
Summary of common problems in computer memory

1289 人阅读 | 时间:2019年09月27日 23:49

Summary of common problems in computer memory

Part of the memory problem is due to the upgrade of memory, but due to the mismatch of memory types, there are often some troubles, the specific memory problems and the following tricks.   

1, can not boot normally   

When such a phenomenon has three main solution ways of the decision: first, to replace the position of memory, which is the simplest and most common method is generally the slow old memory inserted in the forward position. Second, under the premise of basically booting, enter the BIOS settings, and set the memory-related settings according to the specifications of the low-speed memory. For example: use one of the memory (if [ url =" DDR [/ url ] 333 and DDR400 memory mix, preferably use DDR333 memory), start the computer, enter the BIOS settings, the memory operating frequency And the reaction time is slowed down, and the old memory can be stably operated, so that the second memory can be turned off.   

2, the computer is unstable   

The emergence of such problems is mainly caused by memory compatibility.

The solution is the same as the solution to the first case.   

3. Memory capacity identification is incorrect   after mixed insertion

The cause of this phenomenon, the first one may be caused by the motherboard chipset itself, some old motherboards only support 256MB of memory capacity (i815 series only supports 512MB), the excess is not recognized and used. Of course, there are some cases where the motherboard cannot support high-level memory particles.

The solution is to replace the motherboard or memory. In addition, in some cases, this problem can be solved by adjusting the order in which the memory is inserted.  

4, the computer can not start normally, after opening the power of the host computer, the chassis alarm speaker will beep for a long time, or the computer can be started after the power of the host is turned on but the operating system cannot be entered normally. The screen displays " Error: Unable to ControlA20 Line". After the error message, it crashes.   

Most of the above faults are caused by poor contact of the memory in the motherboard.

The solution is to open the chassis, pull out the memory, wipe the gold finger and memory slot of the memory with alcohol and a clean paper towel , and check the memory slot for signs of damage. Re-insert the memory after the wipe test is finished. In the case of the problem can be solved.

5. After booting, the following message is displayed: “ON BOARD PARLTY ERROR”.   

There are three possible reasons for this kind of phenomenon. First, the parity check in CMOS is set to be valid, and there is no parity check bit on the memory stick. Second, the parity check circuit on the motherboard is faulty. Third, the memory module is damaged or has poor contact.

Solution, first check the relevant items in CMOS, and then re-plug the memory stick to try, if the fault still can not disappear, then the parity test circuit on the motherboard is faulty, change the motherboard.   

6. Black screen, flower screen, and crash phenomenon occur when running the application software under DOS state in Windows system. The general situation of this kind of fault is caused by the distribution of software and the memory conflict. It usually shows a black screen, a flower screen, and a crash.

The solution is to quit the Windows operating system and run these programs in pure DOS state.   

7, Windows running speed is significantly slower, the system has many tips about memory errors.   

The solution to this type of failure is generally due to the illegal access to the memory under the application running under Windows, the memory that resides in too many unnecessary plug-ins, the application program, too many active windows open, and the application-related configuration files are unreasonable.

Solution: Clear some illegal plugins (such as 3721), memory resident programs, reduce active windows and adjust configuration files (INI), etc. If the speed is obviously slow when running a program, then you can reinstall the application. The solution is to fix the situation if the system slows down when running any application or program. The best way is to reinstall the operating system.   

This article source www.tongyongpe.com reproduced please indicate the source. 

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