美国对中国大量增加的服务性贸易出口,美国对华贸易逆差约为350亿美元。







第四篇 (汉译英) Passage 4 (C---E)

相关词语Related Words and Expressions

外经贸部 MOFTEC---- the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 

中国利用外资走出徘徊状态 the emergence of China’s foreign capital utilization out of its sluggish state 

外商投资企业 foreign-invested enterprises

实际利用外资 the actually utilized foreign capital

合同利用外资 a contractual utilization of foreign capital

资金密集和技术密集的项目 capital-intensive and technology-intensive projects

研究开发中心 research and development centers

房地产领域 the real estate sector

广交会 Guangzhou Chinese Export Commodities Fair







III.参考译文 Reference Version

第一篇 Passage 1



在中国,自去年10月到现在,互联网络使用者的人数翻了一番,达到100多万。 我所掌握的统计资料表明,到2001年,中国互联网络使用者将超过700万人。



在IBM, 我们使用一个更具描述性的词汇: 电子商务, 来描述所有在互联网上进行的重要事务。




首先,他们将企事业信息放到互联网上。比如产品目录、课程设置,以及查询用电话号码。 然后, 进行一定形式的交互活动,通常是为客户服务。 例如,它可以让客户追踪头一天寄出的邮包的投递情况。互联网商务活动的第三步是最重要的。它代表了电子商务所带来的真正的变革以及主要的回报。 企业在此阶段开展真正基于互联网络的交易活动。


第二篇 Passage 2 

自1973 以来,美中贸易委员会一直是美国在华公司进行贸易和投资公司的主要组织。该委员会代表它的成员公司,致力于增强美中之间经济合作的工作。20 多年以前,中国做出了稳步促进全球经济的成功决定。自那时起,美国公司已经在数以千计的互利项目中成为中国的合作伙伴。美中之间的双向贸易迅速增长,中国现在是美国第四大贸易伙伴,美国则是中国的第二大贸易伙伴。

美国人民和中国人民一样,渴求祖国乃至全世界的安定和繁荣。这是因为美中两国都是经济大国,两国都有能力影响世界事务的进程。事实上,无论两国是否想要这么做,这种影响力都会存在。如果两国之间的关系积极而具体,那么美中关系可能对整个世界都带来积极而具有建设性的影响力。如果两国不能够消除分歧,保持以礼相待和持续合作的关系, 美中关系就可能对整个世界关系带来负面影响。


然而,尽管两国之间偶尔存有尖锐的矛盾,但美中关系多年以来一直持续发展。中国果断地抓住了良机,进入了全球体系, 正在其中担负着重要职责。美中关系也在许多方面随之加深,合作的范围也不断拓宽。

在引导我们两国之间的重要关系方面,两国最高政府权威之间必须进行互相尊重和清晰明确的对话。这些对话的地位是无法被取代的。 因此,江泽民主席和布什总统的第一次会晤具有深远的意义。

本周江泽民主席和布什总统在上海的会面发生在一个重要的时刻。世界经济正面临困难。 由于最近恐怖份子对美国的袭击及其造成的恶果, 全球政治和经济秩序的安定受到了动摇。美国和中国的政府领袖有必要就双边和全球事务建立持续的,经常性的直接对话制度。亚太经合作组织的经济领袖会议虽然短暂,却为两位领导人提供了一次良好的机会,使他们得以探讨美中未来在许多亚太地区事务中的合作。此外, 他们的双边会谈预示着我们两国在许多重大问题方面的持续对话才刚刚开始。

在布什总统和江泽民主席看待整个美中关系全局时, 经济关系使他们有机会认识美中关系在过去 20 年间已经取得的进步。 尽管许多贸易问题中还存在偶然不合和谈判困难,但两国的贸易和经济关系体现了美中关系最积极的一面。贸易和投资使两国之间有着千丝万缕的联系。

第三篇 Passage 3 

(Selected from Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji’s Speech at MIT of the U.S. on Sino-US Trade Deficit)

Today I would like to focus on one issue of your concern to you—the Sino-US trade deficit.

First, the trade deficit figure has been greatly exaggerated. According to the US side, its trade deficit to China is US$56.9 billion, while the Chinese figure is US$21.1 billion. There is a very big difference. According to Prof. Lawrence Liu (Liu Zunyi) from Stanford University,who has made some in-depth studies, neither figure is accurate. Based on these factors, the professor puts the trade deficit at US$36.5 billion somewhere between the aforementioned two figures. If the volume of the US export of services to China is excluded, the figure will bearound US$35 billion. I will not comment on the accuracy of this figure, which is smaller than that of the United States but bigger than China's. But for sure, the professor has done a lot of homework and has numerous statistics to back his conclusion.

My point is: Don't make such a big deal out of this trade deficit--it is not such a serious problem. Actually, the US trade deficit last year was only US$200 billion if other deficits were included. Accounting for merely two percent of US GDP, the figure is quite normal compared with that of other countries. 

Second, most Chinese exports to the United States are labor-intensive, low value-added or resource-consumer goods. They pose no threat to US enterprises as the United States has ceased the production of such goods some 15 years ago. On the contrary, they have aided the United States in its economic structural adjustment and development of high-tech industries. If the United States had stopped such imports or turned to other exporters, the Americans would have paid an extra sum of US$20 billion last year. 

Third, more than 70 percent of China's exports to the United States involve the processing industry. Foreign investors, including US enterprises, are running factories in China, which engage in processing and assembling imported raw materials and component parts, and thenexport the final products to the United States. Those raw materials and component parts are mainly imported from Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Value added to export products processed in China is very little. China's exports of such products to the United States are in fact a transfer of exports of those countries and regions to the United States. The United States used to import consumer goods from those countries and regions. Now, those goods are no longer produced there because of their high local labor costs. So they shift the processing and assembling of their raw materials and component parts to China and then export their products to the United States. Therefore, though the United States' trade deficit to China increased, its local trade deficits have not increased.

Through these three points of view, I want to indicate that the trade deficit between China and the United States benefits not only China butalso the United States. Now, China's investment in energy and environmental protection infrastructures is unprecedented. If China and the United States cooperate in these areas and the United States open exports and technological transfer to China, which will involve business worth hundreds of billions of US dollar, the Sino-US trade balance will improve in a few years. However, the improvement does not entirely lie with China. The United States should, first of all, truly do what it preaches, namely “free trade”.

Currently, the United States has posed overly intense limitations on exports to China. Satellite exports are not permitted; exports of computers needed by the China Meteorological Administration are also not permitted. Then, how can trade deficits between China and the United States be reduced? I'd like to remind everyone here that last year the United States exported US$8.9 billion worth of electro-mechanical goods to China, while the exports of such products by Japan and the European Union were valued at US$15.1 billion and US$14.8 billion respectively. The United States has pressed hard for exports of wheat and oranges to China. All right. We signed an agreement on farm issues this time, thus opening our market to your wheat and oranges. Now I'll ask: Can the Chinese people live on wheat and oranges only? Yes, we may survive. But we want to live a better life. Therefore, I think a thorough understanding of the strategic importanceof the Sino-US relations is the key to the solution of some problems.

China is not a potential rival, nor an enemy, but a trust-worthy friend of the United States.The per-capita GNP of the United States is 10 times that of China. Even in 30 or 40 years, a considerable gap will still remain between the two. China will also remain the biggest potential market and a partner for the United States instead of a rival.

第四篇 Passage 4 

In 2001, China’s utilization of foreign capital improved greatly, an official of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) recently stated. This improvement indicates the emergence of China’s foreign capital utilization out of its sluggish state in previous years.

MOFTEC statistics indicate that China utilized US$41.9 billion of foreign capital in January-November 2001, up 15.61 percent over the same period in 2000. A total of 22,915 foreign-invested enterprises were approved for establishment, up 16.32 percent, with a contractual utilization of foreign capital totaling US$60.4 billion, up 24.38 percent. By the end of November 2001, China had totally approved 387,260 foreign-invested enterprises for establishment, with US$737.1 billion in contractual foreign capital and US$390.5 billion actually used.

In 2001, Shanghai witnessed the best record in foreign capital utilization. During January-November, foreign capital absorbed increased nearly 60 percent over the same period the previous year, with contractual utilization of foreign capital approaching US$6.97 billion, up 58.5 percent, and the actually utilized foreign capital reaching US$3.66 billion in the first 10 months, up 42.7 percent. 

In January-October 2001, Beijing actually utilized US$3.24 billion in foreign capital, up 58.8 percent over the same period in 2000. A totalof 77 major projects, with investment exceeding US$10 million each, were approved, up 22.2 percent over a year earlier, and 20 projects had an additional capital scale exceeding US$10 million. By late October, Beijing had approved a total of 16,776 foreign-invested enterprises, with a contractual utilization of foreign capital reaching US$34.68 billion and the actual utilization of foreign capital reaching US$24.84billion, of which US$17.19 billion was FDI.

In addition to rapid growth in numbers, the quality of foreign capital utilization has improved. Since early 2001, Shanghai has approved a group of capital-intensive and technology-intensive projects, which has accelerated the development of the petrochemical, electronic information, biomedical, automotive and machinery industries. Furthermore, more high-tech and other large enterprises have been established. Some multinationals have established research and development centers in China. The level of foreign capital utilization has therefore increased. In Beijing, high-tech and other new sectors have been the focus of foreign capital, particularly the information technology (IT) industry, and service trade is also no longer confined to the real estate sector, but has extended to commerce, among other fields.

“Since the Chinese economy has maintained a steady development trend and China has become a formal member of the WTO, more and more investors are now optimistic about the Chinese market and the future of China in general, and have realized that the open China has an improved capital environment abounding in business opportunities.” Said Gao Yan, press spokesperson of MOFTEC, at the 90th Guangzhou Chinese Export Commodities Fair.

第十二单元 Unit 12

人口与健康 Population and Health 

I. 阅读材料 Reading Material

第一篇 Passage 1

The World’s Population

The first fifty years of the next millennium will be critical for the world’s population. By 2050 population growth should have leveled off, but by then we’ll have 10 billion people------two thirds as many again as we have today. The rate of population growth is something we can choose right now, though, it is not something that just happens, but a matter of human choice. People’s fertility behavior changes as things around them change------particularly the position of women. The choice is a complicated one, with many variables, but it remains a choice.

If we want to prevent a population explosion, we should take action now------or assist the poorer countries to do so. They need better governments, better institutions, better labor and capital markets, better schools.

Anything that increases the value of women’s time and adds to the cost of caring for a child makes a woman less likely to have that child. Since big families are often seen as safety nets for illness and old age, improving poor people’s access to insurance, pensions and welfare institutions also has a major impact. This can be as simple as rural credit, providing a means of saving. Finally, there is education------both for women and, perhaps even more important, for the next generation of children.

These steps are there to be taken, but there appears to be two groups of countries that are not seriously trying at the moment. The first is in sub-Saharan Africa, where both markets and governments work so badly that such policies can’t find a foothold. The second are those countries, like some in the Middle East, which feel threatened by their neighbors or have a dictator at the helm. You need democratic government for effective development, and if we cannot achieve that we will certainly not control population.

That said: I don’t feel pessimistic that we are going to run out of resources; we are becoming more efficient at producing food faster than the rate at which population is increasing. There is, however, a risk that we will wreck the environment so effectively that the world will no longer be an attractive place to live. That really would be a dismal outcome: to reach world population equilibrium only to find we’d destroyed the natural environment in the process.

But when I look at the Third World and think, “What can I do to solve this?” my reaction isn’t to say, “Let’s bring population down immediately”. Population growth is an intermediate variable; it is not the real cause of the problems—that lies with the institutions that channel people’s choices. And even if we succeed in controlling population growth, we will still have huge environmental problems to deal with.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

level off 平衡,平稳

fertility behavior 生育行为

make…less likely to 减少了……的可能性;使……不太可能

rural credit 农村信贷

find a foothold 找到立足之地

run out of 耗尽;用完

at the helm 掌舵;掌权

equilibrium 平衡; 均衡

intermediate variable 中间变量

第二篇 Passage 2

New Law Supports Family Planning

On December 29, 2001, the 25th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress (NPC) adopted the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Population and Family Planning, which will go into effect on September 1,2002. Comprising 7 chapters and 47 articles, it is China’s first national law governing family planning affairs. While stipulating that citizens have the duty to practice family planning in accordance with the law, and both husband and wife have common responsibilities to practice family planning. The law alsoprovides that citizens, regardless of gender, enjoy the right to have a child. According to this provision, childbearing is a matter involving both husband and wife, and neither may independently decide to give or not give birth to a child.

China began to adopt family planning throughout the country in the early 1970s. In the 1980s, family planning was designated as a basic Statepolicy and included in the Constitution. For many years, however, the program was materialized mainly through local regulations and administrative measures, while discussions about enacting a national law in this regard accompanied the progress of the country’s family planning program. 

The Law on Population and Family Planning was hard-born, as its draft had been revised more than 40 times since 1977. Debates focused on two aspects. Firstly, many thought it hard to upgrade the existing policies, regulations and administrative measures for control of rapid population growth to legal terms. At the same time, some countries’ views on China’s family planning practice posed great pressure on the Chinese Government. Secondly, due to different local conditions, differences existed in family planning policies practiced by different localities. Therefore, it was difficult to prescribe uniform legal terms.

It was at the end of last century that people realized that China’s success in population control was another great contribution to the world. In 30 years, about 300 million births were avoided, which saved society large amounts of maintenance costs and alleviated the pressure of population growth on resources and the environment. 

Though remaining the most populous country in the world, China has curtailed the momentum of fast population growth. Its population reproduction has shifted from the pattern of high birth rate, low mortality rate and high growth to that of low birth rate, low mortality rate and low growth. Family planning as a basic State policy has become public awareness.

China’s family planning program has entered a new period with efforts focusing on maintaining a low birth rate and improving population quality. Under such circumstances, as one of the basic State policies of China, family planning should be guaranteed by a national law. The current population policies, which have been practiced for many years, are proved in conformity to national conditions and have achieved good results. The rich successful experiences and effective measures created by the masses and grassroots officials over the past 30 years should be affirmed in the form of national legislation.

The international community now has a better understanding of China’s practices in relation to population and family planning. China’s family planning program has also offered useful experiences for many other countries. Local legislation has accumulated valuable experiences for national legislation. Since Guangdong Province promulgated its regulations on family planning in 1980, all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in China, except Xinjiang and Tibet, have formulated local regulations on family planning. The legislative community unanimously believes that the time is ripe for enacting the Law on Population and Family Planning. This law will help maintain current family planning policies, ensure steady, sustained and sound development of population and family planning undertakings, and achieve the objective of coordinated and sustainable development of population and economy, society and natural environment.

Once the Law on Population and Family Planning goes into effect, all social upbringing charges collected will be turned over to the national treasury, out of the control of family planning departments. Collection and expenditure will be managed separately, thus eliminating any possible occurrence of malpractice and corruption in family planning departments, and guarantee the sound enforcement of relevant laws and regulations. 

(Excerpts from Beijing Review March 2002)

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

ensure, stipulate, guarantee 确保 

in accordance with, in terms of 根据 

pose great pressure on… 给……以很大压力

maintenance 生活费

curtail the momentum 减缓了势头 

birth rate 出生率

mortality rate 死亡率

the masses, the grassroots 群众,基层

in conformity to 符合 

promulgate 颁布,公布

national treasury 国家财政

go into effect 开始生效,实施

malpractice 玩忽职守

II.口译练习 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret them:

第一篇(英译汉)Passage 1(E---C)

相关的词语 Related Words and Expressions

donor countries 捐赠国

carry out 实施,执行,贯彻

fertility rate 生育率

Population Crisis Committee 人口危机委员会

access to… (接近或进入某地的)通道,方法

enumeration 列出的数字 

reflect in… 反应在……

birth control pills 避孕药

contraception 避孕,节育

sterilization 绝育

Some developing countries are making significant progress on family planning according to a private Washington-based group advocating population stabilization. The Population Crisis Committee says the nations are lowering their fertility rate despite of what it is called only moderate increase in the system from donor countries. David Mickerlar assistant has more on the committee's news report on world population. A Population Crisis Committee study finds the availability of family planning services has improved dramatically in the developing world, especially in Africa, since its first report five years ago. One third of the 95 developing countries have significantly strengthened access to birth control services and devices. In Africa that proportion goes up to 1/2. In all, 57 of the third world nations show some improvement in upgrading family planning efforts.

The study's editor Sherry Camp says the most successful countries are generally those with declining fertility rates, the average number of children per woman. The result of the strengthening of family planning programs is partially reflected in the fertility decline. Over the last 25 years or so, some 70 countries have achieved meaningful decline in family-size. Ms Camp sites two factors have made the most difference: the greatest improvement has occurred in the availability of the most highly effective methods of contraception. That is birth control pills, IEDs, contraception, sterilization and also in the over all confidence of the family planning providers.

Those developing countries with family planning practices the Population Crisis Committee considers good, the most highly ranked are: Taiwan, South Korea, China, Thailand, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago. But Botswana which joins them has the distinguish of making the most progress of any country in the world since 1987, jumping 49 points on a 100 point scale. Iran did merely as well increasing 48 points to make it the second ranking fairy category. Sherry Camp says the lowest rank nations in general are among the poorest in the world in struggling with social problems and civil unrest, such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Libya, Kampuchea and Laos. But she notices some surprises in that category, Japan and Ireland also rank the poor and a number of wealthy countries including the U.S. and Great Britain just barely made it into the good category with scores in the mid 70s. It's ironic that the developing countries are moving strongly to strengthen family planning efforts while some developed countries like the U.S. actually move backward in support of both domestic and international family planning efforts.

第二篇(英译汉) Passage 2 (E---C)

相关的词语 Related Words and Expressions

sedentary person 坐着工作的人

metabolism 新陈代谢

deterioration 退化

atrophy 萎缩

cast (上)石膏

elaborate 精心制作的; 精细的

rigor 严格;严厉;(生活等的)艰苦

alternate 交替的;轮流的;间隔的

optimal 最佳的;最理想的

accumulation 积聚;堆积物

low-density lipoprotein 低密度脂蛋白

cholesterol 胆固醇

artery 动脉

regress 复原,逆行,倒退

articulation 关节

Exercise and physical fitness are obviously necessary for athletes, soldiers, firemen, and all those whose jobs require high levels of physical performance. Then why should a sedentary person living in a comfortable, industrialized society exercise?

Medical and health professionals have determined that everyone, depending on the individual’s metabolism, has a minimum level of physical activity that must be maintained to prevent serious physical deterioration. The human body and all of its parts, like any living organism, must be used or they atrophy. The loss of structure and function that occurs when a broken arm is immobilized in a cast clearly demonstrates what happens when body parts are not exercised and used. 

Basic survival once required the output of enormous physical energy by people on many levels of society. Modern technology has simplified life’s physical demands in various ways. Machines------from washing machines to automobiles and elaborate industrial equipment------havereduced the amount of labor required of people.

In more primitive times most individuals burned up the calories gained from the food they consumed through the rigors of their daily activities. This is no longer true for most people, especially those living in industrialized nations.

Many people have retained their capacity for physical work. Even those who have been physically inactive for a long time can restore lost physical capability with just a month or two of daily physical training. People who exercise and reach their near maximum physical capability can maintain it by exercising vigorously on alternate days.

Physical fitness and exercise are important for good physical and mental health, including weight control. Exercise helps the individual develop and maintain a strong self-image and a sense of emotional balance. As a person gets older, exercise becomes more important because after age 30 the heart’s blood pumping capacity declines at a rate of about 8 percent each decade.

Exercise is also important for children. Vigorous physical activity aids in a child’s overall development so he or she reaches optimal sizeand functional capacities in adulthood. Current research shows exercise can reduce the accumulation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and cholesterol on artery walls of children and adults. Excess cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease. There is, however, no evidence that exercise prolongs life. Former athletes do not live longer than non-athletes, nor are they saved from heart disease. The benefits of exercise cannot be sustained for more than a few months or years without continued exercise. Even Olympic-level athletes will regress rapidly to pre-training levels once they stop exercising. The amount of activity necessary for fitness varies from person to person. Age, physical structure, health, and gender are contributing factors.

Most common forms of exercise, such as bicycling and swimming, rarely cause serious injury. But contact sports, such as football and judo, can cause wear on the joints that can lead to articulation disease, or joint problems. The problem for most beginners is over-exercise. Many people experience stiffness after the first day of exercise, but this is harmless and does not last long. People who are overweight, past middle age, or who suffer from heart disease should consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Sometimes children who are involved in competitive sports suffer from muscle and joint problems.

