
First public! The most important three pieces of code in Ali history

1248 人阅读 | 时间:2019年09月22日 09:51

On September 21, Alibaba Cloud announced "the most important three-stage code in Ali history." The first paragraph is the 1999 Lakeside Garden, the first line of Taobao code. The second paragraph is the first line of code for Alibaba Cloud in Beijing in 2009. The third code contains a whisper. What is Guess? It is reported that from September 25th to 27th, Ali will hold the 2019 Yunqi Conference in Yunqi Town, Hangzhou, claiming to be the most "programmer" Yunqi Conference in history.

This year's conference will be the protagonist of the conference, focusing on the digital economy as the core issue, and presenting a series of heavy releases in the fields of cutting-edge technology, technology products, industrial applications, etc., including the flat-headed heavyweight products and the comprehensive breakthrough of Alibaba's artificial intelligence. Significant progress has been released.

Zhu Feng, general manager of the activity development department of Alibaba Group, revealed that this year's Yunqi Conference is more "programmer". “Build the scenes they want and want. For example, last year there was code, music and sports, and this year the code will be enhanced.”

It is understood that this year's Yunqi Conference will set up two main forums, more than 110 summits and sub-forums in two days, and the 20,000-square-meter exhibition area will present the most cutting-edge technology. It is understood that the share of technology sharing in summits and sub-forums is over 90%. Speakers include academicians, IEEE Fellow, well-known university professors at home and abroad, and outstanding scholars such as ACM.

In addition, there are more than 1,000 leading figures in different technical fields, covering machine intelligence, 5G, cloud native database, biometrics, chips, blockchain, autopilot, heterogeneous computing and other technical fields.

First public! The most important three pieces of code in Ali history

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