
Win10 system blue screen error DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION solution

1642 人阅读 | 时间:2019年09月25日 23:52

After downloading and installing the Windows 10 system , some users have encountered a blue screen problem, prompting the error "DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION" and "Error 0x00000133". What is going on? The main reason for the analysis according to Xiaobian is that there is a problem with the iastor.sys storage driver. The following system family Xiaobian for this problem to bring you win10 system blue screen error DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION solution, as follows:

Related reading: Win10 system blue screen error "memory management" solution

Win10 system blue screen error DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION solution

win10 blue screen dpc watchdog solution:

1. Right click on the computer, click Manage, open the Device Manager, and find the "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller" as shown:

Win10 system blue screen error DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION solution

  2. Then open the controller property with "SATA AHCI" and switch to the driver option. Card, click "Update Driver". As shown:

Win10 system blue screen error DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION solution


3. Find “Browse my computer to find driver software” and open it as shown:

Win10 system blue screen error DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION solution


4. Select “Select from the list of device drivers in your computer” and click Next, as shown in the figure. :

Win10 system blue screen error DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION solution


 5, finally select "standard dual-channel PCI IDE controller", click the next step to install, restart the system after completion, as shown in the figure:

Win10 system blue screen error DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION solution


 through the above steps is the win10 system blue screen error DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION solution, if you have More system failure problems, welcome to consult the system family official website, here are a variety of system failure solutions for your reference.


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