第三篇(汉译英) Passage 3 (C---E)

相关的词语 Related Words and Expressions

国家计生委 the State Family Planning Commission

国务院 the State Council

实施 implementation, carry out

缓和 alleviate

晚婚,晚育 late marriage and late childbearing

一对夫妇,一个孩子 one couple, one child

少生优生 fewer but healthier babies

可持续发展 the sustained development

环境恶化 deterioration of the environment

从战略的角度 from a strategic point of view

紧急的 imperative

合理利用 rational use

国家计生委党组书记张维庆10月19日在由国务院信息办公室于北京举办的记者招待会上发表讲话:过去的十年中, 由于在贯彻执行人口和计划生育政策方案中付出的巨大努力,过度的人口增长已经得到有效的控制,取得了伟大成绩。









第四篇(汉译英) Passage 4 (C----E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

即将来临 around the corner, approach

汇聚 bring together

感染 infect

毒品静脉注射 intravenous drug injection

流行病 epidemic

呼吁 call for 

超出经济能力 beyond the means of 

鸡尾疗法 the cocktail treatment

协商 negotiate with

公众意识 public awareness










美国一位艾滋病研究领导人提醒说:在中国,公众意识、精确的数据统计和非政府部门的参与对于控制和预防艾滋病至关重要。美国“公共健康诊所”副总裁费尔•尼尔博格说:“中国正处在艾滋病流行的开始阶段,因此,美国在艾滋病流行初期所遇到的问题值得考虑。20年前,公众对于艾滋病毒意识很淡薄,人们甚至还不知道艾滋病毒在美国存在,就已经被感染了。很明显,在美国过去的20年里,艾滋病不仅仅是一种疾病,而且也是一个社会问题。我们已经认识到,单靠医学方法来对付艾滋病不大可能取得成功。” 同时,费尔•尼尔博格也鼓励非政府部门在艾滋病的控制中发挥积极作用。

III. 参考译文 Reference Version

第一篇 Passage 1


这项研究的主持人谢里•凯普认为,一般说来计划生育最成功的国家,生育率即每位妇女的平均育儿数在下降。加强计划生育实施的部分效果表现在生育率的下降。过去25年中,70多个国家在减少家庭人口方面取得显著成效。凯普女士举例说, 两种因素起了极大作用:最大的进步是有效的避孕措施的使用,这就是避孕药丸,节育用品和绝育手术。另一大进步是推行计划生育的人的信心普遍增强。


第三篇 Passage 2









第三篇 Passage 3

With tremendous efforts made in the implementation of a population and family planning program during the past decades, great achievements have been scored, with excessive population growth brought under effective control, Zhang Weiqing, minister of the State Family Planning Commission, said at a press conference sponsored by the Information Office of the State Council in Beijing on December 19.

The past 20-odd years witnessed a reduction of more than 300 million births, which has not only helped to reduce the social cost for the upbringing of children but also to alleviate the pressure upon resources and environment. According to him, the Chinese government pays great attention to the issue of population and has tackled it as an issue of considerable magnitude for a long time.

After the introduction of the reform and opening policies late in the 1970s, China formulated a basic state policy to promote family planning in an all-round way so as to slow down population growth and improve its quality in terms of health and education. The government encourages late marriage and late childbearing, and advocates the practice of“one couple, one child”, and of“having a second child with proper spacing in accordance with laws and regulations”. Family planning is also advocated among the ethnic minorities. Various provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government have formulated their own policies and regulations according to local conditions.

China's family planning policy combines government guidance with the wishes of the common people. The basic requirements of family planningare late marriage and late childbearing, so as to have fewer but healthier babies, especially one child per couple. In rural areas, couples may have a second baby in exceptional cases, but must wait several years after the birth of the first child. In areas inhabited by minority peoples, each ethnic group may work out different regulations in accordance with its wish, populations, natural resources, economy, cultureand customs. In general a couple may have a second baby, or a third child in some places. As for ethnic minorities with extremely small populations, a couple may have as many children as they want.

Profound changes have taken place in the people's viewpoints on marriage, childbearing and the family. Late marriage, late childbearing andfewer but healthier babies are the accepted norms of most people in China. Now the people have a common understanding that there is no difference between a son and a daughter. It has become a custom to set up a small happy, but harmonious family, and pursue a scientific and civilized life style. Meanwhile, family planning has helped Chinese women get rid of the burden of frequent childbearing and the heavy family burden after marriage, thus raising women's status and improving the health of both mothers and children.

At the conference, Zhang also pointed out that the contradiction between population and development in China has remained sharp, and there are still many difficulties and challenges. The population growth will continue for a prolonged period of time, with an annual net increase of over 10 million in the next decade or so, which will exert great pressure on economy, society, resources, environment and the sustained development as a whole. It is difficult to change entirely the relatively low-level population quality in a short time, which is incompatible with the rapid development of science and technology. Meanwhile the service cannot meet the need of the people who require lessbut healthy babies. 

China will strive to control its population within 1.4 billion by the year 2010, halt the deterioration of the environment and noticeably improve it, and enhance resources management. It is an arduous and important task for the Party and the whole nation. As the world's most populous developing nation, we must always see population control, preservation of resources and environmental protection from a strategic point of view. In the 21st century, China must continue to make great efforts to stabilize the fertility level, maintain rational use and strict management of resources, and protect and improve the environment.

Our success or failure will have a direct bearing on the country's economic and social security, the quality of people's lives and the long-term development of China. In the new century, it is imperative that we earnestly carry out the decisions of the Party and Central government on family planning and the stabilization of a low fertility. In developing China's vast western region, it is also necessary to handle well the relationship between economic development and population control.

The future work is more arduous and cannot be slack. The Chinese government firmly believes that China's population and development cause will develop further in the 21st century and China will make still greater contribution to the civilization and progress of mankind.

第四篇 Passage 4

With World AIDS Day------December 1 just around the corner, China held its first national AIDS conference. The meeting brought together more than 2700 experts—medical, social, legal and educational------from 20 nations. The United Nations' top AIDS official described it as "historic". At the meeting, the Chinese Government vowed to do more to control the spread of HIV/AIDS and to educate the public about how to protect themselves against the deadly disease.

The conference's very existence helped the government send the signal that it is becoming more open about a problem that local officials have tried to hide.

Increase of AIDS victims

The government says the number of infections jumped 67 percent in the first six months of 2001 compared to the first half of last year. By September, 28,133 people in China were confirmed to have contracted the HIV virus, among whom 1,208 were AIDS patients and 641had died. But officials estimate that the actual number of people infected with HIV is much higher. Intravenous drug injection is the leading reason for the spread of AIDS in China, and is responsible for two thirds of HIV patients. The disease is also spreading widely among illegal blood donors.

Officials from UNAIDS said China still has time to act if it wants to avert the widespread epidemic before the end of the decade. Participants in China's first AIDS conference called for the education of those who work in sexual health areas, the installation of condom-dispensing machines and more open discussions in schools, saying such measures will reduce infection rates in the world's most populous nation.


Despite the growing number of AIDS sufferers, China has not developed any effective medicine itself. Foreign AIDS drugs can cost thousands of dollars a year, well beyond the means of most Chinese. Cao Yunzhen, deputy director of the National Center for AIDS Prevention and Controlof the Ministry of Health, suggested the government should promote the adoption of the cocktail treatment across the country. This treatment is in widespread use all over the world, and it has proven effective at controlling the HIV virus. But it's too expensive for most Chinese families, at about 8000 yuan per month per patient. "Efforts should be made to enable Chinese companies to manufacture their own AIDS drugs so that the price can be lowered," Cao said, adding that the government is negotiating with foreign manufacturers on lowering the price of AIDS drugs.

China has, so far, established six centers engaged in the treatment of AIDS, which are located in Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou and Urumqi.

Public awareness vital 

A leading American AIDS researcher cautioned that public awareness; accurate statistics and participation of the non-governmental sector are critical for HIV/AIDS prevention and control in China. “China is at the beginning of its AIDS epidemic, and the problems the United States faced at the beginning are worth thinking about,” said Phil Nieburg, associate director of Public Health Practice. “Two decades ago, public awareness about AIDS and HIV was limited and people were becoming infected without even knowing that AIDS existed in the United States. It has become very clear during the past 20 years in the United States that HIV is not just the disease process; it is a social issue. We have learned that trying to take only a medical approach to HIV/AIDS is not likely to be successful.” He also encouraged the non-governmental sector to play a positive role in HIV/AIDS control.

第十三单元 Unit 13

环境保护 Environmental Protection

I. 阅读材料 Reading Material

第一篇 Passage 1

Sound Economy Tied to Health and Environment

By Rodger Spiller

Increasingly, leading companies are recognizing the value of working collaboratively. They are creating new and innovative partnerships and finding better ways to work with existing partners.

Reflecting this, the 1999 US Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) Conference held in November had the theme "Profitable partnerships: building relationships that make a difference".

Introducing the conference, BSR president Robert Dunn quoted Benjamin Franklin saving: "A person rapt up in themselves makes a very small bundle." He said the conference was about making larger bundles.

The conference was held in San Francisco, close to Silicon Valley. This area is home to many companies which, as well as achieving stunning growth in economic activity in recent years, are applying their innovation to embrace environmental solutions. These businesses are workingwith one another and environmental groups, and central and local government, to steadily lessen the environmental impact of their manufacturing operations.

Chris Elias, director of environmental programs for the Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group, explained that the group was founded 20 years ago by David Packard of Hewlett-Packard. It represented collectively more than l50 of the most respected private sector employers in Silicon Valley.

These companies had revenues of approximately $US 40 billion on l998 and employed more than 250,000 people—one third of the valley's private sector workforce.

The group's environmental focus is to support a sound economy and healthy environment. Elias said the group saw commercial success still needed to honor ethical values and respect employees, communities and the natural environment. 

A 1998 group survey reported that:

11 companies alone saved $9 million through energy conservation;

103 companies saved two million gallons of water a day through the Slow the Flow and Save the Bay campaign;

37 companies reduced emissions of gas pollutants from 1,200 pounds in 1994 to 700 pounds in 1998;

158,000 tons of garbage was recycled in 1998—enough to fill 15,800 rubbish trucks.

98 per cent of responding members actively involve their employees in various environmental programs, such as recycling and car-pooling. Ofthese, more than half provide employee incentives to participate in these programs.

Nickel and copper discharges into the South San Francisco Bay were cut by 47 per cent and 52 per cent respectively.

Elias said the group was following BSR insights from companies at the leading edge and was conducting internal audits and engaging in extensive dialogue or discussions with “stakeholders”. He concluded with the view that co-operation worked and cited the Chinese proverb:“Those who say it cannot be done should stay out of the way of those doing it.”

Another example of environmental partnerships came from the arrangement between the not for-profit US group Conservation International and the coffee shop chain Starbucks. Conservation International is harnessing the power of the corporate sector to advance its conservation solutions.

It is working with industries that pose threats to biodiversity in order to reduce their environmental impact. It is mobilizing resources from companies who share its interest in conservation. Conservation International is also working with companies to educate consumers and employees about the threats to biodiversity and the necessary solutions.

Conservation International says its corporate partners know that citizens worldwide¬¬¬¬¬¬¬—“their customers, employees and shareholders” ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬—share a common concern about protecting the environment. Its other corporate partners include Bank of America, Ford, Hewlett-Packard, McDonald’s, Mobil and United Airlines.

Conservation International’s vice-president, Glenn Prickett, and Starbucks’ director of environmental and community affairs, Sue Mecklenburg explained their organization’s partnership.

Starbucks has more than 2,200 stores worldwide, 30,000 employees and ten million customers a week. Mecklenburg said Starbucks was committedto a role of environmental leadership in all facets of its business.

Prickett said coffee was one of world’s largest agricultural commodities and was often grown in areas that had high biological diversity but had been cleared for easier planting. An alternative was shade-grown coffee from coffee bushes grown in the shade of existing plants, which were preserved rather than cut down, a method, which conserves the forest and biodiversity. The aim of the partnership between Starbucks and Conservation International was to encourage shade-coffee farms, improve market access and farmer earnings.

The partnership involved a three-year agreement including: Starbucks assistance with quality –control and its coffee buyers working with the farmers and providing advice; financial assistance from Starbucks of $150,000 over three years to Conservation International; a pilot-purchasing program in which Starbucks agreed to buy shade-grown coffee but not to compromise its high quality standards; and an awareness programme with its customers.

The coffee is branded “Starbucks shade-grown from Mexico”. One year into the program 350 farmers have gained access to market and technical assistance, 290,000 hectares have been protected, hits on Conservation International’s website www﹒conservation﹒org﹒coffee are up 35 per cent, and it has received substantial new memberships and on-line contributions.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

US Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) Conference 美国企业社会责任会议

profitable partnerships 有利的合作

rapt up in… 对……的热情;对……全神贯注

Silicon Valley 硅谷

stunning 惊人的

innovation 创新精神

Slow the Flow and Save the Bay campaign “放慢水流,拯救海湾”活动

recycle 循环利用

car-pooling 合用汽车

audits 审计;经查核纠正的帐目

stakeholder 赌金保管人

stay out of the way 靠边站 

Conservation International 天然资源保护国际组织

mobilize 调动

biodiversity 生物多样性 

be committed to 以……为己任;承诺

facet 方面;一个方面

shade-grown 阴地生长的;遮阳布下生长的 

pilot purchasing 试验性购买

on-line contribution 网上捐赠

第二篇 Passage 2

The Three Gorges Project

The idea of constructing a dam at the site of the Three Gorges is not new. As early as 1918, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the pioneer of China's Revolution, suggested his program to improve the shipping conditions and to generate hydroelectric power on the Yangtze River. After 1950, thousands of scientists and technical workers were sent to survey, design and research the physical and social effects of building a dam at the Three Gorges.

The main reason for building the dam is to reduce flooding on the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River, where 15 million people and 1.53 million hectares of rich land are under constant threat. For the local economy to prosper, and to protect the ecology against flood damage, the Three Gorges Project has to protect the area from catastrophic floods that occur only once every 100 years instead of comparatively less serious floods that occur once every 10 years.

A second reason for building the dam is to produce hydroelectric power. After completion, the dam's annual power generation will reach 84.7 billion kilowatt-hours, supplying the much-needed energy to Central and East China and to the Chongqing Area. The income from the dam will greatly help the project's finances and loan repayment.

How will the project affect the environment? It will reduce flooding on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, protect millions of people, avoid ecological destruction and decrease the sedimentation in the Dongting Lake, China's largest freshwater lake, so as to prolong its existence. The project will also prevent snail fever (schistosomiasis) and improve water quality in the dry season. Compared with thermal power generation, hydropower generation is much cleaner and will create none of the problems caused by burning coal. The harmful gases emitted by coal will disappear. As a result, the air will be cleaner and healthier for breathe and damage done by acid rain will be considerably reduced. 

When filled, the Three Gorges reservoir will be as large as one to two kilometers wide. The rise in water level will affect the climate, decreasing the temperature by 1℃ in summer and increasing it by 1℃ in winter. The change will greatly benefit local agriculture. Similarly, an increase of wind speeds will also benefit the area. The number of foggy and rainy days in autumn will increase, but they will not affect shipping. Because of increased water levels, the white-fin dolphin, an endangered animal, and other fish will be able to survive winters. The reservoir will also reduce the length and time that seawater flows upstream sat the mouth of the Yangtze River. Besides, shipping safety around the reservoir will improve greatly because the river will be wider and deeper. Water flow in the dry season will increase, so accidents caused by ships running into rocks will be remarkably reduced. 

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

shipping 航运 

hydroelectric power 水力发电

middle and lower reaches 中下游

catastrophic floods 灾难性洪水

Central and East China 华中华东

power generation 发电量 

loan repayment 偿还贷款

ecological destruction 生态破坏

sedimentation 沉淀;沉积 

snail fever; schistosomiasis 血吸虫病

acid rain 酸雨

white-fin dolphin 白鳍豚

upstream 上游

II.口译实践 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret them:

第一篇(英译汉) Passage 1(E----C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

at the expense of 以…为代价 

respiratory illness 呼吸系统疾病

body of water 水体

water table 地下水位

greenhouse gases 温室气体

decision maker 决策者

come to grips with 跟上;紧跟

implementation 实施

insulation 绝缘

mess 脏乱不堪

Economic development is the premier mission of each nation. But, it should not be carried out at the expense of environment. Respiratory illness from air pollution is now China’s number one health problem. Every major body of water is polluted. The water table is dropping all over the country. China is about to assume the unfortunate distinction of replacing the United States as the largest emitter of greenhouse gases that are dangerously warning our planet.

Increasingly, pollution at home—whether in China or the United States or elsewhere—has become a worldwide environmental problem, as well as a health, environmental, and economic problem for people in their home countries. Climate is a real and growing issue. The five hottest years recorded on the planet since 1400 have all occurred in the 1990s. If present trends continue, this year will be the hottest year ever recorded.

Now, unfortunately, it is still the dominant opinion in virtually all developing countries—and I might add, in many sectors of the United States, including among many in the Congress— that there is an iron, unbreakable link between economic growth and industrial age energy practices. If that is the link, we can hardly expect decision-makers in countries with a lot of poor people trying to come to grips with the enormous economic changes of the global economy, to do anything other than either deny the environmental problems or say that their childrenwill have to fix them. Happily, it is not true. It is simply not true.

We have examples of countries whose economies are doing well as they adopt more sensible environmental and energy practices, and many companies are making a significant share of profits through conservation and the implementation of new technologies. For example, they use more natural gas, use better lighting and insulation material, use waste heat from power generation facilities to provide heating, cooling,and lighting, etc. All these things are available. An energy revolution should be set out. Our objective is to obtain faster economic growth, less resources invested in cleaning up the mess later and less resources invested in taking care of the sick people who won't get sick if more is done to preserve the environment.

But we have to do something to break the idea in people's mind that the only way to grow the economy of a developing country is to adopt industrial age energy use patterns. It's not true; it is a huge problem. It is still a problem in the United States, and I ask you to lead the way. 

It is reported that in the U.S. since 1970, every time the country has adopted higher environmental standards, businesses have created new technologies to meet them. And as a result, the U. S. has actually had faster economic growth with better and better paying jobs. Such a phenomenon is thought-provoking. Governments and businesses of developing nations could be inspired from it and come up with measures to use cleaner energy to guarantee faster and economic growth.

第二篇(英译汉)Passage 2 (E----C)

相关词语Related Words and Expressions

dump 倾倒

creation of value 创造价值

Worldwatch Institute 世界观察所

be afflicted by depression 患有忧郁症

incidence of depression 忧郁症病例

prematurely 提前地;过早地

boundless 无止境的

The modern industrial economy works like this: Resources are dug from a hole in the ground on one side of the planet, used for a few weeks, then dumped in a hole on the other side of the planet. This is known as the "creation of value." The creation of value improves our quality of life. Improvements in our quality of life make us happier. The more we transfer from hole to hole, the happier we become.

Unfortunately, we are not yet transferring enough. According to the Worldwatch Institute, we have used more goods and services since l950 than in all the rest of human history. But we still don't seem to be happy. Over the same period, 25-year-olds in Britain have become 10 timesmore likely to be afflicted by depression. One in four British adu1ts now suffers from a lack of sleep, and one fifth of school children have psychological problems. Over the past l3 years, mental health insurance claims have risen by 36 per cent.

American studies suggest that between 40 and 60 per cent of the population suffers from mental illness in any one year. 

The World Health Organization predicts that by 2010 depression wi1l become the second most common disease in the developed world. Unless we start consuming in earnest, we'll never experience real joy.

At this time of year the rate of consumption rises dramatically. To make ourselves happier, we move resources from one hole to another as quickly as possible.

My local authority reports that the amount of rubbish people takes to the dump increases by 12 per cent in December and January. Curiously, however, the incidence of depression also seems to rise. Calls to a telephone help line increase by 8 per cent between Christmas and New Year's Day. But the figures are misleading. The more depressed we are, the more we spend on alcoho1. The more we spend, as any economist will explain to you, the happier we become.

British people are sure1y happier than people in poorer lands, because more of our needs are met. Indeed, advertisers help us to answer needswe never knew we had, by revealing that our lives are less satisfactory than we thought. When I was 18, male face creams came on the market. Until that point, we boys had no idea that our skin was ageing prematurely. Since then, men have been introduced to many of the improvements that women have enjoyed for so long. We have discovered that we are uglier, spottier, fatter and more inadequate than we could ever have imagined.

And, by moving more resources between holes in the ground, we can do something about it. The consumer society serves the poor better than anyone else, as it both exposes the unhappiness of their lives and kindly provides the means with which they can escape from it.

As the banks, manufacturers, shops and economists remind us, our quest for happiness is boundless. As always, and particularly at this time of year, someone tries to spoil the fun. Eco-systems are being poisoned and resources exhausted. The Earth is over-heating, because so much energy is required to move its components from one hole to another. But I would ask them this: isn't the death of the planet a price worth paying for the happiness we now enjoy?

