

1809 人阅读 | 时间:2019年09月29日 00:09

先使用命令lsdev -C -s fcp来查看磁带机设备和机械臂设备文件是否已存在。如没有存在

1、使用命令cfgmgr来重新生成/dev目录下的磁带设备文件,如没有生成,在需安装磁带设备的驱动程序,本项目是quantum sdlt320磁带机,在AIX操作系统中有其驱动程序,使用AIX操作系统的第一张安装光盘,通过smitty工具来安装fcp.tape的驱动程序。然后再执行cfgmgr来生成/dev目录下的设备文件。

smitty——software install and maintenance——install and update software——install software——input device / directory for software [/cdrom](这个cdrom目录是通过backup5共享过来的CDROM)——software to install [F4]—— / [fcp.tape]——devices.fcp.tape

# lslpp -l |grep fcp

  devices.fcp.tape.rte  COMMITTED  FC SCSI Tape Device Software 

  devices.fcp.tape.rte  COMMITTED  FC SCSI Tape Device Software 

2、使用命令/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/driver/install_ovpass来安装机械臂,然后使用命令mkdev -c media_changer -s fcp -t ovpass -p controller -w scsi_id,lun来创建机械臂设备文件

其中controller是通过命令#lsdev -C |grep scsi(不是fc)来查找到的(如果有两块以上的光纤卡,则通过lsdev -C -c tape来确定磁带设备是连接到哪一块光卡上的。),而scsi_id,lun是通过第一个/dev/rmt0来查找到的,通过命令odmget发现rmt0的scsi_id是0x10100,lun_id是0x1000000000000,那么机械臂的scsi_id是与rmt0的scsi_id是相同的,而机械臂的lun_id是rmt0的lun_id的前一位,即rmt0是1,机械臂是0。所以该命令应写为:mkdev -c media_changer -s fcp -t -p fscsi1 -w 0x10100,0

root@backup5#odmget -q "name=rmt0" CuAt


        name = "rmt0"

        attribute = "scsi_id"

        value = "0x10100"

        type = "R"

        generic = "D"

        rep = "s"

        nls_index = 6


        name = "rmt0"

        attribute = "lun_id"

        value = "0x1000000000000"

        type = "R"

        generic = "D"

        rep = "s"

        nls_index = 7


        name = "rmt0"

        attribute = "ww_name"

        value = "0x100000e0022273cd"

        type = "R"

        generic = "D"

        rep = "s"

        nls_index = 9


        name = "rmt0"

        attribute = "node_name"

        value = "0x100000e0020273cd"

        type = "R"

        generic = "D"

        rep = "s"

        nls_index = 39


        name = "rmt0"

        attribute = "block_size"

        value = "0"

        type = "R"

        generic = "DU"

        rep = "nr"

        nls_index = 2

3、再使用命令lsdev -C -s fcp来查看磁带机设备和机械臂设备文件是否已存在

mount -n /cdrom /cdrom

mount -v cdrfs -r /dev/cd0 /cdrom


# traceroute

trying to get source for

source should be

traceroute to ( from (, 30 hops max

outgoing MTU = 1500

 1 (  2 ms  1 ms  1 ms

 2 (  1 ms  1 ms  1 ms

 3 (  1 ms  1 ms  1 ms

 4 (  3 ms  3 ms  3 ms



Number of NON-ACTIVE media that:

    There are no NON-ACTIVE media present in the media database

Number of ACTIVE media that, as of now:

       2 - will expire in greater than three months

            000318 expires INFINITY      

            000111 expires INFINITY      

Summary by retention level of ALL media

     Level   # Media        Megabytes

       9         1             9950.0

       24         1              777.7


MEDIA SUMMARY FOR SERVER crmd1, POOL crmd0-file-bk-infin ON Mon Feb 23 2004 11:31:43



    0      0        0        0        0


MEDIA SUMMARY FOR SERVER crme0, POOL crmd0-file-bk-infin ON Mon Feb 23 2004 11:38:17



    0      0        0        0        0


MEDIA SUMMARY FOR SERVER crme1, POOL crmd0-file-bk-infin ON Mon Feb 23 2004 11:38:00



    0      0        0        0        0


root@backup5#bpexpdate -m 000111 -d 0

Are you SURE you want to delete 000111 y/n (n)? y

root@backup5#bpmedialist -summary -p crmd0-file-bk-infin


MEDIA SUMMARY FOR SERVER backup5, POOL crmd0-file-bk-infin ON Mon Feb 23 2004 11:39:40



    0      0        0        0        0


MEDIA SUMMARY FOR SERVER crmd0, POOL crmd0-file-bk-infin ON Mon Feb 23 2004 11:41:12



    1      0        0        0        0

Number of NON-ACTIVE media that:

    There are no NON-ACTIVE media present in the media database

Number of ACTIVE media that, as of now:

       1 - will expire in greater than three months

            000318 expires INFINITY      

Summary by retention level of ALL media

     Level   # Media        Megabytes

       9         1             9950.0


MEDIA SUMMARY FOR SERVER crmd1, POOL crmd0-file-bk-infin ON Mon Feb 23 2004 11:35:39



    0      0        0        0        0


MEDIA SUMMARY FOR SERVER crme0, POOL crmd0-file-bk-infin ON Mon Feb 23 2004 11:42:13



    0      0        0        0        0


MEDIA SUMMARY FOR SERVER crme1, POOL crmd0-file-bk-infin ON Mon Feb 23 2004 11:41:56



    0      0        0        0        0


********************************************************bpps -a**************************************************************

# bpps -a

NB Processes


    root 20188     1   0 12:34:50      -  0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm 

    root 26088     1   0 12:35:38      -  0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd 

    root 21324 20188   0 12:34:51      -  0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjobd 

MM Processes


    root 19928     1   0 12:34:14      -  0:00 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmd 

# bpps -a

NB Processes


    root 14290     1   0 14:49:16      -  0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm 

    root 20134     1   0 14:49:15      -  0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd 

    root 20646 14290   0 14:49:16      -  0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjobd 

MM Processes


    root 13470     1   0 14:49:13      -  0:00 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid 

    root 14832     1   0 14:49:14      -  0:00 vmd 

    root 18328     1   0 14:49:20      -  0:00 tldcd 

    root 21160 13470   0 14:49:20      -  0:00 avrd 

    root 21674 13470   0 14:49:18      -  0:00 tldd 




# bprecover -l -m 000006 -d dlt2

Database Backup Information from 000006

Created:      02/03/04 14:54:26

Server:       backup5

Block size:   32768



IMAGE1      /usr/openv/netbackup/db

IMAGE2      /usr/openv/volmgr/database

IMAGE3      /usr/openv/var



1.通过输入以下命令来创建用于CD-ROM的目录:mkdir /cdrom -p

2.通过输入以下命令来分配CD-ROM文件系统:crfs -v cdrfs -p ro -d cd0 -m /cdrom或通过smit(system management-system storage management-file systems-add/change/show/delete file systems-add a cdrom file system)

3.mount /cdrom



# cfgmgr

Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfgefscsi -l fscsi0 ):

        0514-061 Cannot find a child device.

Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfgefscsi -l fscsi1 ):

        0514-061 Cannot find a child device.



# lslpp -l |grep fcp

  devices.fcp.tape.rte  COMMITTED  FC SCSI Tape Device Software 

  devices.fcp.tape.rte  COMMITTED  FC SCSI Tape Device Software 

instfix -i |grep ML

    All filesets for were found.

    All filesets for 5100-01_AIX_ML were found.

    All filesets for 5100-02_AIX_ML were found.

    All filesets for 5100-03_AIX_ML were found.

    All filesets for 5100-04_AIX_ML were found.

# w

  05:39AM   up   2:48,  4 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.05, 0.05

User     tty          login@       idle      JCPU      PCPU what

root     lft0        04:03AM       1:36         0         0 /usr/sbin/getty

root     pts/0       04:46AM          0         0         0 w

root     dtremote    04:45AM         53         0         0 -

root     pts/1       05:26AM         12         0         0 /usr/bin/ksh

# env |grep LANG


# export——使ls -l中日期的显示,不再是乱码

# smitty mktcpip

# set -o vi

# smitty chinet

# traceroute

trying to get source for

source should be

traceroute to ( from (, 30 hops max

outgoing MTU = 1500

 1 (  4 ms  1 ms  1 ms

 2 (  1 ms  1 ms  1 ms

 3 (  1 ms  1 ms  1 ms

crme0[/usr/sbin]#oslevel -q -r

Known Recommended Maintenance Levels






crme0[/usr/sbin]#oslevel -r



**********************************************************connect db2********************************************************

crmd0:/crmdw/db2inst1>db2 connect to sccrm

   Database Connection Information

 Database server        = DB2/AIX64 8.1.4 —— 数据库服务器

 SQL authorization ID   = DB2INST1        —— SQL 授权标识(用户名,如:windows下是administrator)

 Local database alias   = SCCRM           —— 本地数据库别名




# more /etc/environment

# @(#)18        1.22  src/bos/etc/environment/environment, cmdsh, bos510 10/30/0

0 02:55:55


# COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDSH) Shell related commands 




# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989, 1994

# All Rights Reserved

# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM


# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or

# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.



# System wide environment file.  This file should only contain

#     1.  comment lines which have a # in the first column,

#     2.  blank lines, and

#     3.  Lines in the form name=value.


# WARNING: This file is only for establishing environment variables.

#          Execution of commands from this file or any lines other

#          than specified above may cause failure of the initialization 

#          process.


# Searching the current directory last is usually a BIG time saver.

# If /usr/ucb is at the beginning of the PATH the BSD version of commands will

# be found. 








# ODM routines use ODMDIR to determine which objects to operate on

# the default is /etc/objrepos - this is where the device objects

# reside, which are required for hardware configuration











**********************************************************nbu error37********************************************************

37号错误——重启master server和media server的NBU进程。


**********************************************************nbu error155*******************************************************

155号错误——NBU没有该错误号,应该是正确备份,系统的磁盘空间不够导致的问题。即安装NBU的磁盘空间不够所导致。重新启动图形界面后,发现进入的是backup archive and restore图形界面,清除一些日志文件。有了足够的磁盘空间后,问题解决。




但不知网关,可使用命令ifconfig en1来重新设置一下网卡,此时网卡会自动使用缺省的网关和自动察觉路由。但重新启动或使用smitty mktcpip重配一下网卡时。则网络不会通

所以在使用命令ifconfig en1使网络通了以后,再使用命令traceroute来察觉主机所走的网关和路由。

# traceroute

trying to get source for

source should be

traceroute to ( from (, 30 hops max

outgoing MTU = 1500

 1 (  2 ms  1 ms  1 ms

 2 (  1 ms  1 ms  1 ms

 3 (  1 ms  1 ms  1 ms

 4 (  3 ms  3 ms  3 ms

再使用命令smitty mkroute来配置路由 net- 即可


**************************************************************last reboot****************************************************

root@backup5#last reboot

reboot    ~                                   Feb 11 10:51 

reboot    ~                                   Feb 10 19:36 

reboot    ~                                   Feb 10 18:51 

reboot    ~                                   Feb 10 18:31 

reboot    ~                                   Feb 10 17:52 

reboot    ~                                   Feb 10 17:19 

reboot    ~                                   Feb 03 14:44 

reboot    ~                                   Feb 02 20:19 

reboot    ~                                   Feb 02 10:55 

reboot    ~                                   Jan 31 15:51 

reboot    ~                                   Jan 30 19:40 

reboot    ~                                   Jan 16 21:36 

reboot    ~                                   Dec 29 15:35 

reboot    ~                                   Dec 29 15:21 

reboot    ~                                   Dec 25 20:02 

reboot    ~                                   Dec 25 16:51 

reboot    ~                                   Dec 22 16:10 

reboot    ~                                   Dec 22 13:40 

reboot    ~                                   Dec 22 11:36 

reboot    ~                                   Dec 20 14:10 

reboot    ~                                   Dec 19 15:05 


*************************************************************last shutdown***************************************************