第三篇(汉译英) Passage 3(C---E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

改建;翻新 facelift 

申办 bid for 

奥运公共绿地 Olympic Green 

体育场馆 sports venues

北京市环保局 Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Administration

市区绿化率 urban forest rate

绿化带 tree belts

符合环保标准的 environment-friendly

国家环保局 State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) 

排放标准 discharging standards

与……类似;相当于 parallel 

固体废弃物 solid waste 

无害处理 innocuous treatment 

清洁燃料 purified energy 

使用太阳能电池的路灯 solar-celled street lamp 

免冲水厕所 no-flush toilets 

四环路 the fourth road ring



根据北京市环保局制定的计划,到2008年,北京市区的绿化率将由目前的43%增加到50%。 一条面积为125平方公里的绿化带将环绕首都北京。到2007年,北京的空气质量将能够和发达国家的环保城市相媲美。

环保局总工程师潘树达说:“在未来几年,早晨慢跑锻炼的人不会再吸入污染的空气了,人们可以在一年里百分之七十以上的日子里看到蔚蓝的天空。” 中国政府将拨款四百五十亿(五十四亿两千万美元)用于环境保护项目,使北京恢复蓝天碧水。国家环保局局长谢振华说:“申办并主办奥运会使北京获得了一个改善其生态和环境状况的好机会。”



第四篇 (汉译英) Passage 4 (C---E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

遭受…的威胁 be under threat from…

沙尘暴 sandstorm

顶点 peak

孕育 give birth to

文人墨客 man of letters

重现 reconcile

黄河流域 the Yellow River valley

社会安定 social stability

构成威胁 pose threat to

能见度 visibility

过度放牧 overgrazing

伐木 lumbering

改造 reclaim






III.参考译文 Reference Version

第一篇Passage 1








第二篇Passage 2










第三篇 Passage 3

The time span of seven years could sufficiently change Beijing from a giant construction site to the world’s largest garden. The “Green Olympics”, a slogan used in Beijing’s bid for the 2008 summer Olympic Games, would leave a unique legacy of environmental protection for the Chinese capital. “When Beijing hosts the 2008 Olympics,” said Chen Jianbo, a gardener in Beijing’s Chaoyang District, “I will take the best care of the lawn I work for.”

The proposed 12-square-kilometer Olympic Green and 14 sports venues will give Beijingers something to remember the great Olympics. Meanwhile, they will continue the good habit of protecting the environment after the games.

According to the plan of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Administration, the urban forest rate in Beijing will increase to 50 percent by 2008, from 43 percent at present. Tree belts with a total area of 125 square kilometers are planned to circle the metropolis. By the end of 2007, the air quality of Beijing will be improved to compete with that in environment-friendly cities in developed countries.

“In the coming years, morning joggers will not inhale polluted air,” said Pan Shuda, chief engineer of the administration. “People will be able to see blue sky on more than 70 percent of the days each year.” To bring back blue skies and clean water to Beijing, China will allocate 45 billion yuan (5.42 billion U.S. dollars) for environmental protection projects.” The bidding and hosting of the Olympic Games has given Beijing a good chance to improve its ecology and environment,” said Xie Zhenhua, chief of the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA).

In three years, Beijing will outlaw motor vehicles, which do not meet new discharging standards, paralleling the Standard II in European countries. In five years, 90 percent of polluted water will be treated properly and 98 percent of solid waste will receive innocuous treatment. Ninety percent of buses and 70 percent of taxis will use purified energy. In seven years, 30 percent of waste will be recycled. The Olympic Green and athlete village will provide lots of environment-friendly facilities, including solar-celled street lamp and no-flush toilets. The municipal government is now working to make the blueprint become a reality. Local authorities have ordered 110 factories which produce air and noise pollution to move out of the downtown. The area inside the city’s fourth road ring should remain extremely clean, they said.

The International Olympic Committee said it hopes the Beijing Olympics in 2008 have a unique legacy for the world. Beijing Mayor Liu Qi vowedto improve the people’s awareness of environmental protection and provide a green Olympics for the outside world. 

第四篇 Passage 4

We have been enjoying the wonders industry has brought to us so much so that we seldom notice its punishment on our greed and ignorance in exploiting the resources on this planet. Beijing, the capital of China and center of its politics, economics and culture, is under constant threat from the approaching desert. More and more sandstorms have hit Beijing during the past decade than in the l980's, and the peak came inthe year 2000. Deserts are approaching us at a frightening pace. Citizens are getting used to the bad weather in a hard way. 

In Northern China, many rivers large and small have dried up, leaving sandy beds there. It is rather easy for windstorms to blow away the bare riverbeds. The Yellow River, which gave birth to the Chinese civilization, is all but dry now. Throughout history, many a man of lettershas described its great scene. But at present, the situation is nearly impossible to recur. In 1997, the Yellow River was so dry that for 330 days, no water emptied into the Yellow Sea, according to the China Academy of Science. The reports warn that the situation threatens the Yel1ow River valley in the next century. For the time being, the dry-up of the river will be a harsh prob1em for the riverside population, as a result, social stability will be shaken. 

The worsening of ecological situation poses great threat to the normal life of the people. In the year 200l, dozens of major sandstorms have swept across northern China and Beijing. They blinded vision, filled nostrils and b1ocked engines. Even the sun was transformed into a faintblue glow, and sometimes, visibility was reduced to little more than 30 meters. Sandstorms are caused by the expansion of deserts in northern China. Each year, China suffers an average loss of 2460 km2 of land to deserts. In China, 27.3 % of the land is now desert.

In the past two decades, China has planted 30 millions of trees along the edges of the deserts in order to stop the advance of sand. But in poor areas, some farmers are so poor that they can't make a living, so they cut down the trees for fuel even though they know it isn't right. It seems that planting trees has had 1ittle effect on the advance of the desert. All this is due to improper agricultural methods and extensive overgrazing, especially in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia along the Gobi Desert.

Excessive land cultivation, grazing and lumbering are some of the reasons for sandstorm in spring. What is more, heavy winds have a share. The solutions to the problem are: first, reclaiming land that was once grassland or forest; second, planting new forests, nurturing more grassland and increasing water areas. Only by carrying out the two solutions at one time can man regain harmony with nature.

第十四单元 Unit 14 

妇女、儿童 Women and Children

I. 阅读材料 Reading Materials

第一篇 Passage 1 

Women in the Developing Countries

In developing countries around the globe, culture, religion and the law often deprive women of basic human rights and sometimes relegate them to almost subhuman status. From South America to South Asia, women are often subjected to a lifetime of discrimination with little or nohope of relief.

As children, they are fed less, denied education and refused hospitalization. As teenagers, many are forced into marriage, sometimes boughtand sold like animals for prostitution and slave labor. As wives and mothers, they are often treated little better than farmhands and baby machines. Should they outlive their husbands, they frequently are denied inheritance, banished from their homes and forced to live as beggars on the streets.

Surviving childbirth is itself an achievement in South Asia for both mother and baby. One of every 18 women dies of a pregnancy-related cause, and more than one of every 10 babies dies during delivery. 

For female children, the survival odds are even worse. Almost one in every five girls born in Nepal and Bangladesh dies before age 5. In India, about one-fourth of the 12 million girls born each year die by age 15.

The high death rates are not coincidental. Across the developing world, female children are fed less, pulled out of school earlier, forced into hard labor sooner and given less medical care than boys. Boys are generally breast-fed longer. In many cultures, women and girls eat leftovers after the men and boys have finished their meals. According to a joint report by the United Nations Children’s Fund and the government of Pakistan, some tribal groups do not feed high-protein foods such as eggs and meat to girls because of the fear it will lead to early puberty.

Because of laws relegating them to a secondary status, women have few outlets for relaxation or recreation. In many Islamic countries, they are not allowed to drive cars, and their appearance in public is so restricted that they are banned from such recreational and athletic activities as swimming and gymnastics.

In Kenya and Tanzania, laws prohibit women from owning houses. In Pakistan, a daughter legally is entitled to half the inheritance a son getswhen their parents die. In some criminal cases, testimony by women is legally given half the weight of a man’s testimony, and compensation for the wrongful death of a woman is half that for the wrongful death of a man.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

relegate to 使(某人或某物)降级;贬低

the survival odds 存活的可能性

puberty 青春期

outlet 发泄,排遣(情感或精力)的方法或机会

entitle to 赋予…权利

第二篇 Passage 2

Obesity: A Warning to Chinese Children 

“My son is crazy about junk food. He pesters me to let him eat McDonald’s and KFC every day. He is only eight years old, but weighs 45 kg. I really don’t know what to do with him,” a heavy-hearted father said, when he joined in activities to mark the second Chinese Students’ Nutrition Day on May 20, launched by the China Council for the Enhancement of Students’ Nutrition, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. 

A physique test in a Beijing primary school showed that 27.8 percent children surpassed the standard weight level. The school head said worriedly, “Most of these children do not perform as well as others, are depressed and lack self-confidence. Their extra weight is unfavorable for their growth.”

At a forum on obesity and diseases, experts noted that the rate of obese children in cities has reached that of developed countries, and obesity has become the most fearful enemy to their health and growth.

Surprising Increase in Obese Children

The problem of child obesity first appeared in the early 1980s. A survey on Chinese students’ physical condition conducted by the Children and Teenagers’ Health Research Institute under Peking University collected data on 200 million children and teens throughout the country between 1979 and 2000, indicated that when China stopped being “a country with highest number of malnourished juveniles,” it faced a new problem-----hidden dangers to children’s health caused by obesity.

Ji Chengye, head of the institute in charge of the study on Chinese juvenile nutrition, said that in the early 1980s, children suffering fromobesity were less than 1 percent, and common diseases suffered by students listed on the state program for prevention were dental caries, myopia and trachoma. In the 1990s, the number of obese children began to increase, attracting wide concern. Child obesity was added to the list of diseases to be prevented. In 1995, the obesity rates of people aged 18 or under were 3.5 percent (male) and 2.5 percent (female), up several times over the 1980s. In 2000, the figures reached 7 percent and 4 percent, respectively. Ji said overweight students have become a prominent concern in urban areas, with its figure three times that in rural areas. Among the cities, those in economically developed easterncoastal areas witness a higher rate than those in inland areas. 

By the end of 2000, the obesity rate of male students in cities reached 10.1 percent. In Beijing, 

it hit 15 percent, doubling that of 1990 and approaching that of developed countries. 

The growth rate of child obesity in China is surprising, although the total number of overweight students has not reached the level of developed countries. Ji said the child obesity problem first appeared in the United States 100 years ago, and the current incidence remains at 15-20 percent. In Japan, it is 10 percent. These figures have changed little in the two countries over the past several decades. But Chinahas doubled the figure every five years, and this speed is likely to accelerate along with the country’s economic development and as more people become wealthy. 

A Big Enemy of Children’s Growth

Researchers found that obesity is related to genetics, but more direct reasons include lack of scientific consciousness of nutrition and exercise. Ji attributed child obesity to the following four aspects:

First, intake of high calorie food. Along with the improvement in people’s living standards, the amount of meat people eat has increased 1.5 times when compared with the 1980s, and that of oil and sugar has risen by 70 percent, and 80 percent, respectively. 

Second, an incorrect conception of diets. Many people consider eating high-calorie and less nutritious snacks fashionable. They like to eatfish and meat with their meals, and children often nibble on snacks between meals. 

Third, insufficient exercise. Nowadays, children living in cities go everywhere by motor vehicle, rather than riding a bicycle or walking. In multi-story buildings they never walk up the stairs, but take the lift. Some parents also prefer their children to spend time on studying rather than doing exercise. The popularization of TVs and computers has aggravated the situation, as they occupy children’s spare time, which should be used for exercise. 

Fourth, lack of knowledge. Some parents have little knowledge of food nutrition, which results in unreasonable dietary patterns. 

The harm of obesity to children is obvious. Experts noted that obesity decreases children’s confidence, causes them to sullen, and dampens their ability to adapt themselves to changes in society, because of the clumsiness caused by obesity. They are often not welcomed in group activities, and are excluded or even mocked by their peers, which severely harms their self-esteem and bridles their participation in group activities and communication with others. Therefore, they are likely to become sullen, feel inferior and gradually become cowardly. They are sensitive and suspicious when getting along with others. A survey showed that approximately 77 percent of overweight children feel inferior and lonely, and nearly half of them said they are not willing to be the focus in group activities. 

Some studies indicate that obesity also curbs children’s intellectual development. A sample survey in Shanghai showed that among obese students, the ratio of high-score students is low, while that of examination failures is relatively high. An intelligence test conducted by Nanjing Hospital among 6-13 years old children showed that overweight children lag behind normal weight children. 

Obesity is harmful, particularly to children’s physical growth. Experts maintained that 80 percent of overweight children will stay fat until puberty, and 45 percent will develop obesity when middle-aged or elderly. They are more likely to contract diseases, such as breast cancer in women and prostrate problems in men. Overweight children often feel fatigued, sweat and are often disturbed by respiratory, circulation and internal problems, which can trigger diabetes and high blood pressure. Peking Union Medical College Hospital sees 30,000 diabetes patients annually. Of these, 7 percent are children, the youngest just 14 months old.

Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

Obesity has aroused nationwide attention. Many people, however, still lack the knowledge required to solve the problem. Many children undergo measures more suitable for adults, including medication, fasting and surgery. Experts warned that children and teens should not reduce weight arbitrarily. Ding Zongyi, a professor at the Nutrition Research Department of the Beijing Children Research Institute, said children should not starve themselves, undergo instant weight reduction programs, take medicine or be operated on, as these procedures are detrimental to the growth of organs, muscles and bones. 

Other experts pointed out that a comprehensive approach should be taken to control the weight of children, as obesity is a chronic lifestyle disease. Both parents and children should not expect to achieve results overnight. A proper intake of vitamins and other nutrients, a control of sugar and fat intake and more exercise are the best ways to reduce weight.

Efforts have been made to improve children’s dietary patterns. Since 1990, the China Council for the Enhancement of Students’ Nutrition has carried out publicity activities during Chinese Students’ Nutrition Day, May 20. In December 1997, the Chinese Government promulgated the Plan on Improving the Nutrition of Chinese People, which promoted the popularization of nutritious food for students in a planned way. A Beijing Students’ Nutritious Food Office staff member said some parents hold a misconception, believing fried chicken and fish equals nutrition, and ignoring the real balance of food nutrition. To raise students’ consciousness of food nutrition, Beijing’s education authorities have distributed 5,000 posters illustrating nutritious food and 100,000 copies of the Guidance Book on Students’ Nutrition andHealth to primary and middle schools throughout the city for free. In some primary schools, knowledge of food nutrition has been incorporated to lessons. Beijing No. 164 Middle School also invites experts to give lectures on food nutrition at the school.

The most important way to solve obesity problems is to take more exercise. Children should do aerobic exercises, including running, jogging, riding bicycles and swimming, for no less than 40 minutes each time. Exercises combines with a rational diet can effectively eliminate fat, which will enhance their physique and prevent diseases, Ji said.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text 

obesity 肥胖

physique test 体检

malnourished juveniles 营养不良的青少年

juvenile nutrition 青少年的营养状况

myopia 近视

trachoma 沙眼

aggravate the situation 使情况恶化

unreasonable dietary patterns 不合理的饮食习惯

dampen 减弱;抑制

bridle 控制

feel inferior 感到自卑

curb children’s intellectual development 束缚儿童的智力发育

sullen 闷闷不乐的

puberty 青春期 

prostrate 虚脱 

respiratory 呼吸系统的

circulation 循环

trigger diabetes 引发糖尿病

fasting 禁食

instant weight reduction 快速减肥法

detrimental 有损于

aerobic exercises 有氧运动

II. 口译实践 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret Them:

第一篇(英译汉)Passage 1 (E—C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

sexual harassment 性骚扰

rampant 猖獗;遏制不住

triple (使)三倍于;(使)成三倍 

quadruple (使)四倍于;(使)成四倍

toll (健康、生命等因疾病,意外事件而付出的)代价;

be sexually assaulted 遭受性侵害

UNICEF----United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund 联合国儿童基金会

Gender discrimination is widespread in almost every aspect of U.S. society. American women have not yet enjoyed equal constitutional rightscompared with men. Women in the United States not only have a weak voice in politics, but also are discriminated against in terms of employment, job status and wages. The labor protection standards for women are below the international norms, and sexual violence, sexual harassment and domestic violence against women are also rampant in the United States.

A report released in November 2000 by an American institute studying the policy on women showed that women are paid an average of 26 percent less than their male colleagues. The number of female prisoners has been increasing markedly in the United States, and they often are the victims of various abuses. Since 1980, the number of prisoners In the United States has tripled, while that of female prisoners has quadrupled. A report released by the U.S. Government in December 1999 showed that accusation against jail officers of sexual abuse and othernegligent behavior are widespread and criminal prosecution of prison guards for abuse of power has been on the rise. 

The majority of female prisoners who have been sexually assaulted cannot get access to adequate legal protection. The state of Michigan stipulates explicitly that prisoners are not protected by civil rights laws.

Many children in the United States are threatened by poverty. According to an investigation conducted by UNICEF, the poverty rate of children in the United States ranks second among the 29 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. 

In the United States, at least 290,000 children are working in factories, mines and farms where working conditions are dangerous. Children working on farms often have to work 20 hours a day and run the risk of pesticide poisoning, injury and permanent disability. They account for8 percent of the country’s total child workers, while the job-related deaths among them make up 40 percent of the country’s total occupational death toll. Among these child farm laborers, merely 55 percent have graduated from high school. It is estimated that there are one million cases of human rights violations against these child farm workers in the Untied States every year.

第二篇(英译汉) Passage 2 (E—C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

Hastings 黑斯廷斯(地名)

Newcastle 纽卡斯尔(地名)

regular “quitting” session 定期戒烟课

General Certificate of Secondary Education 中等教育普通证书

leaflet 传单

a National No Smoking Day 全国无烟日

If you walk to the far end of any school courtyard in the UK during the lunch break, you will find several teenagers trying to hide their cigarette smoke from the teachers at the other end. 

Teenage smoking is a big problem in the UK, even though it is illegal to smoke before you reach 16 years of age. Children start smoking from as young as 11, and over a quarter of 15-year-olds are regular smokers, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) in the UK.

Jonathan Williams, a 15-year-old boy from Hastings, on the south east coast of England, started smoking four months ago. “All my friends smoke so I thought I’d try it. I only smoke at weekends when I’m out with my friends,” he said. “It’s easy to buy them because most people my age look 16 anyway. No one can tell the difference between a 15 or 16-year-old.”

Young girls living in the UK are much more likely to smoke than boys. They also smoke more frequently. This is because girls are more likely to “follow the crowd.” They want to feel included.

Jonathan’s sister Paula is 17. She tried her first cigarette when she was just 12. “I didn’t start smoking regularly until a year ago, because I was afraid of my mum finding out,” she said. “But now I’m over 16, there’s nothing she can do, even though she doesn’t approve.”

Parents, teachers and the government are increasingly concerned about this trend. The latest ONS research says that this habit will kill about 1 million of today’s teenagers when they reach middle age.

In Newcastle, in northeast England, the local health authority is working with a secondary school to help teenagers stop smoking. They hold regular “quitting” sessions where students can talk openly about smoking and are given advice about why and how to stop.

Parents and authority figures are also concerned because there seems to be a relationship between smoking and educational achievement. Moststudents who pass fewer than five General Certificate of Secondary Education exams (GCSEs), which all students must take at the age of 16, are regular smokers. The national average for a good student is nine GCSE passes.

Government campaigns to stop smoking include TV advertisements showing real-life smokers who have cancer. Cigarettes are also very expensive in the UK, due to government taxes. A packet of 20 cigarettes costs around four pounds and fifty pence (about 54 yuan).

Every year, anti-smoking organizations join the government in holding a National No Smoking Day in March. Leaflets with government health warning about the risks of smoking are given out on the streets. Teenagers and adults are encouraged to try one day without smoking, in the hope that this will encourage them to give up forever. But with the government recently delaying plans to ban tobacco advertising in the UK, the trend of teenage smoking is likely to get worse.

第三篇(汉译英) Passage 3 (C—E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions 

《劳动法》 the Labor Law

《妇女权益保护法》 the law on Safeguarding Women’s Rights and Interests

第三产业 tertiary industries

外资企业 overseas-funded enterprise 

出口外向型企业 export-oriented business

中国科学院 the Chinese Academy of Sciences

中国工程院 the Chinese Academy of Engineering


中国妇女在就业方面享有同男子平等的权利,据1995年的全国人口普查,约有3. 2亿妇女从事各领域的工作。其中,从事农业工作的占该领域从业者总数的39%,从事工业生产的占30%,从事第三产业的占总数的39%。









第四篇 ( 汉译英 ) Passage 4 (C—E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions 

召唤 beckon

笑容可掬 radiant smile 

潦草地记下 scribble down

令人吃惊的 stunning

表现出自信;给某人以自信 assert oneself

受……的控制 be beholden to …

新手段;新花样 a new twist

同胞兄弟姊妹 sibling

大方 generosity

诚恳的劝告的(广告词) friendly exhortations

一幢豪华的四居室别墅 a lavish, four-bedroom villa

追随潮流 go along with the trend

闲逛 hang out











III. 参考译文 Reference Version

第一篇 Passage 1





第二篇 Passage 2











第三篇 Passage 3

During the past 50 years since the founding of New China, China has witnessed a big improvement in the status of its women citizens. A series of laws and regulations, including the Labor Law and the Law on Safeguarding Women’s Rights and Interests, are on the statute book to ensurewomen's social and economic rights.