root@backup5#last shutdown

shutdown  lft0                                Feb 11 10:42 

shutdown  lft0                                Feb 10 19:28 

shutdown  lft0                                Feb 10 18:42 

shutdown  lft0                                Feb 10 18:22 

shutdown  lft0                                Feb 10 17:30 

shutdown  lft0                                Feb 10 17:10 

shutdown  lft0                                Feb 03 14:35 

shutdown  lft0                                Feb 02 20:11 

shutdown  lft0                                Feb 02 10:46 

shutdown  lft0                                Jan 31 15:42 

shutdown  lft0                                Jan 16 21:26 

shutdown  pts/0                               Dec 29 15:25 

shutdown  pts/2                               Dec 29 15:11 

shutdown  lft0                                Dec 25 19:52 

shutdown  pts/0                               Dec 25 16:41 

shutdown  pts/1                               Dec 22 16:00 

shutdown  lft0                                Dec 22 10:23 

shutdown  pts/1                               Dec 20 14:00 

wtmp begins     Dec 19 15:05 



# ls -l rmt?.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44,  1 Feb 03 15:32 rmt0.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44,  9 Feb 03 15:30 rmt1.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44, 17 Feb 03 15:37 rmt2.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44, 25 Feb 03 15:37 rmt3.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44, 33 Feb 03 15:32 rmt4.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44, 41 Feb 03 15:35 rmt5.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44, 49 Feb 03 15:19 rmt6.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44, 57 Feb 03 15:19 rmt7.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44, 65 Feb 03 15:37 rmt8.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44, 73 Feb 03 13:54 rmt9.1

# ls -l rmt??.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44, 81 Feb 03 15:21 rmt10.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44, 89 Feb 03 15:31 rmt11.1

crw-rw-rw-   1 root     system       44, 97 Feb 03 11:41 rmt12.1

crw-------   1 root     system       44,105 Feb 03 15:22 rmt13.1



# lscfg -vl rmt0


  rmt0              1D-08-01          Other FC SCSI Tape Drive


        Machine Type and Model......SDLT320         

        Serial Number...............

        Device Specific.(Z3)........B138


# lsdev -C |grep fc

fcs0       Available 1Z-08           FC Adapter

fcs1       Available 1D-08           FC Adapter


# lscfg -vl fcs0


  fcs0              1Z-08             FC Adapter

        Part Number.................00P4295

        EC Level....................A

        Serial Number...............1A317006ED


        FRU Number..................     00P4297

        Device Specific.(ZM)........3

        Network Address.............10000000C9342194

        ROS Level and ID............02E01035

        Device Specific.(Z0)........2003806D

        Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000

        Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000

        Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909

        Device Specific.(Z4)........FF601032

        Device Specific.(Z5)........02E01035

        Device Specific.(Z6)........06631035

        Device Specific.(Z7)........07631035

        Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C9342194

        Device Specific.(Z9)........HS1.00X5 

        Device Specific.(ZA)........H1D1.00X5 

        Device Specific.(ZB)........H2D1.00X5 

        Device Specific.(YL)........U0.1-P2-I4/Q1


# lscfg -vl fcs1(从光纤交换机上看出,连接在端口5上的是10000000C93423BD,在E630插的光纤卡上也可看到卡的标签上有WWN号)


  fcs1              1D-08             FC Adapter

        Part Number.................00P4295

        EC Level....................A

        Serial Number...............1A317006BF


        FRU Number..................     00P4297

        Device Specific.(ZM)........3

        Network Address.............10000000C93423BD

        ROS Level and ID............02E01035

        Device Specific.(Z0)........2003806D

        Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000

        Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000

        Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909

        Device Specific.(Z4)........FF601032

        Device Specific.(Z5)........02E01035

        Device Specific.(Z6)........06631035

        Device Specific.(Z7)........07631035

        Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C93423BD

        Device Specific.(Z9)........HS1.00X5 

        Device Specific.(ZA)........H1D1.00X5 

        Device Specific.(ZB)........H2D1.00X5 

        Device Specific.(YL)........U0.1-P2-I5/Q1




# lsdev -C |grep I/O

sa0        Available 01-S1           Standard I/O Serial Port

sa1        Available 01-S2           Standard I/O Serial Port

sa2        Available 01-S3           Standard I/O Serial Port

fda0       Available 01-D1           Standard I/O Diskette Adapter

scsi0      Available 1S-08           Wide/Ultra-3 SCSI I/O Controller

scsi1      Available 1S-09           Wide/Ultra-3 SCSI I/O Controller

scsi2      Available 1c-08           Wide/Fast-20 SCSI I/O Controller

fscsi0     Available 1Z-08-01        FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device

fscsi1     Available 1D-08-01        FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device

aio0       Defined                   Asynchronous I/O

# lsdev -C -s scsi

hdisk0 Available 1S-08-00-8,0  16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive

hdisk1 Available 1S-08-00-9,0  16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive

ses0   Available 1S-08-00-15,0 SCSI Enclosure Services Device

# lsdev -C -s fcp

#/usr/bin/odmget -q "name=smc0" CuAt来查询机械臂的SCSI ID

#mkdev -c media_changer -s fcp -t ovpass -p controller -w scsi_id,lun



1)/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -s fcp——输出smc0 Available 14-08-01 IBM 3584 Library Medium Changer(FCP)

2)/usr/bin/odmget -q "name=smc0" CuAt

3)mkdev -c media_changer -s fcp -t ovpass -p controller -w scsi_id,lun)

# odmget -q "name=rmt0" CuAt

# lsdev -C -c adapter |grep scsi

scsi0   Available 1S-08    Wide/Ultra-3 SCSI I/O Controller

scsi1   Available 1S-09    Wide/Ultra-3 SCSI I/O Controller

scsi2   Available 1c-08    Wide/Fast-20 SCSI I/O Controller

# lsdev -C |grep scsi

scsi0      Available 1S-08           Wide/Ultra-3 SCSI I/O Controller

scsi1      Available 1S-09           Wide/Ultra-3 SCSI I/O Controller

scsi2      Available 1c-08           Wide/Fast-20 SCSI I/O Controller

fscsi0     Available 1Z-08-01        FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device

fscsi1     Available 1D-08-01        FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device