Chinese women are given equal rights with men in employment. According to the 1995 national population census, there were some 320 million women employees working in all sectors. Among them, those working in agriculture accounted for 39 per cent of the total employees in the sector, those working in manufacturing industry accounted for 30 per cent and those in tertiary industry 39 per cent. 

Based on these figures, Chinese women generated a gross domestic product (GDP) of around 3397 billion yuan (US$411 billion), accounting for 38 percent of the country’s total in 1995.

By the end of 1999, the number of Chinese women employees in urban and rural areas had reached 330 million, accounting for 46.7 per cent of the country’s total number of employees and 12 per cent higher than the world’s average women employment rate.

In terms of employment fields, women have shifted to a great extent from traditional industries to tertiary industries including finance, insurance, education, art and culture, healthcare, social welfare and community service.

At present, more and more women are working in overseas-funded enterprises and export-oriented businesses. 

In Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Xiamen, Dalian, Tianjin and other special economic zones and high-tech zones, women employees account for 70 percent of the total.

A survey held among the 75 overseas-funded enterprises in Suzhou this year indicates that there are more than 20,000 women employees, makingup more than 65 percent of the total. And these women employees are mainly working in fields like electronics, telecommunications, machinery and other industries.

Meanwhile, an increasing number of women are taking part in politics. Today, there are four women State leaders and 21 women ministers and vice-ministers in China. There are also 45 women leaders at provincial level and more than 500 women mayors.

At the same time, the gap in educational backgrounds between men and women is shortening. In 1998, Chinese women received 6.5 years of education on average and the difference between men and women declined from 1.7 years in 1995 to 1.5 years in 1998. At present, women occupy 40 per cent of the total student number in colleges and universities. They make up 45.9 percent and 47.6 per cent in ordinary high schools and primary schools respectively. By the end of 1999, there had been 70 women academicians in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the ChineseAcademy of Engineering, accounting for six per cent of the total------higher than the world’s average. 

The enhancement of women’s working skills has made women more competitive and helpful in the country’s economic and social development.

第四篇 Passage 4 

In booming coastal cities like Shanghai, pricey new apartments are being snapped up by young, single Chinese women.

You Yang was hanging out with friends in Shanghai last fall when she saw the television advertisement that would change her life. “Come, live in freedom,” a voice beckoned, as images of neatly groomed young men and women with radiant smiles flashed across the screen. You, a 24-year-old secretary working for a multinational firm, scribbled down the Shanghai address. At the appointed time, she raced down to the site and, bought a home. 

You Yang’s apartment is in a massive new complex by the Huangpujiang River. It is small. And the mortgage is already draining more than halfof her $500 monthly salary. But the place is all hers. “I really wanted to have freedom,” she says. “The most important thing is to live anindependent life.”

China’s housing boom is remarkable enough. But even more stunning is that the rush is being fueled, in part, by an unexpected class of people: young, single women. Looking for independence along with a good investment, young female professionals are increasing buying homes of their own before they get married. While hard statistics are unavailable, real-estate experts say young single women are becoming one of the leading categories of homebuyers in coastal China. This is not only forcing developers to cater more to women, the trend is transforming relations between the sexes. 

“Most men still wait until they’re married to buy a house,” explains Han Jiahui, a 28-year-old telecom worker. “But women are going ahead on our own. Why should we wait?” Han could hardly wait to escape her childhood home, a damp one-room apartment that shared a kitchen and bathroom with four other families. Last year she bought a $45,000 two-bedroom apartment for herself and her father, a laid-off engineer.Buying a place not only fulfilled a life-long dream, but also helped Han assert herself. “It’s important for a woman to be financially independent,” she says. “Otherwise, what would happen if your husband dumped you? You would have nothing.” 

In China’s coastal cities, young women are increasingly developing professional careers and marrying later. Owning property serves as a way of ensuring they are not beholden to men.” A house gives you the freedom to choose your life,” says a 29-year-old journalist from Hunanwho bought a house in 1998. “If you don’t have a house, you have nothing—so you have to get married.” A recent change in China’s marriage law offers added protection: Any property the husband or wife owns before marriage is his or hers forever. This is considered a moderate step forward. 

The irony is that most of these women are not running away from tradition, only giving it a new twist. Because of China’s “one-child” policy, many female homeowners are single children, with no siblings (i.e., brothers) to bear the burden of taking care of their aging parents. As a result, they often move their parents, who lived on meager wages, into their new homes. Hu Xiuli, a 26-year-old tax accountant,bought a two-bedroom apartment in Shanghai last year. Her parents are therefore able to live in a spacious apartment nowadays, thanks to their daughter’s generosity and $900-a-month white-collar job. “I’m all my parents have now,” says Hu.

Shanghai developers are now appealing directly to young white-collar women like Hu. In the marketing of a 32-story apartment building with 520 modestly priced units, a large advertisement displayed in the sales office depicts a happy woman and a list of friendly exhortations. The first: “Forget about the sadness, forget him, start a new life!” The appeal seems to have worked. All the apartments sold out within weeks of going on sale last December, and more than 30 percent of the independent buyers (as opposed to investors) were single women, including many from 22 to 25 years old.

Buying a new home doesn’t always bring freedom, however. One 31-year-old female executive recently bought her second home-----a lavish, four-bedroom villa in the outskirts of Shanghai. The first time she moved, she was lifting her parents out of poverty and establishing her own sense of self-worth and independence. “I’m just going along with the trend, doing what everybody else is doing,” she says. “All my friends are buying new villas, so why shouldn’t I?” Now she doubts her decision. “It all happened so fast,” she says, with an air of regret. “I love my new house, but I also think it’s a burden, a loss of independence.”

You Yang understands the pressures of ownership: after paying the mortgage on an apartment as well as the rent on her current apartment, she’s left with just $140 a month to live on. “I don’t have any time to just hang out anymore, and I can’t afford to buy any clothes or fancy food,” says You. “But it’s worth it in the long run.”

第十五单元 Unit 15

社会生活 Social Life

I. 阅读材料Reading Material

第一篇 Passage 1

Love Affairs Bloom on the Internet

Internet is playing more and more important role in the life of the youth, and it is even becoming a part of our life. As a matter of fact, it also is a convenient and effective way for the old people to communicate with each other. In America, the Senior-Citizens-Net enables old people to exchange their gardening tips, debate current issues and form new friendships, and get married. Senior-Net offers a forum where senior citizens can talk freely, help each other, and even console each other. Although they are scattered across the country, the senior citizens can share thoughts, opinions and concerns about issues that affect them. It’s like a big family.

The Senior-Net is a painless way to socialize, especially for those recently widowed and reluctant to go out alone, and for the disabled. Senior-Net has more than 6,000 members and 53 learning centers across the United States.

Joann Oakes, who just lost her husband after a 35-year marriage, and Mayer Solemn, after 50 years, fell for each other. At the beginning, Joann had been watching from a distance as Mr. Solemn flirted from one group of friends to another, greeting all the women as “Honey”.

Finally, the two began a conversation. They discovered they were both widowed and both loved Mexican food and ballroom dancing. They talked on and on, never noticing that everyone else had left the party. At midnight, they said good night, turned off their computers and went to bed.

From then on, they talked nearly every day via their computers. After a couple of years, Mr. Solemn visited Mrs. Oakes in Washington. Two months later, the 64-year-old Mrs. Oakes drove to Nevada to see Mr. Solemn, 76, and she had not been back to Washington since.

Computers are playing Cupid for what seems to be an unlikely target---a generation that didn’t know the difference between a mouse and a modem until they reached 60. Now older adults plugged into interactive networks such as Senior Net where they can exchange their life experience, or try to recall the lines of old-time popular songs.

Women find computers especially liberating. Jessie Askew, a 55-year-old active volunteer from Virginia, who had relied on her husband to keep all of her volunteer groups’ records on computer, had to learn how to use a computer herself after her husband died. But she thought that it made her feel confident. She joined several networks. One night, she noticed a newcomer named Chuck Ramsey during a cocktail party. She called up his biography, which described his computer along with his hobbies. She read his bio and told him she was in love with his computer. A few seconds later, the man wrote that he just read her bio, and was in love with her. “Will you marry me?” He asked. Mrs. askew typed, “Yes”. A few nights later, they through phone heard each other’s voice. Within a few months, Mr. Ramsey was waiting for her on her father’s front porch, and by the time they got to house, it was arm in arm.

The marriage between seniors and computers is in fact, perfectly natural. They grew up in an age when they wrote letters every week and diaryevery day, and computers are able to do the same in an easier way. They have other advantages, too. Without ever leaving home, a person can carry on a three-way conversation with net users on the other side of the country or even in another country altogether. They can meet many different people, and even log on a cocktail party. If anyone dislikes the company or the discussion, they don’t have to be polite, and all they need to do is hit the control button and they are gone.

相关词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

senior citizen 荣誉公民;老人;退休的人

Senior-Citizen-Net 夕阳网

console each other 互相安慰

a painless way to socialize 一种舒适的社交方式

playing Cupid 扮演丘比特的角色

第二篇Passage 2

A New-new Generation

They are a new kind of young people: They dye their hair different colors; wear necklaces around their necks, beads on their wrists and ringsin their noses and ears. They put temporary tattoos with the words “Hello Kitty” on their chests and various small decorations on their clothes. They also like to wear black or brightly colored vests and overalls,and shoes with broad toes and very thick soles. They often can be seen riding skateboards, dancing in discos and enjoying themselves in bars.

They are very young. Most were born in the 1970s or 1980s.Having mastered computer skills, they are used to communicating on-line or through e-mail. With the aid of the Internet, they have access to much more information than the older generation. On their delicate faces is very cool expression – they are confident of doing things in their own way. Finding them incomprehensible, their elder often cast puzzled glances at them. These young people are called the “New-New People.”

According to some research, there are great differences between the young and older generations, caused by the different backgrounds they have experienced.

First, the different cultural background

The year 1979 is the dividing line between an isolated China and an open China. That was the year China introduced the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world and has resulted in two generations who think differently, have a different ideology and concepts, and even adifferent language system. The younger generation likes to fully display its disposition, while the older generation ignored this aspect bybeing required to learn the behavior of a few heroes of the time.

Second, the difference in livelihood

In the past, people were very poor. Today, however, the Chinese people, especially those living in urban areas, enjoy an unprecedented high standard of living. Due to fierce competition, many Chinese parents hope their only child will excel above others and pin great hopes on their child. Therefore, they do not begrudge spending money on their child, especially on his or her education. Hence, Chinese children enjoy good living conditions. The Chinese students studying in Japan spend money lavishly, while the Japanese students are comparatively thrifty. The reason for this is that the Chinese students are entirely supported by their parents, but the Japanese students earn their pocket money by working.

Third, a different position in the family

Before China introduced population control and family planning, each couple had several children. It was impossible for people to spend much time, energy and money on their children at that time. However, due to the introduction of the “one couple, one child” policy, the Chinese people are now focusing their time, money and energy on their only child.

Fourth, a different relationship with parents.

The generation gap has become wider today because of the overlap of parents undergoing menopause and children reaching puberty. This has been caused by implementing a policy of late marriage leading to later childbirth, and puberty for children coming earlier than for those of generations past. Because people in these two physiological periods are easily upset, arguments occur more frequently between the two generations.

In addition, in the past children easily worshipped their parents for their rich information acquired from meetings at their work units. Butnow things are different. The information acquired by young people from the Internet is much more than what they get from their parents. Thishas undermined the authority of the older generation. Currently there are more than 16 million Internet users in China. Of them, 80% are young people. With more information than their parents, they are likely to disobey them. Today in China, a three-year-old child knows to call a policeman by dialing 110 when his parents beat him because he knows that beating people violates the law. If a shop assistant offends a primary school pupil, the child will go to the manager to complain.

Fifth, a heavy burden for Chinese kids 

Today, Chinese children bear a very heavy psychological burden because of their studies. This often leads to psychological abnormalities, even to mental collapse. Some children have even killed their parents who forced them to overdo their studies.

In the past, children did not have to stay up late to study but could spend most of their time playing. They enjoyed a happy life.

Some experts say the New-New People phenomenon is simply part of growth. Most New-New People are in their teenage years, which is a period for rebellion. The New-New People are not unstable in regards to their aspirations, thinking and even numbers. But they are likely to be affected by strange thinking and behavior. They like to seek out fashionable things and often accept them blindly. Hence, to correctly guidethem rather than making unwarranted criticisms is the responsibility of the whole society, so that they may smoothly get over this period in which they are easily swayed in their thinking.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

New-new people 新新一代 

have …tattoos on one’s chest 胸部剌有……的字样

overalls 宽大的桶裤

skateboard 滑板 

display one’s disposition 表现个性 

begrudge 吝惜 

lavishly 挥霍地 

menopause 更年期 

puberty 青春期 

psychological abnormalities 心理异常 

mental collapse 精神崩溃 

make unwarranted criticisms 横加指责 

II.口译实践 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret Them: 

第一篇(英译汉) Passage 1 (E---C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

the structure of the family 家庭结构

nuclear family 核心家庭

a good provider 好当家

divorce rate 离婚率

compatibility 投缘,相容,不矛盾

alimony 丈夫在分居或离婚后付给妻子的赡养费

full custody 全部监护权

homosexual 同性恋的

During the traditional wedding ceremony, the bridal couple promise each other lifelong devotion. Yet, about one out of four American marriages ends in divorce. Since 1940, the divorce rate has more than doubled, and experts predict that, of all marriages that occurred in the 1970s, about 50% will end in divorce. The U.S.A. has one of the highest divorce rates in the world, perhaps even the highest.

What goes wrong? The fact that divorce is so common in the United States does not mean that Americans consider marriage a casual, unimportantrelationship. Just the opposite is true. Americans expect a great deal from marriage. They seek physical, emotional, and intellectual compatibility. They want to be deeply loved and understood. It is because Americans expect so much from marriage that so many get divorced. They prefer no marriage at all to a marriage without love and understanding. With typical American optimism, they end one marriage in hope that the next will be happier. With no-fault divorce laws in many states, it is easier than ever to get a divorce. Some American women stay inunhappy marriages because they don’t have the education or job experience to support themselves and their children. But most American women believe that, if necessary, they can make it alone without a husband. All things considered, Americans have little reason to continue an unhappy marriage.

Which marriages are most likely to end in divorce? Marriages between people with low incomes or limited education and marriages between teenagers are at greatest risk. The number of divorces between couples with children under the age of 18 is declining, and almost 45% of divorcing couples are childless.

When a couple gets divorced, the court may require the man to pay his former wife a monthly sum of money called alimony. The amount of alimonydepends on the husband’s income, the wife’s needs, and the length of the marriage. If the woman is working and earns a good salary, she may receive no alimony at all. Occasionally, the court decides that a woman should pay her husband alimony. About 10% of American women outearn their husbands. If the woman has totally supported her husband during the marriage, the court may decide that she must continue to support him after the divorce. This is a rather new concept in the United States.

If a divorcing couple has children, the court must determine which parent the children will live with and who will provide for their support.In most cases, the children live with the mother, and the father pays child support and has visitation rights. However, it is not uncommon for a father to get full custody or joint custody of his children when this arrangement seems to be in the children’s best interest.

The high risk of divorce doesn’t seem to make Americans afraid to try marriage—again and again. By middle age, about 95% of Americans have been married at least once. About 80% of those who get divorced eventually remarry. Only in Japan is the married proportion of the populationas high as it is in the U.S.A. In fact, remarriage and the creation of new families is so common in the United States that one American joke tells of a wife calling to her second husband, “Quick, John! Come here and help me! Your children and my children are beating up our children!”

Despite the dominance of the married lifestyle, the number of people choosing alternative lifestyles is increasing, and their behavior is increasingly accepted by the general population. The number of unmarried couples living together rose from about 500,000 in 1970 to about 2.6 million in 1988. Many older people are horrified by the growing trend of unmarried couples living together. However, it is not just an American trend. It’s even more common in Europe than in the U.S.A.

Another alternative to the traditional marriage is the homosexual relationship. Scientists estimate that about 4% of American men and 1.5% of American women are homosexuals. Many homosexuals live with someone of their own sex, and sometimes these relationships last for many years, with the same loyalty and emotional attachment as in a happy marriage.

第二篇(英译汉) Passage 2 (E---C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

wedding vows 婚礼誓言,结婚许愿

to propose to somebody 向…求婚

fiancée 未婚妻

bridal showers 新娘在结婚前招待女友的聚会

bachelor’s parties 新郎在结婚前招待男友的聚会

the best man 男宾相

the maid of honor 女宾相

wedding reception 结婚喜宴

“I do.” To Americans those two words change your life, especially if you say them at your own wedding. Making wedding vows is like signing a contract. Now Americans don’t really think marriage is a business deal. But marriage is serious business. 

It all begins with engagement. Traditionally, a young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry her. If the father agrees, the man later proposes to her. Often he tries to surprise her by “popping the question” in a romantic way. Sometimes the couple just decides together that the time is right to get married. The man usually gives his fiancée a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement. They may be engaged for weeks, months or even years. As the big day approaches, bridal showers and bachelor’s parties provide many useful gifts. Today many couples also receive counseling during engagement. This prepares them for the challenges of married life.

At last it’s time for the wedding. Although most weddings follow long-held traditions, there is still room for American individualism. For example, the usual place for a wedding is in a church. But some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot. A few even have the ceremony while skydiving or riding on horseback! The couple may invite hundreds of people or just a few close friends. They choose their own style of colors, decorations and music during the ceremony. But some things rarely change. The bride usually wears a beautiful, long white wedding dress. She traditionally wears “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue”. The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo. Several close friends participate in the ceremony as attendants, including the best man and the maid of honor.

As the ceremony begins, the groom and his attendants stand with the minister, facing the audience. Music signals the entrance of the bride’s attendants, followed by the beautiful bride. Nervously, the young couple repeats their vows. Traditionally, they promise to love each other “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health”. But sometimes the couple has composed their own vows. They give each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage commitment. Finally the minister announces the big moment: “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride now.” 

At the wedding reception, the bride and groom greet their guests. Then they cut the wedding cake and feed each other a bite. Guests mingle while enjoying cake, punch and other treats. Later the bride throws her bouquet of flowers to a group of single girls. Tradition says that the one who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry. During the reception, playful friends “decorate” the couple’s car with tissue paper, tin cans and a “Just Married” sign. When the reception is over, the newlyweds run to their “decorated” car and speed off. Many couples take a honeymoon, a one-to two –week vacation trip, to celebrate their new marriage. 

Almost every culture has rituals to signal a change in one’s life. Marriage is one of the most basic life changes for people of all cultures. So it’s no surprise to find many traditions about getting married…even in America. Yet each couple follows the traditions in a way that is uniquely their own. 

第三篇(汉译英) Passage 3 (C----E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

连锁店 chain store

保质期 quality guarantee period

方便食品 instant food

胆固醇 cholesterol

有利环境的 environmentally friendly 

兴时 come back into favor

家庭装修 housing furnishing

崇尚 regard for something

史无前例的 unprecedented, in an unprecedented way

名牌 name brand

















第四篇(汉译英)Passage 4 (C---E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

多子多福 the greater number of children the happier the life of a family .

负增长 negative increase

节制生育 birth control

包办婚姻 arranged marriage

当地民政局 local civil bureau

忠于 be loyal to …

调动……积极性 motivate someone

跨国婚姻 transnational marriage

君子重义,小人重利 The gentle man stresses friendship and the low brute the profit.








III. 参考译文 Reference Version

第一篇 Passage 1 









第二篇 Passage 2 

“我愿意”。这句话含义深远。 他甚至可以改变一个人的一生。对美国人来说这句话可以改变你的生活, 特别是如果你在自己的婚礼上说出这句话。说出结婚誓言就如同签订一项契约一样。虽然今天美国人并不真正认为婚姻是一宗商业交易,但婚姻确实是件严肃的事。

一切从订婚开始。传统上,年轻男子先要请求女朋友的父亲允许自己娶她。如果女方的父亲答应,男方才能向女方求婚。男方时常尝试以罗曼蒂克的方式“蹦出这个问题”, 想给女方一个惊喜。有时双方一起决定结婚的时间。男方通常会送给未婚妻一只钻石戒指作为订婚的象征。订婚期可以持续几个星期、几个月,甚至几年。 当大喜的日子临近时,双方各自的好友在婚前派对上会赠送许多实用的礼物。今天, 许多未婚夫妻在订婚期间还听取咨询意见, 以此为应付婚姻生活的挑战作好准备。

最后就该举行婚礼了。虽然大多数的婚礼沿袭长期以来的传统,但是仍有发挥美国人的个性主义的余地。 例如,通常举行婚礼的地点是在教堂,但是有些人却在户外的风景点举行婚礼,少数人甚至在跳伞或骑马时进行仪式!新人可以邀请几百个客人,也可只邀请几个最要好的朋友。婚礼的色调风格、布置和音乐都由他们自己决定。但有些事情很少改变。通常新娘都穿一件漂亮的长长的白色结婚礼服。按传统习惯,新娘的穿着要包括“一点旧的,一点新的,一点借来的和一点蓝色的东西”。新郎则穿着一套正式的西装或无尾晚礼服。有几位亲密的朋友参加婚礼,包括伴郎和伴娘。




第三篇 Passage 3 

Wal-Mart, the biggest chain store group in the US and worldwide, recently announced that it would open more branches in China. Having entered the Chinese market in 1996, Wal-Mart now has seven shopping malls and one main store in China, all of which have proved to be very successful. Meanwhile, more and more large foreign stores have opened their branch stores in inland China.