# lsdev -C |grep fc

fcs0       Available 1Z-08           FC Adapter

fcs1       Available 1D-08           FC Adapter

lsdev -C -c tape

查看SCSI device 用命令 ioscan -fn

# lsdev -P -H |grep tape

tape           1200mb-c       scsi       1.2 GB 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

tape           150mb          scsi       150 MB 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

tape           3490e          scsi       3490E Autoloading Tape Drive

tape           4mm2gb         scsi       2.0 GB 4mm Tape Drive

tape           4mm4gb         scsi       4.0 GB 4mm Tape Drive

tape           525mb          scsi       525 MB 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

tape           8mm            scsi       2.3 GB 8mm Tape Drive

tape           8mm5gb         scsi       5.0 GB 8mm Tape Drive

tape           8mm7gb         scsi       7.0 GB 8mm Tape Drive

tape           9trk           scsi       1/2-inch 9-Track Tape Drive

tape           ost            scsi       Other SCSI Tape Drive

tape           scsd           scsi       SCSI Tape Drive

tape           4mm2gb2        scsi       2.0 GB 4mm Tape Drive






#tpreq -m 000100 -d dlt2 -p backup5 -f /tmp/mytape通过device monitor可以看到mount的磁带。

(tpreq -m 000153 -d hcart2 -p backup4-test -f /tmp/mytape)

#mt -f /tmp/mytape rewind

#tpunmount /tmp/mytape通过device monitor可以看到mount的磁带消失了。








vmstat 2




# passwd lijp

Changing password for "lijp"

lijp's New password: 

Enter the new password again:







rmdev -l rmt0把rmt0设备配置信息保留在用户定义数据库,而把它的状态变为defined。且通过命令cfgmgr可以使其变为available。

要想把磁带机从用户定义数据库中彻底删除,输入:rmdev -d -l rmt0



mt=tctl except "erase" the content of tape

#for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5;do mt -f /dev/rmt$i.1 status;done

# mt -f /dev/rmt0.1 status

rmt0 Available 1D-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

attribute      value              description                               user_settable

scsi_id        0x10100            SCSI ID                                   False

lun_id         0x1000000000000    Logical Unit Number ID                    False

location                          Location Label                            True

ww_name        0x100000e0022273cd FC World Wide Name                        False

node_name      0x100000e0020273cd FC Node Name                              False

mode           yes                Use DEVICE BUFFERS during writes          True

block_size     0                  BLOCK size (0=variable length)            True

extfm          yes                Use EXTENDED file marks                   True

res_support    no                 RESERVE/RELEASE support                   True

var_block_size 0                  BLOCK SIZE for variable length support    True

density_set_1  0                  DENSITY setting #1                        True

density_set_2  0                  DENSITY setting #2                        True

delay          45                 Set delay after a FAILED command          True

rwtimeout      144                Set timeout for the READ or WRITE command True

ret_error      no                 RETURN error on tape change or reset      True


# mt -f /dev/rmt1.1 status

rmt1 Available 1D-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

attribute      value              description                               user_settable

scsi_id        0x10100            SCSI ID                                   False

lun_id         0x2000000000000    Logical Unit Number ID                    False

location                          Location Label                            True

ww_name        0x100000e0022273cd FC World Wide Name                        False

node_name      0x100000e0020273cd FC Node Name                              False

mode           yes                Use DEVICE BUFFERS during writes          True

block_size     0                  BLOCK size (0=variable length)            True

extfm          yes                Use EXTENDED file marks                   True

res_support    no                 RESERVE/RELEASE support                   True

var_block_size 0                  BLOCK SIZE for variable length support    True

density_set_1  0                  DENSITY setting #1                        True

density_set_2  0                  DENSITY setting #2                        True

delay          45                 Set delay after a FAILED command          True

rwtimeout      144                Set timeout for the READ or WRITE command True

ret_error      no                 RETURN error on tape change or reset      True


# mt -f /dev/rmt2.1 status

rmt2 Available 1D-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

attribute      value              description                               user_settable

scsi_id        0x10300            SCSI ID                                   False

lun_id         0x0                Logical Unit Number ID                    False

location                          Location Label                            True

ww_name        0x100000e0022273cf FC World Wide Name                        False

node_name      0x100000e0020273cf FC Node Name                              False

mode           yes                Use DEVICE BUFFERS during writes          True

block_size     0                  BLOCK size (0=variable length)            True

extfm          yes                Use EXTENDED file marks                   True

res_support    no                 RESERVE/RELEASE support                   True

var_block_size 0                  BLOCK SIZE for variable length support    True

density_set_1  0                  DENSITY setting #1                        True

density_set_2  0                  DENSITY setting #2                        True

delay          45                 Set delay after a FAILED command          True

rwtimeout      144                Set timeout for the READ or WRITE command True

ret_error      no                 RETURN error on tape change or reset      True


# mt -f /dev/rmt3.1 status

rmt3 Available 1D-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

attribute      value              description                               user_settable

scsi_id        0x10300            SCSI ID                                   False

lun_id         0x1000000000000    Logical Unit Number ID                    False

location                          Location Label                            True

ww_name        0x100000e0022273cf FC World Wide Name                        False

node_name      0x100000e0020273cf FC Node Name                              False

mode           yes                Use DEVICE BUFFERS during writes          True

block_size     0                  BLOCK size (0=variable length)            True

extfm          yes                Use EXTENDED file marks                   True

res_support    no                 RESERVE/RELEASE support                   True

var_block_size 0                  BLOCK SIZE for variable length support    True

density_set_1  0                  DENSITY setting #1                        True

density_set_2  0                  DENSITY setting #2                        True

delay          45                 Set delay after a FAILED command          True

rwtimeout      144                Set timeout for the READ or WRITE command True

ret_error      no                 RETURN error on tape change or reset      True


# mt -f /dev/rmt4.1 status

rmt4 Available 1D-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

attribute      value              description                               user_settable

scsi_id        0x10300            SCSI ID                                   False

lun_id         0x2000000000000    Logical Unit Number ID                    False

location                          Location Label                            True

ww_name        0x100000e0022273cf FC World Wide Name                        False

node_name      0x100000e0020273cf FC Node Name                              False

mode           yes                Use DEVICE BUFFERS during writes          True

block_size     0                  BLOCK size (0=variable length)            True

extfm          yes                Use EXTENDED file marks                   True

res_support    no                 RESERVE/RELEASE support                   True

var_block_size 0                  BLOCK SIZE for variable length support    True

density_set_1  0                  DENSITY setting #1                        True

density_set_2  0                  DENSITY setting #2                        True

delay          45                 Set delay after a FAILED command          True

rwtimeout      144                Set timeout for the READ or WRITE command True

ret_error      no                 RETURN error on tape change or reset      True


# mt -f /dev/rmt5.1 status

rmt5 Available 1D-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

attribute      value              description                               user_settable

scsi_id        0x10300            SCSI ID                                   False

lun_id         0x3000000000000    Logical Unit Number ID                    False

location                          Location Label                            True

ww_name        0x100000e0022273cf FC World Wide Name                        False

node_name      0x100000e0020273cf FC Node Name                              False

mode           yes                Use DEVICE BUFFERS during writes          True

block_size     0                  BLOCK size (0=variable length)            True

extfm          yes                Use EXTENDED file marks                   True

res_support    no                 RESERVE/RELEASE support                   True

var_block_size 0                  BLOCK SIZE for variable length support    True

density_set_1  0                  DENSITY setting #1                        True

density_set_2  0                  DENSITY setting #2                        True

delay          45                 Set delay after a FAILED command          True

rwtimeout      144                Set timeout for the READ or WRITE command True

ret_error      no                 RETURN error on tape change or reset      True


# lsdev -P -c tape

tape 1200mb-c scsi 1.2 GB 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

tape 150mb    scsi 150 MB 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

tape 3490e    scsi 3490E Autoloading Tape Drive

tape 4mm2gb   scsi 2.0 GB 4mm Tape Drive

tape 4mm4gb   scsi 4.0 GB 4mm Tape Drive

tape 525mb    scsi 525 MB 1/4-Inch Tape Drive

tape 8mm      scsi 2.3 GB 8mm Tape Drive

tape 8mm5gb   scsi 5.0 GB 8mm Tape Drive

tape 8mm7gb   scsi 7.0 GB 8mm Tape Drive

tape 9trk     scsi 1/2-inch 9-Track Tape Drive

tape ost      scsi Other SCSI Tape Drive

tape scsd     scsi SCSI Tape Drive

tape 4mm2gb2  scsi 2.0 GB 4mm Tape Drive

tape ost      fcp  Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

tape scsd     fcp  FC SCSI Tape Drive



s d

drive 1 (addr 500) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 1 is 0

drive 2 (addr 501) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 2 is 1

drive 3 (addr 502) access = 0 Contains Cartridge = yes在带库面板上是02

Source address = 1010 (slot 11)

Barcode = 000187                          

SCSI ID from drive 3 is 0

drive 4 (addr 503) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 4 is 1

drive 5 (addr 504) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 5 is 2

drive 6 (addr 505) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 6 is 3

drive 7 (addr 506) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 7 is 0

drive 8 (addr 507) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 8 is 1

drive 9 (addr 508) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 9 is 2

drive 10 (addr 509) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 10 is 3

<< Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>


drive 11 (addr 510) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = yes--------------在带库面板上是10,处于rewound状态,使用m d11 s1

Source address = 1000 (slot 1)

Barcode = 000100                          

SCSI ID from drive 11 is 0

drive 12 (addr 511) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = yes--------------在带库面板上是11,处于rewound状态,使用m d12 s2

Source address = 1001 (slot 2)

Barcode = 000200                          

SCSI ID from drive 12 is 1

drive 13 (addr 512) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 13 is 0

drive 14 (addr 513) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 14 is 1

drive 15 (addr 514) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 15 is 2

drive 16 (addr 515) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 16 is 3

drive 17 (addr 516) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 17 is 2

drive 18 (addr 517) access = 1 Contains Cartridge = no

SCSI ID from drive 18 is 3


m d11 s1

Initiating MOVE_MEDIUM from address 510 to 1000

MOVE_MEDIUM complete

m d12 s2

Initiating MOVE_MEDIUM from address 511 to 1001

MOVE_MEDIUM complete

注意:robot的robot number和tape的robot driver number是一定的,是与带库面板的driver number一致的。而robot一直是0

因为mt -f /dev/rmt4.1 status查出的lun ID是3,所以按带库面板的driver number来对应的是14,因此配置为/dev/rmt4.1为14,但使用tpreq加载磁带后,无法使用tpunmount来卸载磁带,因此使用robtest来操作,报错

unload d14

Opening /dev/rmt4.1, please wait...

Error - cannot open /dev/rmt4.1 (Device not ready)


unload d14

Opening /dev/rmt5.1, please wait...

Tape successfully SCSI unloaded, ready for SCSI2 unload

m d14 s1

Initiating MOVE_MEDIUM from address 513 to 1000

MOVE_MEDIUM complete




# startsrc -g nfs

0513-029 The biod Subsystem is already active.

Multiple instances are not supported.

0513-059 The nfsd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 1089712.

0513-059 The rpc.mountd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 2564310.

0513-029 The rpc.lockd Subsystem is already active.

Multiple instances are not supported.

0513-029 The rpc.statd Subsystem is already active.