At first, only a few foreign diplomats, businessmen and tourists were regular customers of these stores, whereas now most of the faces one sees in the store are Chinese, and their patronage is increasing at an incredibly rapid rate. These foreign stores have won Chinese customers for being spacious, well lighted, relaxed, less crowded and noisy as well as having more imported products and showing deep respect for the customers.

Chinese consumers are becoming more and more fastidious. This is quite true. Chinese shoppers are these days paying greater attention to thedate of production and quality guarantee period of the commodities they wish to buy, and if this information is not shown, they will often look elsewhere. More and more consumers carefully read the commodity food value breakdown before buying. Natural and green foods are preferred, whereas instant and frozen foods have lost their popularity. Consequently, fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products, with lowfat and cholesterol and no chemical additives, are now good sellers on the Chinese market. Imported health products are also a popular item on the Chinese market, despite being relatively expensive.

Living in Comfort

Although Beijing real estate prices are twice or threefold those of Shanghai and Guangzhou, the house purchasing trend in the capital is still on the rise. Citizens prefer to live in an environment, which is quiet, conformable and close to nature. At housing exhibitions in Beijing, living quarters with sizable green areas, convenient transportation and modern facilities are most in demand. Such properties include many advanced Western-style facilities and equipment, and houses are constructed in foreign styles to add to their appeal. The most desirable residences often include fitness centers, golf courses, indoor swimming pools and tennis courts.

Housing furnishings have also undergone a radical change. Environmentally friendly glue and paint are now preferred as regards decorating materials, and Sweden’s Ikea has brought to China diverse house furnishing and design ideas. Many first-time home purchasers go there in search of inspiration for styles of decoration, and it now transpires that wooden furniture is considered old fashioned, and that metal crafted furniture and fittings are the latest trend, although traditional styles have come back into favor.

Leisure Activities

Many young people are no longer in the habit of going home directly after work. Instead, they might arrange with friends to go to the gym or fitness club for some healthy exercise. From 6 pm to 9 pm on workdays and at the weekend, gyms are mostly full, despite membership fees having been raised. Owing to a shortage of sports fields and stadiums, people often have to make reservations two or three days in advance.

Chinese people no longer wonder about how to spend their recreation time. Pursuits such as bungji-jumping, rock climbing, bowling, archery and fitness exercises have become very common, and, for the more affluent, golf is becoming very popular. In some big sports stadiums, daytime football grounds turn into golf driving ranges at night, with professional coaches from Japan and the United States on hand to give the benefit of their expertise.

Weekend and holiday touring has become a new point of economic growth in China, and a definition of “holiday economy” is now included in Chinese dictionaries under new vocabulary. At the weekend, the suburbs are crowded with tourists hungry for fresh air and beautiful natural scenery, and hotels are always booked to capacity. There, away from the city, urban dwellers may find relaxation in mountain climbing, strolling through meadows and forests, river rafting, bathing springs, fruit picking, or even planting vegetables on the farm. The most recent tourist schemes include weekend’s abroad, and exploration tours.

Increasing Environmental Consciousness 

When Beijing Television first began broadcasting air pollution statistics, Beijing people were a little bemused, whereas these days this issue is a popular topic. Many people plant flowers, grass and trees in their own courtyards, and garbage is appropriately sorted prior to disposal. Diesel trucks are only allowed on the road if they conform to required standards of tail gas emission, and gas, electricity and light diesel oil have largely replaced coal in terms of heating fuel. 

Catching up with Global Trends

As film critics in Beverly Hills write their comments on the latest cinematic releases, movie fans in big Chinese cities are already sitting in the cinema, taking in their plot and enjoying the action. Although the price of tickets to the latest movies is relatively expensive, Chinese youngsters nevertheless go to see them as soon as they are issued. The scope of Chinese cinemas has expanded dramatically, with drive-in and joint venture cinemas in abundance. The joint venture cinema multi-hall rolling show system, whereby on entry the film-fan can see the new film of his choice within ten minutes, picking seats from a computer screen, has attracted many cinema-goers.

More and more Chinese consumers now demand name brands. The cosmetics, perfume, clothes and ornaments produced by foreign countries are quickly increasing their Chinese market share, and fashion news releases from Milan and Paris are of increasing interest to the Chinese people. Comfortable fabrics and simple styles are the most preferred, as the Chinese keep in touch with global trends while retaining their own characteristics.

Automobile purchase is another item of dramatic increase in China International Automobile Exhibition held in Beijing last year, and foreign participants were both surprised and impressed by the strong economic force of Chinese consumers. A large number of luxury famous brand cars were bought and driven away on the spot by the time the exhibition closed. Many representatives of car companies at the exhibitionwere left with large amounts of orders, and some purchasers requested customer-made design of automobile plants.

As China is now a member of the WTO, the Chinese people are becoming more and more internationalized and ready to merge with the global society.

第三篇 Passage 4 

Changes have taken place in Chinese family life. In an old style Chinese family, all the brothers lived together even after they got married,while the girls had to leave the family for marriage. Richer families tended to have more children. It was believed the greater the number ofchildren, the happier the life of a family. So it was common to see a family of 20-30 people. 

After 1950, such a kind of family was rarely seen, and now there are none. At present, the average size of a Chinese family is 3.63. But, the Chinese have not changed their high regard for their families, nor have the family members weakened their sense of responsibility for their families. The decline in the average family size is related to family planning encouraged by the Chinese Government. China’s current population growth rate is 9.5 per thousand, and some large cities have registered a negative population growth.

Along with the development and progress of the times, the Chinese have also changed their concept of love and marriage. In the past, arrangedmarriages were very common, leading to numerous romantic tragedies. Now, people make their own decision about whom they will marry. Matchmaking through TV, ads, special agencies and other forms had become popular. More than 20 years ago, mixed marriages were inconceivable. In 1977, when a Chinese student wanted to marry a French girl studying in China, the local civil affairs bureau refused to grant permission. Later, with the consent of Mr. Deng Xiaoping, the two lovers eventually got married. Now, China has special provisions on transnational marriages to protect marriages between Chinese and overseas citizens. 

In addition, the Chinese now have a growing demand on the quality of marriage. For a long time, traditional concepts, such as that the wife should be faithful to her husband until death, strongly maintained millions of Chinese families. Since reform and opening, however, people’s lifestyle has become diversified, and the consciousness of independence has increased. Now, when serious differences occur between the husband and wife in concepts, pursuits and lifestyles, they will unhesitatingly get divorced. 

During the so-called “cultural revolution”(1966-76), China’s educational undertakings were disrupted in an unprecedented way. All Chinese universities even suspended enrolling students for six years. Chinese families, however, never cast aside their tradition of attaching importance to education. Parents who had no chance to go to university during the “cultural revolution” now show a strong desireto send their children to university. The defect of China’s educational system lies in its over emphasis on examination results. To let more students enter famous universities and middle schools, the principals of many secondary and primary schools do not hesitate to add classes during the students’ spare time. China’s current teaching system can be traced back to the imperial examination system that existed for hundreds of years. Emphasizing mechanical memorizing, it cannot motivate the students in an all-round way. The Chinese Government is making endeavors to transform this examination-oriented educational system into one focusing on the all–round improvement of the students’ quality, with special emphasis on fostering the students’ creative capacity.

In 1900, there were only 10 small-sized universities in China. Now there are 1,022. Chinese parents are very concerned about whether their children will be able to go to university. Each summer vacation is the crucial moment for families with children taking the national university entrance examination. Given the increasing pressure on higher education, this year the Government called on universities to increase their enrollment. At present, most Chinese universities are state-owned. At the same time, privately funded universities are developing rapidly.

Before reform and opening-up, most Chinese students favored natural sciences, and there were a small number of students majoring in economics, law and management. Now, the number of students choosing these specialties has increased significantly. The young people have also changed their concept of employment, a result of the development of a market economy. The classics of the Confucian school stress, “A gentleman values friendship while a low brute stresses profit”. In the past, China’s social strata were ranked according to the order of official, peasant, worker and merchant. Businessmen were of the lowest class. The despite of commerce and businessmen led to an underdeveloped market economy in China for a long time, stemming the development and progress of society. At present, with the development of a market economy, the Chinese no longer look down upon commerce and businessmen. Many talented people are now engaged in business.

第十六单元 Unit 16

科技成果 Scientific and Technological Achievements

I.阅读材料 Reading Material

第一篇 Passage 1

In 1900, They Never Imagined…

The Computer Revolution

In 1900, they never imagined…

1944 The Harvard-IBM Mark I computer 

1946 The 24-metre long ENIAC computer

1964 The IBM System 360 mainframe

1965 The Digital PDP-8 mini-computer

1974 The Altair 8800 mini-computer and the communications system ARPANET

1981 The IBM Personal Computer

In 1900, they never imagined… the computer and its miniaturization. Thanks to more and more capacity for memory processing through smaller and smaller silicon chips, the mainframe computer which needed a large room became a desktop computer and workstation, which eventually even had greater capacity.

The personal computer, revolutionized by the introduction of IBM’s Personal Computer (PC) in 1981, spread to 245 million PC users by century’s end. The PC was not only word processor, business organizer, research and educational tool, home study center and games player, but allowed global communication through the Internet.

The Internet. The Internet was prefigured by the communications system ARPANET, initially a US Defense Department network expanded by universities. The Internet is a linked computer communications network used for information, e-mail, business and education. US-based International Data Communications predicts the Internet economy will reach $US 1 trillion by 2002.

In 1900, they never imagined…

Diagnosis of a car’s mechanical problems by laptop computer, 1997.

The wrist watch becoming a miniature computer, 1998.

The notebook in the form of a portable laptop computer, 1996.

The Man/Woman of the Year displaced by a machine, in TIME magazine’s prophetic recognition of the dominant future of the Personal Computer.Instead of Man of the Year or Woman of the Year, in 1982 TIME magazine nominated the computer as Machine of the Year.

The Air Transport Revolution

In 1900, they never imagined…that there would be flight by heavier-than-air machines, beginning with Orville and Wilbur Wright’s Flyer in1903, reaching a climax in 1969 with the first flight of the Boeing 747 Jumbo jet, which can carry 400 people.

In 1900, they never imagined…space travel. The space shuttle, able to ferry men and women to and from an orbiting space station, was put into service from 1981, 20 years after the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin.

Mass air transport. This was begun with the development of small passenger planes after World War I. At century’s end, the top 20 airlines carry more than 500 million passengers annually.

Supersonic flight. The Concorde in commercial service from 1976, cruises at twice the speed of sound, and makes the trans-Atlantic flight in3 1/2 hours, compared to seven hours for a Jumbo jet.

The Telephone Revolution

In 1900, they never imagined…

That people would be able to walk through the street carrying on a conversation with someone in distant cities by using a tiny, hand-held mobile phone. They never envisaged that messages could be sent and received from such a machine through the use of email, fax and electronic paging.

In 1900, they never imagined…

1901 Telegraph poles carrying up to 150 telephone wires each.

1919 the first Dial Telephone in general use.

1959 The first mobile in-car phone by Bell Telephone, US.

1973 The first portable cellular phone by Motorola, US.

1978 The first city cellular radio mobile radiotelephone system, Chicago, US. Systems linked to new phone communication technology include 1991 Cordless Phones.

1993 Pagers, alerting wearers to phone messages.

1996 Teleconferences, using a speaker-locating camera for video images.

1996 The portable fax machine, hooked up to a portable phone.

The Science Revolution

In 1900, they never imagined… that Max Planck’s quantum theory, introduced in 1900, and which changed our understanding of the physical universe, would give rise to…

1905 Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, and in…

1988 The research of Stephen Hawking, noted for his theories on black holes in space. Hawking’s best-selling book on modern cosmology, A Brief History of Time (1988) attempts to reunite quantum theory and Einstein’s theory of relativity.

In 1900, they never imagined …

Atomic research. 1942, the first nuclear reactor built by Enrico Fermi.

Medical research. Sir Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin, 1928. Protection of wounded soldiers from blood poisoning speeds up manufacture of the drug in World War II.

Organ transplants. The first kidney transplant operation is in 1954, the first heart transplant in 1967.

Genetic research. Genetic research escalates after the description of the DNA double helix, 1953. Following genetic experiment and breeding, the first living mammal is patented, 1988. In 1997 cloned sheep Dolly, in Roslyn, Scotland, is created as a genetically identical sheep to her mother using DNA.

The Hi-tech Revolution As Commonplace

In 1900, they never imagined…1906 the beginning of public radio broadcasting, Massachusetts.

1936 The beginning of first public television service, London. TV development speeds up after the invention of the cathode ray tube “kinescope” by Vladimir Zworykin, head of RCA’s TV research. This tube displaces John Logie Baird’s mechanical system. Worldwide television broadcasts are now possible through satellite technology.

1935 The first practical radar developed by Sir Robert Watson-Watt, England. Radar is extensively used today in air traffic control, tracking weather patterns and spacecraft.

1937 The Xerography electrostatic copying process. Chester Carlson develops the Xerography electrostatic copying process, which is commercially produced in 1950. The first Xerox machine appears on the market in 1958. Office photocopying is now worldwide. As machines become smarter, they can print on both sides, print color, sort in order and staple copies, and also act as printers instructed by computers.

1947 The transistor. The transistor was developed in the Bell Laboratories in the United States in 1947 after a long program of research. Thetransistor won for its inventors, John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain and William Shockley the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1956 and was a key development in speeding up the way electric current was carried. The transistor was smaller, more robust, used less power and produced less heat than a valve.

The transistor begins the process of miniaturization so important to late 20th-century electronics. The microchip is developed by Kilby andNoyce in 1959, the microprocessor by Hoff at Intel in 1971. In 1998, Intel produces a 6cm-square microchip containing 5.5 million transistors.

1960 Laser technology, developed by Charles H. Townes and Arthur Schawlow, Columbia University (1951), and Dr Theodore H. Maiman working at the Hughes Research Labs (1960). Laser technology is now vital in telecommunications, medicine, the defense industry, mass production, ozone measurements, and supermarkets (bar-code reading). Traveling through fibre optic cables, lasers carry phone, fax, computer, TV and radio communications are used in medical operations, business, industry, commerce, construction and in the home.

1972 Calculators. Based on the principles of the abacus, small electronic calculators become pocket-size when one Integrated Circuit was able to perform all functions, batteries became rechargeable or replaceable, and liquid crystal displays began to use less energy to show the numbers in a small window.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

mainframe 主机

silicon chip 硅片

workstation 工作站

word processor 文字处理器

International Data Communications 国际数据通信组织

portable laptop computer 便携式膝上电脑

the Man / Woman of the Year 年度风云人物

Jumbo jet 大型喷气式客机

supersonic flight 超音速飞行

Concorde 协和式飞机 

portable cellular phone 便携式移动电话

cordless Phones 无绳电话

pager 传呼机

quantum theory 量子理论

Special Theory of Relativity 狭义相对论

Cosmology 宇宙学

genetic research 基因研究

DNA double helix DNA双螺旋线 

cathode ray tube (kinescope) 阴极射线管(显像管)

Xerography electrostatic copying process 静电复印处理技术

sort in order 排列顺序

transistor 晶体管

valve 电子管

miniaturization 微型化

laser technology 激光技术

ozone measurement 臭氧测量

fiber optic cable 光缆

bar-code reading 条形码识别

liquid crystal 液晶显示器

第二篇 Passage 2

Thirty Years of Development in Space Technology

China sent its first man-made earth satellite, Dongfanghong-1 into space in 1970, becoming the fifth country that had this capacity, following then the Soviet Union, the United States, France and Japan.

With the successful launching, China started its exploration into space and has become one of the major space powers in the world after 30 years of development. 

At 6:30 am on November 20 last year, a spacecraft named Shenzhou (Divine Ship) blasted off into space from the Jiuquan Satellite Launching Center in northwest China’s Gansu Province, aboard a new type of Long March (LM) carrier rocket. After a 21-hour test mission, Shenzhou, China’s first spacecraft successfully landed in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Unmanned, the spacecraft and launching vehicle had both been developed with Chinese hardware and expertise.

Beginning with the Dongfanghong-1 satellite and ending with the Shenzhou spacecraft, China’s space industry has undergone 30 years of exploration. Today, the nation has established a regular spacecraft development system, and its space undertakings have entered a new era of rapid development.

According to Xu Fuxiang, Director of the Chinese Research Institute of Space Technology, China’s space development has witnessed tremendous changes over the past 30 years. Satellite models have been diversified, and development technology has expanded in possibilitiesand is more open. Today, satellites are used not only for scientific research, but also for serving public needs.

Chinese scientists have so far developed, or been involved in the development of more than 40 satellites and spacecraft, which include majormodels of low, intermediate and high orbit satellites. In particular, the success of Shenzhou’s test flight symbolizes that China is one step toward its goal of eventually sending people into space.

According to Xu, various platforms are now available at the Chinese Research Institute of Space Technology for developing different types of satellites, such as medium capacity satellites, retrievable satellites, earth observation satellites and modern minor satellites. Xu noted that, last year, China succeeded in launching several different new types of satellites, such as the Experiment-5 scientific experimental satellite, the Resource-1 earth resources remote sensing satellite, and the spacecraft. All of this indicates that China’s satellite development technology is becoming increasingly mature and reliable.

Although Chinese astronauts did not go into space with Shenzhou, they spared no effort in their training and are ready to go at any time. A space medical engineering institute in Beijing is equipped with a complete set of aerospace ground simulation testing equipment, such as a low-pressure seal capsule, a low-pressure transition temperature chamber and a life-support system experimenting chamber. It encompasses anumber of training facilities, including a Chinese-made manned centrifugal device, which is the largest of its kind in Asia, and a land impact (testing) table. While two Chinese astronauts were sent to Russia for training, others received their training here.

At present, analysis of the results of the Shenzhou spacecraft is still under way. Based on the analysis, China will make further improvements of various systems in the spacecraft and will launch several additional unmanned flights before sending astronauts into space with them. “China will surely make substantial breakthroughs in its spacecraft development before long,” said Xu confidently.

Xu revealed that the Chinese Research Institute of Space Technology is now making preparatory research for the development of a large capacity communication satellite, navigation and positioning satellite and a satellite for disaster reduction, and scientists in the institute are tackling difficult technical problems. According to Xu, these satellites will be more advanced than the former models in terms of information transmission frequency, range and speed, means of collecting information and reliability. It is expected that China will establish two to three satellite application networks. In its future development, Xu’s institute will conduct extensive cooperation with its foreign counterparts and relevant departments. The cooperation will involve the joint development of satellites, the supply of satellites or satellite parts, satellite carry or recovery service, spacecraft simulated space environment tests by contract, and the design, manufacturing and development of a satellite ground application system.

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

divine 神的

blast off 点火起飞

platform 导航台

retrieve 找回;回收

simulation 模拟

seal capsule 密封舱

life-support system 生命维持系统

encompass 包括,环绕

centrifugal 离心的,利用离心力的

land impact testing system 着陆冲击测试系统

substantial breakthroughs 实质性突破

navigation 导航

counterpart 副本,相应的人或物,

II. 口译实践 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret Them:

第一篇(英译汉) Passage I(E—C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

genetically modified foods 转基因食物

issue 难题

be subjected to 经受; 通过

be tempered by 缓和

cultivatable 可以耕种的; 可以利用的

beta-carotene β-胡萝卜素

virus 病菌

pest-resistant 防虫害的

panacea 万能药

Although there are still heated debates on genetically modified foods, they have become a part of our lives. According to the Department of Agriculture, a third of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the U.S. last year were the product of biotechnology. More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will be planted in the U.S. this year. Yet, there are clearly some very real issues that need to be resolved. Like any new product entering the food chain, genetically modified foods must be subjected to rigorous testing. In wealthy countries, the debate about biotech is tempered by the fact that we have a large amount of foods to choose from. On the contrary, in developing countries that are desperate to feed the fast-growing and underfed population, the issue is simpler and much more urgent: are thebenefits of biotech worthy of the risks?

The U.N. estimates that by 2050, the world population will probably near 9 billion, almost all that growth will occur in developing countries. At the same time, the world's available cultivable land per person is declining. It is estimated that nearly 800 million people around the world are under-nourished. Various shocking diseases are caused by lack of food.

How can biotech help? Biotechnologists have developed genetically modified rice that is rich in beta-carotene and additional iron, and theyare working on other kinds of nutritionally improved crops. Biotech can also improve farming productivity in places where food shortages are caused by crop damage due to pests, drought, poor soil and crop viruses. Pest and viruses often cause large-scaled food crop failure in the developing countries. If pest-resistant genes can be put into seeds, the balance will be regained. Many scientists believe biotech could raise overall crop productivity in the developing countries as much as 25 percent, and help prevent the loss of those crops after they are harvested. 

Although biotech has promising potential, it is far from being the answer. In developing countries, lost crops are only one cause of hunger. Poverty plays the largest role. Making genetically modified plants cannot reduce hunger if farmers cannot afford to buy them. Secondly, biotech cannot overcome the problem of distributing food in world evenly. Taken as a whole, the world produces enough food to feed everyone, but most of it is simply not in the most needed places.

Will trans-genetic foods feed the world? Biotech is not a panacea, but it does promise to transform agriculture in many developing countries. If that promise is not fulfilled, the real loser will be their people, who would suffer for years to come. 

第二篇(英译汉) Passage 2 (E—C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expression

infotech 信息技术

marrying-up 结合;嫁接品

fiber optics 光学技术;光学纤维

beam 播送;传送

steel collar worker “钢领”工人(机器人)

debit (账户中的) 收方;借方 

view data screens 计算机数据屏幕

far-reaching 深远的;广泛的

What exactly is infotech? 85% of people polled recently had not a clue what is meant, although 53% of those polled said they thought it sounded pretty important. They were right. It is. So what is it? Well, put simply, it is the "marrying-up" of products from several key industries: computers, telephones, television, and satellites. It means using micro-electronics, telecommunication networks, and fiber optics to help produce, store, obtain and send information by way of words, numbers, pictures and sound more quickly and efficiently than ever before.

The impact infotech is having and is going to have on our lives and work is tremendous. It is already linking the skills of the space industrywith those of cable television, so programs can be beamed directly into our homes from all over the world. Armies of "steel collar" workers, the robots, will soon be working in factories doing the boring, complex and unpleasant jobs which are at present still done by man. In some areas such as the car industry this has already started. Television will also be used to enable customers to shop from the comfort of their homes by simply ordering via the TV screen, payment being made by direct debit of their credit cards. Home banking and the automatic booking of tickets will also be done through the television screen. Cable television, which in many countries now gives a choice of dozens of channels, will soon be used to protect our homes by operating burglar and fire alarms linked to police and fire stations. Computers will run our homes, controlling the heating, air conditioning and cooking systems while robots will cope with the housework. The friendly postman will be a thing of the past as the postal service and letters disappear with the electronic mail received via view data screens.

All these things are coming very fast and their effects will be as far-reaching as those of the industrial revolution. Infotech is part of the technological revolution and that is with us now.

第三篇(汉译英) Passage 3 (C—E)

相关词语 Related Worlds and Expressions

网民 netizen (net+citizen)

在线网民 on-line population

负担不起 unaffordable

更新换代 regeneration




第四篇(汉译英)Passage 4 (C—E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions:

可耕地 arable land

分子示踪 molecular labeling

转基因技术 transgenetic technology

智能性农业信息技术 intelligent agricultural information technology

遥感技术 remote sensing

宏观决策 macro decision-making

大棚 arch-roofed shed

地膜 plastic film-covered shed.

升级 upgrade

农业型产业 factory-oriented agriculture

“菜蓝子工程” shopping basket project

知识产权 intellectual property rights






III. 参考译文 Reference Version

第一篇 passage 1






第二篇Passage 2



所有这一切来势迅猛,而且其影响犹如工业革命一样意义深远。 信息技术是技术革命的一部分,现在它已与我们密不可分。

第三篇 Passage 3

Chinese netizens are often heard complaining about the crowed connections, the slow speed, the bad service and the little information in China, yet an increasing number of people want to access to the Internet. On average, China’s users are expanding by 10,000 people each month, and the gap between the nation’s limited number of Internet access providers and the soaring on-line population has urged people to care about potentially massive market. 

Though started late, China’s Internet industry has witnessed strides in developments. Initially only a small group of scientists knew its ease and convenience. Quickly the Internet became an invaluable tool as scientists discovered that they could access the world’s most current scientific documents, software, statistics and research results. In no time, state-owned, private and joint venture Internet service providers were established in major cities. It was estimated that China had   10,000,000 computers by the year 2000, with an annual increase of 5 percent. This means that China was the world’s third largest computer market at the turn of the century. The well-used featureof the Internet is E-mail, which is the ability to send electronic “mail” to other people who have Internet connections, regardless of where they live in the world. There normally is no additional charge for this feature, no matter how many E-mail messages are sent. The time required for delivering E-mail is simply the time it takes to electrically transmit the information from the sending computer to the receiving one. If both computers are in the same building or city, this often takes less than a minute or two. Messages that go halfway around the world normally arrive in less than 30 minutes.

One survey shows that the Chinese Internet users mainly are men around the age of 30 who have a monthly salary exceeding 1,500 yuan (about US $180). They belong to China's young, white-collar and middle class. However, the average Internet users are not making extensive use of theinformation available to them, for the main reason they access the Internet is to send or receive E-mail, or even to chat. People can post on-line information, warnings or short cuts for others to read. It is also used to ask questions and receive answers about something people don't understand or would like more information. Only 10 years ago, a personal computer (PC) was a luxury virtually unaffordable for most ordinary Chinese. But at present, it is no longer surprising to see a pupil drawing cartoon pictures or sending E-mail on computer like an expert. Computers have been designed to be more advanced in technology and easier to manage at the same time. The continuous regenerations and falling prices will make it possible for increasing number of consumers to become aware of the value of the Internet, and an " Internet Trend" is starting to take hold. 


第四篇  Passage 4

China, with the largest population in the world, also ranks first in agricultural population. In spite of shortages of water and just 7 percent of the world's arable land, China has to feed a quarter of the world's population. At the same time, it has to adapt to the challengesof impending WTO membership. Given these circumstances, China must vigorously accelerate the industrialization and modernization of agriculture by relying on science and technology. Agricultural high-tech research primarily involves new technologies in the fields of bioengineering, information, and new materials and facility engineering. 

Agricultural bioengineering mainly includes genetic engineering, molecular labeling of crops, cloning of animals and transgenetic technology. Agricultural genetic engineering research in China began in the early 1980s and by the end of 1996; the number of species of transgenetic plants under research totaled 47, involving 103 genes. Through 10 years of effort, China has equaled or surpassed the international advanced levels in many fields. 

In the 1980s, China began research and the application of intelligent agricultural information technology. Information technology has played a prominent role in agricultural production and management, greatly accelerating the extensive application of computers in agriculture. In China, agricultural information technology has developed considerably regarding field management, fertilization, and disease and pest prevention and treatment for such crops as wheat, rice, cotton, corn, rape, tobacco, oranges, sugarcane and tomatoes. Another key break-through is the agricultural remote-sensing undertakings, the research results of which have helped to make agricultural macro-decision making more scientific. The application of new technologies has effectively improved the accuracy and reliability of crop output estimates. Remote-sensing technology also has been extensively used in surveying agricultural resources. As China is a vast country with numerous kinds of agricultural resources, remote-sensing technology has becomes one of the main technological resources surveying since it was introduced.

Apart from biotechnology and information technology, new materials and facility engineering are of vital importance to modern agriculture. They will greatly accelerate the upgrading of agriculture. It can effectively improve the agro-ecosystem and production conditions and facilitate the scientific development and rational use of agricultural resources. By the end of 1996, China has set up 667,000 hectares of arch-roofed sheds, plastic film-covered sheds and greenhouses for the cultivation of vegetables, flowers and crops. The year-round supply of vegetables in large- and medium-sized cities has been basically guaranteed, with the per-capita consumption of vegetables exceeding the world average level for the first time. Meanwhile, the development of facility-based animal husbandry has ensured sustained growth in the output of meat, eggs and milk. Factory-oriented agriculture has been an indispensable component of the "shopping basket project" implemented in large and medium-sized cities. These facilities, designed independently by Chinese scientists with intellectual property rights, are technologically advanced and cost-effective, and have good serviceability and market prospects. 

China is a large agricultural country still in development. The only route to prosperity is high-tech agriculture. And the only method to raise the production rates of land and labor is to apply high technology, so as to achieve favorable social and economic effects.


第十七单元 Unit 17 

政治外交 Politics and Diplomacy

I. 阅读材料Reading Material

第一篇 Passage 1

President George W. Bush's Inaugural Address

January 20, 2001

Thank you!

Chief Justice Rehnquist, President Carter, President Bush, President Clinton, distinguished guests and my fellow citizens, the peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country. With a simple oath, we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings. 

As I begin, I thank President Clinton for his service to our nation. 

And I thank Vice President Gore for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace. 

I am honored and humbled to stand here, where so many of America's leaders have come before me, and so many will follow. 

We have a place, all of us, in a long story----a story we continue, but whose end we will not see. It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old, a story of a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom, the story of a power that went into the world to protect but not possess, to defend but not to conquer. It is the American story----a story of flawed and fallible people, united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals. 

The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born. Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws. And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course. 

Through much of the last century, America's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations. Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along. And even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel. 

While many of our citizens prosper, others doubt the promise, even the justice, of our own country. The ambitions of some Americans are limited by failing schools and hidden prejudice and the circumstances of their birth. And sometimes our differences run so deep, it seems we share a continent, but not a country. 

We do not accept this, and we will not allow it. Our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders and citizens in every generation. And this is my solemn pledge: I will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity. 

I know this is within our reach because we are guided by a power larger than ourselves who creates us equal in His image. 

And we are confident in principles that unite and lead us onward. 

America has never been united by blood or birth or soil. We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens. Every child must be taught these principles. Every citizen must uphold them. And every immigrant, by embracing these ideals, makes our country more, not less, American. 

Today, we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility, courage, compassion and character. 

America, at its best, matches a commitment to principle with a concern for civility. A civil society demands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness. 

Some seem to believe that our politics can afford to be petty because, in a time of peace, the stakes of our debates appear small. But the stakes for America are never small. If our country does not lead the cause of freedom, it will not be led. If we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism. If we permit our economy to drift and decline, the vulnerable will suffer most. 

We must live up to the calling we share. Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment. It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos. And this commitment, if we keep it, is a way to shared accomplishment. 

America, at its best, is also courageous. 

Our national courage has been clear in times of depression and war, when defending common dangers defined our common good. Now we must chooseif the example of our fathers and mothers will inspire us or condemn us. We must show courage in a time of blessing by confronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations. 

Together, we will reclaim America's schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives. We will reform Social Security and Medicare, sparing our children from struggles we have the power to prevent. And we will reduce taxes, to recover the momentum of our economy and reward the effort and enterprise of working Americans. We will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge. We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors. 

The enemies of liberty and our country should make no mistake: America remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power that favors freedom. We will defend our allies and our interests. We will show purpose without arrogance. We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength. And to all nations, we will speak for the values that gave our nation birth. 

America, at its best, is compassionate.

In the quiet of American conscience, we know that deep, persistent poverty is unworthy of our nation's promise. And whatever our views of itscause, we can agree that children at risk are not at fault. Abandonment and abuse are not acts of God, they are failures of love. And the proliferation of prisons, however necessary, is no substitute for hope and order in our souls. 

Where there is suffering, there is duty. Americans in need are not strangers, they are citizens, not problems, but priorities. And all of us are diminished when any are hopeless. 

Government has great responsibilities for public safety and public health, for civil rights and common schools. Yet compassion is the work of a nation, not just a government. And some needs and hurts are so deep they will only respond to a mentor's touch or a pastor's prayer. Church and charity, synagogue and mosque lend our communities their humanity, and they will have an honored place in our plans and in our laws. 

Many in our country do not know the pain of poverty, but we can listen to those who do. And I can pledge our nation to a goal: When we see that wounded traveler on the road to Jericho, we will not pass to the other side. 

America, at its best, is a place where personal responsibility is valued and expected. 

Encouraging responsibility is not a search for scapegoats, it is a call to conscience. And though it requires sacrifice, it brings a deeper fulfillment. We find the fullness of life not only in options, but in commitments. And we find that children and community are the commitments that set us free. Our public interest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and basic fairness, on uncounted, unhonored acts of decency which give direction to our freedom. 

Sometimes in life we are called to do great things. But as a saint of our times has said, every day we are called to do small things with greatlove. The most important tasks of a democracy are done by everyone. 

I will live and lead by these principles: to advance my convictions with civility, to pursue the public interest with courage, to speak for greater justice and compassion, to call for responsibility and try to live it as well. In all these ways, I will bring the values of our history to the care of our times. 

What you do is as important as anything government does. I ask you to seek a common good beyond your comfort; to defend needed reforms against easy attacks; to serve your nation, beginning with your neighbor. I ask you to be citizens: citizens, not spectators; citizens, not subjects; responsible citizens, building communities of service and a nation of character. 

Americans are generous and strong and decent, not because we believe in ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves. When this spirit of citizenship is missing, no government program can replace it. When this spirit is present, no wrong can stand against it. 

After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: ``We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?'' 

Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration. The years and changes accumulate. But the themes of this day he would know: our nation's grand story of courage and its simple dream of dignity. 

We are not this story's author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose. Yet his purpose is achieved in our duty, and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another. 

Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today, to make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life. 

This work continues. This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm. 

God bless you all, and God bless America. 

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

oath 宣誓(就职)

flawed and fallible 有瑕疵的; 难免有错误的

creed 信念

inborn 与生俱来的

civility 谦恭

petty 微不足道; 小气的

sentiment 感情用事

cynicism 愤世嫉俗的态度

stakes 赌注; 代价

the vulnerable 易受伤害的(此处指平民百姓)

calling 天职

reclaim 索回

apathy 冷淡; 冷漠

weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器

proliferation 扩散

priority 应优先解决的问题

mentor’s touch 导师的爱抚

pastor’s prayer 牧师的祈祷

synagogue 犹太教堂

Jericho 耶利哥; 遥远的地方

scapegoat 替罪羊

unhonored acts of decency 默默无闻的正义行动

eternity 永恒

第二篇 Passage 2

30-Year China-US Relations Are Sound on the Whole: Analysis

The recently announced date for President George W. Bush's visit to China coincidentally falls on the same day of the world-shaking event occurred 30 years ago. On February 21, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon flew across the Pacific Ocean by the "Air Force No.1 and landed on Beijing Airport, thus opening up a new, historic page in the history of China-US relations. 

It is believed that in arranging the date for the first formal China visit the US President is to pay in the new century, the advisory body of both sides deliberately chose this memorable date. Maybe this is a kind of hint to the outside world; it both reviews the past and presages the future. So, it is most likely that the US side first fixed this date and then set the timetable for the president's visits to Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK). 

Thirty years have elapsed very quickly, the historical giants, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Nixon, who broke the 20-year-old hard ice through joint efforts in that year, had all passed away long ago, they left the valuable legacy of China-US conciliation to the posterity. They had just taken the first step, without which, however, there would have not been the China-US relations of today, much less the frequent contacts between personnel of the two countries, the journey by Chinese students to the United States for study, the entry of McDonald's and Coca-Cola into China, still less an annual trade volume of US$80 billion.

Today in the new century, as we review the 30-year course of Sino-US ties, we want to know whether Sino-US relationship has moved forward or backward. Sometimes the divergent opinions would give people misconception, making it seem that Chinese-American confrontation has completely covered up Sino-US cooperation, this is contrary to the facts over the past 30 years. Since the age of Nixon, previous US presidents Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Bill Clinton had, without exception, embarked on their road to Beijing, on the heels of Deng Xiaoping, other Chinese leaders Li Xiannian, Yang Shangkun and Jiang Zemin had entered the White House in succession. It can be said that top leaders of the two countries have always controlled the general situation regarding Sino-US relations. These far-sighted leaders have ensured that Chinese-American relations do not deviate from the sound track in most time of the 30-year period. 

Naturally, no one would forget that there have all along been different views and divergences between China and the United States. An absolute sameness of views would be a strange thing for the two countries that are big and respectively represent the civilizations of the East and the West. As a matter of fact, there exist many common points in the civilizations and cultures of the two countries. Over the past 30 years, China has learned much from the United States, the United States, in turn, has also gained many benefits from China. All these are indisputable facts.

In making a breakthrough in Sino-US relations in that year, Nixon, besides using the "mysterious weapon" of sending Henry Kissinger to pay a secret visit to China, spent a lot of energy in persuading the right-wingers to support his action; in China which was undergoing the "cultural revolution”, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, in order to shake off China's international status of isolation, resolutely decided to invite President Nixon to visit China.

With the historic handshakes that occurred 30 years ago, the way the American youth of today view China, and the way the new generation of China view the United States are a far cry from their elder generation. 

Bush's attending the APEC summit in Shanghai last year was the first time that a US president left his own country for the occasion after the "September 11"incident; Bush's upcoming China visit is also his first "working visit" to take place after the "September 11"terrorist attack on the United States. It also shows China's special position in the US diplomatic pattern, particularly China's important role played on the anti-terrorist front. Combating terrorism and economic and trade relations will be the main topics for the meeting to take place between Bush and Jiang Zemin. In addition, the two sides will inevitably have an exchange of opinions on such questions as Taiwan, the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) treaty and the regional situations. With regard to regional situations, China has the potential influences on issues concerning Afghanistan, India-Pakistan conflicts and the Korean Peninsula. With regard to economic and trade relations, both sides seem to pay much attention to this issue, trade between China and the United States is vitally important to both the US economy and the Chinese economy. 

The 30 years have been an eventful period in China-US relations. The Sino-US relationship of today has gone out of its infantile period and into the period of maturity. China-US relations with a history of 30 years should logically be more mature, sturdy and rational than before. This is the hope not only of the people of the two countries, but also of the friends of China and the United States.

(Excerpts from the People's Daily February 6, 2002)

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

review the past and presage the future 回顾过去,展望未来

conciliation 和解;调停

posterity 子孙后代

embark on 从事;着手

in succession 连续地;接连地

deviate from 背离;偏离

divergence 分歧

indisputable 无可争辩的

a far cry from 差距很大

eventful 重要的

sturdy 牢固的

II. 口译实践 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret Them:

第一篇(英译汉)Passage 1 (E---C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

seamless 无裂缝的;妥善的

euphoria  欢快心情,愉快感

dent 减少;冲淡

downturn 下滑

financial turmoil 金融风暴

solid promises  充分保证

separate customs territory   独立关税区

per capita GDP  人均境内生产总值

entrepreneurial spirit 创业精神

prudent financial management 审慎的财政管理

budget surpluses  预算结余

fiscal year   财政年度

astounding 令人震惊的

robust 强健的

monolithic giant   像岩石一样的巨人

life expectancy rate   人的预期寿命

child mortality rate   婴儿死亡率

subsistence level  贫困线

tribute to   归功于

depreciate currency 货币贬值

current account surplus 活期存款结余

fiscal deficit 财政赤字

Maastricht criteria 马斯特里赫特条约的标准。

(The following are excerpts from Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa’s speech one year after its return to China.)

What has happened since Hong Kong’s return to China? 1997 was an extraordinary year for Hong Kong. July 1st saw the smooth and seamless return of Hong Kong to China, thereby ending 156 years of colonial rule. Indeed, the people of Hong Kong had looked forward to this great occasion with immense pride; pride in that we were at last reunited with our own country, and have become masters of our own destiny.

Hong Kong has indeed been moving forward with pride and confidence since the successful reunification, although the euphoria has been dented by the severe economic downturn as a result of the Asian financial turmoil. We are particularly pleased with the solid foundation now being laid for the concept of ‘one country, two systems’. What is the basis of this particular confidence?

The ultimate source of our confidence in this respect is, of course, the solid promises of the constitutional document, our Basic Law. It is a comprehensive document drafted by the people of Hong Kong together with people from the mainland of China after some four years of consultation and discussion. The Basic Law provides a constitutional framework for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It clearly prescribes that the social, economic and political systems in Hong Kong will be different from those on the mainland of China. It protects the rights, freedoms and lifestyle of Hong Kong people. It allows us complete financial autonomy and it establishes Hong Kong as a separate customs territory.

Now, let me talk about Hong Kong. Over the past decades, Hong Kong has achieved, in every respect, most enviable success. At US$25,000, our per capita GDP is the second highest in Asia. This has been achieved principally because of the hard work and entrepreneurial spirit of the people of Hong Kong. This has also been made possible because of the past 20 years of rapid and successful economic development on the mainland of China, which has given our economy boundless opportunities to move forward.

The success has also been made possible because we are committed strongly to prudent financial management. We have consistently been able toachieve budget surpluses averaging 2 per cent of our GDP. For the past fiscal year which ended March 31, our budget surplus was at an astounding level of 5.8 per cent of GDP. Our robust financial system and monetary management mechanism, modern and prudent supervision as well as sophisticated financial infrastructure have laid a solid foundation for a stable exchange rate.