Multiple instances are not supported.


root@backup5#smit nfs——network file systme——add a directory to export list——pathname of directory to export和hosts allowed root access(选择/cdrom和crme0,crmd0)

命令行是:/usr/sbin/mknfsexp -d '/cdrom' -t 'rw' -c 'crmd2' '-B'


/usr/sbin/chnfsexp -d '/cdrom' -t 'ro' -c 'crme0,crme1,crmd0,crmd1,crmd2' '-B'

root@backup5#more /etc/exports

/cdrom -ro,access=crmd0:crmd1:crmd2:crme0:crme1

crme0[/]#mount -n backup5 /cdrom /lijp


backup5  /cdrom           /lijp            nfs3    3月10 13时40



root@backup5#smit nfs



root@backup5#mknfsexp -d /cdrom -t ro -c crmd0,crmd1,crmd2,crme0,crme1 -B

mknfsexp: 1831-355 an export for /cdrom already exists

root@backup5#chnfsexp -d /cdrom -t ro -c crmd0,crmd1,crmd2,crme0,crme1 -B

/cdrom ro,access=crmd0:crmd1:crmd2:crme0:crme1

Exported /cdrom



root@backup5#showmount -e

export list for backup5:

/cdrom crmd0,crmd1,crmd2,crme0,crme1


root@backup5#showmount -a



root@backup5#more /etc/exports

/cdrom -ro,access=crmd0:crmd1:crmd2:crme0:crme1

root@backup5#more /ec/xtab

/ec/xtab: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.

root@backup5#more /etc/xtab

/cdrom -ro,access=crmd0:crmd1:crmd2:crme0:crme1

root@backup5#more /etc/rmtab

root@backup5#more /etc/rmtab



ksh: ./install: 0403-006 Execute permission denied.

root@backup5#chnfsexp -d /cdrom -t ro -r crmd0,crmd1,crmd2,crme0,crme1 -B

/cdrom ro,root=crmd0:crmd1:crmd2:crme0:crme1,access=crmd0:crmd1:crmd2:crme0:crme1

exportfs: 1831-187 re-exported /cdrom

root@backup5#showmount -e

export list for backup5:

/cdrom crmd0,crmd1,crmd2,crme0,crme1

root@backup5#more /etc/exports

/cdrom -ro,root=crmd0:crmd1:crmd2:crme0:crme1,access=crmd0:crmd1:crmd2:crme0:crm


root@backup5#more /etc/xtab

/cdrom -ro,root=crmd0:crmd1:crmd2:crme0:crme1,access=crmd0:crmd1:crmd2:crme0:crm


root@backup5#more /etc/rmtab


crmd1[/cdrom]#mount -n backup5:/cdrom /cdrom

mount: 0506-334 /cdrom is not a known file system.

crmd1[/]#mount -n backup5 /cdrom /cdrom

crmd1[/]#cd cdrom









crme0[/]#showmount -e crmd0

导出 crmd0 列表:

/data1      crme0

/data0      crmd0,crmd1,crmd1_boot

/db2vip     crmd1

/localdata1 crme0


crmd0:/crmdw/db2inst1>showmount -e

导出 crmd0 列表:

/data1      crme0

/data0      crmd0,crmd1,crmd1_boot

/db2vip     crmd1

/localdata1 crme0

crme0[/]#showmount -e crmd1

导出 crmd1 列表:

/data2 crmd0,crme0,phy-scboss-backup1

/data0 crmd0,crmd1

crme0[/]#showmount -d







crme0[/]#showmount -a








crme0[/]#showmount -e

导出 crme0 列表:

/BOSS_BILL                   crmd0

/ESSDATA/db2inst2/backup1114 crmd0,crmd0_boot

/BOSS_CDR                    crmd0,crmd1

/data4                       crmd0,crmd1

/data5                       crmd0,crmd1

/data6                       crmd0,crmd0_boot

/data7                       crmd0,crmd0_boot

/data8                       crmd0,crmd0_boot


/etc/rmtab Contains information about the current state of all exported directories.

/etc/xtab Lists currently exported directories.

crme0[/]#more /etc/rmtab








crme0[/]#more /etc/xtab

/BOSS_BILL -access=crmd0

/ESSDATA/db2inst2/backup1114 -access=crmd0:crmd0_boot

/BOSS_CDR -access=crmd0:crmd1

/data4 -access=crmd0:crmd1

/data5 -access=crmd0:crmd1

/data6 -access=crmd0:crmd0_boot

/data7 -access=crmd0:crmd0_boot

/data8 -access=crmd0:crmd0_boot


 To mount a remote directory, enter:

     mount -n nodeA /home/tom.remote /home/tom.local

     This command sequence mounts the /home/tom.remote directory located on

     nodeA onto the local /home/tom.local directory. It assumes the default

     VfsName parameter=remote, which must be defined in the /etc/vfs file.



root@backup5 #vi /etc/inittab(加入一下一行,这样就可以使netbackup自动启动,关机时自动停止NBU的相关进程。)



******************************************************tape read error********************************************************

14:26:03.890 [33046] <2> db_byid: search for media id 000002

14:26:03.893 [33046] <2> add_to_vmhost_list: added backup5 to vmhost list

14:26:03.894 [33046] <2> getsockconnected: host=backup5 service=vmd address=10.1

05.4.48 protocol=tcp non-reserved port=13701

14:26:03.894 [33046] <2> bind_on_port_addr: bound to port 34525

14:26:04.303 [33046] <2> vmdb_query_byID_getpool: server returned:  1 000002 ---

--- 16 000002 -------- 8 0 backup5 00_000_TLD 596 0 0 0 0 root root 1 NetBackup 

- 1075777853 1075789549 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 - 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Added by Media Manager

14:26:04.303 [33046] <2> vmdb_query_byID_getpool: server returned:  1 21 NetBack

up ANYHOST 0 -2 the NetBackup pool

14:26:04.303 [33046] <2> mount_open_media: Waiting for mount of media id 000002 

(copy 1) on server backup5.

14:26:04.304 [33046] <2> set_job_details: Sending Tfile jobid (49) 

14:26:04.304 [33046] <2> set_job_details: PROCESS 1075789564 33046 bptm

14:26:04.304 [33046] <2> set_job_details: Sending Tfile jobid (49) 

14:26:04.304 [33046] <2> set_job_details: MOUNTING 1075789564 000002

14:27:42.578 [33046] <2> io_open: SCSI RESERVE

14:27:42.583 [33046] <2> io_open: file /tmp/sync_000002 successfully opened

14:27:42.583 [33046] <2> load_media: media id 000002 mounted on drive index 10

14:27:42.583 [33046] <2> io_read_media_header: drive index 10, reading media hea

der, buflen = 65536, buff = 0x202cfaa8, copy 1

14:27:42.583 [33046] <2> io_ioctl: command (6)MTREW 1 from (bptm.c.6333) on driv

e index 10

14:27:42.643 [33046] <2> io_read_media_header: read error on media id 000002, dr

ive index 10, reading header block, There is an input or output error.

14:27:42.643 [33046] <2> io_ioctl: command (6)MTREW 1 from (tmisc.c.2523) on dri

ve index 10

14:27:42.699 [33046] <2> io_close: closing /tmp/sync_000002, from tmisc.c.2724

14:27:42.699 [33046] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <----------

14:28:24.620 [43224] <2> bptm: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 5): -count -cmd -rt 8 -rn 0

 -stunit backup5-dlt2-robot-tld-0 -den 15 -mt 2 -masterversion 451000 

14:28:24.621 [43224] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 0 <----------





1800-005 SMIT requires a minimum of 24 line by 80 column output display.

        Check terminal or window size and try again.

在进入smit或smitty中时,一些键如:F4,F3都不能使用,这是由于它使用的TERM类型是TERM_DEFAULT=lft,TERM=`termdef`或是TERM=vt100,要把它改变为窗口顶端所示的类型dtterm,才可以。例如:export TERM=dtterm


在NetTerm中无法使用退格键,需要命令(stty erase 退格键 回车键)来指定,有时键入数字下的字母键时会显示为数字,可按shift+Scrlock(Numlock)键来解除。


**************************************************************touch don\'t_sort_dir******************************************



root@backup5#touch don\'t_sort_dir


bin              db               logs             version_master

bp.conf          don't_sort_dir   remote_versions

client           help             version



# tpautoconf -show

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x2

STK     L700            0304 /dev/ovpass0

   Drive 1:    "RBC51Y1089"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 2:    "RBC51Y0735"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 3:    "RBC50Y0194"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 4:    "RBC50Y1364"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 5:    "RBC50Y1214"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 6:    "RBC50Y1228"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 7:    "RBC51Y0593"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 8:    "RBC50Y0652"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 9:    "RBC50Y1353"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 10:    "RBC50Y1318"   - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 11:    "RBC51Y0595" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt0.1"

   Drive 12:    "RBC50Y0450" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt1.1"

   Drive 13:    "PMC39Y1223" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt4.1"

   Drive 14:    "RBC50Y1286" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt5.1"

   Drive 15:    "RBC50Y1357" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt2.1"

   Drive 16:    "RBC51Y0995" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt3.1"

   Drive 17:    "RBC50Y0562" 

   Drive 18:    "RBC50Y0580" 

Standalone or unserialized drives, or robot not locally connected:


# tpautoconf -show

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x2

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

STK     L700            0304 /dev/ovpass0

   Drive 1:    "RBC51Y1089" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt6.1"

   Drive 2:    "RBC51Y0735" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt7.1"

   Drive 3:    "RBC50Y0194" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt12.1"

   Drive 4:    "RBC50Y1364" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt13.1"

   Drive 5:    "RBC50Y1214" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt10.1"

   Drive 6:    "RBC50Y1228" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt11.1"

   Drive 7:    "RBC51Y0593" 

   Drive 8:    "RBC50Y0652" 

   Drive 9:    "RBC50Y1353" 

   Drive 10:    "RBC50Y1318" 

   Drive 11:    "RBC51Y0595" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt0.1"

   Drive 12:    "RBC50Y0450" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt1.1"

   Drive 13:    "PMC39Y1223" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt4.1"

   Drive 14:    "RBC50Y1286" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt5.1"

   Drive 15:    "RBC50Y1357" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt2.1"

   Drive 16:    "RBC51Y0995" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt3.1"

   Drive 17:    "RBC50Y0562" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt8.1"

   Drive 18:    "RBC50Y0580" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt9.1"

Standalone or unserialized drives, or robot not locally connected:


# tpautoconf -show

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x0

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x2

STK     L700            0304 /dev/ovpass0

   Drive 1:    "RBC51Y1089"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 2:    "RBC51Y0735"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 3:    "RBC50Y0194" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt8.1"

   Drive 4:    "RBC50Y1364" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt9.1"

   Drive 5:    "RBC50Y1214" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt6.1"

   Drive 6:    "RBC50Y1228" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt7.1"

   Drive 7:    "RBC51Y0593" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt12.1"

   Drive 8:    "RBC50Y0652" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt13.1"

   Drive 9:    "RBC50Y1353" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt10.1"

   Drive 10:    "RBC50Y1318" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt11.1"

   Drive 11:    "RBC51Y0595" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt0.1"

   Drive 12:    "RBC50Y0450" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt1.1"

   Drive 13:    "PMC39Y1223" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt4.1"

   Drive 14:    "RBC50Y1286" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt5.1"

   Drive 15:    "RBC50Y1357" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt2.1"

   Drive 16:    "RBC51Y0995" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt3.1"

   Drive 17:    "RBC50Y0562" 

   Drive 18:    "RBC50Y0580" 

Standalone or unserialized drives, or robot not locally connected:


# tpautoconf -show

scsi adapter error, adapter status = 0x2

STK     L700            0304 /dev/ovpass0

   Drive 1:    "RBC51Y1089"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 2:    "RBC51Y0735"    - Not locally connected or robot not serialized.