As Chinese, we are proud of the return of Hong Kong to China. I am Chinese, and our patriotic feeling is something very natural to us. Some in the West today tend to define China through specific human rights issues. Others feel a sense of threat in China’s rising prosperity. We in Hong Kong feel differently. What is happening in China is not a change to a monolithic giant, but a transformation of the lives of millions of men and women. They are being lifted out of poverty, and given opportunities that they never had before.

China’s life expectancy rate, child mortality rate as well as adult literacy rate have improved significantly. The percentage of people living at or below subsistence level in China has decreased from 33 per cent in 1979 to a single-digit level today. The scale of transformation surpasses anything that has ever happened to men and women like you and myself. It is a process that warms the heart of everyone concerned for basic human condition.

China has undergone dramatic changes since she opened up to the outside world in 1976. Her achievements are for everybody to see. This is a tribute to the vitality and energy of the Chinese people and the vision of the leaders, who have guided these developments.

China’s Ninth National People’s Congress gave a very clear vision for the 21st Century. The country is determined to continue the process of reform, particularly in the banking sector and in the state enterprises. There is also commitment to reduce the size of the bureaucracy, to fight corruption and to continue the march towards a free market economy. In a book published by the World Bank entitled ‘China 2020’ itis projected that China may well become the second-largest economy in the world by that time.

The question has often been asked: “Will China need to depreciate its currency, the Renminbi?” In my view, the answer is no. China’s leaders have committed not to devalue the RMB and China is acting responsibly as an important member of the community of nations of the world. Indeed, another round of devaluation is not helpful to anybody.

But let me give you some financial data which you may find interesting. In 1997, China’s growth in exports was 20.9 per cent, recording a trade surplus of US$40 billion. Its current account surplus was 3.3 per cent of GDP and its foreign currency reserves stood at US$ 140 billion --- the second largest in the world.

In 1997, China’s GDP grew at 9 per cent and its inflation grew at 2.8 per cent. Its fiscal deficit was at 0.8 per cent of GDP. Its total domestic debt was less than 20 per cent of GDP. Indeed, if you look at these figures, China also meets all the Maastricht criteria which have been laid down for introduction to the European Monetary Union.

With the devaluation in many Asian currencies, China’s competitiveness will suffer somewhat. Trade surplus will decline, but on the whole,I believe, China will continue to be competitive. The competitiveness of China is based on broader structural factors, including underlyingcosts, market leadership and the trade policies of major importers. 

China has established market leadership over a variety of products. It is difficult to see this dominant position being significantly eroded, particularly with the existence of international trade barriers which limit the extent of the possible shift of export orders from China to other Asian economies. In fact, only in the last two weeks, many of the entrepreneurs in Hong Kong involved in manufacturing across the border --- and please remember Hong Kong manufacturers employ more than 4,000,000 people across the border in the Pearl River Delta --- told me they remain very competitive in their costs.

Hong Kong and the mainland of China, today, serve as an anchor for stability in Asia. In the longer term, I know China will march from strength to strength. I am convinced that the region will emerge from the turmoil and become even more successful than before.


相关词语  Related Words and Expressions

personify 是…的化身;是…的体现

integrity                     诚实而正直

equalizer                     平衡物

decrepit 贫困衰弱的

incisive                      聪明敏锐

tycoon                       巨头

outspoken                    直言的;坦率的

institutionalize 建立

commensurate with…    与…相称的,相当的

debunk 驳斥

unfettered                    无束缚的

freewheeling 为所欲为的

pervasive                    无处不在的;普遍存在的

bedeck                      装饰;打扮

corroborating 确证,证实

autograph    签名

memoir 回忆录

chronicle 记载;记叙

statecraft 治国才能

languish    失去活力;变得衰弱

in obscurity 默默无闻的

mire 陷入困境

viable 可行的

governance 管理;治理

acerbic 尖刻的

When I asked the nation’s top business leaders as to whom they admire most for enlightened leadership, they unanimously mentioned the name of 77-year-old Lee Kuan Yew, founding father of Singapore and now Senior Minister. 

Zobel said, “Lee is very straightforward, super honest and he always knew what he was talking about. Lee Kuan Yew is a leader whom I admire the most.”

Lucio Tan explains, “Lee Kuan Yew has strong political will and selflessness as a leader.” In fact, Gohongwei goes a step further, describing Lee as “the world’s greatest businessman.” He adds, “Lee Kuan Yew is the greatest businessman, because he efficiently managed the Republic of Singapore like a successful giant corporation.” Lee is an exceptional Asian leader who personifies excellent management, integrity and discipline.

Even John Chambers, boss of global giant Cisco System, says, “There are two equalizers in life: the Internet and education. Senior MinisterLee Kuan Yew is a world leader who understands this and is using the power of the Internet to position Singapore for survival and success in the Internet economy.” 

Billionaire media tycoon Rupert Murdoch of News Corp. says, “More than 40 years ago, Lee Kuan Yew transformed what was a poor, decrepit colony into a shining, rich and modern metropolis, all the time surrounded by hostile powers. With his brilliant, incisive intellect, he is one of the world’s most outspoken and respected statesmen.”

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher says, “In office, I read and analyzed his every speech. He had a way of penetrating the fog of propaganda and expressing with unique clarity the issues of our times and the way we tackle them. He was never wrong.”

One of the remarkable successes of Lee Kuan Yew’s management of Singapore is his making his nation the least corrupt in Asia, by institutionalizing “clean, no-money elections” and recruiting the best people into government. He says, “They must be paid a wage commensurate with what men of their ability and integrity are earning for managing a big corporation or successful legal or other professional practice. They have to manage a Singapore economy that yielded an annual growth rate of eight to nine percent in the last two decades, giving its citizens a per-capita income that the World Bank rated in 1995 as ninth highest in the world.” 

He debunked what Western liberals claimed about a free unfettered press exposing corruption, pointing out that the freewheeling press of India, the Philippines, Thailand, South Korea and Japan has not stopped pervasive corruption. 

One way Lee Kuan Yew cleaned up Singapore was by shaming corrupt officials. In fact, one of his cabinet ministers took his own life due to “loss of face” from corruption charges. “We have established a climate of opinion which looked upon corruption in pubic office as a threat to society.” Lee laments that in much of Asia, corruption has become a way of life for government officials. He said, “The higher they are, the bigger their homes and more numerous their wives or mistresses, all bedecked in jewelry appropriate to the power and position of their men.” Another method Lee used to stamp out corruption was that, in 1960, his government allowed the courts to treat proof that an accused was living beyond his means or had property his income could not explain as corroborating evidence that the accused had accepted or obtained a bribe,” Lee explains.

On a recent visit to Singapore, I called at the office of Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew who was then in America. I had requested the statesman to autograph my copy of his latest 778-page memoir entitled From Third World to First, The Singapore Story: 1965-2000. His secretary explained that Lee’s autograph is worth 10,000 Singapore dollars for each signed book, and that the proceeds would be donated to charities.Even in such a seemingly minor detail as the cost of an autographed book, Lee had a specific plan which reflected his pragmatic business-likeways, his efficiency and his public service.

The memoir is an eloquent chronicle of Lee Kuan Yew’s extensive experiences in statecraft, politics and international diplomacy. In 1965, when the Muslim majority Malaysia expelled Singapore and forced it to exist as a city-State with no natural resources or army, few people gave it much chance of survival. The world has many tiny States, which have languished in obscurity, with even resource-rich small states like Nauru mired in problems. In 1965, the Sydney Morning Herald said, “An independent Singapore was not regarded as viable three years ago. Nothing in the current situation suggests that it is more viable today.” The Sunday Times of Britain in 1965 also predicted the eventual collapse of Singapore without British aid. Today, after decades of good governance and struggle, Singapore is a thriving nation with the world’s fourth highest per capita income.

In this latest book, Lee fearlessly expresses his ideas, seeking “to be correct, not politically correct.” He is unapologetic for his aggressive responses to his political opponents, his often-unorthodox views on Western-style democratic systems, the Western concepts of human rights. Lee also recounts his impressions of nations, leaders an historic events as diverse as Indonesia from Suharto to President Wahid, Thailand, to Sultan of Brunei, Vietnam Myanmar, Cambodia, British leaders, Japan, America to Taiwan, Hong Kong and others. He advised Wahid, “ I said if he expected his ministers to be honest, they had to be paid so that they could live up to their status without corruption.” In acerbic Lee Kuan Yew style, he describes Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, China’s poetry-quoting Jiang Zemin, the late Mao Zedong, the incorruptible Zhu Rongji to the bold reformer Deng Xiaoping (whom he remembers as “a five-footer but a giant among men”).

第三篇(汉译英) Passage 3(C—E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

《上海公报》 the Shanghai Communiqué

以史为鉴 reflect on the past

着眼大局 bear in mind the general situation 

立足长远 take a long-term perspective

恪守 abide by

多样化 diversity

己所不欲,勿施于人 Do not do unto others what you would not have them do onto you

中美三个联合公报 the three Sino-U.S. Joint Communiqués 





第四篇(汉译英) Passage 4

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

主旨讲话 keynote speech

共同愿望 common aspiration

多极化 multi-polarization

不懈努力 unremitting efforts

趋利避害 seek advantage and avoid disadvantage

十年发展纲要 ten-year development outline

结构调整 restructuring

西部大开发 strategy of developing China’s west

“走出去” going out; going global

民族尊严 national dignity

不容分割 brook no division

新台币 New Taiwan Dollar

“台独”势力 “Taiwan Independence” elements

完成祖国统一 to accomplish national reunification

强权政治 power politics








III. 参考译文 Reference Versions

第一篇 Passage 1








中国人的预期寿命大大延长、婴儿死亡率和成人文盲率都大幅度降低 。生活在贫困线或贫困线以下的人数比例已从1979年的33%减到今天的个位数。改善的规模超过了曾经发生的任何变化。这是让每一个关心人类基本生活条件的人感到欣慰的进程。







中国已有多种产品在市场上占有主导地位。很难预见这种主导地位会被大幅度地削减,特别是存在国际贸易壁垒,可以限制出口订单从中国转向其他亚洲国家的幅度。事实上,就在过去二周,许多从事跨界制造业的香港企业 --- 请记住香港的制造商在珠江三角洲雇用了400多万员工—他们告诉我,他们在成本上仍然保持着较强的竞争性。


第二篇 Passage 2
























第三篇 Passage 3

We will have it in February the 30th anniversary of the first visit to China by President Nixon, and the release of the Shanghai Communiqué. The visit by President Bush coincides with this day, and his visit is highly meaningful. Thirty years ago, leaders of China and the United States acted together to put an end to mutual estrangement and open the gate for exchange and cooperation between the two countries.

History has proven that it was with great vision that our leaders took this major move. The growth of bilateral ties over the years has brought tangible benefits to the two peoples and played an important role in safeguarding peace in the Asia-Pacific region and the world as awhole. 

At present, despite profound changes in the international situation, China and the United States have more rather than less shared interests, and more rather than less common responsibility for world peace. The importance of the relationship has increased, rather than decreased. So to build a constructive and cooperative relationship serves the desire of not only the people of the two countries, but also the people throughout the world. 

The Chinese side is ready to join the U.S. side in reflecting on the past and looking to the future, increasing exchanges and cooperation, and enhancing understanding and trust. I’m deeply convinced that so long as the two sides bear in mind the general situation, take a long-term perspective, and abide by the principles in the three Sino-U.S. joint communiqués, the relationship will make even bigger stridesforward in the years ahead. 

We’re living in a world of diversity. As two major countries with different national conditions, China and U.S. have, indeed, had some disagreements. But they also share broad and important common interests. So the old mind-sets that view the relationship between countries as either of alliance or confrontation ought to be abandoned, and a new security concept that features security through mutual trust and cooperation through mutual benefit should be established. 

It’s true that since the inception of reform and opening-up program, China’s national strength and people’s living standards have somewhat improved in recent years. Yet, compared with the developed countries, our economic and cultural development remains quite backward. With a population of 1.3 billion, the road ahead is still very long before we can basically complete modernization and deliver a better life to all our people. 

To focus on economic development and improvement of people’s livelihoods is our long-term central task. What China wants most is a peacefuland tranquil international environment with long-term stability. An old Chinese saying goes, “do not do onto others what you would not havethem do onto you.” Even China becomes more developed in the future, it will not go for bullying or threatening other countries. Facts have proven already, and will continue to prove that China is a staunch force dedicated to the maintenance of peace in the region and the world, at large. 

第四篇 Passage 4

Following are excerpts of the keynote speech by Vice-Premier Qian Qichen at the three-day International Forum on China and the World in the 21st Century, which opened on September 10 in Beijing.

The Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs has sponsored this International Forum on China and the World in the 21st Century at the beginning of the new century and invited eminent statespersons, experts, scholars and entrepreneurs from both home and abroad for a discussion of the international situation in the 21st century and China’s development and its impact on the world. The forum is of great significance because it will help enhance communication, mutual understanding and cooperation among all those in attendance. 

It is the common aspiration of all the people in the world to maintain stability, seek development and promote cooperation. Despite some twists and turns, the trends towards multi-polarization and economic globalization are deepening and developing. Science and technology are developing rapidly, exerting a profound impact on international political, economic and cultural relations and providing a new impetus for human progress. 

The new developments, trends and technologies have helped expand productive forces, given full play to creativity, enhanced exchanges and cooperation among countries and forged closer global ties. All people who love peace and long for development are working hard to create a more progressive world with a bright future. 

However, mankind is still faced with severe challenges to peace and development. The world is far from being tranquil. Regional conflicts have kept cropping up. The objective of democracy in international relations is yet to be fulfilled. The inequitable and irrational international economic order remains unchanged. The gap between the North and the South is still widening. The establishment of a new world of lasting peace and common prosperity calls for unremitting efforts of people of all countries. 

Peace and development complement each other. Peace is the prerequisite for development, which is in itself one of the important foundations for peace. Developed countries should earnestly help developing countries with their economic and cultural development so as to lift them out of poverty and backwardness as soon as possible. Developing countries, on the other hand, should follow the trend of the times, seize opportunities, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, so as to set development rolling. 

The Chinese people have three major tasks to fulfill in the new century. They are to continue the modernization drive, complete the reunification cause, and maintain world peace and promote common development. 

The coming five to ten years will be an important period for China’s economic and social development and also a crucial period for its reform. To this end, we have formulated the Ten-Year National Economic and Social Development Outline and a blueprint for development from 2001 to 2005. We will focus on development, paying attention to restructuring throughout the process, and promote reform, opening-up and technological advancement as the driving forces behind development, all with the aim of improving our people’s livelihood. 

The strategic economic restructuring that we are talking about is a comprehensive one. It covers the industrial, regional, urban and rural, and ownership structures. 

To narrow the gap between the east and west of China and achieve a coordinated development of the national economy, we are implementing the strategy of developing China’s west, with emphasis on the construction of infrastructure and improvement of the ecological environment. 

We will carry out the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education. It includes the training of more professionals, promoting technological and institutional innovations and expediting the informationization of the national economic and social development. 

We are committed to a coordinated development of the economy and society, reforming the economic system along with the political system, andcombing the rule of law with the rule of virtue. 

With regard to the opening-up drive, we will continue to import advanced technologies, funds, managerial expertise and even professionals. We will also implement the “going out” strategy, encouraging viable enterprises to invest abroad. This will enable us to take advantage ofboth the domestic and international markets. 

China’s accession to the WTO will take cooperation with foreign countries to a new stage of development. 

To realize the complete reunification of the motherland is the shared aspiration of the entire Chinese people. It bears on the national dignity of the Chinese people and China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We have successfully resolved the Hong Kong and Macao questions in accordance with the principle of “peaceful reunification and one country, two systems.” Though conditions in Taiwan differ from those in Hong Kong and Macao, we will apply this principle to the Taiwan question as well, in the hope of its early resolution. 

There is but one China in the world, both the mainland and Taiwan belong to China, and China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no division. Only by adhering to the one-China principle will it be possible to realize peaceful reunification. 

“One country, two systems” is the best and only model for the reunification of the two sides across the Taiwan Straits. Within the framework of “one country, two systems,” more flexible policies than those for Hong Kong and Macao may be applied to Taiwan. For example, Taiwan may continue to use the New Taiwan Dollar, retain its armed forces, maintain its status as a separate customs territory, and keep its government structure. The mainland will not levy taxes in Taiwan, not even a cent, nor will it take any money from Taiwan. The way of life of the Taiwan people will remain unchanged and Taiwan’s entrepreneurs will have their properties intact. Taiwan will make independent choiceson personnel matters and the mainland will not send any official to take office in Taiwan. All in all, in a peaceful reunification of the two sides across the Taiwan Straits, the immediate and long-term interests of our Taiwan compatriots will be protected fully. Such a solution isconducive not only to the welfare of the entire Chinese people, our Taiwan compatriots included, but also to peace and development of the Asia-Pacific and the world at large. 

To develop cross-Straits relations, we adhere to the policies of “one China,” “negotiation between the two sides across the Taiwan Straits” and “immediate realization of the three direct links.” We have the utmost faith in the peaceful reunification and will work hardfor it. We cannot afford to renounce the use of force, because that would encourage “Taiwan Independence” elements and would then make peaceful reunification impossible to achieve.

To accomplish national reunification is our firm resolve and also our sacred historical mission. As long as the Taiwan authorities agree to the one-China principle for the settlement of the Taiwan question, we have the patience to wait. To date, 162 countries in the world have established diplomatic ties with China. They all acknowledge that there is only one China in the world. An overwhelming majority of the countries explicitly support China’s reunification, which we appreciate.

We have consistently pursued an independent foreign policy of peace and the basic purposes of our foreign policy are to safeguard world peace and promote common development. We would like to develop friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries inthe world on an equal footing, in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

We are of the view that arms expansion and stronger military alliances will not ensure security. We stand for a new security concept based onmutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and co-ordination. In other words, one should try to seek common security through consultation and dialogue on an equal footing enhanced by mutual trust.

China has always been a force for peace and development. With the accomplishment of economic modernization and the great cause of national reunification, China will make fresh and even greater contributions to world peace, stability and prosperity.

第十八单元 Unit 18 

国际会议 International Conferences

I. 阅读材料 Reading Materials

第一篇 Passage 1

The Nobel Lecture Given By The 2001 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Excellencies, Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Today, in Afghanistan, a girl will be born. Her mother will hold her and feed her, comfort her and care for her – just as any mother would anywhere in the world. In these most basic acts of human nature, humanity knows no divisions. But to be born a girl in today’s Afghanistan is to live under conditions that many of us in this hall would consider inhuman. 

No one today is unaware of this divide between the world’s rich and poor. No one today can claim ignorance of the cost that this divide imposes on the poor and dispossessed who are no less deserving of human dignity, fundamental freedoms, security, food and education than anyof us. The cost, however, is not borne by them alone. Ultimately, it is borne by all of us --- North and South, rich and poor, men and women ofall races and religions. 

Today’s real borders are not between nations, but between powerful and powerless, free and fettered, privileged and humiliated. Today, no walls can separate humanitarian or human rights crises in one part of the world from national security crises in another. 

Scientists tell us that the world of nature is so small and interdependent that a butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon rainforest can generate a violent storm on the other side of the earth. This principle is known as the “Butterfly Effect.” Today, we realize, perhaps morethan ever, that the world of human activity also has its own “Butterfly Effect” --- for better or for worse.

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

We have entered the third millennium through a gate of fire. If today, after the horror of 11 September, we see better, and we see further ---we will realize that humanity is indivisible. New threats make no distinction between races, nations or regions. A new insecurity has entered every mind, regardless of wealth or status. A deeper awareness of the bonds that bind us all – in pain as in prosperity --- has gripped young and old. In the early beginnings of the 21st century this new reality can never be ignored. It must be confronted. We inherit from the 20th century the political, as well as the scientific and technological power, which --- if only we have the will to use them --- give us the chance to vanquish poverty, ignorance and disease. 

In the 21st century I believe the mission of the United Nations will be defined by a new, more profound awareness of the sanctity and dignity of every human life, regardless of race or religion. This will require us to look beyond the framework of states, and beneath the surface of nations or communities. We must focus, as never before, on improving the conditions of the individual men and women who give the state or nation its richness and character. We must begin with the young Afghan girl, recognizing that saving that one life is to save humanity itself. 

The rights of the individual are of no less importance to immigrants or minorities in Europe and the Americas than to women in Afghanistan orchildren in Africa. They are as fundamental to the poor as to the rich; they are as necessary to the security of the developed world as to that of the developing world. 

From this vision of the role of the United Nations in the next century flow three key priorities for the future: eradicating poverty, preventing conflict, and promoting democracy. Only in a world that is rid of poverty can all men and women make the most of their abilities. Only when individual rights are respected can differences be channeled politically and resolved peacefully. Only in a democratic environment, based on respect for diversity and dialogue, can individual self-expression and self-government be secured, and freedom of association be upheld. 

Distinguished guests, 

The idea that there is one people in possession of the truth, one answer to the world’s ills, or one solution to humanity’s needs, has done untold harm throughout history ---- especially in the last century. Today, however, even amidst continuing ethnic conflict around the world, there is a growing understanding that human diversity is both the reality that makes dialogue necessary, and the very basis for that dialogue. 

We understand, as never before, that each of us is fully worthy of the respect and dignity essential to our common humanity. We recognize that we are the products of many cultures, traditions and memories; that mutual respect allows us to study and learn from other cultures; andthat we gain strength by combining the foreign with the familiar.

In every great faith and tradition one can find the values of tolerance and mutual understanding. The Qur’an, for example, tells us “We created you from a single pair of male and female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other.” Confucius urged his followers: “When the good way prevails in the state, speak boldly and act boldly. When the state has lost its way, act boldly and speak softly.” In the Jewish tradition, the injunction to “love thy neighbor as thyself,” is considered to be the very essence of the Torah.

This thought is reflected in the Christian Gospel, which also teaches us to love our enemies and pray for those who wish to persecute us. Hindus are taught that “truth is one, the sages give it various names.” And in the Buddhist tradition, individuals are urged to act with compassion in every facet of life. 

Each of us has the right to take pride in our particular faith or heritage. But the notion that what is ours is necessarily in conflict with what is both false and dangerous. It has resulted in endless enmity and conflict, leading men to commit the greatest of crimes in the name of a higher power. 

It need not be so. People of different religions and cultures live side by side in almost every part of the world, and most of us have overlapping identities which unite us with different groups. We can love what we are, without hating what – and who – we are not. We can thrive in our own tradition, even as we learn from others, and come to respect their teachings. 

Thank you very much. 

Oslo, December 10, 2001

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

the poor and dispossessed 被剥夺的穷人

fetter 束缚 

Butterfly Effect 蝴蝶效应

for better or for worse 不管怎么说 

sanctity 神圣

channel (通过某种渠道)输送,传送

freedom of association 交往自由

injunction 训谕

Torah 《旧约》的首五卷;摩西五经

Gospel 《福音书》

Hindu 印度教的信仰者

sage 圣人;圣贤

facet 方面

enmity 敌意;仇恨

第二篇 Passage 2

Opening Remarks by Finnish President Tarja Halonen at the Millennium Summit

September 6, 2000

Mr. President,

Mr. Secretary-General,

Distinguished Heads of State and Government,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We meet today at the United Nations to celebrate the new millennium and to declare our vision for the future. We have come together sent by the peoples of our common globe. We have a mandate and a responsibility. Our vision carries particular authority. It will resonate for years to come and guide the efforts of the international community. 

We have a task and we need to fulfill it. Our task is threefold: we need to meet the demands of the outside world; we need to clarify the role of the UN in the world affairs and we need to change the UN to be a modern effective organization. 

The world outside this building is changing with an ever-greater speed. Humankind faces both daunting challenges and unprecedented opportunities. We need to act together to address globalization. We must make best of the opportunities and face the challenges with wisdom,justice and courage. It is our responsibility to save the environment-our common heritage-to the future generations. 

Human being is in the center of our work. Every human being is valuable. We need to work together as fellow citizens and partners: women and men, black and white, children and adults, rich and poor, strong and weak. 

I salute you, Mr. Secretary-General, for your report which has been valuable in inspiring the Millennium Declaration. The overriding theme of your report is globalization, which in itself is an embodiment of the challenges, opportunities and rapid change. We know the causes and many of the consequences of globalization. This gives us an opportunity to influence the change for the better. This is the core of your report and the resolute message of our Declaration. 

We the peoples make the critical choices. A global marketplace is an effective means of creating and distributing wealth, but it must be governed by a fair set of rules, by the people and for the people. Also at the national level, the key to development and progress is democracy, respect for human rights, rule of law and good governance. Without a solid domestic foundation, a country will fail even under the best of global rules. 

Our planet is a global village, but not all the houses are alike. This village suffers from poverty. To eradicate poverty, we need solidarity. Solidarity grows from individuals. 

There is a continued need for multilateralism. In an interdependent world, no nation is an island and everybody’s fortunes are linked. The United Nations is the stronghold of multilateralism and should continue to be so. This Millennium summit is the moment to reflect on the future of the United Nations. The United Nations is often the only one out in the field to assist, to advise and to build institutions. It is imperative that the Member States give it the means and resources that enable the Organization to fulfill its mandate. 

We cannot expect the United Nations to accomplish everything alone. To be successful and credible it must act in partnership with other Organizations and with the civil society. We must make the Organization reflect the world as it is today. 

I have thus declared the Millennium Summit open. Let us feel the humility and a sense of history of this moment. Let us turn this into an event which will make a difference. Let us also use to the fullest the opportunity to meet together and bilaterally, and to reach a meeting of minds, Let us feel our responsibility towards our fellow citizens, We have the means if we have the will. Let us make this Millennium Summit a great success! 

课文词语 Words and Expressions from the Text

Heads of State and Government 国家元首和政府首脑

mandate 授权

to resonate 回响;反响

threefold 三部分的;三重的

daunting challenges 严峻的挑战

to address 应对;处理

embodiment 体现;化身

multilateralism 多边主义

to reflect on 考虑;深思

the civil society 民间团体

humility 谦逊;谦恭

a meeting of minds 意见一致

II.口译实践 Interpretation Practice

听译下列课文 Listen to the Following Passages and Interpret Them:

第一篇(英译汉) Passage 1(E—C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

vow 发誓;立誓

relieve poverty 济贫

eke by 竭力维持

altruism 利他主义

breed 滋生;产生

holdings 拥有的财产(尤指股票、债券)

gaping differences 巨大差异

MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) - After decades of cutbacks in aid to the developing world, rich nations have agreed to pump billions of dollars into poor countries in exchange for their efforts to stabilize their governments and economies.

More than 50 heads of state wrapped up a weeklong U.N. International Conference on Financing for Development on Friday, agreeing to do more for the half of the world's population that ekes by on less than $2 a day.

Leaders said providing aid is no longer a matter of altruism. They argued that richer nations make better markets for their products - and breed fewer terrorists.

"We will challenge the poverty and hopelessness and lack of education and failed governments that too often allow conditions that terrorists can seize and try to turn to their advantage," said President Bush.

"We must do more than just feel good about what we are doing," he said. "We must do good."

Tunisian President Ben Ali said the world would not live in peace until poverty is eradicated.

"Peace and security cannot prevail worldwide unless all forms of poverty, marginalization and exclusion are eliminated," he said.

Even business leaders, who participated in the conference, seemed to agree. Carlos Slim, whose telecommunications and retail holdings make him the richest man in Latin America, told reporters Friday night: "The poor aren't a market. You have to end poverty to strengthen markets.""This isn't charity," he said.

The summit was the first to bring together heads of state, finance ministers, business leaders, aid activists and international lending institutions to address reducing extreme poverty.

Leaders closed the meeting by adopting the "Monterrey Consensus," a preapproved agreement that urges rich nations to give billions more dollars in aid and calls for poor countries in return to battle corruption, adopt solid economic practices and spend the funds efficiently.

Other such summits have drawn bloody protests, but the streets of this conservative industrial city have been largely quiet this week.

"It seems to me that in recent times there has not been a meeting of this type that has turned out so peacefully," Mexican President Vicente Fox said Friday after the summit.

Activists say part of the reason there weren't larger protests was that the leaders are now discussing the issues they have long been pushing, but they warned if their words are not backed by action, demonstrators will return to the streets.

Many nations still have gaping differences in their interpretations of the "new partnership." Rich nations want to rely heavily on private investment to bring wealth to the developing world, while some poor countries say the rich owe it to them to make up for centuries of colonialism, subjugation and slavery.

The Monterrey Consensus didn't go as far as many activists --- and even some governments - had urged. An early proposal called for developed nations to devote 0.7 percent of their gross national product --- the value of all goods and services --- to development aid. The final document mentioned that figure only as a goal to work toward, without giving a timetable.

The consensus also placed heavy responsibilities on poor countries receiving aid, committing them to work toward increasing investment in their economies and toward greater political and economic stability.

第二篇(英译汉) Passage 2(E—C)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

action agenda 行动纲领

Plan of Implementation 《执行计划》

NGO:Non-Government Organization 非政府组织

partnership initiatives 合作计划

proceedings 会议事项

phase in (out) 逐步采用(淘汰)

bolster 支持

desertification 沙漠化

biodiversity 生物多样性

ozone depleting chemicals 破坏臭氧层的化学物质

In the face of growing poverty and increasing environment degradation, the World Summit has succeeded in generating a sense of urgency, commitments for action, and partnerships to achieve measurable results, according to Johannesburg Summit Secretary --- General Nitin Desai. 

The Summit is expected to adopt the ten-chapter Plan of Implementation, aimed at detailing the actions needed to fight poverty and protect the environment, at its final session tomorrow. The document was negotiated in meetings held in New York, Bali, and finally Johannesburg.

By any standard, participation and interest in the Summit has been high. The 104 Heads of State and Government that took part in the Summit were joined by more than 21,000 people, including more than 9,000 delegates, 8,000 NGOs and 4,000 members of the press. 

As a result of the summit, governments agreed on a series of commitments in five priority areas that were backed up by specific government announcements on programs, and by partnership initiatives. More than 220 partnerships, representing $235 million in resources, were identified during the Summit process to complement the government commitments, and many more were announced outside of the formal Summit proceedings. 

For example, Desai said, for water and sanitation, countries agreed to commit themselves to halve the proportion of people who lack clean water and proper sanitation by 2015. These commitments were backed up by a United States announcement of an investment of $970 million in water projects over the next three years, and a European Union announcement to engage in partnerships to meet the new goals, primarily in Africa and Central Asia. The UN received 21 other partnership initiatives in this area with at least $20 million in extra resources. 

In energy, Desai said countries committed themselves to expanding access to the two billion people that do not have access to modern energy services. In addition, he added that while countries did not agree on a target for phasing in renewable energy, they did commit to green energy and the phase out of subsidies for types of energy that are not consistent with sustainable development. And to bolster these commitments, a group of nine major electric companies signed agreements to undertake sustainable energy project in developing countries. Inaddition, the EU announced a $700 million partnership initiative on energy and the US announced investment of up to $43 million for energy in2003. 

On health issues, in addition to fight HIV/AIDS and reduce water borne diseases, and the health risks due to pollution, countries agreed to phase out, by 2020, the use and production of chemicals that harm human health and the environment. 

Proposals for the Global Environment Facility to fund implementation of the Convention to Combat Desertification have already been adopted,and will have a major impact on improving agricultural practices in the dry lands. The United States said it would invest $90 million in 2003for sustainable agriculture and 17 partnership submissions to the UN contained at least $2 million in additional resources. 

There were many commitments made to project biodiversity and improve ecosystem management, Desai said. These include commitments to reduce biodiversity loss by 2010; to restore fisheries to their maximum sustainable yields by 2015; to establish a representative network of marine protected areas by 2012; and to improve developing countries’ access to environmentally-sound alternatives to ozone depleting chemicals by 2010. These commitments are supported by 32 partnership initiatives submitted to the UN, with $100 million in additional resources, and a US announcement of $53 million for forest management in 2002-2005. 

“It’s impossible to know how many resources the Summit has mobilized,” Desai said, “but we know they are substantial. Furthermore, many of the new resources will attract additional resources that will greatly enhance our efforts to take sustainable development to the next level, where it will benefit more people and protect more of our environment.

第三篇(汉译英) Passage 3(C---E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions

博鳌亚洲论坛 Boao Forum for Asia

方兴未艾 go ahead with full stream

区域合作 regional cooperation

次区域合作 sub-regional cooperation

泛亚合作 pan-Asian cooperation

自我封闭 self-reclusive

排他性集团 exclusive groups

福祉 benefits

非关税壁垒 non-tariff barriers



亚洲是地球上最大的洲,聚居着世界60%的人口。资源十分丰富,历史源远流长,文化博大精深。上个世纪中 ,亚洲的巨变和崛起,谱写了亚洲发展的辉煌篇章,也成为人类社会进步的显著标志。展望新世纪,曾经拥有光辉灿烂历史的亚洲,必将创造出更加绚丽多彩的文明 。



第二,立足现有合作渠道,不断扩大合作范围。东亚、 南亚、西亚和中亚地理上相对独立,经济发展各有特色。从便利性和有效性看,应首先加强次区域合作,在此基础上,积极探索泛亚合作的途径。


第四,实行开放式地区合作。开放是亚洲文化的传统, 合作不可能自我封闭,更不应形成排他性集团。亚洲国家应通过APEC、亚欧会议和东亚-拉美合作论坛等渠道,进一步加强与各大洲国家的合作。


加入世贸组织,是中国对外开放的新起点。我们将在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争。中国将进一步向亚洲和世界开放,向各国的企业家、投资者开放。我们恪守入世承诺,有步骤地扩大开放领域,降低关税水平,取消非关税壁垒。我们也将不断完善法治, 创造更加公平、透明和可预见的市场环境。同时,我们还将大力实施“走出去”战略,鼓励中国各种所有制企业走向世界。



第四篇(汉译英) Passage 4(C----E)

相关词语 Related Words and Expressions:

国际奥委会 IOC (International Olympic Committee)

坚定支持 stand firmly behind

申请举办2008年国际奥运会 bid for the 2008 Olympic Games

评估团 Evaluation Commission

信守所有承诺 honor each and every commitment

陈述报告 Candidature File

奥委会各项号召和活动 IOC initiatives

忠实支持者 a staunch supporter

全民健身运动 “fitness-for-all” sports campaign

预期寿命 life expectancy

体育设施 sports facilities

奥林匹克友谊合作基金 Olympic Friendship and Co-operation Fund

同胞 fellow countrymen

衷心地 from the bottom of one’s heart

长期期待的愿望 long-cherished aspirations












III.参考译文 Reference Version







与会的商界领导人似乎也有同感。卡罗斯• 斯里姆在电信和零售业所拥有的股份使他成为拉丁美洲最为富有的人。他星期五晚上对记者说:“穷国本身并不是市场,只有结束贫穷才能巩固市场。”他说:“这不是慈善事业”。







第二篇 Passage 2

据约翰内斯堡峰会秘书长尼廷• 德赛说,面对日益严峻的贫困及环境恶化问题,世界可持续发展峰会成功地唤起了人们的紧迫感,得到了行动承诺并促成了许多为取得显著效果而达成的伙伴关系。

明天最后一次会议上,将通过长达十个章节的《执行计划》,旨在详细说明消除贫穷和保护环境应采取的行动。该计划是经过在纽约、 巴厘以及最后在约翰内斯堡召开的历次会议研究制定出的。








德赛说,峰会上也有许多保护生物多样性,加强生态系统管理的承诺,包括到2010年减少生物多样性损失;2 015年以前使渔业恢复到最大限度的可持续产出;2012年以前建立一个水生物保护区的典型网络系统;2010年以前促使发展中国家使用对环境有利的物质,以取代耗损臭氧层的化学物质。为确保以上目标的实现,有32个合作项目书呈递给联合国,资金总额达一亿美元;美国也将在2002至2005年之间投资五千三百万美元,用于森林管理。


第三篇Passage 3

Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to attend this First Annual Conference of Boao Forum for Asia. I would like to discuss with you issues concerning Asia's regional cooperation and development in the new century. 

As the biggest continent on the earth, Asia takes up 60 percent of its population. It has abundant resources, long history and magnificent and exquisite cultures. With its stupendous changes and rise in the last century, Asia wrote a glorious chapter in the annals of its own development and left a brilliant hallmark on the advancement of human society. Looking into the new century, this great continent of many splendid ancient civilizations will surely embrace an even more colorful modern civilization. 

In recent years, thanks to the joint efforts of Asian countries, there has been a growing awareness of regional cooperation featuring greater tolerance, equality and gradual progress while a situation of open, healthy and mutually beneficial cooperation is taking shape. APEC is making steady progress. The East Asia regional cooperation has gone ahead with full stream and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is functioning smoothly. Last November, China and the ASEAN members agreed to gradually build a China-ASEAN free trade area in the coming decade, and the various quarters are making contacts for an early launch of negotiations. These developments will provide important channels and mechanisms for wider exchanges and deeper cooperation among Asian countries and regions. However, compared with Europe and North America, Asia 's regional cooperation is still rather backward. We have of late heard quite some insightful views on the orientation of regional cooperation in Asia. Now, I would like to make a few observations. 

First, we should take economic cooperation as the key focus and develop all-round cooperation in a step-by-step fashion. Economic development is the primary task of Asian countries. Given our real needs and experience, such areas as trade, communications, agriculture, information and energy can be made priority areas of cooperation which will be gradually enlarged to include other areas. 

Second, we should build on existing channels of cooperation to steadily broaden the scope of cooperation. As East Asia, South Asia and Central Asia are relatively independent geographically and different in ways of achieving economic development, it would be more advisable just for the sake of convenience and effectiveness to reinforce sub-regional cooperation as the first step and, on the basis, to actively explore the ways of a pan-Asia cooperation. 

Third, we should further step up bilateral cooperation to consolidate the basis of regional cooperation. A closer cooperation at bilateral level will facilitate the smooth progress of regional cooperation, while regional cooperation will open even broader horizon for bilateral cooperation. The two can very well complement each other. 

Fourth, we should ensure that the regional cooperation is an open one. Openness is in the tradition of Asian cultures. Cooperation by definition must not be self-reclusive or enjoyed only by members of an exclusive group. Instead, Asian countries should further enhance their cooperation with countries of other continents through such channels as APEC, ASEM and East Asia-Latin America Forum. 

China is an Asian country. Over the past two decades and more, China has achieved rapid economic growth thanks to its unswerving pursuit of the reform and opening up policy, accelerated the development of its national economy, and improved its people's livelihood. In the new century, China's modernization drive has entered a new stage, and its national economy will keep developing at an annual growth rate of more than 7 percent. Such a new leap forward in China's reform, opening up and modernization drive will not only bring enormous benefits to the Chinese people, but also deliver unlimited business opportunities, ushering in broad prospects for economic cooperation in Asia and around the world. 

China's accession to the World Trade Organization represents the new starting point for its opening to the outside world. Our participation in worldwide economic cooperation and competition will assume greater scope and depth. China will open its door still wider to the rest of Asia and the world, to entrepreneurs and investors of all countries. We will honor our WTO commitments, opening more areas in a phased manner, lowering our tariffs and removing non-tariff barriers. We will continue to improve our rule of law, thus bringing about in China a market environment that is fairer, more transparent and more predictable. In the meantime, we will energetically carry out our "going global" strategy, encouraging more Chinese firms of multiple ownerships to operate globally. 

The Chinese people love peace. China's development needs peace. But an economically developed China will pose no threat to any country or region. China is, and will always be, an important force making for world peace and common development. 

The people in Asia are diligent, talented and persistent in self-development. These qualities made Asia's magnificent achievements possible and promise an even brighter future for the continent. The Chinese people are ready to work hand in hand with the people in other Asian countries to build a better future for Asia.

(Excerpts from Premier Zhu Rongji’s speech at the First Annual Conference of Boao Forum for Asia, April 12, 2002) 

第4篇Passage 4

Mr. President,

IOC members,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to reaffirm that our government stands firmly behind Beijing in its bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.

The Chinese Government respects and appreciates the conclusion reached by the IOC Evaluation Commission. We have worked out a plan accordingly to ensure an excellent Games in Beijing. The Chinese government will honor each and every commitment it has made in Beijing’s Candidature File and will do whatever it can to assist Beijing to fulfill its promises.

China embraces the Olympic spirit and has always been a staunch supporter behind the IOC initiatives.

Over the past five decades, thanks to, among other things, the nation-wide “fitness-for-all” sports campaign, our people’s health has been greatly improved, and the average life expectancy has increased from 35 years to 70. Our athletes have been doing quite well in the sports events organized by the IOC.

To further promote the Olympic spirit, China has also helped other developing countries with their sports facilities. For instance, we have helped them build 36 stadiums. And we will continue to do so in the future.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to take this opportunity to pledge to you that if there is a surplus in the Games revenue, we will use it to set up an Olympic Friendship and Co-operation Fund for financing sports undertakings in developing countries. If there is a deficit, the difference will be covered by the Chinese Government.

China has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world over the past 20 years since its reform and opening-up. It has enjoyed continued political stability, social progress and economic prosperity.

An Olympic Games in Beijing will not only serve the interests of the Chinese people, but also promote the Olympic spirit and contribute to peace and friendship, stability and development in the world.

Many people in the world have a dream that one day they could come to China and visit Beijing. My fellow countrymen, for their part, share a strong desire to stage an excellent Olympic Games in Beijing, which, as they see it, is a great contribution to the Olympic Movement. I therefore hope, from the bottom of my heart, that you, distinguished IOC members, will help them realize their long-cherished aspirations.

Chinese sage Confucius says, “Is it not a delight after all to have friends come from afar!” Indeed, it is our delight to welcome all guests with open arms in Beijing in the year 2008. I am sure you will have a great Games in Beijing.

Thank you!


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