   Drive 3:    "RBC50Y0194" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt8.1"

   Drive 4:    "RBC50Y1364" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt9.1"

   Drive 5:    "RBC50Y1214" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt6.1"

   Drive 6:    "RBC50Y1228" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt7.1"

   Drive 7:    "RBC51Y0593" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt12.1"

   Drive 8:    "RBC50Y0652" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt13.1"

   Drive 9:    "RBC50Y1353" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt10.1"

   Drive 10:    "RBC50Y1318" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt11.1"

   Drive 11:    "RBC51Y0595" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt0.1"

   Drive 12:    "RBC50Y0450" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt1.1"

   Drive 13:    "PMC39Y1223" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt4.1"

   Drive 14:    "RBC50Y1286" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt5.1"

   Drive 15:    "RBC50Y1357" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt2.1"

   Drive 16:    "RBC51Y0995" QUANTUM SDLT320         3838 "/dev/rmt3.1"

   Drive 17:    "RBC50Y0562" 

   Drive 18:    "RBC50Y0580" 

Standalone or unserialized drives, or robot not locally connected:



crmd0[/]#lsdev -C -c tape

rmt0  可用 3A-08-00-0,0 SCSI 4mm 磁带驱动器

rmt1  可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt2  可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt3  可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt4  可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt5  可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt6  可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt7  可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt8  可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt9  可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt10 可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt11 可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt12 可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt13 可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt14 可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt15 可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt16 可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt17 可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive

rmt18 可用 2b-08-01     Other FC SCSI Tape Drive



crmd0[/]#lslpp -l |grep fcp



  devices.fcp.disk.rte  COMMITTED  FC SCSI CD-ROM, Disk,


  devices.fcp.disk.rte  COMMITTED  FC SCSI CD-ROM, Disk,


crmd0[/]#lslpp -l |grep fcp



  devices.fcp.disk.rte  COMMITTED  FC SCSI CD-ROM, Disk,

  devices.fcp.tape.rte  COMMITTED  FC SCSI Tape Device Software 


  devices.fcp.disk.rte  COMMITTED  FC SCSI CD-ROM, Disk,

  devices.fcp.tape.rte  COMMITTED  FC SCSI Tape Device Software



crmd0[/]#oslevel -q -r

Known Recommended Maintenance Levels










LTO产品/IBM3580 Ultrium(磁带驱动器)/3581 Ultrium(磁带驱动器)/3582 Ultrium(mini 磁带库)/3583(扩展磁带库)/3584(超级扩展)

L700e——sdlt320——160GB(uncompressed)——16MB/s(data transfer rate,native(uncompressed))——70s(average file access time)




rmdev -dl fscsi0 -R

lsdev -C |grep fc

lscfg -vl fcs0

nsshow 10:00:00:e0:02:22:73:cd

nsshow 8 all

errpt |pg


bp.conf——DISABLE_SCSI_RESERVE(controlling scsi reserve/release)

tctl -f drive_path_name reset(issuing reset commands to break a reservation)

/usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/NO_POSITION_CHECK(disable the position check)



****************************************AIX下由光纤连接LTO 3582磁带库 驱动安装方法*******************************************



    Maintenance level(instfix -ik |grep ML)

    # instfix -ik |grep ML

    instfix: A flag requires a parameter: k

    All filesets for were found.

    All filesets for were found.

    All filesets for were found.

    All filesets for 5100-01_AIX_ML were found.

    All filesets for 5100-02_AIX_ML were found.

    All filesets for 5100-03_AIX_ML were found.

    Not all filesets for 5100-04_AIX_ML were found.

    6227 HBA 卡的微码版本应高于S1F3.22A0

    # lscfg -vl fcs0


    fcs0 27-08 FC Adapter

    Part Number.................09P1162

    EC Level....................

    Serial Number...............KT04802590


    FRU Number..................09P1173

    Network Address.............10000000C925121E

    ROS Level and ID............02903291

    Device Specific.(Z0)........4002206D

    Device Specific.(Z1)........10020193

    Device Specific.(Z2)........3001506D

    Device Specific.(Z3)........02000909

    Device Specific.(Z4)........FF101450

    Device Specific.(Z5)........02903291

    Device Specific.(Z6)........06113291

    Device Specific.(Z7)........07113291

    Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C925121E

    Device Specific.(Z9)........SS3.22A1

    Device Specific.(ZA)........S1F3.22A1

    Device Specific.(ZB)........S2F3.22A1

    Device Specific.(YL)........P1-I8/Q1

    在AIX下通过光纤连接LTO 3582磁带库,驱动的安装方法

    1.从以下的网站下载LTO 3582的驱动程序,并将其拷贝到/tmp目录下。





    # installp -axXd /tmp/Atape. Atape.driver


    # lsdev -Cc adapter

    sa0 ----Available 01-S1 ---Standard I/O Serial Port

    sa1 ----Available 01-S2 ---Standard I/O Serial Port

    sa2 ----Available 01-S3 ---Standard I/O Serial Port

    sa3 ----Available 01-S4 ---Standard I/O Serial Port

    siokma0 Available 01-K1 ---Keyboard/Mouse Adapter

    fda0 ---Available 01-D1 ---Standard I/O Diskette Adapter

    scsi0 --Available 11-08 ---Wide/Ultra-2 SCSI I/O Controller

    scsi1 --Available 11-09 ---Wide/Ultra-2 SCSI I/O Controller

    mg20 ---Available 2D-08 ---GXT130P Graphics Adapter

    sioka0 -Available 01-K1-00 Keyboard Adapter

    ppa0 ---Available 01-R1 ---CHRP IEEE1284 (ECP) Parallel Port Adapter

    ent0 ---Available 21-08 --IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter (23100020)

    sioma0 -Available 01-K1-01 Mouse Adapter

    fcs0 ---Available 27-08 ---FC Adapter



    # lsdev -Cc tape

    rmt0 Available 27-08-01 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)

    smc0 Available 27-08-01 IBM 3582 Library Medium Changer (FCP)


    # tar cvf /dev/rmt0 app*tar

    a appcode82.tar 2580 blocks.

    # tar tvf /dev/rmt0

    -rw-r----- 0 0 1320960 Aug 11 15:26:04 2003 appcode82.tar


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